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阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 较易(0.85) |

1 . Taking care of our skin is highly important, and healthy skin is key to protection from harmful elements. There are a lot of skincare advice and it may be confusing to choose which one is good for us.     1    .

Clean your skin properly

Clean twice, not once, according to Marie Claire. The first cleaning will simply remove all the surface make-up and dirt.     2    . Proper cleaning produces new skin cells, and that will improve your complexion.


Aside from applying moisturizers (润肤膏), our skin can become moist thanks to enough water intake. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day to ensure your metabolism (新陈代谢) works well, and good metabolism contributes to hydrated, supple and clearer skin.

Get enough sleep

“Sleep is nature’s most powerful beauty treatment,” wrote Fitness Magazine. When we are asleep, our bodies produce a human growth hormone that contributes to collagen production. Hair, face and body products also recover better when we are at rest. Get enough sleep.     4    .

Have a proper diet

Glowing skin is a sign of inner organs (器官) that function well.     5    . Make sure that your daily intake includes high antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. You might as well consider eating super foods or use skincare products that contain them.

A.Drink enough water
B.You will wake up feeling and looking refreshed
C.The second cleans deeper
D.Sleeping plays an important role in our life
E.It is linked to a healthy and balanced diet
F.So you need to eat various of food and fruit every day
G.Here is a list of tips on skincare that you can try

2 . When an earthquake hit a small town, many houses fell down. _________ the earthquake, all the newspapers reported many stories about some of the families who were in _________.

One Sunday, when I was _________ a newspaper, a (an) _________ picture touched (触动) me. It gave the clothing sizes of each family member. I thought that this would be a good chance to teach my children to _________ those who were less lucky than themselves. I said to my seven-year-old twins Brad and Brett and three-year-old Meghan, “We have so much and these poor people now have _________. We’ll share _________ we have with them.”

I filled a box _________ foods and clothes. While I was doing this, I encouraged the boys to choose their toys and donate (捐赠) some of their _________ favourite things. Meghan watched __________ as the boys took out their old toys and games and put them together. Then she walked __________. A few minutes later she came back with Lucy her much- loved __________. She put the doll on top of the other toys. “Oh dear,” I said, “you don’t have to give Lucy. You love her so much. Meghan said “Lucy makes me happy Mommy. Maybe she’ll make __________ little girl happy, too.”

I looked at Meghan for a long moment. She taught me a (an) __________. It’s easy to give something that we don’t want any more, __________ harder to give what we cherish (珍爱), isn’t it?

A.the otherB.othersC.otherD.another
昨日更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市新蔡县第一高级中学2024-2025学年高一上学期开学考试英语试卷
完形填空(约350词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Once upon a time, there was a small village hidden deep in the mountains. The villagers led a simple life, depending mostly on farming for their _______. One day, a young man named Jack arrived in the village. He was _______ and eager to explore the surrounding mountains.

Jack quickly _______ with the villagers and became a part of their community. He was fascinated by the _______ tales of the mountains and the mysterious creatures that were said to inhabit them. Determined to find out the truth, Jack decided to embark on a journey of _______.

Before leaving, the villagers warned him of the dangers that awaited him in the mountains. They told him about the _______ weather, the treacherous paths, and the wild animals that roamed the area. But Jack was not _______. He packed his belongings, bid farewell to the villagers, and started his journey.

As he climbed higher and higher, the weather became increasingly _______. The paths were slippery and difficult to navigate. But Jack persevered, determined to reach the top of the mountain.

After days of _______, Jack finally reached the summit. The view was breathtaking, with rolling hills and dense forests stretching out as far as the eye could see. But as he was taking in the ________, he heard a strange sound coming from the bushes nearby.

Curious, Jack approached the bushes and peeked inside. To his surprise, he saw a small, ________ creature with big eyes and furry ears. The creature seemed ________ at first, but then it slowly approached Jack, sniffing the air curiously.

Jack realized that this was one of the mysterious creatures the villagers had talked about. He felt a sense of ________ and excitement wash over him. He gently reached out his hand and the creature cautiously sniffed it, ________ allowing Jack to pet it.

From that day on, Jack and the creature became close friends. They explored the mountains together, ________ each other's company. The villagers were amazed when Jack returned with his newfound friend and shared his adventures with them.

The experience taught Jack the value of courage, perseverance, and friendship. It also showed him that there was more to the world than what he had imagined, and that there was always something new and exciting to discover.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Winter is for working hard; summer is for playing hard. From the Bahamas to Amsterdam, we have several most appealing summer vacation spots for you to choose from.

