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文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。这篇文章主要介绍了Rachael Ray Foundation的工作以及他们与一些动物救助组织合作的情况。他们支持各种不同的组织,从营救行动到照顾等等,努力为动物提供保护和帮助。

1 . At The Rachael Ray FoundationTM (RRF), we’re pretty big animal lovers. As a part of our work, we support a wide variety of organizations that do good for animals, from rescue to care and more. Get to know a few of them and the work we do together.

Pittsburgh Aviation Animal Rescue Team

RRF helped enable Pittsburgh Aviation Animal Rescue Team (PAART) to purchase a new and bigger plane for its rescue missions which bring animals from danger to safety. Whether it be flying dogs in overcrowded shelters to new homes, saving animals caught in the path of natural disasters, or bringing supplies to shelters in need, the brave PAART pilots are always ready to help.

National Disaster Search Dog Foundation

National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (SDF) works to find and train shelter dogs who have the talent and drive to become search and rescue animals. RRF supports SDF’s efforts to identify and transform rescued dogs into rescuers, to provide lifetime care for these dogs and to find homes for all dogs who enter the SDF training program.

Rachael Ray Save Them All Grants

This is a program administered by Best Friends Animal Society (BFAS) to support Best Friends’ network partners in their lifesaving efforts. The money has been awarded to organizations across the country to fund initiatives such as adoption drives and shelter intake prevention efforts.

North Shore Animal League America Disaster Relief Grants

This program, administered by North Shore Animal League America (NSALA), provides money for animal welfare organizations impacted by disasters. RRF is proud to help NSALA in its efforts to identify needs in disaster situations and provide targeted, effective relief.

1. What is special about PAART?
A.It provides necessities for-animals in need.B.It conducts animal rescue missions by plane.
C.It is supported by the Rachael Ray Foundation.D.It assists in finding adopters for rescued animals.
2. Which organization is devoted to training shelter animals to do rescue work?
3. What do the last two programs have in common?
A.They both strongly promote animal adoption.
B.They are both in charge of Best Friends Animal Society.
C.They both provide financial assistance to animal welfare initiatives.
D.They are both administered by welfare organizations impacted by disasters.
2024-04-01更新 | 448次组卷 | 5卷引用:山东省淄博市张店区淄博实验,十一中,五中,齐盛2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
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2 . Books That Celebrate Diverse Holidays and Traditions

It’s important to remember there are a diverse set of holidays available to explore. Below are a few books that help introduce children to different holiday cultures and traditions.

Too Many Tamales by Gary Soto, illustrated by Ed Martinez

While helping her mother with Christmas celebration, Maria is tempted to try on her mother’s diamond ring. After getting caught up in the joy of the holiday and playing with her cousins, Maria realizes the ring is missing! That’s when she and her cousins come up with a plan to eat all of the tamales, in hopes of finding the ring.

Together for Kwanzaa by Juwanda G. Ford, illustrated by Shelly Hehenberger

This is a story about a little girl named Kayla who wants to see her older brother Khari come home so they can celebrate Kwanzaa together as a family. Khari is stuck at college when a snowstorm hits and his car breaks down. Will he make it home in time for Kwanzaa?

A Child’s Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thomas, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman

This book is a funny, nostalgic tale of Christmas Eve afternoon through Christmas night in Wales, and is full of unique imagery and poetic prose. It will arouse a sense of familiarity for some young readers while introducing them to different aspects of Christmas traditions.

We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga by Traci Sorell, illustrated by Frane Lessac

The word otsaliheliga is used by members of the Cherokee Nation to express gratitude. This is an amazing story that describes a journey through the seasons with a modern-day Cherokee family. Cherokee history and traditions are also woven into the story in a very kid-friendly way.

