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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了在明尼苏达州举行的一次越野赛中,Melanie Bailey背着另一个参赛者Danielle Lenoue过终点线并接受医疗检查的善行义举。

1 . On Oct. 11, hundreds of runners competed in a cross-country race in Minnesota. Melanie Bailey should have _________ the course earlier than she did. Her _________ came because she was carrying a _________ across the finish line.

As reported by a local newspaper, Bailey was more than two-thirds of the way through her _________ when a runner in front of her began crying in pain. She _________ to help her fellow runner, Danielle Lenoue. Bailey took her arm to see if she could walk forward with _________. She couldn’t. Bailey then _________ to let Lenoue climb onto her back and carried her all the way to the finish line, then another 300 feet to where Lenoue could get _________ attention.

Once there, Lenoue was _________ and later taken to a hospital, where she learned that she had serious injuries in one of her knees. She would have struggled with extreme __________ to make it to that aid checkpoint without Bailey’s help.

As for Bailey, she is more __________ about why her act is considered a big __________. “She was just crying. I couldn’t __________ her,” Bailey told the reporter. “I feel like I was just doing the right thing.”

Although the two young women were strangers before the __________, they’ve since become friends. Neither won the race, but the __________ of human kindness won the day.

A.went awayB.stood upC.stepped asideD.bent down
2023-06-11更新 | 16104次组卷 | 41卷引用:河北省部分地区2023-2024学年高三上学期开学考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了John Todd从小就很爱思考且好学,他建造了一个生态机器,利用自然可以自我修复的原理来净化污水。

2 . When John Todd was a child, he loved to explore the woods around his house, observing how nature solved problems. A dirty stream, for example, often became clear after flowing through plants and along rocks where tiny creatures lived. When he got older, John started to wonder if this process could be used to clean up the messes people were making.

After studying agriculture, medicine, and fisheries in college, John went back to observing nature and asking questions. Why can certain plants trap harmful bacteria (细菌)? Which kinds of fish can eat cancer-causing chemicals? With the right combination of animals and plants, he figured, maybe he could clean up waste the way nature did. He decided to build what he would later call an eco-machine.

The task John set for himself was to remove harmful substances from some sludge (污泥). First, he constructed a series of clear fiberglass tanks connected to each other. Then he went around to local ponds and streams and brought back some plants and animals. He placed them in the tanks and waited. Little by little, these different kinds of life got used to one another and formed their own ecosystem. After a few weeks, John added the sludge.

He was amazed at the results. The plants and animals in the eco-machine took the sludge as food and began to eat it! Within weeks, it had all been digested, and all that was left was pure water.

Over the years, John has taken on many big jobs. He developed a greenhouse — like facility that treated sewage (污水) from 1,600 homes in South Burlington. He also designed an eco-machine to clean canal water in Fuzhou, a city in southeast China.

“Ecological design” is the name John gives to what he does. “Life on Earth is kind of a box of spare parts for the inventor,” he says. “You put organisms in new relationships and observe what’s happening. Then you let these new systems develop their own ways to self-repair.”

1. What can we learn about John from the first two paragraphs?
A.He was fond of traveling.B.He enjoyed being alone.
C.He had an inquiring mind.D.He longed to be a doctor.
2. Why did John put the sludge into the tanks?
A.To feed the animals.B.To build an ecosystem.
C.To protect the plants.D.To test the eco-machine.
3. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning Fuzhou?
A.To review John’s research plans.B.To show an application of John’s idea.
C.To compare John’s different jobs.D.To erase doubts about John’s invention.
4. What is the basis for John’s work?
A.Nature can repair itself.B.Organisms need water to survive.
C.Life on Earth is diverse.D.Most tiny creatures live in groups.
2023-06-11更新 | 15347次组卷 | 40卷引用:河北省盐山中学2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was the day of the big cross-country run. Students from seven different primary schools in and around the small town were warming up and walking the route(路线)through thick evergreen forest.

I looked around and finally spotted David, who was standing by himself off to the side by a fence. He was small for ten years old. His usual big toothy smile was absent today. I walked over and asked him why he wasn’t with the other children. He hesitated and then said he had decided not to run.

What was wrong? He had worked so hard for this event!

I quickly searched the crowd for the school’s coach and asked him what had happened. “I was afraid that kids from other schools would laugh at him,” he explained uncomfortably. “I gave him the choice to run or not, and let him decide.”

I bit back my frustration(懊恼). I knew the coach meant well—he thought he was doing the right thing. After making sure that David could run if he wanted, I turned to find him coming towards me, his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet forward.

