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1 . Benefits of Exploring New Places

Discovering unfamiliar places can often be frightening, but it’s also an adventure that offers many benefits. Whether you go abroad or plan a pleasant, local staycation (就近度假) , traveling gives you the opportunity to step away from your busy schedule to clear your mind and center yourself.     1    .

It improves mental health

It may come as no surprise to learn that exploring new places is good for your physical happiness, but do you know that it’s also good for your mental and emotional health?     2    . It also keeps your brain active as you learn and explore new places, meet new people and live through new experiences. By taking advantage of the freedom that comes with traveling, you’ re accepting a healthy, positive and optimistic mindset.

It lets you disconnect from your daily life

    3    . Traveling offers a great relief from the stress that comes from work and daily demands. A weekend trip or stay cation can help you unwind and explore at a slow and relaxing pace. By taking a break from your daily responsibilities, you’ re giving your body and mind some time to heal and renew.

It helps you step out of your comfort zone

New experiences can often bring forth new challenges.     4    . But once you step out of your comfort zone, you’ll gain a renewed sense of strength and independence. Doing things differently from your daily activities will also help improve your productivity, gain problem- solving skills and build your confidence.


Traveling can teach you many things about a destination, including its history, people and languages, which a book simply can’t. When you meet with new cultures and people, you’re improving your creativity in the process. Involving yourself in other people’s traditions, beliefs and real- life experiences will teach you new skills and insights, while sparking (激发) your creativity.

A.It improves creativity
B.It expands your understanding
C.Traveling boosts happiness and satisfaction
D.Here are the benefits of discovery, near and far
E.A leisurely walk can help calm your mind and spirit
F.Sometimes your mind and body need to rest and recharge
G.Exploring a new city, state or country can be scary at first
7日内更新 | 99次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市大通回族土族自治县2024-2025学年高三上学期开学摸底考试英语试题
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2 . Anyone who has cooperated with coworkers on a group project knows just how hard it can be to share ideas. However, to move the project along, it is essential for everyone to communicate.     1    .

Organize your thoughts before speaking. Before you attempt to communicate ideas, organize your thoughts using key points. A good way is to choose three main points to center your conversation around.     2    . By doing so, you’ll be able to return to one or more of your points without being panic if you get off the subject.

Maintain eye contact.     3    . During a conversation or presentation, maintain eye contact for as long as it feels natural. However, be aware that in some cultures, eye contact is considered to be unsettling or inappropriate. Ask about this in particular or do research in advance.

Practice active listening skills.     4    . You have to share your ideas with others and listen to theirs. By actively listening, you can estimate how much of your message is getting through your listeners and whether or not it’s being received correctly or needs to be adjusted.

    5    . Whether you’re communicating through text, email, video or audio calls, there’s plenty of room for miscommunication online. After conducting a meeting, summarize any important details in a follow-up email. Don’t forget to respond if you’re receiving an email. It lets the other person know you’ve read and received their message.

A.Keep your audience in mind
B.Communication is a two-way street
C.Be mindful when communicating online
D.If possible, write down your talking points for reference
E.This requires using simpler words rather than more complex ones
F.It helps to convince others that you’re trustworthy and shows interest
G.The following are some tips to get your points across quickly and calmly
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3 . Art is a way of using the human imagination to show expressive ideas or feelings. Now meet four types of the art to know it better.

A colorful expression from brushes

Artists use brushes and paints to create drawings on a big surface. And they can tell stories and make people feel different emotions. It is easy to find some well-known paintings in museums.     1    .

An important moment frozen in time

This is the art of taking photos or filming something with a camera. Photographers will capture (捕获) moments and create wonderful photos. And the photos are about some key moments to help people see the world from different views.    2    .


Performance art is a special art form.     4    . It can challenge the audiences’ ideas about what art is, make them think about the important things in life, and create a sense of community for them. The theaters are usually a good place to enjoy a great show.

A click of a mouse showing a world of beauty

Digital art is like painting and drawing, but using a computer or a software instead of a canvas or a paper.     5    . It’s a new and creative way that allows artists to explore new possibilities.

A.A sound and visual art live on the stage
B.A dance performance with classical music
C.They are usually found in newspapers, magazines and on social media
D.Digital art can be used for everything like movies and website design
E.Artists use their bodies and voices to encourage people’s deep thinking in it
F.Ludwig van Beethoven also became one of the most recorded musicians in history
G.For example, Mona Lisa’s mysterious smile has become a famous image in the world
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4 . How to Show Respect

Whether you’re talking to your best friend or a stranger, respecting them shows that you’re kind and considerate.     1    .

Listen to others.

Practice active listening to show you respect others.     2     Nod your head and ask follow-up questions to stay focused in the conversation. Even if you disagree, try to consider the point of view before responding.

Confirm (肯定) people’s opinions.

When you’re talking to someone, confirm their opinions in your own words. You can also mention their achievements to let them know you see how hard they’ve worked. You could say something like, “What you just said was really cool.     3    ” Or, “I can tell you’ve worked super hard to get your business off the ground.”

