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文章大意:本文是应用文。文章是2022年The Michel Gelrubin建筑奖的报名通知。

1 . MiG Prize 2022

The Michel Gelrubin Architecture Prize is designed to bring out new talents by giving students an opportunity for international recognition. Open internationally, the Prize is awarded annually to honor students whose work demonstrates a combination of vision and talent in the art of architecture and planning.

This Year’s Challenge

This year’s competition invites proposals for projects that integrate at least 3 different uses into a building. The projects should include private and public spaces, and consider the urban context.


Launch: August 1st,2022

Registration Deadline: September 15th,2022(registration is free)

Submission Deadline: November 19th,2022

Result Announcement: December 17th,2022


First prize       $5,000

Second prize       $2,500

Third Prize       $1,500

The Jury(评委会)

The projects will be scored based on their originality, design, environmental effects, and presentation.


The competition is open to any student studying architecture during the academic year2022-2023. Candidates can apply as individuals or as teams.


Electronic submission of the project files must include:

·   Posters that integrate the documents explaining the project(plans, sections, elevations, photos, renderings (透视图) , illustrations, images, diagrams, and text)

A presentation of the project(max 15 slides)

A video file (max 3 min.) is optional but highly recommended.

All the documents must be written in English and sent in a PDF format(except the videos).

For more information, see https://migprize.com.

1. What do we know about the competition?
A.It offers $1,500 for second prize.
B.It is open to all graduates in architecture.
C.It charges an all-time low registration fee this year.
D.It focuses on designing a mixed-use building this year.
2. By which time should all the project files be handed in?
A.August 1st,2022.B.September 15th,2022.
C.November 19th,2022.D.December 17th,2022.
3. Which of the following must be included in the submission?
A.Integrated posters in the English version.
B.A video file of no more than 3 minutes.
C.A presentation of no less than 15 slides.
D.Paper documents explaining the project.
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . What are the speakers talking about?
A.A video.B.A singer.C.A program.
2023-11-10更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省海安高级中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月月考英语试题
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3 . Outdoor Observations: K-5th Grade Student Competition

CALLING ALL OUTDOOR EXPLORERS! The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) wants you to go outside and observe the world around you! You are asked to find something in the outdoors that you think is interesting and discover more about it! Take the chance to win one of our outdoor explorer bundles(包)! Four prizes will be awarded to two winners per grade band —— two for K-2nd grade and two for 3rd-5th.

A completed project should include:

·A photo or drawing of the interesting thing you observed outdoors.

·A question that you have about the interesting thing.

·What you think the answer to your question is.

·An investigation into whether your answer is correct or not.

Please note:

·You must be a student in a U.S. school.

·If your submission is a link, make sure the privacy and sharing settings allow reviewers to access it. If it is not accessible, it may not be scored.

·Do not include your last name on your presentation——just first name and state. You can put your personal information on the submission form, but for your privacy when we upload, we

will need your presentation without personal identification.

·Make sure you include your parent’s contact information so we can get their permission to post your file on our website.

·The contest opens on May 1, 2024. The deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm. EST on May 31, 2024.

·Winners will be announced in late June.

If you have any questions, please contact STEMEd@orau.org.

1. What is the purpose of ORISE’s competition?
A.To test students’ observation ability.
B.To promote outdoor explorer bundles.
C.To encourage students to explore the outdoors.
D.To compare outdoor education in U.S. schools.
2. What should be included in a completed project?
A.The links you have referenced.
B.The reason you choose the thing.
C.The facts you know about the thing.
D.The picture of the thing you choose.
3. What is required of the contestants?
A.Including a parent’s contact information.
B.Making submissions before May 1, 2024.
C.Emailing projects to STEMEd@orau.org.
D.Writing their full name on the presentation.
2023-10-30更新 | 51次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省南通市如皋市2023-2024学年高二上学期教学质量调研(一)英语试题
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4 . June 5 is World Environment Day. To promote a simple, healthy, low-carbon lifestyle, “China Daily” and the government of Wuxi, Jiangsu province, are holding this year’s International Cartoon and Illustration Exhibition.

The exhibition is open to art lovers, cartoonists, and illustrators worldwide. The works should reflect the impacts of global climate change on society and everyday life and how the human race is dealing with climate change problems. The works should also promote environmental protection, a green lifestyle and harmony between humans and nature.

