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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I got through another long, annoying day teaching high school English via Zoom. Upon reaching my office, I pulled up my work email. There was a message from a woman who I didn’t know: Gigi Shepherd, who asked how she could join my class. “Was she a new teaching assistant?” I wondered. I’d never done any co-teaching. And I certainly wasn’t interested in doing it now with a stranger.

The email must be a mistake. Before I could figure it out, the principal called. She explained that Ms. Shepherd had got the passcode that would grant(同意) her admittance to my Zoom space.

“It’s good news!” the principal said. “Our district is trying to improve teachers’ skills by placing experienced part-time teachers with new full-time educators. It means more help for you.”

“Can’t you put her in another classroom?” I said. “I’m just fine alone.”

“The assignments have been made,” she said. “This will be fine.”

Deep down, I disliked changes. When things didn’t go as I wanted, I tended to get anxious. That evening, I emailed the stranger, as I’d come to think of her, with directions for joining us online.

The next morning, my screen was filled with the image of Gigi’s husband, as he helped her sign on. Gigi looked to be about my age. I put her on the spot, asking her to teach a lesson supporting the students’ emotional needs. To my surprise, the students became cheerful and lively as Gigi led them in a discussion on ways to stay connected. “Remember-even when we’re apart physically from friends and family, we needn’t feel alone, " she said in a breathy, sweet yet deliberate(从容的) voice, like a grade schoolteacher. And all the students responded. That was totally different from my teaching style.

Her kind words weren’t reserved only for students. “What a wonderful lesson,” she said before we signed off. “I really like the way you express yourself, Lori,” she told me.


After school that day, Gigi and I got to know each other.


Since then, I had learned a lot from Gigi.

阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Why Educational Technology is Important

Educational technology definitely has an upper hand compared to the traditional way of learning.     1    . It makes learning easier, efficient, affordable and accessible to all students, despite the learning differences. It also helps educational institutions to stay innovative, while reducing the extra expenses. For educators, educational technology serves as a huge relief, taking many of the additional responsibilities off their shoulders, while helping them to carry on their tasks with efficiency and accuracy.     2    ? Let us have a closer look.

    3    . Educational technology encourages self-paced, personalized learning. Many platforms provide learning resources that students can refer to whenever they want. Also, it helps teachers to focus on each student individually and in real time, and keep up with their progress.

It reduces the burden of teachers.     4    . They can also make use of different online tools, virtual lesson planners, grading software, etc., for example, which are easily accessible, to work in a more efficient manner.

It helps students keep pace with the digital world. Today’s world is increasingly digitalized and it is important to keep up with it. From work front to daily life, everything is so dependent on technology that it is important for students to familiarize with it from an early age, and educational technology helps them with that.     5    , they also learn to be digitally responsible and understand the dos and don’ts of tech life and online rules they need to follow in a deeper manner.

A.How will it serve our daily life
B.It allows personalized learning
C.If students want to be free from homework
D.What more can educational technology offer
E.When children learn to use technology while learning
F.It closes many gaps that exist in the traditional teaching and learning system
G.Teachers can depend on the resources available online to prepare their teaching
2023-11-27更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省兴义市顶效开发区顶兴学校2023-2024学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Food Festivals to Look Forward to This Summer

Taste of Park Ridge

11: 00 am to 10:30 pm, Thursday, July 13, in Uptown Park Ridge, 100 Summit Ave

There will be a variety of foods, including ice cream, Mexican foods, Filipino dishes, corn dogs, Indian and Nepali cuisine, pizza, cupcakes, barbecue, and more. Don’t miss the drinks and wine. Most importantly, there is Giant Turkey Leg Eating Contest at 2: 30 pm. Free.

Antioch Taste of Summer

4: 00 pm to 10: 00 pm, Friday, July 14, at the Antioch Bandshell

You will find the classic pub fare, Crazee Ice, and more, plus carnival (嘉年华) rides, games, sidewalk sales and crafters. Music from The Beach Bum Band is on at 7: 00 pm and themed musical light show at 8: 00 pm. Free.

Taste of Westmont

5:00 pm to 9: 30 pm, Sunday, July 16, on Cass Avenue in Westmont

It features local restaurant food vendors serving Thai, Mexican, and Greek foods, pizza, barbecue, and more. There will be carnival, craft show, kids’ activities, and a car show. Music from Tom Petty band starts at 6: 00 pm. Free.

Sugar Grove Corn Boil

5:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Sunday, July 23, at Volunteer Park, Main Street

Wander among corn boil, and other tasty foods, craft show, and carnival while enjoying live music and fireworks. Car show starts from 3:00 pm. This attractive festival takes you to music from The Boy Band Night at 7:30 pm. Free bus service. Reserve tickets before availability.

