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1 . Investing In the Graphite (化石墨) Revolution

December 21st, 2014

Graphene (石墨烯) is the future. Plain and simple.

Its 200 times stronger than steel, thinner than a sheet of paper, and more conductive than copper.

And that’s not all…

Researchers all over the world are using it for critical advances in a variety of industries. Graphene makes:

·Solar cells — 50x~100x more efficient

·Semiconductors — 50x~100x faster

·Aircraft — 70% lighter

We’re talking about batteries that charge 10x faster and store 10x more power…

Phones and computer displays that bend and fold…

It’s so vital to our future that it’s been named a “supply critical mineral” and a “strategic mineral” by the United States, Japan and the European Union.

Yet only a few companies around the world have access to mineral resource that is required to make graphene. And 70% of supply is controlled by China.

So the setup is perfect for any non-Chinese supply to become an extremely profitable investment, just like rare earths a few years ago.

A new report from the Outsider Club fully outlines the situation:

·What grapheme is used for…

·And why now is the perfect time to invest in this world changing discovery.

To get this new report, simply drop your name in the box below. And in a few moments, you’ll be fully informed on the ins and outs of grapheme. All I ask in return is for you to sign up to receive our financial and economic news elater, Outsider Club.

In each issue, well bring you the financial news from the “Outsiders” perspective. It will show you how to plan your own finances, and manage your own investments. Become a reader of Outsider Club today.

So what are you waiting for?

1. What do you know about graphene?
A.It can conduct electricity very well.B.It is much stronger than paper.
C.It is much heavier than steel.D.It is very easy to obtain now.
2. According to the passage, a plane made of graphene can            .
A.move much fasterB.work more efficientlyC.save more energyD.weighs much less
3. We can infer that a few years ago rare earths were            .
2024-04-08更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省西安市蓝田县城关中学大学区联考2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . In 1925, a male sled (雪橇) dog named Balto led a 13-dog team through an extreme snowstorm during the final part of a 1,088-kilometre trip, bringing lifesaving medicine to the Alaskan city of Nome during an outbreak of the disease diphtheria (白喉), a serious and sometimes deadly infection.

Balto was celebrated as a hero whose preserved body still stands at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in the state of Ohio. Recently, scientists took DNA from Balto’s preserved body and studied it as part of a large project called Zoonomia. The massive study compares genetic information in different animals and humans.

Balto belonged to a population of working sled dogs in Alaska, which was found to have greater genetic diversity and genetic health than modern dogs. When diphtheria spread, Nome’s port was blocked by ice. Sled dogs were the only way to get the important medicine there. Balto was one of 150 dogs that pulled sleds for parts of the 127-hour trip. During the trip, temperatures reached minus (零下) 45 degrees Celsius.

Born in 1919, Balto was part of a population of sled dogs imported from Siberia, known as Siberian huskies (西伯利亚哈士奇). The study showed these dogs greatly differed from modern Siberian huskies, however. Balto had a body built for strength and not speed, which his breeder didn’t necessarily like. The breeder had the dog’s sex organs removed so he couldn’t produce young dogs.

After the Alaska trip, Balto’s life was difficult. He was mistreated. A visiting Cleveland businessman saw Balto’s mistreatment and bought the dogs for $1,500 raised by the local community in Cleveland.

In 1927, Balto and his seven co-runners were celebrated in Cleveland. They spent their rest lives cared for at the local Brookside Zoo. Balto died of natural causes in 1933.

Kathleen Morrill, a scientist, said of Balto’s heroic mission, “These specialized dogs don’t know what they do has such gravity in people’s lives.” She added that the sled dogs’ genetic makeup “set them up to be the best animals for the job”.

