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1 . Most young people are always on their phones, which may upset many people. ___________, a group called Girl Scouts are receiving _________ for setting up their first walk-in clinic for elderly people, who have difficulty understanding how to ___________ the secrets of their smart phones.

Each teen spent at least an hour of one-on-one time with their oldsters. Based on their _________ knowledge, each Girl Scout was assigned to ___________ different aspects of Android and Apple phones.

Some of the oldsters actually wanted to take part in e-commerce (电子商务), and needed help to _________ a payment account on their smart phones while others simply had _________ when learning how to send messages to their family members. "I was teaching this older woman how to _________, and the first thing she did was to send a message to her daughter,” one of the Scouts said. “How ___________ it was! It just made me feel really, really happy.”

In addition to arranging group lessons for all of the seniors to ____________ together at the end of the clinic, the youngsters even printed out brochures and guides for the seniors to take home in case ____________ seniors would encounter problems with their smart phones in the future.

The eighth graders earned their “Silver Award, for their job”. After experiencing the ____________ of their project, the girls hope to organize more ____________ in the near future. “Those girls were just great,” said Nancy, a great-grandmother who once ____________ the clinic. “They were ready for us and had a very mature attitude towards answering our questions, and they ______________ the praise.

A.get backB.set upC.check outD.pay off
2022-02-27更新 | 1763次组卷 | 20卷引用:广东省深圳市普通高中2021-2022学年高三第一次调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约160词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . When you learn a new subject, you may always consider how much time you need to truly understand it all. Here we give you some advice about how to study, so you'll be able to take on more information with shorter study sessions (时段).

·Study in small sessions. Our ability to store the information we take reduces (降低) after around 30 minutes, so you'd better cut your studying sessions into smaller parts.     1    

·Find a study area. Don't study in a place where you sleep!Don't study in your bed, where you play games, or in front of the TV. Why?     2     You need to program your mind to study in a place where you always study and nowhere else.

·Take good notes.     3     And review them after class to increase your understanding.

·    4     To be a good student, you should be a good teacher. You cannot teach something you do not know.

·Read your textbook effectively (有效地). Always use the SQ3R method. You need to survey, question, read, recite (背诵), review to actively remember the information.     5    

A.Train your mind.
B.Just reading it is not enough.
C.Be ready to teach what you've learned.
D.It's a good idea to study in a familiar place.
E.You can do some fun activities during your breaks.
F.Find a note­taking method that works best for you.
G.Doing so will only mix up your mind as to what to do.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . “It has nothing in common with anything else on the Bund(外滩) "said Ben Wood, the American architect behind Shanghai's famous Xintiandi District, commenting on the Fosun Foundationafter its completion in 2016. "The great thing about the Bund is that it'sgrand. Perhaps a building that can stand out is needed here to show that acompany is progressive. But it's not grand.”

For now, however, the FosunFoundation ---a new theatre ---is proving popular with riverside tourists.

Located in the Bund FinanceCenter, the theatre was designed by co-operation of two world-known Britishdesign firms: Foster+ Partners and Heatherwick Studio. The architecturalhighlight is the outward appearance ---a golden, three-layered(层) steel bamboo curtain that hangs fromthe third floor. But what makes the architecture really unique is that it"dances" : repeatedly each day, the curtain slowly moves ---opens andcloses--- with music. This visual element, combining East and West, looks likeboth an ancient Chinese crown and a Western harp (竖琴). The building's ground floor entrancelooks unclear, but once inside, you'll see the space reveal a hall and cafe, and traditional Chinese theatres on the upper floors. Although there're onlyfour stories above ground, the building houses several music halls on its threeunderground floors.

“The opportunity to makesomething new in this culturally historic location was extraordinary, "said Thomas Heatherwick, Heatherwick Studio founder. "We tried to make itan interesting addition to show Shanghais mix of modern and historicarchitecture.”

The Fosun Foundation is only part of a bigger plan for this economicand cultural center in China. Along the Huangpu River, a massive waterfront artarea is being built. Shanghai hopes to play a larger role in the global artindustry in the coming years.

What Shanghai makes of thisnew riverside project remains to be seen. But with the Fosun Foundation open tothe public, the area's rapid transformation is bringing up discussions inChina's arts scene and beyond.

1. What did Ben Wood mainly talk about?
A.How to keep the Bund area progressive.
B.Why the Bund area doesn't stand out.
C.How to make the Fosun Foundation grand.
D.Why the Fosun Foundation doesn’t fit the area.
2. What makes the theatre unusual?
A.The colour of its appearance.
B.The material of the building
C.The movement of its curtain.
D.The music of a different type.
3. What is Shanghai's bigger plan for the Bund area?
A.To improve its influence in arts.
B.To bring up more traditional buildings.
C.To strengthen its economic role.
D.To mix modern and historic elements.
4. Which word best describes the author's attitude to the plan?

