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1 . Hong Kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world, with its delicious food and big luxury (奢侈的) shopping malls. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the city without stretching your wallet. With good planning, you can enjoy many things in Hong Kong for free.

1. Go gallery hopping and marvel at beautiful artworks.

Hong Kong is home to plenty of independent art galleries that exhibit works from various artists around the world. While galleries are spread across the city, we argue that the best place to go gallery hopping is around Central and Sheung Wan.

2. Get up-close with nature at one of the scenic hiking routes.

Hong Kong is filled with thick greenery, mountains, and amazing natural landscapes. So, go hiking at any of the scenic routes the city has. For hiking beginners, the Peak trail is among the easiest and in the end, you’ll be treated to epic views of Victoria Harbour.

3. Step back in time at the traditional villages

Hong Kong’s traditional villages have been serving as a time machine to showcase Hong Kong’s past. Among the best-reserved villages is Tsang Tai Uk. The original brick, timber, and granite materials are still well-maintained within the walls.

1. Who may find the Peak trail most appealing?
A.Science fans.B.Outdoor lovers.
C.Water sports followers.D.Gallery goers.
2. Which tourist destination offers a glimpse of Hong Kong’s history?
A.Central and Sheung WanB.The Peak trail
C.Tsang Tai UKD.Dragon’s Back
3. Who are the most likely target readers for this article?
A.Travelers lacking experience.
B.Travelers on a tight budget.
C.Travelers into remote areas.
D.Travelers seeking local cuisine.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . What to taste in Kuala Lumpur 2024

Great restaurants in Kuala Lumpur offer a genuine global dining experience. Whether you are looking to enjoy hearty comfort food or some local delicacies (佳肴), the city’s dining scene satisfies all comers.


Situated about 20 minutes from downtown Malacca, it is a home-based eatery (餐馆) with about 10 tables manned by four operators. Unlike most restaurants, food is self-service here, with dishes placed on catering pans for customers to choose from. It serves traditional Malaysian dishes with distinct Chinese influences. You will find rice dumplings and chicken rendang among the offerings. It has two branches in the city. Their dishes sell out fast, so it’d be best to head there before lunch time.

Mum’s Place

Nothing brings more comfort than mom’s cooking. With recipes inspired by the owners’ mother, this restaurant brings you Nyonya dishes that are genuinely Malaysian. Lying in the district of Damansara Perdana, Mum’s Place is a neighbourhood restaurant with its main customers from residents nearby. Some of the best dishes include cencaru fish; devil curry chicken and beef rendang.

YumYum Restaurant

Situated in the beautiful Shangri-La Hotel, Yum Yum Restaurant is among the locals’ many favourite spots to dine at. It offers an interesting Nyonya and Thai food with Chinese influences that make them stand out. The classic dishes include sambal petai prawns, assam fish head and Yum Yum egg. It can get crowded here, so it’d be best to head there early or call ahead for reservations.

Troika Sky Dining

Offering fine dining, the amazing Troika Sky Dining undoubtedly stands out from the pack. Set on the 23rd floor of Tower B of The Troika, it goes without saying that the cloud-skimming views here are something else entirely. The food is what helps it stand out. It serves award-winning French, Italian, Greek, and Spanish food and adventurous menu of high-end pizzas and pasta.

1. What’s unique about Cantaloupe?
A.It is a cafeteria.B.It is a hotel-based eatery.
C.It has a branch in the city.D.It requires reservations in advance.
2. Where are the dishes combined with Chinese style available?
A.Cantaloupe and Mum’s Palace.
B.Cantaloupe and YumYum Restaurant.
C.Mum’s Place and Troika Sky Dining.
D.YumYum Restaurant and Troika Sky Dining.
3. What can customers do while eating in Troika Sky Dining?
A.Help serve food.B.Win an award.
C.Play adventurous games.D.Enjoy breathtaking views.
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。
1. When did the museum reopen?
A.In 2004.B.In 2008.C.In 2012.
2. Which exhibit will focus on Asian culture next year?
A.“World View”.B.“Moving Arena”.C.“Life on Earth”.
3. What attracts visitors most in the museum?
A.The interactive exhibit.B.The periodical shows.C.The expert talks.
2024-05-13更新 | 168次组卷 | 2卷引用:英语 (新高考II卷02)(含考试版+听力+答案+解析+答题卡) -2024年高考押题预测卷
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. How many times did the Mediterranean diet win the Best Diet?
2. What does the Mediterranean diet put great emphasis on?
A.High-quality olive oil.B.Fruits and vegetables.C.Whole grains and seeds.
3. What do people often do in Mediterranean areas?
A.Eat at small tables.B.Eat out alone.C.Have a meal for hours.
2024-05-13更新 | 150次组卷 | 1卷引用:英语 (新高考II卷03) (含考试版+听力+答案+解析+答题卡) -2024年高考押题预测卷
完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了新泽西州米尔本Rahway小径上令人惊奇的小木屋的由来,这些小木屋最初是由Therese Ojibway建造的,她希望为患有自闭症的儿子提供一个安全的探索空间,虽然Ojibway和她的儿子已经搬走,但这些小木屋仍然存在,小径的管理员和志愿者们继续帮助有特殊需要的孩子们建造这些小木屋。