1. What were sled dogs used to do during an outbreak of diphtheria?
A.Look for the origin of this disease.
B.Transport emergency medicines.
C.Help patients go to hospital quickly.
D.Discover the methods to cure the illness.
2. Which information about Balto matches the content of the text?
A.The lifespan of Balto is about 14 years.
B.Balto is the only survivor of the Alaska trip.
C.Balto had many young babies in Cleveland.
D.Respected in Alaska, Balto spent its rest life peacefully.
3. What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A.There must be a use for one’s talent.
B.Fortune favours the prepared mind.
C.A good dog deserves a good bone.
D.A thousand mile trip begins with one step.
4. Which is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Story of a Sled Dog
B.The Long Cold Trip to the Alaskan City
C.A Heroic Trip to Save a Dangerous City
D.Sled Dog Hero Balto: a Good Dog with Great Genes
2024-04-07更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省部分重点高中2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . If you’ve ever worried that we’ve solved all the mysteries of nature, fear not. Minnesota’s Devil’s Kettle Falls has been attracting hikers and geologists for generations. At the falls, along Lake Superior’s North shore, a river forks at a rock outcrop. While one side runs down a two-step stone bank and continues on like a normal waterfall, the other side falls into a deep hole and disappears apparently forever.

And this baffling situation only gets strange when geologists start explaining Devil’s Kettle (水壶). Consider, for instance, the sheer quantity of water pouring into the kettle every minute of every day. While the idea of some kind of broad, underground river is an exciting device in movies, the reality is that those sorts of deep caves are rare.

Another idea is that millions of years ago, a hollow lava tube may have formed beneath the falls, in the subsurface layer of rock. Over time, the theory suggests, the falling water eroded (侵蚀) the surface and fell straight down into the ancient lava tube, providing wide-open access to the floor of Lake Superior. Again, there are problems with this theory, because no lava tubes have ever been found in any of the hundreds of exposed rock beds in the area.

In February 2017, scientists said that water that disappears into the rock at Devil’s Kettle rises again in the stream below the falls. To confirm the theory, scientists plan on conducting a dye trace during a low-water flow period. They’ll pour a vegetable-based dye into the pothole and watch where the dye comes to the surface again.

“What we think is happening is that the water is going in the kettle, and coming up pretty close to immediately downstream of the falls,” Green said.

Green admits that if the dye is found below the falls like the scientists suspect, then much of the Devil’s Kettle Falls mystery will be gone. “Were there a little bit of that,” he said, “the folks would not be going to stand there and wonder. But it will still be a fascinating spot, and a beautiful spot.”

1. What is the purpose of writing the first paragraph?
A.To explain the formation of waterfalls.
B.To describe a beautiful landscape scene.
C.To introduce a mysterious natural phenomenon.
D.To recommend an unusual waterfall to readers.
2. What is the author’s attitude towards the assumption of a lava tube?
3. How are scientists planning to confirm the 2017 theory?
A.By tracing the path of the water.
B.By controlling the direction of the stream.
C.By asking the folks to watch the surface.
D.By filling the pothole with a dye.
4. What is the most suitable title for the text?
A.The mystery of Devil’s Kettle Falls
B.The discovery of Devil’s Kettle Falls
C.The disappearance of Devil’s Kettle Falls
D.The fascinating features of Devil’s Kettle Falls
2024-04-03更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广州市执信中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Antarctica, the southernmost continent on Earth and a frozen continent, remains an mysterious and original land, buried in ice and surrounded by a vast, inhospitable ocean, which often shrouded (隐藏) in mystery and intrigue. It holds a wealth of scientific wonders waiting to be explored. With the aid of cutting-edge technology, researchers have delved into its icy depths, uncovering the secrets of this remote and pristine (原始的) wilderness.

At the forefront of Antarctic exploration are advanced satellite imaging systems. These orbiting wonders provide detailed maps of the continent’s surface, allowing scientists to monitor changes in ice coverage and track the movements of glaciers with unprecedented accuracy. Such data is crucial for understanding the impacts of climate change on Antarctica’s delicate ecosystem and predicting future sea-level rise.

In addition to satellites, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) play a key role in Antarctic research. These robotic submarines are equipped with an array of sensors and cameras, enabling them to navigate beneath the ice shelves and explore previously inaccessible regions. By collecting data on water temperature, salinity, and marine life, AUVs offer invaluable insights into the dynamics of Antarctic Ocean currents and the habitats of its unique marine species.

