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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Greg Dailey因为新冠病毒疫情关闭了自己的相框店,此后他在做送报纸工作的时候,帮助有需要的人购买必需品,把包裹送上门,获得了心灵上的抚慰的故事。

1 . Greg Dailey closed his picture frame store due to the coronavirus pandemic (冠状病毒大流行), and his second job of delivering newspapers became his primary source of income.

Dailey’s grocery trips began when one of his elderly customers asked him for a favor. “Mrs. Ross called me on Wednesday before my store shutting down and asked if I could throw the newspaper closer to her house,” he tells Yahoo Life. “A couple of days later, I was standing in a grocery, and I called her and asked if she needed anything from a grocery. She was astonished. Moments later, she called me back and asked if I wouldn’t mind grabbing something from Mrs. Miller across the street.”

Soon, Dailey’s 800 customers found a note he wrote tucked in with their newspaper, offering his help. “And the next day I just decided, ‘You know, what? If there are two people that live within a hundred feet of each other having issues getting the essential things they need, I’m going to put out a note.’”

The words spread not only to his community but to surrounding ones. Since then, Dailey, with the help of his family, developed a system to keep track of the orders. To date, Dailey has made more than 600 trips to the grocery for his neighbors and delivered everything to their homes for free. “These last three months has changed my life… I get emotional because some of them have become really special to me,” he says.

Dailey reopened his frame store on June 15, and he promised to continue to help seniors not only with groceries but with anything else they need. He knows those he helps will remain a part of his life going forward.

“It’s moments like this, we need to step back and take a look in ourselves and realize that we can do more… and it’s something I live by,” Dailey says. “If you have the opportunity to do something nice for someone, just do it.”

1. What favor did Mrs. Ross ask Dailey to do?
A.Go across the street.B.Give things to Mrs. Miller.
C.Do grocery shopping for her.D.Deliver the newspapers nearer to her house.
2. Why did Dailey put a note in the newspapers?
A.To help nearby neighbors.B.To offer help to his customers.
C.To give his customers essential things.D.To ask his customers to buy more newspapers.
3. What does the underlined word “something” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.Dailey’s offering of help.B.Dailey’s frame store.
C.Dailey’s reflection.D.Dailey’s emotion.
4. Which word can best describe Dailey?
2023-06-17更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省湛江第一中学、深圳实验学校2021-2022学年高三上学期10月联考英语试题
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Historical Association branch meetings have been a regular feature in the Girl’s Division for the past six years. Each year, a series of seven lectures are delivered by a range of academics from different universities and research institutes. Attendees meet in the comfortable surroundings of the Sutcliffe Suite and enjoy a chat over tea and biscuits before and after the highly interesting and exciting lectures. Over the past years, attendees have enjoyed lectures on the American Civil War and Simon de Montfort. The branch welcomes pupils from a number of surrounding schools in particular at the Great Debate competition.

In order to allow for more time to adapt to ever changing circumstances with regards to COVID-19, the branch has decided to delay the start of the 2021 - 2022 season until January, 2022. There will be six lectures, running into June for the first time in the branch’s history.

While the branch has often provided comfort on cold winter nights, we do hope that members, new and old, will now join us as in the spring and summer of 2022. We hope to welcome lecturers who will be speaking about the Mayflower, the Jacobites and 17th Century Versailles. In the meantime, please follow@ boltonhistory on Twitter, or “Bolton Historical Association” on Facebook, for updates. Alternatively(或者), please speak to Mr. Owen, Head of History, in school.

1. What can students do during the lectures?
A.Hold a debate competition.B.Have a chat with peers.
C.Learn from experts.D.Eat biscuits.
2. When will the first lecture of the 2021-2022 season will start?
A.In January, 2021.B.In January, 2022.
C.In June, 2021.D.In June, 2022.
3. How can students find out if there is a change in the schedule of the lectures?
A.By following up on Twitter.
B.By updating their Facebook.
C.By contacting Bolton Historical Association.
D.By talking to Mr. Owen about school history.
2023-06-17更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省湛江第一中学、深圳实验学校2021-2022学年高三上学期10月联考英语试题
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3 . The Analysis of Friendship with Robin Dunbar

Friendship is the single most important thing that affects our psychological and our physical health and well-being. It’s also very expensive because, if we want friendships to work for us, we have to invest a lot of time in keeping them. In this online talk, Robin Dunbar will explain how our brains create friendships for us.

About the speaker:

Robin Dunbar is Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at the University of Oxford. He spent the first half of his career studying the social behavior of monkeys and antelopes in Africa, and the second half studying humans. He has published 400 science journal articles. Besides, he has contributed to many radio and TV science documentaries, and has written a dozen popular science books.

What’s included in your ticket:

● Live lecture lasting 60 minutes including Q&A with Robin Dunbar On-demand access to a recording of the lecture and Q&A for 12 months Booking information:

● This online event will start at 6 p. m. on Thursday 21, October 2021 and will last for one hour. Access to a recording of the event will be available to ticket purchasers for the 12months following the live event.