5 . If you walk around the Rahway Trail in the South Mountain Reservation of Millburn, New Jersey, you might spot more than vegetation and creatures. Small fantastic _______ are hidden in the tree trunks and branches — an amazingly lovely sight in this _______ normal-looking forest nowadays. The idea to _______ small wooden houses to the landscape came from Therese Ojibway, who 10 years ago wanted her son, who has autism (自闭症), to have a safe space to _______ in the wilderness.

“So she found Rahway Trail and started constructing the houses and leaving _______ decorations here and there for her son,” said Julie Gould, one of the keepers of the trail.

The South Mountain Conservancy later noticed the sudden _______ of little houses around the forest. Learning Ojibway’s story, they _______ her to continue building her magical kingdom to what is now known as the Fairy Trail.

“She thought this was a(n) _______ way of getting little children like her son into nature, _______ them to use their imaginations and creativity,” said Beth Kelly, another trail keeper.

Ojibway and her son moved out of the area a few years ago, but the Fairy Trail ________. Gould and Kelly were ________ asked to become the “Makers and Keepers” of the trail. The women, along with ________, continue to help build little wooden homes for kids with special needs.

“To give these kids ________ houses to live in, most of the homes are made out of natural elements that can then ________ back into the forest. We get ________ when we see the children come here and the kingdom make their day.”

A.show upB.catch onC.break downD.come over
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . XZERO, “World’s Most Walkable City” Will Be Built in Kuwait

Do you fancy giving up your car for good, but are worried you won’t be able to get around? Plans have been released for the “world’s most walkable city”.

Dubbed XZERO, the planned sustainable community in Kuwait would provide a net zero carbon lifestyle for 100, 000 residents, in balance with nature. All facilities and homes will be powered by 100 per cent renewable energy and will recycle all their water with smart water system.

UAE-based designers URB say the city will provide food and energy security while promoting a green circular economy. The estimated cost of the project is £13 billion, and URB are aiming to start construction in 2024, to complete by 2034.

The central area is surrounded by a series of “hubs” (枢纽) , each dedicated to education, entertainment and medical facilities. The hubs will reduce the walking distances required of residents, while the homes are densely spaced to promote a connected community. The green-tech hub will promote a collaborative innovative environment in food, energy, water and water tech. The medical hub will feature an autism (自闭症) village, wellness center and clinics. The educational hub will feature a nursery, school and an institute, while the commercial hub will include indoor mall and flexible office space. The green landscape is designed with engineered natural areas to provide a variation of habitats for wildlife as well as rain water harvesting, mitigating (和缓的) flooding, better air quality and cleaner water. The 1, 600 hectare development will provide 30, 000 residential units, as well as 30, 000 green jobs. These jobs will be created in the various hubs.

“The creation of sustainable cities that follow the highest standards of living with lowest impact on the environment is no longer a choice, it has become a necessity,” Baharsh Bagherian, the CEO of URB, said, “The heart of XZERO is the unique resilient (弹性的) landscape, which is multifunctional and designed to promote health, wellbeing and biodiversity.”

XZERO will promote sustainable tourism through its various eco-friendly hospitality assets, including a 5-star eco resort and eco lodges. “Edutainment” (寓教于乐型) facilities such as the utility park and nature conservation center are expected to transform the city into a unique visitor attraction.

1. What is XZERO intended to do?
A.Better residents’ life.B.Save the limited energy.
C.Explore a challenging lifestyle.D.Strengthen the power of Kuwait.
2. What can we know from Paragraph 4?
A.Wild animals can’t be found.B.The hubs are closely connected.
C.Only indoor mall is available.D.Residents have trouble finding a job.
3. What can be inferred from Baharsh Bagherian’s words?
A.People have the right to say no to XZERO.
B.Many other countries are expected to follow suit.
C.XZERO will promote the development of tourism.
D.XZERO can benefit both humans and environment.
4. Which of the following best describes the impact of XZERO?
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. How was Jane’s trip to the West Coast?
2. What was Jane unsatisfied with in Los Angeles?
A.The weather.B.The big noise.C.The bus service.
3. What was the weather like on Jane’s trip in San Francisco?
4. What attracted Jane most in San Francisco?
A.Its small size.B.Its large streets.C.Its beautiful scenery.
2024-04-21更新 | 229次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省辽阳市高三下学期二模英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Would you take a trip if you couldn’t use your cellphone? A new tour company called Off the Grid is asking travellers to put their cellphones away and not even use them for photos. The company founder, Zach Beattie, is developing his business, using money he saved from a tech job at a mapping company. He’s hired guides for every trip but will help lead the first few himself.

