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1 . Fancy spending your summer break improving your skills and preparing for your first job? We have gathered the best summer programs in Singapore in recent years. Now you will be able to narrow down your choices and make a decision.

StandOut Global Summer Program

At StandOut Summer School, one of your missions will be to work as an intern with leaders in the business world who have plenty of years of experience in the field. Through this program, you can boost your knowledge by interacting with experts in fields like digital marketing,entrepreneurship investment, etc. Wherever you come from, the school will welcome you in their all-inclusive program.

NTU Summer School Program

Nanyang Technological University will take you on a unique experience in their summer camp. In NTU’s summer school, you will be able to enjoy your favorite business track out of five different options. Each track will lead you to an internship at a top-ranked company lasting from 3 weeks to 2 months.

NUS Summer School

The National University of Singapore offers one of the leading summer camps in Singapore. The program is designed for students who are from its partner universities located all around the world. With passion as one of the university’s core values, the NUS Summer School guarantees continuous development for its students.

Singapore Management University Global Summer Program

With its third Global Summer Program starting in July, Singapore Management University offers international students an unforgettable opportunity: 4 weeks of learning in Singapore, with a week spent overseas in another Asian city to merge in an unmatched experience.

Get in touch with us to get all your questions about global summer programs answered!

1. What do the first two programs have in common?
A.Both help students start their own business.
B.Both invite experts to guide students.
C.Both expand students’ knowledge in business.
D.Both offer students internships at top-ranked companies.
2. Which program only allows students from its partner universities to join?
A.StandOut Global Summer Program.
B.NTU Summer School Program.
C.Singapore Management University Global Summer Program.
D.NUS Summer School.
3. How long is Singapore Management University’s Global Summer Program?
A.Three weeks.B.Four weeks.
C.Five weeks.D.Two months.
2023-04-23更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届江西省鹰潭市高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 困难(0.15) |

2 . One of the curious things about social networks is the way that some messages, pictures, or ideas can spread like wildfire while others that seem just as catchy or interesting barely register at all.

Before you go deep into the puzzle, consider this: If you measure the height of your male friends, for example, the average is about 170 centimeters. You are 172 and your friends are all about the same height as you are. Indeed, the mathematical concept of “average” is a good way to capture the nature of this data set.

But imagine that one of your friends was much taller than you. This person would dramatically skew the average, which would make your friends taller than you, on average. In this case, the “average” is a poor way to capture this data set.

Exactly this situation occurs on social networks. On average, your coauthors will be cited more often than you, and the people you follow will post more frequently than you, and so on.

Now Lerman from University of Southern California has discovered a related paradox, which they call the majority illusion. They illustrate this illusion with an example. They take 14 nodes linked up to form a small network. They then color three of these nodes and count how many of the remaining nodes link to them in a single step.

In one situation, the uncolored nodes see more than half of their neighbors as colored. This is the majority illusion — the local impression that a specific feature is common when the global truth is entirely different.

So how popular is it in the real world? It’s found out that the majority illusion occurs in almost all network scenarios. “The effect is largest in the political blogs network, where 60% of nodes will have majority active neighbours, even when only 20% of the nodes are truly active,” says Lerman.

It immediately explains many interesting phenomena. For a start, it shows how some content can spread globally while other similar content does not — the key is to start with a small number of well-connected early adopters fooling the rest of the network into thinking it is common. The affected nodes then find it natural to follow the trend. A real spread finally comes into being.

But it is not yet a marketer’s charter. For that, marketers must first identify the popular nodes that can create the majority illusion for the target audience. These influencers must then be persuaded to adopt the desired behavior or product, which is essential to the prospect of the marketing plan.

1. The phrase skew the average in the passage most probably refers to the action of ________.
A.hiding the real average to be unrecognizable to others
B.producing an average against the general feature of data
C.working out the common feature suggested by the average
D.ignoring the average because of the frequency by which it is reviewed
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Majority illusion rarely has impacts except in political blogs field.
B.The majority illusion on social networks relies on that people you follow post more than you.
C.The essence of successful opinion spread is to initiate the trend with well-connected sharers.
D.The spread scale of ideas on networks mainly depends on the quality of content.
3. To guarantee the success of marketing promotion, it’s vital to ________.
A.thoroughly understand the concept of majority illusion
B.accurately figure out who is the powerful person to affect others
C.definitely decide who are the target audience for the promotion
D.successfully convince the influencers to practice certain action
4. What is most probably the title of the passage?
A.The social network vision that tricks your mind.
B.Who is stealing your network identity?
C.Minority network opinion spread, curse or blessing?
D.Have you been misled during the last political voting?
2023-04-17更新 | 1280次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届高三江西省贵溪市实验中学高三下学期5月模拟考试压轴(三)英语试卷
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 假如你是李华,在得知土耳其大地震的消息后,作为鹰潭中学的学生会主席,你决定给灾区的中学生写一封慰问信,主要内容包括:
注意(不能出现本学校名称)提示:土耳其 Turkey
Dear friends:
2023-03-25更新 | 147次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届江西省鹰潭市高三一模英语试题(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

If you have been to the cinema and watched the popular movie “The Wandering Earth II” recently, you might     1    (impress) by the intelligent quantum computer MOSS. It has no cognitive limitations, removing the perceptual (感性)thinking consciousness and left with the rational algorithm only. In fact, such strong AI like MOSS, does not exist in reality for     2     time being.

Nevertheless, weaker AI,     3     replaces human processing in a specific field, has already been imperceptibly (不知不觉)integrated into our daily life. At present, most of the global AI level exists also at this stage. For example, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), an office software that relieves employees by doing repetitive human tasks, simulating a range of human     4    (operate) such as on the keyboard and mouse.

