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| 共计 3 道试题
阅读理解-阅读表达(约20词) | 容易(0.94) |
1 . Skimming for the main structures

Read the passage quickly and find out which order Han Jing follows to talk about her first day.
2024-07-12更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019必修一Welcome Unit 课前预习Reading and Thinking
阅读理解-阅读单选(约150词) | 容易(0.94) |
2 . Dear Mr. Dygard:

I'm one of those many people who fell in love with your sports books. I have read The Rookie Arrives, Running Scared, Quarterback Walk-on, Halfback Tough, Winning Kicker, and Soccer Duel.

Ⅰ wish I could read more of your sports books, but those are all of the books my English teacher has which are written by you. I like your stories very much because they seem so real. You describe every action as it truly happens. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the book.

I have a question. Did you play any kind of sports? I really want to know the answer. I am really thankful that you have written so many wonderful stories. Thank you.

Sincerely, Peter

1. Who is Mr. Dygard?
A.A writer.B.A reader.C.A teacher.D.A student.
2. According to the letter, what does Peter like?
A.Playing football.B.Learning English.
C.Writing sports stories.D.Reading sports books.
3. Where did Peter get the books?
A.From Mr. Dygard.B.From his teacher.
C.From a bookstore.D.From other fans.
4. Peter thinks that Mr. Dygard's books are ________.
A.true to lifeB.far from reality
C.difficult to readD.useful for sportsmen
5. What will Mr. Dygard most probably tell about if he writes back?
A.His family.B.His job.
C.The sports he played.D.The stories he read.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 容易(0.94) |

3 . Apart from a simple“hot”, what other ways are there to describe the summer heat? There are many interesting expressions that relate to unbearably hot weather and offer a glimpse into foreign culture.

Dog days of summer

In books and newspaper articles, the period from early July to mid-August is often referred to as the “dog days of summer”. Some think the expression means the weather is so hot that dogs go wild. But in fact, the expression comes from 16th century astrology and refers to the days on which Sirius-the Dog Star, the brightest star in the summer sky and part of the Great Dog constellation-rises at the same time as the sun.

Hotter than a twodollar pistol

The reason for the expression is that no pistol could cost 2 dollars unless it had been stolen. In English slang, stolen goods are often said to be “hot” and anyone in possession of hot goods is likely to get their fingers burned, in other words, to be arrested.

So hot you can fry an egg on the sidewalk

Thousands of curious tourists feel like testing if the saying is true, with the result that sidewalks in Death Valley, California, the hottest place in the U. S. , are now littered with broken eggshells. As long as you use a frying pan with a lid and the temperature is at least 49℃ , it is actually possible to fry an egg on the sidewalk.

Hinges of Hades

For those who believe it exists, hell is undoubtedly the hottest place on earth, so unsurprisingly there are several expressions that refer to hell or Hades, or even the devil himself. “Hotter than the hinges or gates of Hades” is the oldest version , but more amusing variations have become popular, such as “hotter than the devil's underwear”.

1. Which expression relates to the study of stars?
A.Dog days of summer.B.Hotter than a two-dollar pistol.
C.So hot you can fry an egg on the sidewalk.D.Hinges of Hades.
2. What's the meaning of “hot” in the expression “Hotter than a two-dollar pistol” in English slang?
3. At which temperature can we fry an egg on the sidewalk?
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