1. What makes it difficult for Khari to return home in time for Kwanzaa?
A.A car crash.B.Delayed flights.C.Extreme weather.D.Academic pressure.
2. Who provides pictures for A Child’s Christmas in Wales?
A.Traci Sorell.B.Ed Martinez.C.Dylan Thomas.D.Trina Schart Hyman.
3. The four books all inform readers of ______.
A.how to find hidden treasures at homeB.how to strengthen bonds with friends
C.the lifestyles of different ethnic groupsD.different holiday celebrations and customs
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3 . The Music Educator Award, this year, went to Annie Ray, an orchestra(管弦乐队)director at Annandale High School.She was recognized for her efforts to make music accessible to all students, particularly those with disabilities.Ray got to attend the awards ceremony in Los Angeles and bring home a $10,000 prize.

Ray created the Crescendo Orchestra for students with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as a parent orchestra that teaches nearly 200 caregivers a year to play the same instrument as their child.Ray also works with a local charity to give damaged instruments a second life in her classroom.

The orchestra is about much more than just making music.The most important is to give students a chance to develop their cooperation skills, make mistakes and learn the art of refining something.Ray pushes her students to be brave, go outside their comfort zone and realize they have to learn how to make bad sounds before learning how to make good sounds.And they teach her a lot in return.” They changed my educational philosophy.I understand what it truly means to meet a student where they’re at and apply that elsewhere,” she said.

The warm reception on the ceremony was meaningful.Actually, not many people understand what exactly music educators do or how much their work matters.While her administration is supportive, that lack of understanding is a problem facing the profession in general.Another is resources.She says her school “desperately” needs new instruments.She will use some of her prize money to buy more.

Ray also plans to put some of the money towards an ongoing scholarship for students who want to pursue music when they graduate.She knows of several, those particularly interested in music, and aims to offer financial support needed to realize their musical dreams” It is hard but truly satisfying,” Ray said.“And there’s nothing else like it for them.”

1. What can we learn about Ray from the first two paragraphs?
A.She hosted the award ceremony.B.She brought music to more people.
C.She gave away instruments to the poor.D.She founded a local charity for children.
2. What do students benefit most from the orchestra?
A.They acquire in-depth musical knowledge.B.They make friends with the like-minded.
C.They gain personal growth from playing music.D.They improve their connections with educators.
3. What is paragraph 4 of the text mainly about?
A.The reception on the ceremony.B.Importance of music education.
C.Challenges for music educators.D.Plans to obtain resources.
4. What does Ray find satisfying according to the last paragraph?
A.Winning a scholarship.B.Developing interest in music.
C.Making musical achievements.D.Transforming dreams into reality.
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4 . It’s clear that following a plant-based diet is connected with a lower risk of heart disease. There are many types of plant-based diets, and they are all related to certain foods connected with heart benefits, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and healthy oils. The diets have been most studied for their impact on heart health. These diets are rich in vitamins and minerals that help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of diabetes (糖尿病) and keep a healthy weight, all of which can lower your risk of heart disease.

Yet, the types of plant foods and their sources are also important. For example, white rice and white bread are plant-based foods, so you would think they’re good to eat. But they are highly processed, and so are depleted of many heart-healthy nutrients (营养) and have enough sugar, which means they can make blood sugar levels rise sharply and increase hunger, leading to overeating. Drinking 100% fruit juice is not the same as eating the whole fruit, since juices can be high in sugar.

Do you really have to cut out all meat for your heart’s health? Which animal foods could have an impact on heart health? Some research has shown that the type and amount matter most. A 2014 study showed that men aged 45 to 79 who ate 75 grams or more per day of processed red meat, like cold cuts, sausage, bacon and hot dogs, had a 28% higher risk of heart failure than those who ate less than 25 grams. However, a study in the January 2017 found that eating 85 grams of unprocessed red meat, three times per week, did not worsen blood pressure.

What is the right plant-based diet for you? “For many men, this may be a matter of bettering their current foods,” says Dr. Satija, a researcher from American College of Cardiology.