The Bahamas

While there is a risk of getting rained on during hurricane season, June generally sees mild weather, fewer crowds and significantly lower prices. While some resorts in the Out Islands may close, New Providence and Paradise Island remain open year-round. It’s a good choice for families looking for a taste of relaxing island living.

Mackinac Island, MI

Mackinac Island, 20 minutes by boat from either the Upper or Lower Peninsula of Michigan, comes alive on summer weekends. Most of its roughly 4 square miles is parkland, suitable for hiking and cycling. Be sure to take in the beautiful architecture—Victorian cottages that date back to just after the Civil War. You can have a taste of times gone by; cars were banned more than a hundred years ago, and horse-drawn carriages are still used to get around today.


Summer is the ideal time to visit this city. The gray skies have lifted, festivals abound and events to enjoy include the Open Garden Days, when visitors can peek into the private gardens behind the beautiful houses that line the famous canals. You can experience urban adventure, crossing Amsterdam’s thousands of bridges and waterways by bike and by boat in search of the perfect brown café.

Ocean City, MD

This East Coast beach town is best known for its boardwalk, which is known for old-school amusement rides. Cycling in the town is also a great pleasure. Grab your wallets and feast on hard-shelled crabs at Hooper’s crab house or drink in the sunset with a local beer in hand from Fager’s Island Restaurant & Bar’s large bayfront decks Parking is free with your consuming receipt. You can’t miss a classic walk along the boardwalk and the taste of Thrasher’s vinegar and Old Bay French fries

1. Where could you go if you want to enjoy a bit of history?
A.The BahamasB.Mackinac Island.C.Amsterdam.D.Ocean City.
2. According to the text, what can you experience in Amsterdam?
A.Exploring waterways in a boatB.Eating seafood in the sunset
C.Enjoying life on islands with familyD.Riding horse-drawn carriages.
3. What do Mackinac Island and Ocean City have in common?
A.They provide free parkingB.They have snacks to offer
C.They are suitable for cyclingD.They have ancient tourist spots
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。本文主要讲述微生物促进水芹根部营养物质的吸收引发茶方面专家的关注,促 使其进一步研究茶树是否能依靠根系微生物促进氮的吸收来合成茶氨酸,从而产生它们 独特的风味。

5 . Scientists are increasingly aware that the microbes(微生物)living around a plant’s roots can significantly affect its growth. Previous studies on cress( 水 芹 )have shown that the presence of the right microbes can enhance the absorption of critical nutrients like iron, phosphorus and nitrogen.

The possibility of enhanced nitrogen absorption was particularly appealing to tea experts in Fujian, China because tea plants rely upon nitrogen—rich ammonium(氨盐基)in the soil around their roots to produce theanine(茶氨酸)that generates their distinctive flavours. To learn more about how specifically root microbes will affect tea quality, they studied 17 different tea varieties at different times of year and they found that theanine production varied widely, even among similar teas. Some highly valued oolong teas such as Rougui, produced a lot of the compound, whereas others, such as Maoxie, produced less.

After growing these two tea plants under identical conditions, the researchers collected soil samples and used genetic analysis to identify which microbes were present around the roots. The microbiomes of the two were very different. Crucially, Rougui had more microbes associated with the absorption of nitrogen than did Maoxie. Consequently, Rougui also showed a greater ability to absorb nitrogen from ammonium in the soil.

This led to a natural question. If the microbial community found around Rougui were transplanted to other tea plants, might this increase their theanine production and, in turn, improve their flavour?To explore this, the researchers created a community of microbes that resembled the community found around autumnal Rougui roots and applied them to the roots of Maoxie plants. They reported that this not only enhanced root growth in Maoxie young plants by giving them a nitrogen boost, but also nearly tripled the theanine accumulation in the leaves.

“Based on our current experimental findings, microbial communities have not only improved the absorption of ammonium nitrogen in different tea varieties but also enhanced the uptake of ammonium nitrogen. ”study co—author Tongda Xu said in a statement. “This suggests the ammonium nitrogen uptake—promoting function of microbial communities may

be applied to various plants, including other crops. ”
1. What did the tea experts in Fujian intend to do?
A.To show limitations of previous studies.
B.To check changes of tea production.
C.To detail research findings on tea leaves.
D.To gain a deep insight into microbes.
2. What conclusion can be drawn from the expert’s experiments?
A.Rougui was more highly thought of than Maoxie.
B.Similar teas produced the same amount of theanine.
C.An increase in microbes could change the flavour of Maoxie.
D.Maoxie had a greater ability to absorb nitrogen than Rougui.
3. What may the follow—up study focus on according to Xu?
A.The production of theanine.
B.The diversity of tea flavour.
C.The transplant of microbial communities.
D.The function of microbes in other crops.
4. Which can be the best title of the text?
A.Microbes Improving Tea
B.Tea Plants Boosting Microbes
C.The Influence of Microbes on Agriculture
D.The Relationship between Tea and Microbes
2024-07-19更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My students were often trapped by inner demons(恶魔) . Jake, aged 20, was one example of them. One day, the adult came to me. “I’m stupid, ”he whispered. “I’ve been in special education classes all my life. I’m not capable of getting a GED(General Educational Development). ”