1. Which of the four festivals begins the earliest?
A.Taste of Westmont.B.Sugar Grove Corn Boil.
C.Taste of Park Ridge.D.Antioch Taste of Summer.
2. What can you do on Antioch Taste of Summer?
A.Listen to music from Tom Petty band.B.Set off fireworks at Volunteer Park.
C.Join in Giant Turkey Leg Eating Contest.D.Enjoy themed musical light show.
3. What do you need to do to attend Sugar Grove Corn Boil?
A.Book a ticket in advance.B.Order some delicious food.
C.Take a bus before 5: 00 pm.D.Park your car on Main Street.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . As a mind-body coach in professional sports, I work with medical staff and expert consultants every year during baseball spring training to help players prepare their bodies for the season.     1    . That’s why I provide some good tips to keep a healthy body.

Drink enough water

How much water you drink affects all the functions of your body, including your mental performance. A body water loss of just 1% to 2% can damage cognitive (感知的) function.     2    . However, the amount can vary depending on a person’s activity level.

Exercise regularly

The key to exercise’s effectiveness is consistency. With as little as 11 minutes of exercise per day, you can enjoy numerous health benefits, including increasing your life span.     3    . Because of the alternating and reciprocal (互惠的) nature of your way of walking, it offers the opportunity to tune into your body and self-assess by noticing if there are any imbalances.

Breathe better to move better

    4    . In addition to reducing your heart rate, blood pressure and stress response, learning how to breathe better will improve the diaphragm (膈) function and your movement and reduce back pain. Practice taking breathing breaks a few minutes throughout your day.


Sleep is essential for overall health. Adults need at least seven hours of sleep nightly, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you’re not getting that minimum amount of shut-eye, it’s time to clean up your sleep routine and start prioritizing rest.

A.Get enough sleep
B.Fall asleep as early as possible every night
C.It means you have to follow their exercise routine
D.Breathing plays a vital role in how you feel and move
E.Walking outside is a great way to get in those 11 minutes
F.To promote good health, I suggest drinking at least 1.5 liters of water daily
G.You may not be a professional athlete, but your body affects the quality of your life
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The following small European villages will provide you with a chance to experience the beauty of nature and a sense of adventure, from climbing a mountain to taking a dive in the ocean.

Deià, Spain

Hidden between the towering Tramuntana Mountain and the blue Mediterranean, the village’s natural beauty inspires not just writers and painters, but adventure-seekers, too. From this peaceful village, cyclists can ride across this mountainous but bike-friendly region. After working up a sweat, they can go to the best beach, Cala Deià, in Spain. Its waters are perfect for giving the tired muscles a break with a relaxing dive.

Mürren, Switzerland

In Mürren, the fun starts before you arrive. This beautiful Swiss village sits on a Bernese Oberland mountain shelf so high that travelers must arrive by cable car. Like many mountain resort towns these days, Mürren offers year-round activities. Besides downhill skiing in winter, brave climbers can enjoy themselves from June to October, with or without a guide.

San Gimignano, Italy

In the Middle Age, wealthy families of this hill town went on a tower-building competition. At one point there were more than 70 towers, some of which were nearly 200 feet in height. Initially built as defenses in wars with neighboring villages, the towers became symbols of wealth and fame. Today, the village draws both history and wine lovers. Visitors can enjoy the famous white wine, Vernaccia di San Gimignano, at the tasting centers which overlook the surrounding grape hills.

Chipping Campden, England

Arguably the loveliest village in England, Chipping Campden isn’t just a photographer’s dream. It is also known for the annual Olympic Games in summer, a 400-year tradition that copies the Greek Olympics. It includes horseracing, coursing, jumping, backswords and country dancing. But the highlight is the wrestling that thankfully has never caught on anywhere else.

1. What can visitors do in Mürren?
A.Ski and climb mountains.B.Ride bikes and dive in the sea.
C.Enjoy the Olympic Games.D.Learn from writers and painters.
2. Which place is most likely to be a wine lover’s top choice?
A.Deià.B.Mürren.C.San Gimignano.D.Chipping Campden.
3. What is the unique game at the Olympic Games?
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

These gingko (银杏树) trees are really old, older even than the city of Xuzhou in northwest Jiangsu Province. Xuzhou, the     1     (old) city in the Province, dating back 6,000 years as a civilization and over 2,600 years as a city, makes it a fitting home for forests of gingko.

The home, or specifically Pizhou, quite some way to the east of Xuzhou, is situated at the “tail” of     2     horse-shaped Luoma Lake. For those     3     want to make the trip, the reward is a gingko forest park     4     (cover) an area of more than 2, 000 square kilometres. If the gingko is a     5     (protect) species on an international level, this place is home to a large variety of gingko trees.

