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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位音乐治疗专家Sarah Rose Black如何通过音乐帮助一位癌症患者走出困境的故事。

1 . There’s one patient that Sarah Rose Black still thinks about. Back in 2019, the nursing team at Toronto’s Cancer Center called to ask if she could reach out to a patient who had been there for about a week. The man was struggling, and unwilling to communicate with the workers or be part of any activities.

Black isn’t a doctor or a nurse. Since 2013 she has played an important role for patients at the center as a music therapist (治疗专家). On any day, she might see one person who’s anxious about an operation, another who’s in need of a calm moment.

So, Black walked into the patient’s room and introduced herself. She asked if she could sit and offer to play some music. In an effort to persuade him, she said, “If you don’t like it, you can just tell me to leave.” After some gentle urging, the man in his 70s, who had lung cancer, told her a few musicians he liked and then turned away to look out the window. But as she started to play one of his favorites, a change came over him. He turned towards Black and started to cry.

She stopped playing. “Do you want me to continue?” “Certainly,” he said through tears.   “It was as if the music reached places that nothing else could,” recalls Black. The music showed up at a moment when it felt like a hug.

As Sarah Rose Black says, people have been connecting with music for their whole lives— she is just helping them use it again at a time when they need it most.

“We have a heartbeat, so we have a drum (鼓) inside us; we are wired to be musical people,” she says. She smiles softly as she reflects back on the experience.

1. Why did the nursing team call Black?
A.They wanted her to help a patient.
B.She worked as a nurse in the center.
C.A struggling patient hoped to meet her.
D.They wanted to enjoy her music.
2. What happened when Black played the patient’s favorite?
A.The patient was moved to tears.
B.She gave the patient a warm hug.
C.She was asked to stop playing.
D.The patient looked out of the window.
3. What does the underlined sentence “we are wired to be musical people”mean in the lastparagraph?
A.We can live without music. B.We like playing the drum.
C.We are born to be musicians. D.We need musical instruments.
4. Which of the following can best describe Black?
A.Strong and talented. B.Intelligent and honest.
C.Thoughtful and helpful. D.Hardworking and humorous.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Everyone knows you can save money on books by checking them out at the library instead of buying then.     1     Here are four surprising ways the library can help you save money.

●Reserve free tickets to local attractions. In the libraries of some places, you can get free or discounted tickets to local attractions in the city or town. The Nashville Public Library, for example, offers free passes to the Cheekwood Estate and Gardens.     2    

●Get free help with homework, Your library card may offer you free online help from expert tutors (导师), who offer live one-on-one homework help for students. It’s a sweet deal.     3     If you need to research something, they can identify relevant (紧密相关的) books or order them from other branches for you.

●Take free fitness and hobby classes.     4     Queens Public Library in New York offers workout classes ranging from yoga to tai chi, saving potentially hundreds of dollars in monthly class fees at a fitness studio. Libraries can also help you find a new hobby. You can join a knitting club, learn photography or take a class with a naturalist.

    5     In addition to entertainment, many libraries offer programs to support the community. People who need help finding a job can take computer courses and get assistance with applications and interviews. Some people can take English as a Second Language (ESL) classes and some other classes to prepare themselves for their citizenship exam.

A.Use free social services.
B.Attend free concerts and performances.
C.Librarians can help with school projects too.
D.So have you learned how to check books out in different libraries?
E.But do you know that libraries can help you save on other things too?
F.Some libraries often offer free classes you’d pay money for elsewhere.
G.And library card holders in California can gain free entry to some state parks.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . If you want to know information about different types of earphones, please click on the link we provide. Check out and find the suitable ones for your needs.

Type A

The earphones have six microphones and deliver a clear, crisp voice. They also let you change the default button functions on the earphones, which is excellent for runners who tend to touch the earphones while running. Thanks to the button, the earphones don’t move, even on sweaty runs, and they’re also water- and sweat-proof.

Battery (电池) life (playtime) : 8 hours
Charging (充电) time: 2.5 hours
Type B

The pairs perfectly with any smartphone model have top-quality noise cancellation (取消). The earphones connect automatically when you take the earphones out of the slim charging case. It takes some time to adjust to the different tap commands and positions, but after some field testing, everything feels natural.

Battery life (playtime) : 5 hours
Charging time: 75 minutes (wired)
Type C

We love how quickly the earphones pair with our devices, including several laptops and smartphones—we don’t even need to refer to the instructions. They are extremely comfortable, even after hours of continuous use. The sound quality is also excellent.

Battery life (playtime) : 10 hours
Charging time: 2 hours
Type D

The makers take the already successful earphones pros and upgrade nearly every aspect in the second generation. Sound is crisp and clear, whether listening to music or podcasts, or while on a call. The portable case also gets an upgrade.

