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1 . Today, we have the ability to predict dangerous tornadoes (龙卷风), hurricanes (飓风) winter storms, and floods with more accuracy than ever. We know the areas that are likely to be struck by earthquakes, and the areas that are easily harmed by wildfires, and we can tell hours in advance whether a tsunami (海啸) will hit our shores.

However, in spite of all the capabilities for advance warnings, Americans are still quite poor at preparing for these disasters. In a 2006 poll (民意调查) carried out by TIME Magazine, only 16% percent believed they were “well prepared” for the next one.

A few weeks ago I was listening to NPR (National Public Radio) as I was cooking dinner, and I heard a moving story about a young boy, Noah Stewart, who lived through a tornado that hit his Alabama home.

Noah was sucked up into the tornado and then dropped. He landed on his head first, a fall of such force that, under normal conditions, would have killed him. However, he survived because his mother made a quick decision to put a baseball helmet on his head right before the tornado hit. Noah was unhurt in the storm. But the helmet cracked (破裂) down the middle.

The CDC states that they can’t say whether helmets save lives during a tornado impact (撞击) . However, it still seems wise for anyone in a tornado-prone (可能的) area to keep several helmets at the ready. Any added protection is going to increase your chance of survival, and as Noah’s story clearly shows, helmets can save lives.

You don’t have to buy new helmets—picking up used bicycle, football, or baseball helmets at economical stores and garage sales (旧货市场) can save money and keep your family protected.

However, it’s necessary that you keep these helmets in an easily reachable place; they should not be used for any other purpose, as they may be misplaced. Remember, when a tornado hits, you might only have minute—or even seconds—to find shelter. You don’t want to be running around the house, searching for those helmets.

1. What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
A.Americans are fear of disasters.
B.There are many disasters in America.
C.Disasters are better predicted in America.
D.Most Americans are not well prepared for disasters.
2. Why could Noah Stewart survive in the tornado?
A.Because he stayed with his mother.
B.Because he was brave in the tornado.
C.Because he was well protected by a helmet.
D.Because he was quick-minded in emergency.
3. What should you do to make the helmets function well?
A.Put them at hand.B.Choose new ones.
C.Use professional ones.D.Save money to buy expensive ones.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To ask us to prepare for the disasters.B.To warn us of the tornado impact.
C.To advise us to keep helmets handy.D.To describe the moving story of a boy.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . The amount of plastic in our oceans-and thus in our seafood-is rising. A study says Europeans alone throw about 11,000 small pieces of plastic every year. And unless we make some very big changes, that number could reach 780,000 pieces per person within a few decades.

Microplastics are popular additives(添加剂)to a wide range of personal care products, from face wash to toothpaste. We wash them off and send them down the drain(下水道), where they head out into the water supply. And there they’ll stay, absorbing chemicals, until something or somebody comes along and eats them.

Studies have found that fish that consume microplastics are smaller than others. They refuse real food in favor of more plastic. Their eggs are less likely to hatch, and they are less likely to escape from other hunters.

Researchers at the University of Ghent in Belgium have been studying the effects of microplastics on shellfish(海贝). The average shellfish sucks(吮吸)in and spits(吐)out about 20 liters of water per day. Most of the plastic particles in that water will be sent back out into the ocean. Most, but not all; lead researcher Colin Janssen says the shellfish they examined had an average of one tiny plastic piece.

Janssen and his colleagues say the same process occurs in humans who consume shellfish. About 99 percent of the microplastics will pass through your system. That still leaves 1 percent to stay in the body, and we don’t yet know what that means for our health.

“We do need to know the fate of the plastics,” Janssen said. “Where do they go? Are they forgotten about by the body, or are they causing inflammation (炎症) or doing other things? Are chemicals coming out of these plastics and then causing damage? We don’t know.”