Prizes will be presented in six categories: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Outstanding, Shortlisted, and Popular. The winner of the Gold Award will be honored with a prize of 50,000 yuan, the two winners of the Silver Award will receive 20,000 yuan each and the three winners of the Bronze Award will get 10,000 yuan each. Gold, Silver and Bronze winners will also receive certificates and trophies (证书和奖杯). The winner of Outstanding, Shortlisted and popular awards will receive souvenirs in addition to certificates.


1. The cartoon or illustration must be the participant’s original work.

2. The type may be, but is not limited to, a cartoon or an illustration.

3. A participant may submit at most 20 images, with no limit to single images or a series.

4. A brief introduction about the contribution (稿件), including its title, is required.

5. Please give us your e-mail address and phone number so we can reach you in case of any significant developments.

6. The contribution should be with at least one tag in order to be entered into a specific group or groups when uploading.

To Contribute

Please upload through the website: artcontest.chinadaily.com.cn.

1. What information is NOT included in this announcement?
A.Awards.B.Judges.C.Organizers.D.Target participants.
2. What is the appropriate contribution’s content?
A.People go to work by car instead of by cycling.
B.People try to save homeless animals in the city.
C.People set up organizations to help the disabled.
D.People carry out projects to return farmland to forests.
3. If you win, what will you certainly get?
A.Award money.B.A trophy.C.A certificate.D.A souvenir.
2023-07-25更新 | 71次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省南通市如皋市2022-2023学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇应用文。文章是一则广告,介绍了The Ragged School Museum的概况、交通方式、开放时间、票价等。

5 . The Ragged School Museum

In a nutshell

In 1877 Dr Thomas Barnardo opened the Copperfield Road Free School, the largest of three ragged schools (charitable institutions that offered the poorest children a free education) in a row of three storehouses in East London. Now an underfunded, independent museum (opened in 1990), a small exhibition offers an insight into how tough life was in east London in the late 1800s, but the highlight is one of the original classrooms where visitors can attend a lesson led by an actor in Victorian costume. The museum is in the second phase of applying far a lottery grant (彩票福利基金), which will allow it to make vital repairs to the largest of the three storehouses, though the aim is to keep the authentic (真正的) atmosphere of the building.

Getting there

Easiest by car. The train station is a 30-minute walk away and trains are infrequent. A limited bus service from Liskeard drops you 20 minutes away. Parking is free right outside the gates.

Opening hours

10am—6pm Monday—Saturday. Last entry: 5:30pm. Outside these times the museum runs a schools programme, with 16,000 school children coming through the doors each year.

Value for money?

A little pricey, but the ticket is valid for a year. Entry is £18 adult, £ 13 child, family tickets £37. 60 (1+3 children) or £49. 60 (2+3).

Verdict (评价)

8/10. Lots of ideas, interactive activities and friendly, knowledgeable staff. This is an authentic slice of East End history that strives (努力) to inspire children through its work.

1. What does the Ragged School Museum offer to visitors?
A.An option to keep its buildings in shape.
B.A platform to raise money for its major repair.
C.An insight into the British theatre in the 1800s.
D.A chance to step back in time for a Victorian lesson.
2. How much would a couple with their three children pay for admission?
A.£37. 60.B.£49. 60.C.£57.D.£75.
3. What do we know about the Ragged School Museum?
A.It charges parking fees.B.It is beneficial to children.
C.It is only accessible by car.D.It has varied opening hours.
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6 . The London Book Fair

Time and Location

The London Book Fair will take place 18 — 20 June, 2023, Olympia London.

Children’s & Young Adult

Our Children’s & Young Adult section traditionally welcomes the leading names in the field to exhibit. These companies enjoy noisy passageways full of visitors and benefit from the opportunity to increase brand awareness. However, any children under 16 are not allowed to be at The London Book Fair.

Authors & Self-Publishing

Author HQ, which consists of a theatre and networking area, is one of our most popular features, attracting great interest from the self-publishing community. Meanwhile, our Author of the Day programme helps bring writers face-to-face with bestselling authors who will share their journey to publication during a special series of talks at the fair.

Technology and Publishing Solutions

All the new ways to treat content are found in the Tech area at LBF, located in the National Gallery of Olympia. Whether it is an app, game, mobile development or enhanced eBook — or a development not yet launched — the Tech area is its home. To keep the creativity flowing, there is a dedicated Buzz Bar in the heart of the Tech area for those all-important networking meetings.

BA Members

BA Members attend the fair for FREE and receive a number of key benefits, making the fair a more accessible, cost-effective and highly relevant event for booksellers. Simply click here to find out more about becoming a BA member and take advantage of this offer.

If you have any further difficulties, please contact our Customer Services team who will be happy to help.