Furthermore, drones have revolutionized scientific fieldwork in Antarctica. These unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are utilized for conducting aerial surveys of vast ice sheets and capturing high-resolution imagery of remote locations. By providing researchers with real-time data and imagery, drones facilitate rapid assessments of environmental changes and aid in the study of wildlife populations, from penguins to seals.

Despite the remarkable advancements in technology, conducting research in Antarctica remains a huge challenge due to its extreme weather conditions and remote location. However, through cooperative efforts and innovative approaches, scientists continue to push the boundaries of exploration, uncovering the mysteries of Antarctica and advancing our understanding of the Earth’s climate system.

1. What technology is primarily used for monitoring changes in ice coverage in Antarctica?
B.Submersible robots.
C.Satellite imaging systems.
D.Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs).
2. What can be inferred from the fourth paragraph?
A.Exploring and research on Antarctica is an easy task.
B.Scientific fieldwork in Antarctica is hard to continue.
C.Drones play a significant part in scientific fieldwork in Antarctica.
D.Drones capture high-resolution imagery of remote locations.
3. What’s the author’s attitude towards the research in Antarctica?
4. What would be the most suitable title for the text?
A.The Challenges of Antarctic Exploration
B.Traditional Methods of Antarctic Research
C.The Environmental Impact of Satellite Imaging
D.The Technological Wonders of Exploring Antarctica
2024-03-28更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省邵阳市高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The hole in the ozone (臭氧) layer, one layer of the stratosphere (平流层), began to form over Antarctica in August 2023, causing warnings that a larger-than-average hole could further warm the Southern Ocean while the level of Antarctic sea ice is at a record low. Dr. Martin Jocker at the University of New South Wales said the bole usually began forming at the end of September, peaking in October before closing in November or December.

The ozone hole is an annual thinning of the strutosphere’s ozone layer, which has a high concentration of ozone. The hole has been “recovering” over time and ozone levels over the Antarctic are expected to return to 1980 levels by 2066.

The development of the ozone hole in 2023 was not adventitious. The ozone hole is usually smaller during El Niño years, but the model of Jucker suggested it would be larger than usual in 2023 due to the undersea Tonga volcanic explosion in 2022, which was likely to have an impact on the ozone layer in the years following. In early August, the formation was about average for the day of the year. This increased rapidly in the next few days, producing one of the largest observed ozone holes for the time of year.

The explosion of the Tonga volcano brought a large amount of water vapour (蒸气) into the stratosphere. “It was about 150 megatonnes. A factor of about three times more water vapour than we usually have,” said Jucker. Ice clouds form in the stratosphere when there is more water vapour than usual, allowing tiny ozone-destructing substances to gather there. Jucker said he was concerned about the impact of the hole on Antarctic sea ice, which has been at record low levels.

1. What do we know about the Antarctic ozone hole?
A.It happens every year.B.It keeps at a balanced level.
C.It tends to worsen annually.D.It remains the largest on record .
2. What does the underlined word “adventitious” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What is the result of the Tonga volcanic explosion according to the last paragraph?
A.The disappearance of ozone.B.The atmospheric changes.
C.The decrease of water vapour.D.The formation of destructive substances.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.Stratosphere Faces New ThreatsB.Ozone Levels Are Changing Continuously
C.Ozone Hole Forms Earlier Than UsualD.Volcanic Explosion Produces Global Effect
2024-03-27更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语猜题卷(四)
阅读理解-七选五 | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道,主要介绍的是云观测者Ji Yun的故事。

6 . Have you ever paused to see clouds when you rush to your destination? There’s a group of passionate “treasure finders” dedicated to observing and capturing the beauty in the sky cloud spotters.

Cloud spotters take a more serious approach to make sense of the sky.     1    

Ji Yun, 36, is an expert in cloud spotting. He set up a WeChat group to gather together people with similar hobbies in 2013. As the number of group members continued to grow, Ji and several cloud enthusiasts created dozens of online groups for different regions in China, forming the Sky Enthusiasts Association in 2019.     2    

Power comes in numbers. Three years after the association was formed, cloud enthusiasts from all over China had collected every kind of cloud in the International Cloud Atlas, a reference by the World Meteorological Organization.