1. What does the underlined word “They” refer to in paragraph 3?
A.The researchers in the study.
B.The fish which eat the small fish in the ocean.
C.The common people who eat fish and seashell.
D.The small fish which eat plastic pieces.
2. What will happen if the small fish keep eating the plastic pieces?
A.It will be easier to catch them.
B.Their population will get smaller and smaller.
C.They will help reduce the amount of plastic pieces in the ocean.
D.People will find it an effective way to deal with water pollution.
3. What does it mean for people to consume the shellfish from the ocean?
A.It means developing a good taste in delicious food.
B.It means that eating sea creatures is dangerous.
C.It means storing plastic in the human bodies.
D.It means that plastic shellfish can take the place of real one.
4. What is the result of getting more plastic pieces in our bodies?
A.No one will be sure of its effects.B.They will lead to some strange diseases.
C.They will be forgotten.D.They will give off some poisonous chemicals.
2022-09-07更新 | 80次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖南省邵阳市新邵县2017-2018学年高二下学期期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The Taklimakan (塔克拉玛干) Desert in western China has one of the world' s most difficult environments. With no water, fierce winds and terrible sandstorms, the temperatures get as hot as 40℃ in summer and as cold as -20℃ in winter. Yet, even though it was such a difficult environment, many people in history have traveled through the Taklimakan Desert. Why would anyone want to do this? Cutting through this desert was the famous Silk Road, the main trading route between China and Europe.

In China, the Silk Road ran through the ancient city of Kashgar (喀什) in Xinjiang, then north-east over the Taklimakan Desert to Dunhuang. From Dunhuang, the Silk Road went south-east through ancient Gansu, and then east to Xi' an.

The best-known product traded along the Silk Road was of course silk. Chinese silk was transported to Europeans, who liked it because it was soft. Other goods transported along the Silk Road included gold, ivory, glass, fur and ceramics (陶瓷器). The Silk Road could be quite dangerous: apart from the difficulty traveling through the desert, robbing was a constant problem. Many merchants traveled with guards to protect themselves and the goods they carried.

To westerners, the most famous traveler along the Silk Road was the Italian merchant, Marco Polo (AD 1254- 1324). However, Marco Polo was by no means the first person to travel along the Silk Road and tell others about it. In fact, in 139BC and 119BC, the Chinese explorer Zhang Qian was sent by Emperor Wu to visit the west. Zhang Qian ’s journey helped bring the Chinese people a greater knowledge of the western lands.

1. What is the biggest temperature gap in the Taklimakan Desert?
2. Some of the goods transported along the Silk Road included ________.
A.gold and silverB.glass and fur
C.animals and furD.ivory and paper
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Zhang Qian was sent to visit the west twice.
B.The main product traded along the Silk Road was silk.
C.Marco Polo was not the first person to travel along the Silk Road.
D.The Taklimakan Desert has the world’ s most difficult environment.
2022-09-06更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省邵阳市新邵县2016-2017学年高二下学期期末质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . “A lot of the time when climate change is discussed in mainstream media, people are asking ‘can humans overcome this?’, or ‘what technology can solve this?’. It’s high time we recognized that animals also have to adapt to various changes. We know some animals change their skin colors to escape from natural enemies or due to environment pollution,” says Ryding. “The climate change that we have created is putting a lot of pressure on them, and some species try to adapt by shapeshifting (变形). ”

Strong shapeshifting has particularly been reported in birds. Several species of Australian parrot have shown, on average, a 4%—10% increase in beak (鸟喙) size since 1871, and this is positively linked with the summer temperature each year. North American dark-eyed juncos, a type of small songbird, had a link between increased beak size and short-term temperature extremes in cold environments. There have also been reported changes in mammalian species. Researchers have reported tail length increases in wood mice and leg size increases in masked shrews (鼩鼱).

“The increases in some body parts size we see so far are quite small—less than 10%—so the changes are unlikely to be immediately noticeable,” says Ryding. “However, some body parts such as ears are predicted to increase.”