4 . "Smile!" I shouted, holding a yellow sign up on a busy street in Seattle. We were three thousand miles away from home on a Random Acts of Kindness and Volunteerism Road Trip. We had two aims. One was to try out our new "Smile!" signs and see how much kindness and joy we could spread in Pike Place Market. The other was to raise $80 by doing street performances, enough for gas to Portland and a small hotel room.

We weren't sure how people would react (回应) to our signs. I nervously raised up our signs and shouted, "Hi, there!" to a young couple. They looked over and felt confused. Then they read our signs and broke into a smile. Before long, some tourists wanted to take a photo with us and some strangers stopped to ask us about our signs.

In fact, we paid so close attention to our "Smile!" project that we forgot the other aim. Before we knew it, the sun was setting, and we had no money for our trip to Portland. We sat down to watch a blind musician play the guitar while thinking about what to do. He was packing up when a passing crowd kicked down his change bowl. He stumbled (绊倒) into the crowd. We rushed to help him, but another man moved more quickly to help him.

Once the musician had his money safely returned, we ran over to meet the strange helper and said, "We just wanted to praise you for your good deed." He smiled, looking at our signs. "Your trip reminds me of something similar I once did when I was young," he said. "Look! I'd like to donate (捐赠)." We told him, "No, thanks! We are fine. We've collected plenty of money." We lied. "Please let me donate. It will make me feel like I'm a part of this adventure," he insisted. And then the stranger opened his wallet and pulled out four $20 bills. The money was exactly what we had intended to raise that day. We were astonished. It seemed as if he had known somehow.

1. What's the main purpose of the road trip?
A.To spread kindness and joy.
B.To invite more people to join in the trip.
C.To raise money for a trip to Portland.
D.To encourage people to take happy photos.
2. How did people react to the "Smile!" signs later?
3. According to the last paragraph, why did the strange helper want to donate money?
A.Because he felt pity for the author.
B.Because he wanted to join in the project.
C.Because he hoped to help the homeless.
D.Because he felt sorry for his impoliteness.
4. What does the underlined word "astonished" in the last paragraph most probably mean?
书信写作-其他应用文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 你校三个月前发起了“我有一个好习惯”的活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:
1. 活动简介;
2. 你的好习惯;
3. 你的体会。
1. 写作词数为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I Have A Good Habit

书信写作-感谢信 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 假定你是李华,你的外国笔友Jeff得知你参加了你校学生会主办的“我最敬佩的科学家”故事分享会,写信询问有关情况。请你回复邮件,内容包括:
1. 感谢关注:
2. 你的分享;
3. 你的感想。
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Jeff,


Li Hua

2020-06-29更新 | 168次组卷 | 4卷引用:2020届广东省深圳市高三二模考试英语试题
完形填空(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . It’s no news that there are places in this world where children are lacking basic life necessities. Even though there are organizations_________to give children happiness in the world, they can’t be everywhere. This brings a(n)_________: who will stand in the gap and give these children a_________life on earth?

Rajesh Kumar Sharma, a 43-year-old_________decided to open a free school in New Delhi, India for_________children. The idea struck him when he visited the Delhi metro station and_________that many children were playing there_________attending school. When he questioned their_________working at the site, they replied that there were no schools nearby and no one_________.All they wanted for their children was to get a job to____________the family income.____________that he had to quit college due to____________limits, Rajesh did not want the same fate (命运) to happen to these children. So he created a____________school beneath the tracks of the station for them.

Five days a week, with a torn mat to sit on and part of a____________painted as a blackboard, Rajesh spares two hours to____________while his grocery store is attended to by his brother. His students are____________child laborers and farm workers who hardly had the____________to decide their own fate.

Since the school started, it is been____________by anonymous (匿名的) donors who provide clothing, books and stationery (文具) for the children. Rajesh has been able to influence his community as more parents are ____________their children to study. He shows us that nothing is impossible if you put your ____________into it.

A.other thanB.regardless ofC.rather thanD.apart from
A.add toB.lead toC.bring upD.take up
2020-06-29更新 | 144次组卷 | 2卷引用:2020届广东省深圳市高三二模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . The kakapo, a bird that lives in New Zealand, is not designed for survival. Weighing up to 4 kilograms, it is the world's fattest parrot. It mates (交配) only when the rimu tree is in fruit, which happens every few years. It developed gradually in the absence of land-based natural enemies, so instead of flying above the trees it walks like a duck across the dry forest floor. When it moves unsteadily across something that might kill it, it will stand still.

Such unusual characteristics turned it into fast food for human settlers, and for the cats and rats they brought with them. It seemed to have disappeared by the 1970s, until scientists came across two undiscovered populations in the country's south. These survivors were eventually moved to small enemy-free islands, where researchers have spent decades trying to get them to breed (繁殖).

The scientists' patience is finally rewarded. The rimu was in fruit this year, and more than 80 chicks hatched, making this the best breeding season on record. Many have survived into adolescence, increasing the number of adult kakapos by a third, to 200 birds.