Furthermore, Open AI     5    (release) the language model ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) lately, making human-machine interaction much     6     humanized and intelligent than ever before. Thanks to its revolutionary user experience, ChatGPT obtained more than one million users just five days after     7    (it)release. As to     8     ChatGPT became such a hit, users think it can display simple results content according to searching keywords.

Far from being a Chatbot only, ChatGPT can also realize article creation, code generating and other functions only by requesting. ChatGPT even has the     9    (capable)to write code just like a professional programmer. It also presents the strong ability in content continuation, literary creation, music creation etc. It is so powerful     10     New York City public schools have banned it from their networks and school devices.

完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The INF Clairefontaine is one of the world’s top football academies and also houses the French national football team.

The national team is in its third day of _________ since it gathered at the place to _________ a match against Denmark. Villagers nearby have been invited to watch their _________ on one side of the pitch (球场).A media group watches from the _________ side. Most players are just _________ from their club teams, but they fall quickly and _________ into a communicative dance with the ball. Didier Deschamps, their coach, looks on from the pitch, _________ the discipline and efficiency he prizes.

On a nearby pitch, the academy youngsters (青训营)_________ their training session, too. The boys erupt with screams whenever they _________ a goal.

After dusk settles in and training __________, Kylian Mbappé, the French football superstar, stays late with a goalkeeper and a few defenders, __________ extra shots. When he arrived on these same grounds roughly a decade earlier, he was full of __________ like the current group of youngsters. But__________ them, he doesn’t__________ when his shots find their way past the keeper. He simply __________ the practice, over and over. His only __________ comes when a ball __________ its mark. Then Mbappé erupts in shouts of regret.

“The youngest players look at the French team, and they tend to __________ what they see, ”Deschamps says. “So each player has a__________ in everything he does, on the pitch or off . . . to have a __________ influence and to give a good image to the young players.

A.open upB.give upC.prepare forD.search for
阅读理解-七选五(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Rabbits are a courageous little species able to live on every continent, except Antarctica. Alongside the beginning of 2023, the new Year of the Rabbit has started!     1    

Cultural image of rabbits in China

Rabbits are instinctively quiet but agile (敏捷),which suits traditional Chinese aesthetic values of being gentle and cultivated. There is a view of rabbits in Chinese culture as being smart and gentle.     2     , a Chinese idiom praising people who are smart and agile like a rabbit.

Legend has it that there is a Jade Rabbit living on the moon which is the pet of Chang’e, a goddess widely known in China. This can explain why rabbits are regarded as an auspicious sign.

Also, in ancient China, it was common sense that the more children you had, the luckier and happier you would be. This belief made the rabbit a popular sign of good fortune.     3    

Cultural image of rabbits in the West

Similarly in the West, rabbits are full of vitality and fertile in nature, with populations growing to enormous sizes in short amounts of time. Rabbits are also considered to be incredibly lucky in the West, with several traditions illustrating how to gain the animal’s good luck for yourself.

A hunter being able to catch a rabbit in the first place is also a sign of good luck. Another tradition for good luck found in North America and the UKKis to say the word “rabbit” on the first morning of every month.

    4     It is a rabbit that Alice follows in the story of Alice in Wonderland to escape the normal world and helps to begin her adventure. Rabbits are also related to Easter, with the Easter bunny being thought to be in some way related to the chocolate eggs eaten at this time of year: While the animal appears in many different places, it is always seen as an animal to be welcomed.

So, now it is the lucky animal’s turn on the Chinese zodiac.     5    

A.This is shown by the phrase “dong ru tuo tu”
B.We are all familiar with the phrase “shou zhu dai tu”
C.Maybe now is the best time to talk about this adorable animal in the eyes of different cultures
D.May the Year of the Rabbit bring you some good fortune, too!
E.Rabbits also pop up in other areas of Western culture
F.A stuffed rabbit’s foot is supposed to bring good fortune
G.They are well-known to be able to reproduce and thrive in sometimes difficult and surprising conditions
听力选择题-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
1. Why did Larry Walters fail to become a pilot?
A.He was not tall enough.
B.He had poor sight.
C.He lacked professional knowledge.
2. What did Larry Walters prepare for his flight?
A.Food and drinks.B.Two chairs.C.54 weather balloons.
3. How high did Larry Walters intend to fly?
A.About 100 feet above his backyard.
B.About 45 feet above his backyard.
C.About 30 feet above his backyard.
4. What is Robert Davies?
A.A policeman.B.A journalist.C.A driver.
2023-03-25更新 | 123次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届江西省鹰潭市高三一模英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What are the speakers likely to do?
A.Cancel the booking.B.Enjoy the tea.C.Make tea for Mike.
2. Why are the speakers angry with Mike?
A.He forgot to phone them.
B.He is too aggressive.
C.He didn’t keep the appointment.
3. How will the man probably communicate with Mike?
A.By letter.B.By phone.C.In person.
2023-03-25更新 | 133次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届江西省鹰潭市高三一模英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does Bob do when shopping?
A.Buy what he likes.B.Buy cheap things.C.Overlook the prices.
2. In which aspect does Lily probably spend the most?
3. How much money does Bob spend on clothes a month?
A.$2, 000.B.$1, 500.C.$500.
2023-03-25更新 | 113次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届江西省鹰潭市高三一模英语试题(含听力)
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What does the man regret doing?
A.Majoring in Accounting.
B.Becoming an accountant.
C.Withdrawing from the accounting course.
2. How does the man feel about his current job?
A.It’s interesting.B.It’s dull.C.It’s difficult.
3. What is the woman going to do?
A.Introduce the man to her friend.
B.Work in her friend’s firm.
C.Cook a meal for the man.
2023-03-25更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届江西省鹰潭市高三一模英语试题(含听力)
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