Ryding intends to investigate shapeshifting in Australian birds firsthand by 3D scanning museum bird specimens from the past 100 years. It will give her team a better understanding of which birds are changing their body parts and why. “Shapeshifting does not mean that animals are coping with climate change and that all is ‘fine’,” says Ryding. “It just means they are adapting to survive it—but we’re not sure what the other ecological consequences of these changes are, or indeed that all species are capable of changing and surviving. ”

1. What may cause animals’ shapeshifting according to Ryding?
A.Human hunting.B.Climate change.
C.Natural enemies.D.Polluted surroundings.
2. What method does the author mainly use to develop paragraph 2?
A.Giving examples.B.Cause-effect analysis.
C.Making comparison.D.Process analysis.
3. What can we know from Ryding’s words in the last paragraph?
A.Animals can well adapt to changes and survive.
B.Influence of animals’ shapeshifting is uncertain.
C.Rdying will research into bird museums in Australia.
D.All adaptations of animals to climate change are beneficial.
4. In which section of a newspaper can we find the text?
A.Technology.B.Health care.C.Environment.D.Education.
2022-08-02更新 | 779次组卷 | 6卷引用:河南省商丘市第一高级中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号中单词的正确形式。

Have you ever heard of the largest and most beautiful salt lake in China? If the answer is no, you can take     1     trip to Qinghai Lake and this is your answer.

Qinghai Lake is     2     (sure) the largest lake in China which stretches 105 km at length and 63 km at width and     3     (occupy) a surface area of over 4, 500 square kilometers. At 3, 200 meter above the sea level and owning an average     4     (deep) of 21 meter, its waters are profoundly cold and     5     (salt).

The lake     6     (become)a tourist destination popular for biking and bird watching in recent years. Major attractions around it are Bird Island     7     many species of birds come to nest or rest during their transcontinental migrations. The government has set up special department     8     (study) and protect these birds.

These lakes,     9     (combine) with characteristic islands, vast grasslands, snowy mountains and spectacular dessert in and around Qinghai Lake make up an attractive Qinghai Lake Scenic Area.     10     so much to admire, Qinghai Lake was evaluated as the Most Beautiful Lake in China by China’s National Geographic.

2022-07-29更新 | 103次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省许昌市2019-2020学年高二下学期期末教学质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Avebury is near the far more famous Stonehenge. What is interesting about it is that a village has grown up around the stones, unlike Stonehenge, which stands alone. Avebury and Stonehenge are just two of about 1,300 stone circles all over the UK. Many of them are in fantastic locations, like Castlering in Cumbria, from which you can see England’s highest mountain; and the Ring of Brodgar in the beautiful Orkney Island, off Scotland’s northern coast.

Some of them are UNESCO World Heritage sites, and several have local stories connected to them. For example, the Merry Maidens in West Cornwall is a group of nineteen stones. According to the story, they were young women — maidens — who were turned into stone for dancing on a Sunday.

Early historians thought that the stone circles were temples for the people who arrived in the UK in about 500 BC. Later research has shown that they are far older than that, at least 4,000 years old. Stonehenge could have been built 5,000 years ago, but it’s still nowhere near as old as the nearby wooden circle built about 10,000 years ago. Some experts believe they acted like calendars and have shown that some stones line up with sunrise or sunset on the longest and shortest days of the year. Others believe they were places for the dead bodies of the local rich and powerful.

We may never know why they were built, but each one leaves the visitor with a strong sense of the shortness of our existence in the sea of history. There are groups of stone circles and other prehistoric (史前的) monuments throughout the British Isles, so wherever you are staying you should include at least one in your tour.

1. What can we learn about Avebury?
A.It stands alone.B.It is a part of Stonehenge.
C.It has a village around it now.D.It consists of a couple of Merry Maidens.
2. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Stone circles.B.Mountains.
3. What does the author focus on in Paragraph 3?
A.The local stories of stone circles.
B.The original purpose of stone circles.
C.The historic value of stone circles.
D.The time when stone circles were built.
4. What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?
A.Building more monuments.B.Protecting World Heritage sites.
C.Learning more about our history.D.Visiting some of those stone circles.
2022-07-29更新 | 85次组卷 | 2卷引用:河南省许昌市2019-2020学年高二下学期期末教学质量检测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

A penguin colony in Antarctica that’s home to over 18,000 pairs of Adélie penguins suffered a massive breeding failure, with all but two of the babies starving to death when their parents     1     (force) to travel further in search of food during this breeding season.