The so-called “Pizhou Gingko Time Tunnel” shall     6     (sure) be the destination for many travelers coming to Xuzhou and satisfy their     7     (curious) when late autumn approaches each year. Along this 3-kilometre-long village road, the gingko tree branches weave (编织) a golden sky while layers (层) of fallen     8     (leaf) make for a golden carpet.

In Tongshan New Area, gingko trees     9     (plant) all around Haihe Road, Songshan Road and Changjiang Road among many others. Their long history contrasts sharply     10     the cutting-edge technologies being developed nearby.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . An international team of researchers has revealed new evidence for the possible existence of liquid water beneath the south polar ice cap of Mars.

The researchers, led by the University of Cambridge, used spacecraft laser-altimeter (激光高度计) to measure the shape of the upper surface of the ice cap to identify its patterns in height. They then showed that these patterns match computer model predictions for how a body of water beneath the ice cap would affect the surface.

Their results agree with earlier ice-penetrating radar (穿冰雷达) measurements that were originally interpreted to show a potential area of liquid water beneath the ice. There has been debate among scientists over the liquid water interpretation from the radar data alone, with some studies suggesting the radar signal is not due to liquid water.

The results provide the first independent line of evidence, using data other than radar, that there is liquid water beneath Mars’ south polar ice cap.

“The combination of the new evidence, our computer model results, and the radar data makes it much more likely that at least one area of liquid water beneath the ice cap exists on Mars today, and that Mars must still be geothermally (地热) active in order to keep the water beneath the ice cap liquid.” said Professor Neil Arnold, who led the research.

Like Earth, Mars has thick water ice caps at both poles, roughly equivalent in combined volume to the Greenland Ice Sheet. Unlike Earth’s ice sheets, however, which are underlain by water-filled channels and even large lakes beneath the ice cap, the polar ice caps on Mars have until recently been thought to be frozen solid all the way to their beds due to the cold Martian climate.

The analysis revealed a 10~15 kilometre long, wave shaped surface comprising a depression and a corresponding raised area. This is similar in scale to surface areas over the lakes beneath the ice cap on Earth.

1. What is spacecraft laser-altimeter aimed to do?
A.To test chemicals in water.B.To adjust the computer model.
C.To map the surface of the ice cap.D.To measure the size of Mars.
2. How did scientists respond to the liquid water interpretation based on radar data?
A.They firmly believed it.B.They held different views.
C.They reached a conclusion.D.They ignored the practice.
3. What can we know about the ice caps on Mars from the new study?
A.They are only found at the south pole.B.They are frozen solid to their beds.
C.They are shaped by ground lakes.D.They are similar to those on Earth.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.An Unexpected Field in Space StudiesB.An Advanced Technique to Explore Mars
C.New Evidence for Liquid Water on MarsD.Human Optional Home in the Near Future
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Alaska officials have canceled several crab (螃蟹) harvests, like the fall Bristol Bay red king crab harvest, in a conservation effort that sent shock waves through the crabbing industry in the region. The fall red king crab harvest was canceled for the second year because of the low number of mature female crabs, which can indicate the health of the broader population. For the first time on record, officials delay the winter harvest of snow crab.

The decision comes after stark population declines of the animals. Data from an NOAA eastern Bering Sea survey shows a 92% decline in overall snow crab abundance from 2018 to 2021. The population declined by 83% from 2018 to 2022 as some small crabs entered the population in 2022, according to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.

Last year’s snow crab harvest was 5.6 million pounds, the smallest in over 40 years. Snow crab populations dropped after a 2019 Bering Sea warming, and the causes of the population crash are probably stresses from the warmer water and increased threats from predators (捕食者).

“Management of Bering Sea snow crab must now focus on conservation and rebuilding given the condition of the stock (库存),” the Alaska Department of Fish and Game said in a statement.

Bering Sea crab harvests as recently as 2016 earned $280 million. A fleet of about 60 boats from Alaska, Washington and Oregon typically pursue the crab, and each boat employs about six people.

“It’s going to be life-changing, if not career-ending, for people,” said Dean Gribble, a crab boat captain who has fished for snow crab since the late 1970s. “A lot of these guys with families and kids have no options other than getting out. That’s where the hammer is going to fall—on the crew.”