Battery life (playtime) : 6 hours
Charging time: 1 hour
1. Which earphones best suit people who enjoy running?
A.Type A.B.Type B.C.Type C.D.Type D.
2. What is the advantage of Type C earphones?
A.They have six microphones.B.They have the longest battery life.
C.They require the least charging time.D.They provide high-quality noise cancellation.
3. From which is the text probably taken?
A.A magazine.B.A textbook.C.A travel brochure.D.A website.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . The design of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic torch (火炬) was shown on July 25, marking almost a year until the opening ceremony (典礼) of the Paris Olympic Games.

The torch, measuring 70 centimeters and weighing 3.3 pounds, is made with lightweight radiant steel and is known for its champagne color, a color of French white wine.

Mathieu Lehanneur, the designer of the torch said that he drew inspiration from three Paris 2024 symbols-equality, water and   peacefulness. Equality is shown by perfect balance. Peacefulness is shown by the gentleness of the curves. The lower half features a relief pattern that copies the movement of the River Seine, along which the opening ceremony will be held.

It will be the first torch in the history of the Games to be used for both the Olympics and Paralympics. Past designs have shared similarities but are different in shape and color. This is part of the organizing committee’s plan to “build bridges between the Olympic and Paralympic Games”, Paris 2024’s president Tony Estanguet said in a statement.

Equality means putting the same ambition into organising the Paralympic Games as the Olympic Games. Following on from the medals to the mascots, the Olympic and Paralympic Games will share the same torch design.

Equality in the Paris 2024 project is also reflected in the strong promise to equality in the Olympic Games: For the first time in the history of the Games, as many women as men will take part in the competitions. Reflecting this desire for peace, the torch, with its curves and rounded lines, is filled with   gentleness. The design of the torch delivers generosity and unity.

“Such a project is a dream for a designer, because it’s a project that connects something symbolic and technical in one, for a big moment,” Lehanneur said.

1. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The shape of the torch.
B.The inspiration of the torch.
C.The ceremony of the Games.
D.The location of the opening ceremony.
2. What is special about the torch?
A.It is very heavy.
B.It is perfect in shape.
C.It copies the movement of the River Seine
D.It will be used in the Olympics and Paralympics
3. What can we infer from what Lehanneur said in the last paragraph?
A.He had a passion for sports.
B.He wanted to be a well-known designer.
C.He felt a sense of achievement and pride.
D.He wished to connect everything together.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.A designer realized his dreamB.Inspiration of the 2024 Games
C.Paris 2024 showed torch designD.Equality, water and peacefulness
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . A famous company’s leader believes there’s only one way to know if you truly understand a subject: Can you explain it to a child? But the man with lifelong love of math recently found it didn’t always go well when he tried explaining mathematical concepts(概念)to his then-school-aged children.

He thinks that learning with kids to see what’s puzzling to them and what’s easy for them are the final test of whether you know a topic—whether you can explain it.

Teachers often ask students to give a statement on a subject to show that they understand it. Studies show that people are more likely to remember and understand concepts they’ve learned after explaining them to someone else or even to themselves.That means you can testyour own knowledge in a subject simply by trying to teach it to a friend,to see both how much information you’ve kept and how well you actually understand its concepts. If they successfully learn from you, it’s a good sign that you’re on the right track.

The leader, who studied math and computer science at university, noted that while hewas personally good at math as a high school student, he had trouble passing that enthusiasm(热情)to his three kids.

He loves doing math, but in the past his younger daughter would always say that he made it so complicated (复杂的) and he didn’t need to explain this to her. Because she just wanted to know the answer.

Today, his three children are all in their 20s.While they may not have enjoyed the math lessons, he says that one of his favorite things is teaching calculus(微积分)to the kids.There are a few very difficult concepts in calculus.He must explain why calculus is so important and why calculus has those funny symbols. It’s crazy and it’s probably the thing he enjoys the most.

1. What happened to the leader recently?
A.He explained Chinese well.
B.He developed his lifelong love of math.
C.He met a challenge in playing with his kids.
D.He had trouble explaining mathematical concepts to his kids.
2. What does the author encourage people to do in paragraph 3?
A.Communicate with others actively.
B.Build relationship with others.
C.Manage to describe themselves.
D.Know about their own learning by teaching others.
3. What did the leader’s younger daughter care about?
A.Describing an example.B.Learning with her father.
C.Getting the final answer.D.Keeping enthusiasm high.
4. What does the leader think of his teaching calculus to his children?
A.It brings him happiness.B.It helps his kids grow.
C.It gives him a lesson.D.It improves his maths.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Whether in work or study, great people always do things as effectively as possible. Productive (高效的) people have one thing in common: A solid routine made up of small habits that helps them to keep a healthy mindset and lifestyle. Research shows a habit takes about 2l days to become normal behavior.     1    

●Make daily to-do lists.     2     Some people prefer to make their to-do lists first thing in the morning, while others like to do them each night to prepare for the day ahead. As a matter of fact, either way helps you to manage your time and workload efficiently.