According to CNN, the World Wildlife Fund said unseasonably extensive amounts of sea ice around the colony forced the adult penguins to travel further     2     (hunt) for food. The babies did not survive the parents’ journeys. “This disastrous event contrasts with     3     image that many people might have of penguins,”     4     (say) Rod Downie, Head of Polar Programs at WWF.

Downie continued: “The impact of this event is restricted to this specific colony of Adélie penguins, and predictions are that the Antarctic will get     5     (warm) and this may pose different     6     (challenge) in the longer term.”

Adélie penguins are     7     (general) doing well in East Antarctica and there they mostly eat krill, a small shrimp like crustacean.     8     they are declining in the peninsula,     9     the effects of climate change are already being felt. In addition     10     the climate change, the local penguin population is further threatened because of proposals to open the area to the krill fishing industry.

2022-07-08更新 | 126次组卷 | 3卷引用:浙江省绍兴市2021-2022学年高二下学期期末调测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约450词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . I am not a morning person, but as I stand on the boulder (巨大的砾石) in the early dawn, my mind is sharp and alert. I am more than awake, concentrating on the vast endlessness below.

There is a noticeable lack of early birdsong here; no hiss of offshore wind fanning the waves. The only sound is my breath, heavy after the scramble to the top. It is by no means a difficult climb, but I had to hurry to beat the sun.

“If you stand at the top of Kubu Island just before sunrise,” said one of the returning visitors, “You can see the arc (弧线) of the Earth.”

He was right.

From up here the horizon cuts not so much a line as an arc.

Soon my feeling of being in the moment is replaced with something as strange and ancient as this place itself. My breathing calms and becomes shallow. My heartbeat slows. I am first surrounded by in silence. I am a tiny, shrinking spot. Then I disappear completely.

They say that astronauts looking down on Earth gain a sense of perspective that changes them forever. They begin to understand how much we are a part of our planet, and how much it is a part of us. The astronauts are 400 kilometres off the surface of Earth, and while the top of Kubu Island is only 10 metres high, there is something about this pile of boulders that sends you into orbit.

Kubu Island isn’t actually an island, but rather, an outcrop of ancient rocks that are up to two billions year old. It was once rested on the edge of a vast lake. As the water evaporated, it created the huge Makgadikgadi Pan (马卡迪卡迪盐沼盆地), one of the world’s largest salt pans.

Ancient tribes and civilizations have migrated and lived here, first to fish from its rocks and then to commune with nature and its spirits. Today, adventurers and tourists come here to marvel at this strange pile of boulders with baobab trees (猴面包树) growing out of it. These trees are estimated to be 3,000 or 4,000 years old; they are really impressive not only for their size but also because they seem to have so much to tell about the history of this island.

This is the gift that Kubu Island gives and the power that it has. This tiny, weird outcrop — if not in the middle of nowhere, then certainly on the edge of it — can give you a sense of yourself that very few places can. A sense of yourself as a person on this planet and, somehow, way beyond it.

1. Which of the following can best describe Kubu Island?
A.It is a “small” island, surrounded by waves and water.
B.It is an “ancient” island, featuring recreational activities.
C.It is a “dry” island, surrounded by a sea of salt.
D.It is a “remote” island, resting on the edge of a vast lake.
2. According to the passage, the underlined phrase “marvel at” probably means ________.
A.feel anxious forB.pose danger to
C.be grateful toD.be amazed at
3. The author’s purpose of writing this article was to ________.
A.recommend a unique travel route to a peaceful and silent island
B.encourage readers to reflect more on themselves while travelling
C.inform readers of a mysterious place that deserves to be explored
D.advise readers to visit an island which is peculiar in its original state
2022-07-02更新 | 67次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市浦东新区2021-2022学年高二下学期期末线上统测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Fire ants are famous for their construction projects (as well as their burning bites). When they need to, colonies of these insects turn themselves into ladders, chains and walls. And when flood water rises, a colony can float to safety by making an unusual boat. The ants hold tightly to each other, forming a floating disk atop the water. The antraft may float for months seeking safe harbor. The ants on the bottom don’t drown, and the ants on the top stay dry. Working together, the ants float to safety — even though a single ant alone in the water will struggle to survive.