1. Who will be welcomed by the London Book Fair?
A.A mother with a kid.B.A green hand writer.
C.A primary school student.D.A visitor getting to London in July.
2. What should we do to gain more benefits on the fair?
A.Apply for BA members.B.Attend networking meetings.
C.Increase brand awareness.D.Contact Customer Services team.
3. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A textbook.
B.A newspaper.
C.A website.
D.A fashion magazine.
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7 . Family: Poems—by Mr. Keith Keenan

·Kindle $0.00, Hardcover $12.50, Paperback $7.00

The poet describes personal thoughts and feelings in a lyrical journey to understand and celebrate his family. “Family” looks at living honestly in places, not illusions. Figurative language, a love of metaphor and sharp images all make the poems work.

Time to Heal—by Alexandra Vasiliu

·Kindle $9.99, Hardcover $21.94, Paperback $12.64

From the bestselling author comes an inspirational poetry book about love, healing, and growth. It is a reminder to strive to change for the better. Featuring more than 130 uplifting poems and black-and-white illustrations, it’s a great companion when you need to embrace self-love and personal transformation.

Seeds from a Birch Tree —by Clark Strand

·Kindle $9.99, Hardcover $26.80, Paperback $16.95

Seeds From a Birch Tree makes nature into a spiritual path. Its message was simple: Haiku teaches us to return to nature by following the seasons—seventeen syllables at a time. With its mix of poetry and memoir(回忆录), the book guides us to the joy hidden in plain sight, leading us to get into a good state of body and mind.

A Poem for Every Day—by Allie Esiri

·Kindle $9.99, Hardcover $28.05, Audio CD $18.05

This audio book is a collection of 366 poems which link to events on key dates—funny for April Fool’s Day, festive for Christmas. This is the perfect gift for poetry lovers of all ages. These poems are informative, peaceful, and energetic!

There are a large number of poetry collections on Amazon. More information, please click here.

1. How much will you pay if you are to buy a hardcover edition of haiku?
2. According to the text, what can we learn about the books?
A.Family: Poems features plain language.
B.Time to Heal features colorful illustrations.
C.Seeds from a Birch Tree focuses on human nature.
D.A Poem for Every Day focuses on festive celebrations.
3. Where is this text probably taken from?
A.A website.B.A magazine.
C.A book review.D.A travel brochure.
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8 . How often do you get the chance to embrace the darkness of a wilderness park? Bryce Canyon is seeking an Astronomy Volunteer to help share this incredible resource with our guests!


Whether you bring your own telescope for the nightly telescope fields or bring your own solar telescope for daytime observing, (or both) you’ll be able to share your love for astronomy with hundreds of people every night/day of the astronomy festival!

Daytime activities typically run from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

All telescope operators and festival staff will meet at 6:00 p.m. each evening before setup to discuss the plan for the field.

Telescope field area is open for setup between 8:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

The nightly telescope field is open to the public 10:00 p.m. to midnight unless weather causes a cancellation.


Assist guests with viewing through the telescope, while guiding their experience.

Interpret the night sky to guests with minimal use of a laser pointer.

Answer guests’ questions while operating telescope.


You must bring your own telescope.

Strong background in astronomy.

Previous experience with public speaking or interpretation.

Knowledge of the International Dark­Sky Associations (IDA).

Note: Bryce Canyon National Park elevations reach 9,100 feet (2778 meters). People with heart or respiratory concerns should be especially careful not to overexert themselves.

1. Who is wanted according to the text?
A.An Astronomy Festival Volunteer.B.An Astronomy Telescope learner.
C.A Wilderness Park Observer.D.A Wilderness Park Assistant.
2. When is one allowed to set up a telescope?
A.9:00 a.m.B.10:00 a.m.
C.9:00 p.m.D.10:00 p.m.
3. What is the basic qualification for the position?
A.Answering a question.B.Owning a telescope.
C.Language interpretation.D.Medical experience.
2023-02-10更新 | 94次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南通市通州区2022-2023学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
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9 . This March is a busy month in Shanghai. There’s a lot to do. Here are the highlights.

Live Music—Late Night Jazz

Enjoy real American jazz from Herbie Davis, the famous trumpet player. He’s coming with his new 7-piece band, Herbie’s Heroes. Herbie is known to play well in the early hours, so don’t expect to get much sleep. This is Herbie’s third visit to Shanghai. The first two were sold out, so get your tickets quickly.

PLACE: The Jazz Club                                 DATES: 15~23 March

PRICE:¥80,¥120                                 TIME: 10:00 p.m. till late!