1. Why did Alaska officials cancel several crab harvests?
A.To save the animals.B.To narrow the market.
C.To increase the price.D.To reform the industry.
2. What does the underlined word “stark” in paragraph 2 mean?
3. What does the author intend to do in paragraph 5?
A.Praise the fishermen’s great work.B.Add some background information.
C.Summarize the previous paragraphs.D.Introduce a new type of well-paid job.
4. What can we infer from Dean Gribble’s words?
A.The policy is a total failure.B.The locals should stay at home.
C.The fishermen will be hit hard.D.The snow crab has been in danger.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Dan Grieb参加10次铁人三项、体重减轻100磅后,指导患有唐氏综合征的少年Chris Nikic顺利完成了铁人三项的故事。

9 . Dan Grieb, 45 years old, was looking for a way to change his life.

After waking up one morning and facing the fact that he was overweight and needed to do something about it, he decided to take up a new challenge. “I woke up one day…I was 120 pounds overweight. I was a good husband and a good dad and just didn’t believe I could have them all,” he said.

The Florida man decided to challenge himself by setting the goal of competing in 10 Ironman competitions and to lose 100 pounds. But after achieving his goal, he was still feeling unsatisfied.

So he decided to coach Chris Nikic, a man with Down syndrome (唐氏综合征), to compete in a full Ironman distance race competition. “What if a person with Down syndrome could become an Ironman?” Grieb thought. People like Nikic have been told that their entire life wouldn’t amount to much. Grieb wanted to give the gift of completing the competition to someone like Nikic.

In November 2020, Nikic completed his first-ever full distance Ironman triathlon (铁人三项), which included a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride and a 26.22-mile marathon run.

Coaching Nikic was an honour for Grieb and something for which he’s grateful. Spending time helping someone with Down syndrome complete such a challenging task was extremely rewarding. “Remember that if you have a person with Down syndrome in your family, that person is an angel. What I needed was exactly what a young man with Down syndrome gave me,” Grieb added.

1. What made Dan Grieb worried?
A.Raising a family.B.Having a bad habit.C.Staying up late.D.Getting too heavy.
2. Why did Dan Grieb decide to do coaching work?
A.To earn a pay cheek.B.To realize his potential.
C.To win others’ respect.D.To honour the disabled.
3. What did Chris Nikic do in November 2020?
A.He held an Ironman distance race.B.He achieved his goal as expected.
C.He dropped out of the competition.D.He was awarded a gold medal.
4. What is the text?
A.A diary entry.B.A medical report.C.A science fiction.D.A motivational story.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . If you have always suspected that you might just be a mosquito magnet (招蚊子的人),scientists now have evidence for you: Mosquitoes indeed are attracted to certain humans more than others, according to a new study.

A research team at Rockefeller University sought to identify why certain people seem to draw more mosquitoes than others. Over the course of three years, researchers asked a group of 64 volunteers to wear nylon stockings on their arms for six hours a day over multiple days. Maria Elena De Obaldia, the study’s first author, constructed a glass container in which researchers put two of the stockings. The study team then released yellow fever mosquitoes into the container and observed which stocking drew more insects.

This test allowed researchers to separate study participants into mosquito magnets, whose stockings drew lots of mosquitoes, and low at tractors, who didn’t seem attractive to the insects. The scientists examined carefully the skin of the mosquito magnets and found 50 molecular compounds (分子化合物) that were higher in these participants than the others.

“We didn’t hold certain expectations about what we would find,” said Vosshall, one of the researchers. But one difference was particularly distinctive: The mosquito magnets had much higher rates of carboxylic acid (羧酸) on their skin than the low at tractors. Carboxylic acids are found in sebum, the oily substance that creates a barrier and helps protect our skin.

“The carboxylic acids are large molecules,” Vosshall explained. “They’re not that smelly by themselves,” she said. But beneficial bacteria on the skin chew on these acids that produce the characteristic smell of humans, which may be what attracts mosquitoes, according to Vosshall.

Carboxylic acids are just one piece of the puzzle in explaining how the annoying insects might choose their targets. Body heat and the carbon dioxide we release when we breathe also attract mosquitoes to humans.

Scientists still don’t know why carboxylic acids seem to attract mosquitoes so strongly. The next step might be to explore the effects of reducing carboxylic acids on the skin.

1. Why did the researchers carry out the test in the container?
A.To free people from mosquitoes.B.To identify mosquito magnets.
C.To distinguish certain mosquitoes.D.To better attract other insects.
2. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.The feature of human skin.B.The definition of acid.
C.The expectation of the researchers.D.The finding of the study.
3. What makes carboxylic acids smelly?
A.Beneficial bacteria.B.Body heat.
C.Carbon dioxide.D.Human sweat.
4. What can we infer about mosquito magnets from the text?
A.They never wear stockings in summer.B.They feature higher body temperature.
C.Their root cause has remained unclear.D.Their daily routine differs from others’.
共计 平均难度:一般