    3     Cloud spotting, in fact, is an invitation to be amazed by something so common every day that we’ve become blind to. “You’re not going to be worrying too much about what formation it is and why it looks the way it does.” Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society, told Atlas Obscura.

Indeed, Jiang Xinwei in Jilin finds cloud spotting relaxing. Even though she is going through her toughest school year in grade 12, Jiang maintains this hobby as a short break from her heavy schoolwork. “Observing the clouds has become a habit for me,” the 17-year-old said. “    4    .”

“Clouds change in the blink of an eye.     5     ” said Jiang Na, a 25-year-old cloud spotter in Beijing.

A.Currently, there are thousands of people across different groups.
B.This often leads us to think about the relationship between humans and nature.
C.They take photos of the clouds and match them to cloud type names.
D.My worries and troubles seem to fade away as I look up.
E.But that is not to say all clouds spotters need to go to such great lengths.
F.Cloud spotting can also make some people feel blue.
G.When they roll over the sky, I feel the passage of time has a concrete shape.
2024-03-22更新 | 324次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山东省聊城市高三下学期一模英语试题

7 . Blowing Up Balloons with CO₂

Chemical reactions (化学反应) make for some great experiments. You can make use of the CO₂(carbon dioxide) given off by a baking soda (小苏打) and lemon juice reaction to blow up your balloon!

What you’ll need:

●Balloon        ●About 40ml of water        ●Soft drink bottle

●Juice from a lemon          ●I teaspoon of baking soda


●Before you begin, make sure that you pull the balloon long to make it as easy as possible to blow up.

●Put the 40ml of water into the soft drink bottle.

●Add the baking soda and mix it with water.

●Put the lemon juice in and quickly put the balloon over the mouth of the bottle.

What’s happening?

If all goes well, then your balloon should inflate! Adding the lemon juice to the baking soda creates a chemical reaction and produces CO₂. The gas rises up and escapes (逸出) through the soft drink bottle. It doesn’t, however, escape the balloon, pushing it outwards and blowing it up.

1. Which of the following do you need for the experiment?
A.Two cups.B.Apple juice.
C.250 ml water.D.A teaspoon of baking soda.
2. What should you do before the experiment?
A.Heat the water.B.Drink some juice.
C.Blow up the balloon.D.Pull the balloon long.
3. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To describe an experiment.B.To introduce a game.
C.To produce soft drinks.D.To save some chemicals.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . The confidence people place in science is frequently based not on what it really is, but on what people would like it to be. When I asked students at the beginning of the year how they would define science, many of them replied that it is an objective way of discovering certainties about the world. But science cannot provide certainties.

But doubt in science is a feature, not a bug. Indeed, the paradox (悖论) is that science, when properly functioning, questions accepted facts and yields both new knowledge and new questions—not certainty. Doubt does not create trust, nor does it help public understanding. So why should people trust a process that seems to require a troublesome state of uncertainty without always providing solid solutions?

As a historian of science, I would argue that it’s the responsibility of scientists and historians of science to show that the real power of science lies precisely in what is often perceived as its weakness: its drive to question and challenge a hypothesis (假设). Indeed, the scientific approach requires changing our understanding of the natural world whenever new evidence emerges from either experimentation or observation. Scientific findings are hypotheses that encompass the state of knowledge at a given moment. In the long run, many of them are challenged and even overturned. Doubt might be troubling, but it impels us towards a better understanding; certainties, as reassuring as they may seem, in fact hold back the scientific process.

A more realistic understanding of how science works can contribute to a better comprehension of the decisive role of doubt and skepticism in the scientific process. Indeed, science is not a linear (线性的) path leading from one success to another, but rather a constant reevaluation of hypotheses. Failures are part of the scientific process and should be taught along with successes.