David had a brain disease which prevented him from walking or running like other children, but at school his classmates thought of him as a regular kid. He always participated to the best of his ability in whatever they were doing. That was why none of the children thought it unusual that David had decided to join the cross-country team. It just took him longer—that’s all. David had not missed a single practice, and although he always finished his run long after the other children, he did always finish. As a special education teacher at the school, I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was proud of his strong determination.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.
We sat down next to each other, but David wouldn’t look at me.
I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.
2022-06-08更新 | 21942次组卷 | 65卷引用:河北省唐山市滦州市第六中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
书信写作-邀请信 | 适中(0.65) |
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4 . 假定你是校广播站英语节目“Talk and Talk”的负责人李华,请给外教Caroline写邮件邀请她做一次访谈。内容包括:
1. 节目介绍;
2. 访谈的时间和话题。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Caroline,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

2022-06-08更新 | 19490次组卷 | 33卷引用:河北省唐山市滦州市第六中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Beijing is a city bridging the ancient and the modern. From Buddhist temples to museums, narrow hutong     1     royal palaces, it is home to more than 3,000 years of glorious history even down to its layout, with the city keeping its carefully     2     (build) system of ring roads.

But for all its ancient buildings, Beijing is also a place     3     welcomes the fast-paced development of modern life, with 21st-century architectural     4     (wonder) standing side by side with historical buildings of the past.

It is a distinct visual contrast (反差) that shouldn’t work,     5     somehow these two very different worlds make a good combination.     6     (visit) several times over the last 10 years, I     7     (amaze) by the co-existence of old and new, and how a city was able to keep such a rich heritage (遗产) while constantly growing. As a photographer, I have spent the last two years     8       (record) everything I discovered.

The     9     (remark) development of this city, which is consciously designed to protect the past while stepping into the modern world,     10     (mean) there is always something new to discover here, and I could be photographing Beijing for the next 50 years.

2023-06-11更新 | 9077次组卷 | 21卷引用:河北省石家庄精英中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The Chinese government recently finalized a plan to set up a Giant Panda National Park(GPNP).     1     (cover)an area about three times     2     size of Yellowstone National Park, the GPNP will be one of the first national parks in the country. The plan will extend protection to a significant number of areas that     3     (be)previously unprotected, bringing many of the existing protected areas for giant pandas under one authority     4     (increase)effectiveness and reduce inconsistencies in management.

After a three-year pilot period, the GPNP will be officially set up next year. The GPNP     5     (design)to reflect the guiding principle of “protecting the authenticity and integrity(完整性)of natural ecosystems, preserving biological diversity, protecting ecological buffer zones,     6     leaving behind precious natural assets(资产)for future generations”. The GPNP’s main goal is to improve connectivity between separate     7     (population)and homes of giant pandas, and     8     (eventual)achieve a desired level of population in the wild.

Giant pandas also serve     9     an umbrella species(物种), bringing protection to a host of plants and animals in the southwestern and northwestern parts of China. The GPNP is intended to provide stronger protection for all the species     10     live within the Giant Panda Range and significantly improve the health of the ecosystem in the area.

2022-06-08更新 | 17601次组卷 | 48卷引用:河北省唐山市滦州市第六中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
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7 . My husband, our children and I have had wonderful camping experiences over the past ten years.

Some of our _______ are funny, especially from the early years when our children were little. Once, we _______ along Chalk Creek. I was _______ that our 15-month-old boy would fall into the creek (小溪). I tied a rope around his waist to keep him near to our spot. That lasted about ten minutes. He was _______, and his crying let the whole campground know it. So _______ tying him up, I just kept a close eye on him. It _______ — he didn’t end up in the creek. My three-year-old, however, did.

Another time, we rented a boat in Vallecito Lake. The sky was clear when we _______, but storms move in fast in the mountains, and this one quickly _______ our peaceful morning trip. The _______ picked up and thunder rolled. My husband stopped fishing to ____________ the motor. Nothing. He tried again. No ____________. We were stuck in the middle of the lake with a dead motor. As we all sat there ____________, a fisherman pulled up, threw us a rope and towed (拖) us back. We were ____________.

Now, every year when my husband pulls our camper out of the garage, we are filled with a sense of ____________, wondering what camping fun and ____________ we will experience next.

A.due toB.instead ofC.apart fromD.as for
A.signed upB.calmed downC.checked outD.headed off
2022-06-08更新 | 16959次组卷 | 59卷引用:河北省石家庄市2023-2024学年石家庄市第二中学南校区高一上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |
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8 . According to the Solar Energy Industry Association, the number of solar panels installed(安装)has grown rapidly in the past decade, and it has to grow even faster to meet climate goals. But all of that growth will take up a lot of space, and though more and more people accept the concept of solar energy, few like large solar panels to be installed near them.

Solar developers want to put up panels as quickly and cheaply as possible, so they haven’t given much thought to what they put under them. Often, they’ll end up filling the area with small stones and using chemicals to control weeds. The result is that many communities, especially in farming regions, see solar farms as destroyers of the soil.