1. From the first two paragraphs, we know that plant-based diets ________.
A.benefit heart healthB.increase hungerC.lead to overweightD.contain enough sugar
2. What do the underlined words “depleted of’’ in paragraph 2 mean?
A.Added to.B.Short of.C.Filled with.D.Rooted in.
3. Why does the author list numbers in paragraph 3?
A.To prove the result believable.B.To attract readers’ attention.
C.To show the process clearly.D.To make the study popular.
4. What might the author continue talking about?
A.Risks of animal foods.B.Disadvantages of plant-based diets.
C.Changes of eating habits.D.Effects of heart-healthy diets.
2024-02-18更新 | 107次组卷 | 5卷引用:山东省淄博市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
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5 . The growth mindset is the belief that intellectual abilities can be developed and are not fixed, which have received a great deal of attention in schools and among researchers.

According to a study, a teachers growth mindset acts as a “support” that can draw out a student's growth mindset at the very beginning and make it maintainable and actionable in the classroom. These teachers may convey how, in their classes, mistakes are learning opportunities, not signs of low ability, and back up this view with assignments and evaluations that reward continual improvement. This could encourage a student to continue acting on their growth mindset.

The study analyzed data from the National Study of Learning Mindset, which was an intervention experiment conducted with a sample of ninth-grade students math grades. The present focus on math grades is motivated by the fact that students tend to find math challenging and anxiety inducing, and therefore, a growth mindset might help students face those challenges productively.

In the study, researchers show that the positive effect of a short growth-mindset intervention on ninth-grade students math grades was concentrated among students whose teachers themselves had growth mindset. They also found that baseline students — serve as a benchmark (基准点) for comparing and evaluating the progress of other students — who reported more fixed mindset in classrooms showed a significantly positive effect on math grades.

Successfully teaching a growth mindset to students lifted math grades overall, but this was not enough for all students to reap the benefits of a growth-mindset intervention. Supportive classroom contexts also mattered.Students who were in classrooms with teachers who approved of more of a fixed mindset did not show gains in their math grades over ninth grade, whereas the same kind of students in classrooms with more growth-mind set teachers showed meaningful gains.

In general, they view the testing and understanding of the causal effect of teacher mindset as the next step for mindset science. Such research will be challenging to carry out, however.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.How a student's growth-mindset is inspired.
B.Why a teacher's growth mindset is important.
C.How mistakes turn into learning opportunities.
D.Why a student continues acting on growth mindset.
2. What can we learn from the study on ninth-grade students?
A.Students were unable to overcome maths challenge.
B.The positive effect was concentrated on all students.
C.The sample size of the experiment was insufficient.
D.Students at baseline were influenced considerably.
3. In the growth-mindset intervention, the teachers' mindset_______.
A.has an influence on the effectiveness
B.is determined by supportive classroom
C.always brings meaningful gains to students
D.plays a decisive role in students' significant gains
4. What is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Academic Performance: The Influence of Students Mindset
B.Students’ Learning Motivation: The Impact of Teachers’ Mindset
C.Encouraging a Growth Mindset: The Role of Teachers
D.Fixed and Growth Mindset: Their Relationship and Impact
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6 . A blue hole is a special kind of underwater cave found inland or in the sea, which forms when the earth above a cave falls in and water fills the space.

An inland blue hole’s water is very still and has different layers. A layer of fresh rainwater floats on top of salt water; the fresh water keeps oxygen from the atmosphere from reaching the salt water; brightly colored bacteria live where the two layers meet.

Diving into blue holes is very dangerous. Near the top of the blue hole, there is a layer of toxic gas, which causes itching, headache, and—in large amounts—death. Divers must also be fast. They have to get in and out of a cave before their oxygen runs out. Additionally, divers have to follow a guideline as they swim through a blue hole because it is very dark inside. Without the guideline, they may get lost.

If blue holes are so dangerous, why do explorers and scientists risk their lives to explore them? The reason is that these underwater caves can provide valuable scientific information. They provide clues about geology, archaeology, and biology. For example, some blue hole creatures probably haven’t changed for millions of years.