1. What is “doubt” in science according to the text?
A.It’s not right.B.It’s a feature.C.It’s a bug.D.It’s less realistic.
2. What does the underlined word “encompass” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What does the author say about certainty?
A.It’s a real power of science.B.It shows the weakness of science.
C.It affects the scientific process.D.It helps in discovering the world.
4. What can we learn about science?
A.Science is always right.B.Failures are part of science.
C.It’s a path leading to success.D.It is based on people’s expectation.
2024-02-22更新 | 136次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江西省六校高三上学期第一次联考英语试题英语试卷

9 . Elephants have a good memory and they can recall the smell of a relative even after a decade apart.

When Franziska Horner and her team _______ planned reunions (团聚) between two mother-daughter pairs at zoos in Germany, they took advantage of the chance to test the elephants’ _______. One pair had been _______ for two years, _______ the other had spent 12 years apart.

Franziska _______ faecal (排泄物的) samples from these African elephants and others at German zoos, carrying the smelly 10-to-15-kilogram faeces around in her tiny car. Her team _______ these samples one at a time to the four elephants _______ their reunions.

When they encountered faeces from _______ elephants, either those in the same zoo or unfamiliar animals, they sniffed (闻) the faeces piles and walked away. But when presented with a _______ from the mother or daughter they were due to be reunited with, the female elephants ________ sniffed the samples and showed a variety of ________ , from making deep sounds to swinging their ears.

Such reactions may be linked to positive emotions, the researchers say. “That was amazing and intense,” says Franziska. “We were sure they did ________ , and they knew exactly what they were ________ there. The sample size was small, but it would be ________ to do similar tests on elephants that weren’t being reunited. ”

“I am not surprised that elephants have memories, especially in social contexts, that ________ a long time,” says another scientist.

A.heard aboutB.worried aboutC.gave upD.lined up
A.in addition toB.in advance ofC.in contrast toD.in case of
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

10 . A blue hole is a special kind of underwater cave found inland or in the sea, which forms when the earth above a cave falls in and water fills the space.

An inland blue hole’s water is very still and has different layers. A layer of fresh rainwater floats on top of salt water; the fresh water keeps oxygen from the atmosphere from reaching the salt water; brightly colored bacteria live where the two layers meet.

Diving into blue holes is very dangerous. Near the top of the blue hole, there is a layer of toxic gas, which causes itching, headache, and—in large amounts—death. Divers must also be fast. They have to get in and out of a cave before their oxygen runs out. Additionally, divers have to follow a guideline as they swim through a blue hole because it is very dark inside. Without the guideline, they may get lost.

If blue holes are so dangerous, why do explorers and scientists risk their lives to explore them? The reason is that these underwater caves can provide valuable scientific information. They provide clues about geology, archaeology, and biology. For example, some blue hole creatures probably haven’t changed for millions of years.

The blue holes could even provide clues about astrobiology. For example, divers have found bacteria there that can live without oxygen. Astrobiologist Kevin Hand says the bacteria may be similar to forms of life that might exist on Jupiter’s fourth largest moon, Europa. “Our study of life’s extremes on Earth,” he says, can help increase “our understanding of habitable environments off Earth.”

In addition, the oxygen-free environment of the blue holes preserves bones of humans and animals that fell into the caves long ago. By studying blue holes, we can understand what life was like in prehistoric times. As cave diver Kenny Broad says, “I can think of no other environment on Earth that is so challenging to explore and gives us back so much scientifically.”

1. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 1?
A.The definition of a blue hole.B.The location of a blue hole.
C.The formation of a blue hole.D.The structure of a blue hole.
2. Where can bright-colored bacteria be found?
A.In the saltwater layer.
B.In the freshwater layer.
C.In between the freshwater and saltwater layers.
D.In both of the freshwater and saltwater layers.
3. Which of the following best explains the underlined word?
A.The study of life on Earth.
B.The study of life in the universe.
C.The study of life in prehistoric times.
D.The study of life in oxygen-free environment.
4. Which of the following can best describe blue holes?
A.They’re oxygen-free and lifeless.B.They’re free of air and light.
C.They’re death zones and mysterious.D.They’re poisonous and dark.
共计 平均难度:一般