“Who told you that?”I asked. “Everybody, my teachers, my parents, everybody. ”He sadly answered. “Well, Jake, I’m not telling you that. I think you may be dyslexic(诵读困难 的). ”I had been watching him struggle with reading. “But that has nothing to do with stupid. ”

I showed Jake how to use a ruler, or his finger, under the words to read—a method many teachers frowned upon. This would help him focus. It kept his eyes in the right place. He looked at me with down —turned lips, still not convinced. “Take frequent breaks, ”I suggested. “Remind yourself to focus. Practice by saying’focus, focus, focus, ‘mentally, whenever you realize you’re losing your train of thought. ”I also showed him how to scroll the page, using a sheet of paper with a cut in it, to reveal only one line of writing at a time. “Jake, I know you like music. Try writing a multiplication(乘法)rap. It will help you remember the tables. ”I later heard that such a rap already existed and was available on a CD.

Jake’s head was down. He looked up and spoke indefinitely saying, “Figured out that if I suck on hard candy when I study, I can concentrate much better. ”He knew that candy was not allowed. Wow, this kid had discovered his own cure. “You know, Jake, one of the classroom rules is no eating in class, but I’m going to revise that rule. From now on hard candy will be allowed, and I recommend that you bring some to help you study. It will be especially useful when you’re taking a test. ”

The next day Jake came to class wearing a big smile.
Jake finally passed his GED test successfully.
2024-07-19更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . As tech has given us greater access to an increasingly complex world, we are viewing much of it through smaller windows. People scroll quickly through headlines more frequently throughout the day on mobile devices. However, research has shown that time spent attending to news is shorter on smartphones than on other platforms.

Ironically, more exposure to news items may be associated with less impact of news content. Can photos and videos on tiny screens fully protray(描述)the beauty of natural landscapes, the challenges of death-defying recues, or the reality of people’s lives destroyed by war or natural disasters?The truth is that the impact of viewing complex realities in news reports on small screens has not yet been fully explored. It is clear, however, that there are important limitations on what is portrayed in miniature(缩影)— context, relative scale, and fine details. Photos of famous paintings are not perfect substitutes for the original masterpieces. So, what might we be missing as we experience newsworthy events on smaller screens?

Many viewers quickly scroll through headlines without taking the time to explore a story in depth, much less reflect upon its validity, relevance, or significance. When video news is viewed on tiny screens, it can contribute to a feeling that time is passing by more rapidly. Research found small images can distance viewers psychologically from the content reported and result in less emotional engagement. Also, viewers respond with lower levels of attention when emotional content is presented on smaller screens.

Our lives have changed substantially since the pandemic. Social interactions have become limited by less frequent face—to—face encounters and more exchanges in virtual spaces. The combination of lifestyle changes and tiny —screen news suggests the possibility of a transformation to a more solipsistic society with greater focus on our own needs and less attention to others’ lives. Although greater self—orientation brings many benefits, social engagement is essential to maximizing the quality of our own lives. We not only need to interact with others but to belong, relate, and live beyond our self to enjoy meaningful lives.

1. What can we infer from paragraph 2?
A.Greater access to news has a lot to do with news content.
B.views limit the capture of fine details in news report.
C.Videos on tiny screens can adequately portray the beauty of nature.
D.Photos of a painting can completely replace the original masterpiece.
2. What can news—viewing on small screens lead to?
A.Higher level of attention.B.More emotional involvement.
C.Greater psychological distancing.D.More exchanges in virtual spaces.
3. What does the author suggest according to the text?
A.Participating in social activities.B.Keeping away from virtual spaces.
C.Paying little attention to others’ lives.D.Centering greatly on one’s own needs.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To call for action to turn down small screen views.
B.To introduce a phenomenon of small screen views.
C.To clarify the negative effect of small screen views.
D.To present life changes caused by small screen views.
2024-07-19更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题

8 . One Sunday, we arrived home from a wedding, to find our neighbors _______ among a pile of buckets, bottles, and anything they could fill water in. Upon _______, they said they had been _______ the water truck in the baking heat for hours.

In some parts of South Africa, homes have not had water in their taps for weeks and months on end. _________, my dad’s foresight blessed our home with a _______ borehole (钻井) that provides us with fresh water every day.