    3     Writing down your thoughts in your diary can help you achieve goals. You should even write down your progress, no matter how small it is, to help motivate you to keep going. This process will help you reflect and improve your memory and brain function.

●Have a rest. Whatever you are working on, you do not have to use up every ounce of energy you have.     4     When coming back, you’ll become clear-headed and happy, leading to greater productivity than just rushing through it.

●Clean up and organize for tomorrow.     5     It may be a little tiring. However, tidying up your home and preparing for tomorrow can prevent stress. This daily maintaining can ensure that you do not have to spend an entire afternoon cleaning during the weekend.

A.Keep a journal.
B.Make great progress.
C.Making a list of tasks for the day helps you to stay on track.
D.After a long day, the last thing you may want to do is clean.
E.Take a break at the same time each day, despite just 10 minutes.
F.You should be energetic all day and spare no effort to finish your work.
G.Here are some habits you can start practicing to become more productive.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Enjoy Yourself in Cape Town

Cape Town is a port city in South Africa. You can enjoy the beauty of nature in the coastal area.

Boulders Beach

Boulders Beach is an unusual beach, home to endangered African penguins. These charming animals are a must-see for any nature lover, and Boulders Beach is the only place in the world where you can have a chance to see these incredible creatures. In addition to the penguins. Boulders Beach is famous for granite boulders (花岗岩巨石), which make it a popular spot for photographers.

Clifton Beach

Clifton is one of Cape Town’s most special coastal areas outside the city. With the beautiful beaches, it is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike. The area is known for its clear waters and white-sand beaches, which are perfect for sunbathing. If you are looking for a peaceful escape from the noisy city, Clifton Beach is the perfect place to relax yourself.

Llandudno Beach

Llandudno is popular with hikers, who can explore the attractive coastal paths that wind through the surrounding mountains. Located on the western side of the Cape Peninsula, Llandudno Beach is a hidden place between the cliffs that line Cape Town’s Atlantic coast. It is one of the city’s quietest beaches, and its unspoiled beauty is breathtaking.

Muizenberg Beach

It is famous for beginner-friendly waves, making it the perfect place for surfers. Even if you are not a surfer, Muizenberg Beach is still an excellent place to spend the day. The beachfront is lined with colorful bathing boxes or beach huts, which were originally used as changing rooms for Victorian-era bathers and are now a beloved feature of the Muizenberg’s beachfront.

1. What is special about Boulders Beach?
A.It is famous for clear waters.
B.It is home to African penguins.
C.It is a coastal area in Cape Town.
D.It is the quietest place to relax oneself.
2. What can visitors do in Llandudno?
A.Hike in the mountains.
B.Admire granite boulders.
C.Play in colorful bathing boxes.
D.Explore the city’s noisiest beach.
3. Which place can attract a beginning surfer the most?
A.Boulders Beach.B.Clifton Beach.
C.Llandudno Beach.D.Muizenberg Beach.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . The Masai(马赛人) are continually trying to keep their own ways in an increasingly modern world. They live along the border of Kenya and Tanzania in East Africa, moving their homes from time to time to follow their cattle, the source of their livelihood. They rely on their cattle in many parts of their life. They like drinking the cows’ milk.

They don’t kill their cattle for food. But if a cow is killed, the parts of its body are used to make containers, shoes, clothin,   ropes, bed coverings and so on. Not all of the men have cows. The more cattle a man owns, the richer he is considered to be. A man who owns 50 or fewer cattle is considered poor. Rich men have a thousand or more. The cattle, though owned by the man, are considered to belong to the man’s entire family. The family names the cattle and can recognize each animal’s special voice.

The Masai men have become known as warriors(勇士), protecting their cattle against other wild animals. They wear their red long hair. Most women often take care of their children, cook food, clean clothes and make clothing at home. They also make necklaces dresses and headdresses. A few women can also become authorities once they are powerful enough. They speak a language called Maa.

The houses of Masai made from sticks and grass, which are held together with a mixture of mud, are not very firm or safe. These plain houses with some basic supplies are built in a circle and make up a Masai village. They are not meant to last long since the migration(迁徙) of the cow population means that the Masai move as well. In the meantime, in order to prevent animals from entering, they also form a wall of branches. The whole setup is to protect the cattle, which sleep at night in the middle of the village. They seem to live a natural and self-sufficient life but lack modern civilisation.