Apologize when you’re in the wrong.

It shows a great deal of maturity (成熟). If you mess up, a simple “I’m sorry” goes a long way. Try not to make excuses for yourself.     4     For example, if you forgot a deadline, you could say, “I’m really sorry. I’ll be setting reminders so this doesn’t happen again.”


Stick to your word. If you commit (承诺) to an event or make plans with someone, come through on your end of the deal. Being reliable shows respect for people’s time. Have your materials in order and complete all the necessary work ahead of time. Just say no if you can’t commit. It can be tough at first, but it’s better to be honest.

A.Do what you say you’ll do.
B.Wait to talk instead of merely listening.
C.I can tell you’ve thought a lot about this topic.
D.Watch and be quiet when someone else is talking.
E.Below are some easy ways to show respect in your life.
F.Excuses are useless if you want to correct your mistakes.
G.It might also be helpful to have a plan to avoid such mistakes again.
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5 . How to improve your memory?

It’s generally accepted that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered this old saying simply isn’t true.     1     Whether you’re looking to sharpen your mind, boost your mental performance, or preserve your memory as you age, these tips can help.

    2     Memory, like muscular strength, requires you to “use it or lose it”. The more you work out your brain, the better you’ll be able to process and remember information. The best brain exercises break your routine and challenge you to use and develop new brain pathways.

Don’t skip the physical exercise. While mental exercise is important for brain health, that doesn’t mean you never need to break a sweat. Physical exercise helps your brain stay sharp.     3    

Get enough sleep. There is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get and the amount you need to function at your best. The truth is that over 95% of adults need 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep every night.     4     Memory, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills are all harmed.

Make time for friends. When you think of ways to improve memory, do you think of “serious” activities such as mastering chess strategies, or is it more relaxing pastimes—hanging out with friends or enjoying a funny movie?     5     But countless studies show that a life full of friends and fun comes with brain benefits.

A.Keep stress in check.
B.Give your brain a workout.
C.If you’re like most of us, it’s probably the former.
D.Even losing a few hours of sleep makes a difference!
E.In fact, interacting with others may provide the best kind of brain exercise.
F.The human brain has an astonishing ability to adapt and change, even into old age.
G.It increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss.
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . The holidays can be a divisive season. Because the holidays are full of merriness, some love them. Others can feel troubled by them, affected by the financial pressure and family gatherings often accompanying the holidays.     1     So, what can you do if you’re feeling like that? Roll your sleeves up. We’re going to get real, make a plan and enjoy the holiday atmosphere.

    2     This may be obvious for many — you may feel triggered owing to the stress of social events or gift-giving. But others may have a harder time detecting what is going on.

Begin tracking how you’re feeling on the day-to-day life. You can keep a journal or take a brief walk where you can reflect at the end of your day. Doing this lets you see a pattern of what may be activating your negative feelings.

After getting your triggers written down, let’s make a plan. If it is money fueling the discomfort, let’s strategize how you can cut down the financial expectations. You can select a thoughtful low-cost decoration or a bunch of flowers.       3     Don’t be afraid to let them know your financial condition. If holiday gatherings are extremely stressful, it is time to see how this can shift. Avoiding holiday gatherings altogether isn’t possible for most. However, you can consider an excuse that can serve as a reason to leave early.     4    

Rethink how to love yourself rather than care for others too much. If you have to be with someone, are you at risk of yourself because of arguments or conflicts?     5     Minimizing the time you spend with them is a wise choice.

A.Keep track of your daily actions.
B.It will help you get through the tense situation.
C.Hosting a gathering can be another costly issue.
D.Feeling joyless during the holidays can be really awful.
E.You can also offer meaningful time spent with loved ones.
F.The truth is that it is hard to engage with people who hurt you.
G.Let’s begin by identifying what is causing you the intense anxiety.
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7 . How to Go Green

The idea of “going green” means that you’ll try to reduce your impact on the environment. It’s a great way to improve the planet.     1    .

Walk or bike to places if you live close enough.

    2    , so they’re not a friend to the environment. Walking or biking instead of using a car is a great way to save natural resources while saving you money. When possible, walk or bike to work, school or shops.

    3    .

Communicate digitally whenever possible, and only print out items when you absolutely must. When you do use paper, recycle it or save it to reuse the other side of it.

Buy second-hand products or borrow items instead of buying something new.

Buying things produces more waste and pollution, so try not to buy things you don’t need. When you do need something, shop at local second-hand market or use online resale shops.    4    .

Skip products that have a lot of packaging.

Products that come with a lot of packaging are bad for the environment because the packaging is waste. Even if you recycle the package, it’s still an unnecessary waste of resources.    5    . This can keep more trash out of landfills and save natural resources.