TEL: 6466-8736

Scottish dancing

Take your partners and get ready to dance till you drop. Scottish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Instructors will demonstrate the dances. The live band, Gordon Stroppie and The Weefrees are also excellent.

PLACE: Jack Stein’s                                 DATES: every Monday

PRICE: ¥60, including one drink                    TIME: 7:00~10:00 p.m.

TEL: 6402-1877

Exhibitions—Shanghai Museum

There are 120,000 pieces on show here. You can see the whole of Chinese history under one roof. It’s always interesting to visit, but doubly at the moment with the Egyptian Tombs Exhibition. There are lots of mummies(木乃伊) and more gold than you’ve ever seen before. Let us know if you see a mummy move!

PLACE: Shanghai Museum                           PRICE: ¥30, (¥15 for students)

TEL: 6888-6888                                        DATES: daily

TIME: Monday ~ Friday 9:00 a.m. ~5:00 p.m., Weekends 9:00 a.m. ~9:00 p.m.

Dining—Sushi chef in town

Sushi is getting really big in Shanghai. In Japan, it’s become an art form. The most famous Sushi “artist” is Yuki Kamura. She’s also one of the few female chefs in Japan. She’ll be at Sushi Scene all of this month.

PLACE: Sushi Scene                                 DATES: all month

PRICE: ¥200                                        TIME: lunchtime

TEL: 6690-3211

For a full list of events, please see our website.

1. Suppose you are going to attend an activity at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, which one can you choose?
A.Live Music—Late Night JazzB.Scottish dancing
C.Exhibitions—Shanghai MuseumD.Dining-Sushi chef in town
2. Which of the following is true according to the advertisements?
A.The Scottish dancing will never make you drop.
B.The American Jazz performance won’t last long.
C.Kamura has made Sushi more popular in Shanghai.
D.The exhibits from Egypt add interest to Shanghai Museum.
3. According to the text what is Yuki Kamura?
A.A cookB.A waitressC.An inventorD.An artist
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了Fort Smith国家历史遗址的主要景点和其历史背景。

10 . Fort Smith National Historic Site

At the Fort Smith National Historic Site you can walk where the Mexican-American War and the Civil War soldiers drilled, pause along the Trail of Tears, and stand where justice was served to some of the most horrible outlaws (歹徒) of the Wild West. The park includes:

Trail of Tears Overlook

Walk along the great Arkansas River and enjoy exhibit panels that tell the story of the Five Civilized Tribes that were forcibly remove to Indian Territory. The walking path begins from the parking lot and follows along the Arkansas River to Belle Point.

Belle Point (Site of First Fort Smith)

Established in 1817 at an area overlooking the meeting point of the Arkansas River and the Poteau River, it had been named Belle Point, French for “beautiful place,” by 18th-century French fur trappers. Visitors will enjoy a scenic view of the two rivers and are able to walk the foundation remains of the First Fort Smith.

Commissary (杂货店) (Site of Second Fort Smith)

The oldest building still standing in Fort Smith is the Commissary, the site of the Second Fort Smith. During the Federal Court period, Judge Parker’s private office was located upstairs. Today, you can visit the Commissary as it looked in the 1850s when it supplied the army with food items. You can also see the reconstruction of the Fort Smith Gallows where a surprisingly large number of outlaws met their fate at the end of a rope.

Visitor Center

The Visitor Center is located in the historic barracks (兵营) / courthouse / jail (监狱) building. The barracks was built in 1851 and was changed into a courthouse and jail in 1872. In 1888 a new jail building was built next to it. Here visitors can see Judge Parker’s restored courtroom, the “Hell on the Border” jail, as well as exhibits and videos on the operation of the Federal Court and its impact on Indian Territory.

Price: $10 (Adults 16+), FREE (Ages 0-15), $35 Annual Pass

1. Where can visitors learn about the history of the forced removals?
A.At the site of the Second Fort Smith.
B.On the way to Belle Point from the car park.
C.In the historic barracks / courthouse / jail building.
D.At the meeting point of the Arkansas and Poteau rivers.
2. What can visitors do at the Visitor Center?
A.Tour the oldest grocery store in Fort Smith.
B.See the restored Fort Smith Gallows.
C.Explore Judge Parker’s bedroom.
D.Visit the courtroom and the jail.
3. How much should a couple pay if they tour the park with no Annual Passes?
2023-01-16更新 | 84次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省南通市海门区2022-2023学年高三上学期期末考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般