“They have to stay together as a colony to survive.” Nathan Mlot said.

Fire ants and water don’t mix. The ant’s hard outer shell, naturally repels water. A drop of water can sit on top of the ant like a backpack. When an ant does end up underwater, tiny hairs on its body can trap bubbles of air that give the bug a boost up.

To investigate the science behind the antraft, the scientists placed hundreds or thousands of ants at a time in the water. A group of ants took about 100 seconds, on average, to build a raft. The researchers repeated the experiment multiple times. Each time, the ants organized themselves the same way, creating a raft about the size and the thickness of a thin pancake. The rafts were flexible and strong, staying together even when the researchers pushed the rafts underwater.

The scientists then froze the rafts in liquid nitrogen and studied them under powerful microscopes to figure out how the ants kept everyone safe and the water out.

The team found that some ants used their jaws to bite other ants’ legs. Other ants joined their legs together. Thanks to these tight bonds, say the scientists, the ants did a better job at keeping the water away than any one ant could do on its own. By working together, thousands of ants can stay alive in the face of a crisis like a flood by using their own bodies to build a boat.

1. When flood comes, fire ants ________.
A.will run away separatelyB.find a hole to hide themselves
C.combine themselves into a raftD.climb onto boats on the water
2. What makes fire ants stay afloat?
A.Tiny hairs on their body.B.Their hard outer shell.
C.Their slippery skin.D.Their backpack on its body top.
3. After scientists put fire ants into the water, they ________.
A.built a raft in 100 minutesB.organized themselves into a flexible raft
C.organized themselves in different waysD.liked to look for the food of pancakes
4. The story of fire ants proves the importance of ________.
5. The purpose of writing this text is to introduce ________.
A.how fire ants react in face of dangerB.fire ants’ differences from common ants
C.fire ants’ ability to live underwaterD.the building ability of fire ants
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Animals might not be able to speak or master advanced language techniques, but they certainly have other ways of communicating. Whale song, wolf howls, frog cries — even the fast dance of the honeybee or the friendly waves of a dog’s tail — are among so many ways animals pass on information to each other and to other living things of the animal kingdom.

When it comes to hearing communication, not every member of a species is just alike. Animals in different places have often been sounding off in different dialects. For example, one study shows that blue whales produce different types of sounds depending on where they are from. Some bird species are the same way. And what about those birds that live on the border between territories (领地) of different songbirds? They are often able to communicate in a way accepted by each of their groups of neighbors.

Communication between different species can play important roles as well. One study shows that iguanas (鬣蜥蜴) do not communicate by making sound, but their well-developed ears help them hear well the warning calls of the flycatcher (a type of small bird). The two species have nothing in common except for the fact that they share a general habitat and enemies. So when an iguana hears a bird make a signal of danger for other birds, it probably knows to be watchful for arriving enemies, too.

However, as noise pollution has become a serious problem all across the globe, many animals are now under fire. Increased shipping traffic over the last century has greatly affected the spread of whale song around the ocean basin. Studies have found that songbirds, too, suffer from noisy city surroundings. Some species have had to change their singing styles, producing songs that sound louder, in order to be heard above the noise. Their new voices usually lead to stranger and somewhat worse styles of singing that female birds find decidedly less sexy.

1. What does the author mainly tell us in Paragraph 2?
A.Various dialects can also happen to the same animals.
B.Animals communicate with each other in different ways.
C.Different animals have different ways of communicating.
D.Animals from different places may make the same sound.
2. What can we learn about iguanas?
A.They communicate by singing.
B.They are born with poor hearing.
C.They often bring bad luck to humans.
D.They get along well with flycatchers.
3. By saying “many animals are now under fire”, the author means ________.
A.they refuse to communicate with others
B.they cannot communicate effectively
C.they are now in danger of dying out
D.they don’t make a sound any more
4. Due to noise pollution, songbirds ________.
A.find it hard to attract the opposite sex
B.produce more songs that sound sad
C.begin to communicate by dancing
D.can not find food easily any more
5. The author develops the passage mainly ________.
A.by raising questions
B.by following time order
C.by providing examples
D.by analyzing the data
共计 平均难度:一般