“Solar projects need to be good neighbors,” says Jordan Macknick, the head of the Innovative Site Preparation and Impact Reductions on the Environment(InSPIRE)project. “They need to be protectors of the land and contribute to the agricultural economy.” InSPIRE is investigating practical approaches to “low-impact” solar development, which focuses on establishing and operating solar farms in a way that is kinder to the land. One of the easiest low-impact solar strategies is providing habitat for pollinators(传粉昆虫).

Habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change have caused dramatic declines in pollinator populations over the past couple of decades, which has damaged the U.S. agricultural economy. Over 28 states have passed laws related to pollinator habitat protection and pesticide use. Conservation organizations put out pollinator-friendliness guidelines for home gardens, businesses, schools, cities—and now there are guidelines for solar farms.

Over the past few years, many solar farm developers have transformed the space under their solar panels into a shelter for various kinds of pollinators, resulting in soil improvement and carbon reduction. “These pollinator-friendly solar farms can have a valuable impact on everything that’s going on in the landscape,” says Macknick.

1. What do solar developers often ignore?
A.The decline in the demand for solar energy.
B.The negative impact of installing solar panels.
C.The rising labor cost of building solar farms.
D.The most recent advances in solar technology.
2. What does InSPIRE aim to do?
A.Improve the productivity of local farms.
B.Invent new methods for controlling weeds.
C.Make solar projects environmentally friendly.
D.Promote the use of solar energy in rural areas.
3. What is the purpose of the laws mentioned in paragraph 4?
A.To conserve pollinators.B.To restrict solar development.
C.To diversify the economy.D.To ensure the supply of energy.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Pollinators: To Leave or to StayB.Solar Energy: Hope for the Future
C.InSPIRE: A Leader in AgricultureD.Solar Farms: A New Development
2023-01-11更新 | 8118次组卷 | 44卷引用:河北省秦皇岛市青龙满族自治县青龙2023-2024学年高二上学期11月期中英语试题
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9 . The sun was beginning to sink as I set off into the Harenna Forest. I was on my way to _________ a unique honey harvest. Here, in south-east Ethiopia, hand-carved beehives(蜂箱)are placed in the _________. Reaching them to get the honey is difficult—and often _________ .

I _________ beekeeper Ziyad over a wide stretch of grassland before entering a thick jungle. Ziyad began preparations. He _________ handfuls of damp tree leaves, wrapped them with string, and _________ the bunch to create a torch(火把). Then, with one end of a rope tied to his waist and the other end around the trunk of a tree, Ziyad began _________ . He stopped every few minutes to move the _________ higher up the tree trunk.

_________ , Ziyad got close to the hive which was around 20 metres above the ground. Sitting on a branch, he __________ towards it and blew smoke from his torch into a tiny hole in the hive. Suddenly, Ziyad let out a sharp cry. Within seconds, he’d __________ the trunk and was back on the ground.

It was too __________ to collect the honey. A cool summer had delayed __________ . Baby bees were still in the honeycombs(蜂巢). The adult bees were __________ and kept attacking as Ziyad escaped from the tree. He had to wait for the right __________ to go back up.

A.cut offB.gone upC.slid downD.held onto
2023-01-11更新 | 7656次组卷 | 25卷引用:河北省石家庄市第一中学2022-2023学年高二年级第二学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |
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10 . Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled “Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout Partner.” One reason was: “You’ll actually show up if you know someone is waiting for you at the gym, ” while another read: “    1       With a workout partner, you will increase your training effort as there is a subtle (微妙) competition.

So, how do you find a workout partner?

First of all, decide what you want from that person.     2     Or do you just want to be physically fit, able to move with strength and flexibility? Think about the exercises you would like to do with your workout partner.

You might think about posting what you are looking for on social media, but it probably won’t result in a useful response.     3     If you plan on working out in a gym, that person must belong to the same gym.

My partner posted her request on the notice board of a local park. Her notice included what kind of training she wanted to do, how many days a week and how many hours she wanted to spend on each session, and her age. It also listed her favorite sports and activities, and provided her phone number.     4    

You and your partner will probably have different skills.     5     Over time, both of you will benefit—your partner will be able to lift more weights and you will become more physically fit. The core (核心) of your relationship is that you will always be there to help each other.

A.Your first meeting may be a little awkward.
B.A workout partner usually needs to live close by.
C.You’ll work harder if you train with someone else.
D.Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport?
E.How can you write a good “seeking training partner” notice?
F.Just accept your differences and learn to work with each other.
G.Any notice for a training partner should include such information.
2022-06-08更新 | 15841次组卷 | 53卷引用:河北省唐山市滦州市第六中学2022-2023学年高三上学期期中考试英语试题
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