A.Cars use up a lot of gas
B.Limit your use of paper
C.Use reusable bags while you’re shopping
D.If you’re ready to go green, start from the following good habits
E.Do your best to pick products that have as little packaging as possible
F.In order to save money, cut down on the cost of paper you’re using
G.If you can, borrow items that you don’t use often, like tools, from a friend
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8 . So, if you are one of those who felt something was missing, we recommend rethinking your philosophy to work and career. It may be time to reframe what being happy with your career requires. The good news is that there is a better path out there waiting for you.     1    . Here are some prompts to help you break free from the old vicious cycle (恶性循环) and struggle inside for a new virtuous one:

Purpose inspired work

Is there a clear and appealing purpose to your work?     2    ? Look for an opportunity to work for a company with an inspiring purpose, or think about starting one of your own.

Help further a cause

We under-estimate our ability to do something in addition. We can always find time for something we truly love.     3    . Non-Governmental Organizations always need volunteers new entrepreneurs always need advice, and there are many causes struggling to be heard.     4    

As time goes by. we lose some of our youthful vigour (活力). Spend some time reminding yourself of what mattered most to you in your teens and early twenties. Sometimes we put these things to one side while we start our careers believing we will return to them and then forget. Make 2024 the year that you fulfill any hidden promises to your youth.

Reacquaint (重新熟悉) yourself with joy

    5    .Climb Kilimanjaro, learn a new language or how to write JavaScript. Whatever it is, commit yourself to something that inspires you to make 2024 mean something greater than the old familiar routines.

A.Reconnect with your youthful idealism
B.Set aside some time to evaluate your past work
C.Is it a job that you would like to pull yourself out
D.However, to find it, you will need to think differently
E.Can you link your daily efforts to making a difference to something important
F.If you don't love your work, try to find something you can love alongside your job
G.Give yourself permission to find one pleasure, goal, or ambition you will conquer
2024-06-01更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省百所名校高三下学期二模英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . When did we start walking for leisure?

“Going for a walk” is a popular pastime among older and younger generations alike because of its well-known benefits for our physical and mental health. But you may be surprised to hear that wandering through pretty streets or hiking in mountainous have not always been considered leisure activities, according to Daniel Gale, a researcher of pedestrianism (步行运动).

    1     Before that, it was just something people did out of necessity, some of whom even associated it with criminal activity. But for Charles Dickens, the famous English 19th Century author, marching through London streets and tramping around the countryside was a big part of the creative process.     2     He walked at an impressive pace of four miles per hour, according to his biography by Peter Ackroyd.

    3     Perhaps you can take inspiration from another big-thinking wanderer. 19th Century American writer Henry David Thoreau took a slower approach, preferring to stroll over hills and fields and through the woods. He said that he could not preserve his health and spirits without walking at least four hours a day.

This idea of taking a stroll to clear your head has survived through to the 21st Century. But have pedestrian manners remained the same? A 1780 article for the London Magazine advised pedestrians to avoid things such as hanging around in conversation and obstructing people behind you.     4    

In this modern age, when many of us are tied to our desks and to our screens, try the simple act of stepping out onto the city pavements, or getting lost in nature.     5     Whether you see yourself more as a casual stroller or a purposeful strider (阔步者), why not build a habit out of it?

A.What if speed-walking isn’t your thing?
B.This may make all the difference to our wellbeing.
C.Nowadays, we could add distracted phone-users.
D.He brought the recreation of walking into fashion.
E.Going on an urban walk is much more pleasant now.
F.It was a time to absorb what was going on around him.
G.In Britain, walking for fun wasn’t really a thing until the 1780s.
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10 . Friendship provides support, joy, and sometimes, challenges.     1    . Here are tips on how to navigate and resolve friendship problems through communication.


Before delving into the heart of the matter, it’s crucial to choose the right place for conversation. Choose a neutral and comfortable setting where you both can speak freely without distractions.

Timing is also essential

Ensure that both of you have abundant time. That helps you both stay in a calm state of mind to discuss the issue at hand.

Converse with empathy (同理心)

    3    . This helps the speaker feel heard and supported. Express your concern for the friendship and your wilingness to work through the problem together. This sets a positive tone and encourages an open exchange.

Use “I” to frame problems

When discussing the issue, it’s important to communicate your feelings without blaming or ace using your friend. Use “I” statements to express how you feel and why you believe the situation is problematic. This sounds less accusatory, helping to prevent the other person from becoming defensive and keeping the focus on resolving the issue.    4    

Practice active listening

As your friend responds, practice active listening. This means not only hearing the words but also understanding the emotions and intentions behind them. Show that you are engaged by nodding, maintaining eye contact.    5    . Avoid interrupting, and allow your friend to finish his or her thoughts before you respond.

In conclusion, resolving friendship problems through an open art. By following these steps, you can transform challenges into opportunities for growth and deepen the bond that makes your friendship a cherished part of your life.

A.Set the stage for dialogue
B.Set aside your own judgments
C.Offer verbal affirmations like “I see” or “I understand”
D.For example, say “I felt hurt when...” instead of “You always...”
E.Empathetic conversations may take time when dealing with sensitive topics
F.Disagreements and misunderstandings can harm even the strongest of bonds
G.Approach the conversation with a genuine desire to understand your friend’s perspective
2024-05-21更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届青海省部分学校高三下学期4月联考模拟预测英语试题
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