The blue holes could even provide clues about astrobiology. For example, divers have found bacteria there that can live without oxygen. Astrobiologist Kevin Hand says the bacteria may be similar to forms of life that might exist on Jupiter’s fourth largest moon, Europa. “Our study of life’s extremes on Earth,” he says, can help increase “our understanding of habitable environments off Earth.”

In addition, the oxygen-free environment of the blue holes preserves bones of humans and animals that fell into the caves long ago. By studying blue holes, we can understand what life was like in prehistoric times. As cave diver Kenny Broad says, “I can think of no other environment on Earth that is so challenging to explore and gives us back so much scientifically.”

1. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 1?
A.The definition of a blue hole.B.The location of a blue hole.
C.The formation of a blue hole.D.The structure of a blue hole.
2. Where can bright-colored bacteria be found?
A.In the saltwater layer.
B.In the freshwater layer.
C.In between the freshwater and saltwater layers.
D.In both of the freshwater and saltwater layers.
3. Which of the following best explains the underlined word?
A.The study of life on Earth.
B.The study of life in the universe.
C.The study of life in prehistoric times.
D.The study of life in oxygen-free environment.
4. Which of the following can best describe blue holes?
A.They’re oxygen-free and lifeless.B.They’re free of air and light.
C.They’re death zones and mysterious.D.They’re poisonous and dark.
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7 . From classic films like The Lion King to new Marvel and Star Wars series, the service has a lengthy list of worthy content. Look through the list of movies you can watch on Disney.

Home Alone(1990)

As the McCallister family take off for Paris for the holiday season, they accidentally leave their eight-year-old son Kevin at home alone at Christmas. While he’s left behind, the house is targeted by 2 robbers, Harry Lyme and Marv Merchants, who have just come out of prison. Kevin is left to take care of himself and defend his house.

Beauty and the Beast(1997)

Following the original Disney classic, the film follows everybody in the castle as they prepared for Christmas back when they were still under the spell(魔咒). Told by Mrs.Potts, we see what happened after Beast saved Belle from the wolves and they celebrated Christmas.

Good Luck Charlie(2011)

The Charlies are ready for a great Christmas in Palm Springs. However, Teddy and Amy are separated from the rest of the family and madly try to find a way to Palm Springs in time for Christmas. In the end, the family are reunited and learn a lesson about the true meaning of Christmas.

Olaf’s Frozen Adventure(2017)

One of Frozen’s breakout characters Olaf, the snowman, has his very own adventure as he sets out on a mission to create Christmas traditions for Elsa and Anna.

1. What do we know about Kevin in the film Home Alone?
A.He knows the robbery in advance.
B.He is left home alone unexpectedly.
C.He doesn’t like spending holiday in Paris.
D.He is willing to fight against the robbers.
2. What do the four movies have in common?
A.They’re all comedies.
B.They’re all intended for kids only.
C.They’re all related to Christmas.
D.They’re all adventurous films.
3. In which section of a website can we probably see the text?
C.News report.
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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了摄影师Shantanu Starick通过提供摄影服务来交换旅行途中的食物、住所和交通。

8 . When you’re sitting in class or behind your desk waiting for the clock to strike a time when you can go home, it is natural that the mind can wander (漫游) a bit. It is common for your mind to wander to a vacation and even travel the world. What if there is a way that you can travel the world without having to pay any money?

A person that managed to make it around the world without spending much was Shantanu Starick. How did he trade off his service? Starick realized that as a photographer he had a service that people would usually be willing to pay money for, but he would instead offer his photography service to anyone who could provide him with food, shelter and transportation. Starick has been traveling for a surprising 30 months and has visited countries ranging from the United States to Ecuador.

In English-speaking countries, trading off service and communicating aren’t difficult for Starick. However, in more far areas where there isn’t an English-speaking person in sight it can be quite difficult. More than anything locals appreciate (欣赏) the effort behind trying to speak their language, even if you don’t exactly sound like a native speaker.

You can do it too!

Honestly, with a bit of confidence, drive and a skill you can trade, you’ll be able to do exactly the same as Starick.