Another danger to the kakapo is a lack of genetic diversity. This is one reason why fewer than half of kakapo eggs hatch. By arranging the genome (基因组) of every living bird, scientists can identify closely-related individuals and put them on different islands. Every bird is fitted with something to track its slightest movement. If a female mates with an "unsuitable” male, the process can be stopped.

All these efforts cost almost New Zealand $1.3 million this breeding season. Yet the kakapo's future still looks unsafe. Earlier this year a severe disease tore through the population. And tiny as the number of kakapos is, space is running out on the two islands where most of them live. New enemy-free settlement must soon be found.

1. Which of the following is a danger for the survival of the kakapo?
A.It is the smallest bird in the world.B.It lacks exercise and usually stands still.
C.It adapts slowly in genetic development.D.It can't respond actively when facing danger.
2. In what way may the scientists' patience be rewarded?
A.They hatched 80 kakapos' eggs this year.
B.They tried to make the rimu tree in fruit this year.
C.Two survivors were moved to enemy-free islands.
D.50 chicks hatched have survived into adults this year.
3. Why did the scientists put kakapo in different islands?
A.To stop closely-related kakapos mating.B.To increase the population of kakapo.
C.To stop females mating with males.D.To hatch more kakapos' eggs.
4. According to the author, the efforts to protect the kakapo in New Zealand are _______.
2020-02-22更新 | 281次组卷 | 6卷引用:2020届广东省深圳市高三第二次教学质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . New York’s best classes for kids include sports classes, performing arts classes, art classes, language programs and baby classes. Make sure your kids are ready for new adventures with these super-cool offerings!

92nd Street Y Classes

At this institution your musician can learn how to play an instrument. After-school classes examine different musical pieces and encourage work in a group setting. At the end of the program, mini Mozarts can impress their family and friends at open-house performances. Plus, when they're not jamming, kids can take advantage of homework help in the Clubhouse, where they are divided up by grade level. Ages 5-15.

The Cliffs at LIC

After a day of fighting the academic obstacle course at school, your favorite achievers can reach new heights on a rock-climbing wall. The Cliffs, offerings allow developing bodies to build muscle strength. For example, introductory sessions teach climbers how to tie safety knots (结) as well as other basics, mastering them with hands-on games and activities. The Cliffs at LIC, Long Island City. Ages 6-18.

Staten Island Skating Pavilion

This large area maintains its year-round frosty temperatures for ice-skating fun. Courses are offered every day for a variety of interests and skill levels, and public and freestyle sessions are available for children who want to spend some afternoons there without instruction. Ages 4 and up.

West Side YMCA

If your child wants to learn how to swim, you'd be pressed to find more options than those offered at the Y. Kids are grouped by age and capability. The courses cover personal safety and stroke techniques. If your offspring prefer dry land, the Y also offers dance, basketball and football. Visit website for class descriptions and detailed price information. Ages 5-18.

1. Who is the passage intended for?
A.Elementary school teachers.B.Children around school age.
C.Families looking for attraction.D.Parents with under-age children.
2. Which event will you attend for occasional academic help?
A.The Cliffs at LIC.B.West Side YMCA.
C.92nd Street Y Classes.D.Staten Island Skating Pavilion.
3. What does Staten Island Skating Pavilion provide?
A.A mini open-house performance at the end of the program.
B.Cold temperatures all the year round for ice-skating.
C.Teaching of skating in divided groups according to their age.
D.Introductory lessons on how to overcome the learning obstacles.
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

For years, I had suffered from depression. I never seemed to be happy with my life, especially when I __ it to someone else's. I frequently felt I was not living up to either my own _____ or the worlds expectations.

Then, the week before Thanksgiving, every chair in the church has a paper bag underneath. All were expected to pick up one ____ and take them to a grocery store and fill them with some basic food items to be _____ to local chanty. Then, at the evening, a team of volunteers placed all the _____ bags, of food at the front of the church.

Included in the event was a sheet with ______, asking us to think of 100 things we were thankful for. This was a (n)_______to help us focus on gratitude. ______ I heard some kids next to me ______ each other to see who could fill in all 100 the fastest. My _____ nature pushed me to fill in blanks with any _____ in my life that I was thankful for. To my own ________, I filled in the list in four minutes. Then I joined the others ______ the bags according to their categories before they were donated to the ______.

One day not long afterward , I found myself sinking into my ______ depression when I remembered the ____. I took it out and read through it and ______ that not only did I have a lot to be thankful for but that the things I had written on that list ______ my talents , hobbies, faith , and people who had greatly _______ me.

_____to have an attitude of gratitude has made me more than happy and filled me with joy.

A.ruled outB.dropped outC.brought outD.worked out
2020-02-18更新 | 393次组卷 | 3卷引用:2020届广东省深圳市高三第二次教学质量检测英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般