1. What do we know about the Masai?
A.They don’t move in their lives.
B.They each have their own cows.
C.They don’t kill their cattle at all.
D.They are heavily dependent on cattle.
2. What do most of the Masai women work as?
3. Which word best describes Masai houses?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Africans: Living a Moving life
B.Africans: Brave People in the World
C.The Masai: Rich People in East Africa
D.The Masai: Maintaining a Traditional Lifestyle

9 . In Phoenix, Arizona, about one in five children is identified with dyslexia(阅读障碍).That means about four students in a classroom of twenty have the problem.

Christine Alm, who has the virtue of being ready to help others, is the co-founder of Dyslexia Road and the mother of four children with dyslexia. According to Alm, each diagnosis(诊断)is unique. That can make it difficult to understand a child’s learning needs. Alm has recently co-founded Dyslexia Road with three other moms whose children also have dyslexia.The nonprofit organization provides learning resources for children who have the learning disability.

Dyslexia means a person has trouble processing written words due to the difficulty of identifying speech sounds. Alm explains that people with dyslexia need more assistance in training their brain to read. But she adds that many people with dyslexia are extremely creative and smart. Whoopi Goldberg, Dav Pilkey and Steven Spielberg are among the famous Americans who have dyslexia.

For Alm, the biggest challenge dealing with dyslexia with her own children is the stigma surrounding the topic. She believes that it’s helpful to have open and honest discussions. “Dyslexia is nothing good or bad, ”she says.“ So children don’t need to feel shameful and embarrassed.”

Alm and the other co-founders of Dyslexia Road host community events to share resources about dyslexia. On March 2, the organization celebrated its launch with a community gathering. Many people turned up, suggesting to Alm the “power of community”. Dyslexia Road will also host three additional events to connect families with learning experts. Guests will discuss the available educational options, how to get a diagnostic evaluation and more. Additionally, the Dyslexia Road website offers resources like books.

“We’re excited to get out there and start pushing forward so that people can come together and figure out how to direct this journey,” Alm says.

1. What do the co-founders of Dyslexia Road have in common?
A.Their kids are unique and perfect.
B.Their kids have the same problem.
C.They suffer from learning disability.
D.They ignore children’s learning needs.
2. What does Alm suggest doing for people with dyslexia?
A.Helping them do more brain exercises.
B.Making them realise they lack creativity.
C.Creating special reading materials for them.
D.Encouraging them to turn to their own families.
3. What does the underlined word “stigma” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What’s the purpose of hosting the three additional events?
A.To find out kids with dyslexia.
B.To provide the professional services
C.To sell books about mental disability.
D.To introduce great people with dyslexia.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Around 3,000 school-based health centers operate in more than 30 states all around the U.S. offering primary and preventive care for students who live in medically underserved areas. Starting at the centers that treat flu, asthma, diabetes and other common illnesses, they provide vaccinations (疫苗接种) and screen for dental, vision and hearing problems, and some provide mental health care. These clinics bring services to children who need them most and who have the greatest risk of falling behind in school because their health needs go unmet.

The pandemic was hard on existing school-based health centers, and it’s time for government at all levels, to recognize that all children need accessible and affordable health care. As lawmakers draw up budgets, reallocate (重新分配) funds and begin a new school year, existing clinics should be able to operate without budgetary fears, more dollars should go to school-based clinics, and more community partners should participate financially and physically in efforts to bring health care to the kids who lack it.

Yet most school communities that could desperately use such clinics lack them. In 2021 $5 million was appropriated (拨专款) to support new and expanded services at school-based health centers. That money funded 25 facilities only—yet the program got more than 2,000 applications. And fewer than half of U.S. states currently fund school health centers. Although the clinics can also bill Medicaid (医疗补助制度) and insurance for students who have coverage, they need stable funding for operating expenses, including hiring well-trained staff.

Many existing centers had to close temporarily or permanently during the pandemic for lack of funding. One bright spot is that more than 60 percent of the centers began offering telehealth services, broadening their reach. Getting kids the care they need where they need it has always made sense, and it`s more urgent than ever. The time is right to expand school-based health centers to all underserved students.

1. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The role of school-based clinics.B.The common school-age illnesses.
C.The number of school-based clinics.D.The medical service in underserved areas.
2. What does the author suggest government do in Paragraph 2?
A.Build more primary schools.B.Set up free health care centers.
C.Prevent the pandemic effectively.D.Support in-school clinics financially.
3. What can we infer about the appropriation of $5 million in Paragraph 3 ?
A.It is more than enough.B.It is just a small amount.
C.It serves other purposes.D.It includes training fees.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.We need more health clinics at schools.
B.Students’ physical and mental health equally matter.
C.The pandemic impacts existing health centers greatly.
D.Schools are committed to helping kids get more health care.
2023-05-22更新 | 118次组卷 | 4卷引用:2023届甘肃省陇南市高三下学期二轮复习联考(二)英语试题
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