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| 共计 5 道试题
阅读理解-七选五(约140词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . In the past, people climbed mountains to hunt, or to find grassland for their animals.     1    .

There are three basic types of climbing: alpine (高山) climbing, ice climbing, and rock climbing.     2    . However, rock climbing only requires a rock face or cliff; even if it is indoors!

There are two kinds of rock climbing. One is free climbing. People use only their hands and feet to climb up a cliff or rock wall. The other type is aid climbing.     3     For example, they use ropes to help pull themselves up.

    4     One kind of competition is about speed. Two similar walls are set up next to each other, and the climbers race to the top. The other kind of competition is about decision-making. Each climber is given the same amount of time to climb the same wall, and whoever gets to the highest point wins.     5    

A.Very few people like ice climbing.
B.New climbers spend more money on climbing.
C.There are different rock climbing competitions.
D.In aid climbing, people can use many different tools.
E.Alpine climbing and ice climbing are done on mountains.
F.The climbers must decide which path is the best to get to the top.
G.Today, people often climb mountains for fun and even competition.
2021-12-31更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市潼南实验中学校等九校2021-2022学年高三12月联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Emily St. Denny is fifteen years old. She was born in Beijing, China, where her father worked as a French teacher and her mother taught English. When she was five years old, Emily and her family moved to Milan, Italy, where her little sister was born. Two years later, her family moved to Japan, where she attended an international school. After five years, the whole family moved to France.

Emily's father was born in France; her mother in America. After living in so many places, Emily does not really know who she is. She says she feels more American than anything else, as English is her first language, but she has never lived there! Emily is a "Third Culture Kid".

"Third Culture Kid" (shortened to "TCK") was made up in the 1960s by doctors Ruth and John Useem. They used it to talk about the experience of immigrant (移民) children growing up between two cultures: the culture of their parents, and the culture of the place they are living in.

Today, TCK also refers to children who have traveled a lot and who are culturally mixed. These are children who are familiar with many cultures, but not as familiar with their parents'.

1. Where was Emily's sister born?
A.In China.B.In Italy.C.In Japan.D.In France.
2. How many countries has Emily stayed in?
3. How does Emily feel after living in many places?
A.She finds traveling interesting.
B.She is not certain about where she belongs.
C.She thinks school life is boring.
D.She does not feel close to her friends.
4. Why does Emily feel more American than anything else?
A.Because she has lived in America.
B.Because America is her birthplace.
C.Because she loves American culture.
D.Because English is her mother language.
5. What does "Third Culture Kid" refer to?
A.Children who like traveling very much.
B.Children who attend international schools.
C.Children who grow up in different cultures.
D.Children who have been separated from their parents.
2021-12-31更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市潼南实验中学校等九校2021-2022学年高三12月联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约160词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Spring break is here! Tommy's mom and dad will also be on vacation from work next week. They want to plan all kinds of fun things to do, like biking, fishing, swimming and playing tennis. They are hoping for some warm, enjoyable weather. However, they cannot decide which activity to do on each day. So, they need to check the weather forecast in the newspaper before making final plans.

The Five-Day Forecast

Monday: sunny all day-high 28°C

Tuesday: partly cloudy with an 80% chance of afternoon storms-high 27°C

Wednesday: heavy rain in the morning, then cloudy in the afternoon-high 21℃

Thursday: partly sunny, clouds in the afternoon-high 18°C

Friday: partly cloudy with strong winds all day high 16°C

1. Why do Tommy's parents need to check the weather forecast for the vacation?
A.Because they are going to some place far away.
B.Because they want to read in warm weather.
C.Because they are preparing clothes for Tommy.
D.Because they want to decide what to do for each day.
2. According to the forecast, which day has the highest temperature?
3. If the family want to go biking all day, which of the following day might they choose?
4. What would the weather be like on Tuesday and Wednesday?
A.Cloudy sometimes.B.Windy sometimes.C.Rainy all day.D.Sunny all day.
5. On which days should the family wear sunglasses?
A.Monday and Thursday.B.Thursday and Friday.
C.Wednesday and Friday.D.Monday and Wednesday.
2021-12-31更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市潼南实验中学校等九校2021-2022学年高三12月联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约150词) | 容易(0.94) |
4 . Dear Mr. Dygard:

I'm one of those many people who fell in love with your sports books. I have read The Rookie Arrives, Running Scared, Quarterback Walk-on, Halfback Tough, Winning Kicker, and Soccer Duel.

Ⅰ wish I could read more of your sports books, but those are all of the books my English teacher has which are written by you. I like your stories very much because they seem so real. You describe every action as it truly happens. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the book.

I have a question. Did you play any kind of sports? I really want to know the answer. I am really thankful that you have written so many wonderful stories. Thank you.

Sincerely, Peter

1. Who is Mr. Dygard?
A.A writer.B.A reader.C.A teacher.D.A student.
2. According to the letter, what does Peter like?
A.Playing football.B.Learning English.
C.Writing sports stories.D.Reading sports books.
3. Where did Peter get the books?
A.From Mr. Dygard.B.From his teacher.
C.From a bookstore.D.From other fans.
4. Peter thinks that Mr. Dygard's books are ________.
A.true to lifeB.far from reality
C.difficult to readD.useful for sportsmen
5. What will Mr. Dygard most probably tell about if he writes back?
A.His family.B.His job.
C.The sports he played.D.The stories he read.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Brian really wanted a new bike like his friends had. His bike was old and was too small for him. A new bike would cost $110. But all he had was $33. Where could he get the rest of the money?

Brian did a lot of thinking. His birthday was still five months away. He couldn't wait that long. What could he do to get the money? Maybe he could clean the house for his mom. Maybe his sister would lend him the money. While he was thinking, the phone rang. Mrs. Wilson's dog had gotten out again. She asked Brian if he could find it for her. Brian was glad to help Mrs. Wilson. She was getting so old and couldn't run after the dog anymore.

After catching the dog, Brian returned it to Mrs. Wilson. She was so thankful that she gave two dollars to him. Brian thanked Mrs. Wilson, and suddenly he had an idea. He would set up a pet service. He could take care of his neighbors' pets when they were away. In his neighborhood, there were at least 12 dogs he could look after, a few cats, and even some fish. Brian would have a new bike soon.

1. What did Brian really want?
A.A dog.B.A bike.C.A birthday party.D.A true friend.
2. How much money did Brian have in the beginning?
3. Mrs. Wilson asked Brian for help because ________.
A.she was tiredB.she wanted to wash her dog
C.she was too old to catch her dogD.she wanted to give some money to Brian
4. Which word best describes Brian?
5. How would Brian most probably get the money he needed?
A.By asking his sister for hello.B.By cleaning the house for his mom.
C.By borrowing from Mrs. Wilson.D.By looking after pets for his neighbors.
2021-12-31更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市潼南实验中学校等九校2021-2022学年高三12月联考英语试题
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