In the spirit of humanity (博爱) , we _______ them to collect their water from our borehole. There was much laughter and _______, along with some happy singing as bucket after bucket was filled. It was a feel-good _______ for me to watch the young help the elderly _______ their water home before returning for their own buckets.

By the time the water truck finally ________, we must have provided water to around 50一 plus very grateful people. We also ________ a time for them to come the following day if there was still no water available. With the current heatwave and less rainfall than usual, there is no way of knowing how long the borehole will ________ to provide water for all of us. But as long as it is working, we practice the humanity.

“It is not safe to let strangers onto your ________,” some say. But humanity pushes us to take the risk because burdens are __________ when shared. A simple act of sharing water has instilled (灌输) humanity in me and ________in the community that we can overcome the difficulties we face together.

A.standing forB.waiting forC.looking forD.leaving for
2024-07-19更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . When making decisions, most people view cost as an important consideration. While price is undoubtedly important, what about some hidden costs that also come into play? For example, what are the long—term effects of your decision? Have you considered how your decision impacts your relationships? Simply put, hidden costs may be invisible to the naked eye, but they're very visible (可见的) to your wallet. Ignoring these factors can cost you a lot.

Consider a scene where a manager cuts costs by asking some workers to leave. While this move reduces salary expenses, how will it impact the morale (士气) and loyalty of the remaining employees? Similarly, imagine somebody spending hours surfing the web, lost in searching for cheaper things. The question is whether the savings equal the spent time. If cost is your only consideration, you'll pay the price. Price Isn't the Only Cost!

Furthermore, even if cost is the only factor in your decision—making, all of the “true costs” should be considered. For example, if you're thinking about buying new technology the equipment cost is only part of the price. People will need training, the software may need customization, and you'll probably lose productivity until people get up to speed. Those are real costs too.

In addition, even when price is the main consideration, it's important to tell the difference between price and value. For example, when you're investing in a high—quality product from a famous organization, compare maintenance (保养) and repair costs with its competitors, assess the product life span, and hear what existing customers have to say. As the old saying goes, “You get what you pay for.”

Always keep in mind that every time you say “yes” to one thing, you're certainly saying “no” to another. So, in decision—making, always consider invisible costs. This ensures you're aiming for the best solution rather than a good one. After all, choices are easy. The tough part is living with them.

1. What does the underlined phrase “come into play” in paragraph I mean?
A.Come into sight.B.Play a part.C.Come into use.D.Play around.
2. What may be the hidden cost of firing workers?
A.Reducing salary expenses.B.Cutting costs of the company.
C.Doing wonders for the workers' morale.D.Discouraging the remaining workers.
3. How is the passage mainly developed?
A.By giving examples.B.By listing figures.
C.By using space order.D.By explaining concepts.
4. What can we learn from this passage?
A.You get what you pay for.B.Price is the main consideration.
C.Considering the best solution is easy.D.Be thoughtful when making decisions.
2024-07-18更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Art isn't always an easy and straightforward thing to understand, and it can be hard to appreciate because it has been seen as something that only particularly educated or wealthy people can enjoy.     1    . Anyone can come to appreciate art with a little bit of time and effort.

Understand the art and then go a step deeper to understand the artists, their intentions and the historical backgrounds. Artists often create works to comment on major historical events.     2    . For example, Pablo Picasso's Guernica (1937) was created in response to the bombings during the Spanish Civil War. It's filled with anti—war symbolism. Picasso said of the artwork, “Painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war against cruelty and darkness.”

    3    . Art movements grow from popularity of certain ways of creating art. An art school is basically a group of artists, sometimes all in the same region, who all have a similar style or subject matter. Knowing a little bit about these can help you understand why an artist might have made certain choices. For example, painters in the Egyptian school of art had certain rules that they had to follow—like the size of any figure they drew was supposed to vary based on the social status of the person they were painting.     4    . Each one symbolized a different aspect of life or death.

Check out the life experiences of the artists. Learning a bit about the artists who created a piece can help understand it in a variety of ways. It can help you understand why they made certain artistic decisions.     5     . She had limited mobility after fighting against a serious disease and suffering a bus accident in her early life. Her pain and struggle appears in several of her pieces.

A.But our tips will give you a new way
B.Art movements sometimes inspired artists
C.They also couldn't use more than six colors
D.However, this couldn't be further from the truth
E.This can give you a window into their unique opinion
F.For example, Mexican painter Frida Kahlo had suffered a lot
G.Learn about the art movements or schools that influenced the piece
2024-07-18更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省驻马店市2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末英语试题
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