Start thinking about what you can do to get around the world without paying money. With our social networks and the connectivity our world has, you can easily connect with and market yourself to people across the world without any effort.

1. What is the author’s purpose in writing the first paragraph?
A.To introduce the topic.B.To describe students in class.
C.To give an example for the text.D.To show people’s state of mind.
2. What does the underlined part “trade off” in paragraph 2 refer to?
3. In locals’ opinion, which of the following is the key for the traveler?
A.The skill to trade off.B.The confidence to succeed.
C.The determination to travel.D.The effort to speak the local language.
4. What do we know about Shantanu Starick?
A.He is a professional traveler.B.He is too poor to afford the travels.
C.He has a skill to travel without paying money.D.He doesn’t say other languages except English.
2023-12-01更新 | 69次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省淄博市高青县第一中学二部2023-2024学年高一下学期6月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约190词) | 容易(0.94) |
9 . Venice

Venice is in the northeast of Italy. It was built on small islands in saltwater lakes more than 1,500 years ago. It is a city with no cars and people travel by boat. There are 117 waterways and more than 400 bridges that can guide you to any place you want to go.

Los Angeles

It was founded in 1781. It is now the second largest city in the United States. It is famous for Hollywood, which is the oldest film industry of the world. It is also the home of Disneyland.


The population of Budapest is about 1.7 million and the city is a very popular place for tourists. Visitors like to take boat rides along the Danube (多瑙河). Budapest is known for its exciting nightlife. The best time to visit Budapest is summer.

Singapore City

It is the capital of Singapore. For many tourists, the city is a wonderful place in Southeast Asia. It has a night zoo called “Night Safari”. People can watch lions, tigers and foxes there.

1. How do people travel around in Venice?
A.By boat.B.By car.C.By train.D.By bus.
2. What is the best time to visit Budapest?
3. Where can we probably find the text?
A.A storybook.B.A dictionary.
C.A travel guidebook.D.A book review.
2023-10-19更新 | 168次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省淄博市般阳中学2020-2021学年高二1月学业模拟考试英语试题
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10 . One night, as I was driving down the road, I found something was sitting in the middle of the road. A few seconds later, I realized I was looking at a large turtle (海龟). Afraid of it being crashed by cars, so I pulled over, ran across the road and dragged the turtle to safety. But I’d made one big mistake.

I had heard that the best way to pick up a turtle without hurting it was picking it by the tail in order not to get bitten. So I’d made that big mistake. While the turtle turned out OK generally, I was determined to figure out how to move a turtle properly. I needed to find someone who dealt with turtles. I found the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre. I talked to Dr. Sue, its Executive and Medical Director.

Dr. Sue told me that the organization dealt with a number of aspects of turtle conservation, including rescue, settlement, birth programs, research, and education. Sue explained that southern Ontario is home to a vast majority of turtles in Canada, but is also one of the vastest road networks of the country.

“Ninety percent of injured turtles brought in are caused by cars. These turtles spend a lot of time on land. And they do travel many kilometers on land for a variety of reasons, to find a nesting spot, or to hang out for the summer or winter. Turtles know where they want to go. So, just keep them going in the direction they want to go and you may have saved a turtle’s life,” Dr. Sue said.

Once an injured turtle arrives at the center, there are medical facilities (设备) ready to go, including an X-ray machine. That’s when the team gets to work with healing injuries, and help their patient.

1. Why did the author stop the car?
A.To help the turtle.B.To see the thing clearly.
C.To prevent a car accident.D.To find something good.
2. What happened to the turtle?
A.It got hurt by people before.B.It was injured a little bit.
C.It was run over by a car.D.It lost its direction.
3. What did Dr. Sue suggest at last?
A.Leaving the turtles alone.
B.Making Ontario home to turtles.
C.Changing the road conditions.
D.Helping turtles find nesting spots.
4. What does the underlined word “patient” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.The director.B.The driver.
C.The author.D.The turtle.
2023-10-11更新 | 209次组卷 | 21卷引用:山东省淄博第十七中学2022-2023学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
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