The first trip is to Lisbon, Portugal, in July. It takes 7 to 10 days, with small groups of up to 16 people. Prices range from $1,500 to $1,650, including accommodations, meals and ground transportation. The plan includes at least three excursions (远足) and two social events, with an emphasis on unique experiences over bucket-list sightseeing. The tour also includes surfing lessons, yoga on the beach, a day of sailing and dinner with a local family.

“When you’re somewhere new, there’s a lot to see and a lot of cool and interesting people to meet,” Beattie said. “Your phone can distract (使分心) you.” The phone ban won’t be enforced quite as strictly as it seems at first glance. “We want it to be voluntary,” he said. “We’re not collecting phones and throwing them in a locked trunk. It’s held by you, but put in your pocket, and you state your intentions for the week, whether that’s checking your social media once or twice a day or a total blackout.”

Tour-goers also get a “dumbphone” without Internet access that’s loaded with numbers for group leaders and other participants, both for emergencies and to promote socializing. Participants may bring regular cameras, but Beattie is hiring a photographer for each tour so there will be plenty of photos to remember the trip. Once the trip is over, participants will have access to those photos for use in social media posts.

1. What can be learned about Zach Beattie?
A.He set up his business at his own expense.
B.He is always guiding every trip personally.
C.He forbids tourists to take along cellphones.
D.He used to earn his living in a tour company.
2. What do we know about the Lisbon trip?
A.The trip features sightseeing.
B.Participants live in homestays.
C.Air ticket is covered in the cost.
D.Tourists experience water sports.
3. What does Zach Beattie expect the participants to do?
A.Lock their phones in a trunk.
B.Post their photos on social media.
C.Free themselves from their phones.
D.Shift their focus onto dumbphones.
4. What can tour-goers do with the dumbphone?
A.Take photos.B.Access the Internet.
C.Record the trip.D.Contact group members.
2024-04-17更新 | 529次组卷 | 9卷引用:辽宁省沈文新高考研究联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期期中质量监测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

The local government of Zibo issued two open letters to all citizens. The government expressed    1     (it) gratitude for the citizens’ warmth and hospitality toward visitors coming to enjoy the city’s signature barbecue,    2    has recently become a hit across the country.

Since early March, Zibo’s local barbecue    3     (cause) a sensation online. But how did Zibo rise to fame? From July 2022 to February2023, Zibo organized many trips to the city for university students. Despite reaching peak visitation numbers, there was no sense of panic. Instead, several supportive    4     (policy) were promptly introduced, such as establishing a “Golden Stove Award”, forming a barbecue association, creating a map of Zibo’s barbecue restaurants,    5    launching 21 dedicated tourist routes that go beyond just the barbecue.

Zibo’s sudden boom in popularity also resulted    6    the post-pandemic tourism revival China has experienced. The city aims to restore its tourist industry and ensure    7     (sustain) growth.     8     (achieve) this goal, it has created    9    welcoming environment with convenient services for your people, particularly university students. The city has also invited students from distinguished universities to visit Zibo for free,     10     (signal) its eagerness to attract talented young individuals.

2024-04-17更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省抚顺县高级中学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次教学质量检测英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Hangzhou City is a charming mix of the old and the new. It was     1     capital city of the Southern Song Dynasty in the     2     (twelve) century. Even in those days, it was an     3     (extreme) booming (繁荣的) urban area with a population of about one million. The West Lake Scenic Spot takes one back to ancient times with the reconstructed Leifeng Pagoda (塔). The original pagoda     4     (build) in 975 AD. When it was destroyed, an exact replica (仿制品) appeared in its place.

    5     (compare) with other tourist cities, Hangzhou City is well-known for its beautiful scenery. Almost everyone will be attracted     6     the West Lake Scenic Area when visiting Hangzhou City. The West Lake Scenic Spot consists of several smaller scenic areas like Guo’s Villa, Orioles Singing in the Willows, Su Causeway, Fish & Lotus Pond, etc. The lake is so vast that there are many unique is lands in     7     (it) waters, classic Chinese bridges, flowering gardens, ancient trees and more. There are     8     (bench) near the Broken Bridge so people can either just sit and admire the beautiful sight     9     walk along the path. There is a ferry (摆渡) service that takes visitors all around the lake, so one can spend a wonderful day     10     (explore) all its treasures. Visitors also choose the boat ride around the lake.

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