● A ticket costs you thirteen dollars. We’ll email you a confirmation immediately after purchase. You’ll receive a separate email with a link to access the event auditorium (礼堂) before the event. Please note that each link is unique and shouldn’t be shared.

● New Scientist Ltd reserves the right to change the event and its line-up, or cancel the event. In the unlikely event of cancellation, all tickets will be fully refunded. New Scientist Ltd won’t be responsible for any additional expenses caused by ticket holders in relation to the event.

1. What will the online talk be mainly about?
A.The expenses of friendship.B.The formation of friendship.
C.The problems of friendship.D.The importance of friendship.
2. What achievement has Robin Dunbar already made?
A.He has collected many science documentaries.
B.He has published twelve popular science books.
C.He has given many inspirational speeches online.
D.He has written over 400 papers on social behavior.
3. Which of the following will be given to the ticket holders?
A.A sixty-minute-long live lecture.
B.Access to the speaker’s writings.
C.A chance to interview the speaker.
D.Involvement in recording the lecture.
2023-06-17更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省普通高中2021-2022学年高三上学期11月阶段性质量检测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Nursing homes (养老院)offer safe, caring environments to older people who cannot live safely by themselves in their own homes.    1     Check out some of them and learn the truth about nursing homes.

People stay in bed all day. Visit nursing home and you won’t see most people lying in bed all day.    2    One reason is that nursing homes work hard to plan fun activities and events, encouraging people to move around.

People who live in nursing homes don’t have rights. Needing extra care doesn’t mean you lose your right to make your own decisions. People in nursing homes still have rights. They have the control of their health care decisions and can choose what activities held in nursing homes they want to take part in.    3    .

It feels like a hospital. A nursing home isn’t a hospital; a good one shouldn’t feel like a hospital either. Some areas of nursing homes may feel more like a hospital if people there need more care.    4    There are usually living rooms with TVs and places for old people to relax and have fun.

    5    . A many people do move into a nursing home and stay there for the rest of their lives. It’s not everyone, though. Some people live there only for a short time while they need care. The length of a person’s stay depends on his health and whether the person will get well enough to live safely at home.

A.Very few people like nursing homes.
B.People will never leave the nursing home.
C.These areas may make people very anxious.
D.But other areas are designed to feel like a home.
E.People in nursing homes can have their visitors too.
F.However, wrong beliefs about nursing homes continually exist.
G.Many people in nursing homes actually live active and happy lives.
2023-06-17更新 | 44次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省惠州市综合高级中学2021-2022学年高三上学期英语九月月考英语试题
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5 . Here’s a depressing number for you: 12. Just 12 percent of engineers in the United States are women. In computing it’s a bit better, where women make up 26 percent of the workforce — but that number has actually fallen from 35 percent in 1990.

There’s no single solution to such an annoying problem, but here’s an unlikely one: robots getting more girls interested in STEM. Specifically, robot toys for kids — simple yet powerful toys for teaching youngsters how to engineer.

These days, many toys targeting at getting kids interested in science and engineering are gender specific. “Sometimes there’s this idea that girls need special Legos, or it needs to be pink and purple for girls to get into it, and sometimes that makes me annoyed,” says Amanda Sullivan, who works inhuman development at Tufts University.

So Sullivan decided to try a specifically non-gendered robot toy called Kibo. Before playing with Kibo, boys were significantly more likely to say they’d enjoy being an engineer than the girls did. But after, boys had about the same opinion, while girls were now equally as likely to express an engineering interest as the boys. “I think that robots in general are novel to young children both boys and girls,” Sullivan says. “So aside from engaging girls specifically, I think robot toys like Kibo bring an air of excitement and something new to the classroom that gets all kids excited about learning.”

There’s a problem, though. While Sullivan proves that these kinds of robot toys can get girls interested in engineering, that doesn’t mean it will sell. “If you look at sales data, it clearly shows that they’re not being used by girls,” says Sharmi Albrechtsen, CEO and co—founder of SmartGurlz. “Even the ones that are considered no gender difference are towards boys. That’s the reality of the situation.” Gender sells — at least when it’s the parents doing the buying.

1. What can be learned about American women from paragraph l?
A.They are less gifted than men.
B.They can be the best engineers.
C.They are better in computing than in engineering.
D.They take up a smaller part in computing than in the past.
2. Which opinion might Amanda Sullivan agree with?
A.Robot toys are more suitable for boys.
B.Girls should play with pink and purple robot toys.
C.Both boys and girls can be attracted by robot toys.
D.People must consider gender when designing toys.
3. Which of the following best describes Kibo?
4. Why don’t the robot toys sell well among girls?
A.They are boring and dull.B.They are difficult for girls.
C.They ignore the needs of girls.D.They are not welcomed by girls’ parents.
2023-06-17更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市福田区外国语高级中学2021-2022学年高三第二次调研考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . In many families today, both the mother and the father have jobs outside the home. This can make it difficult to take care of the children. To help, some companies are changing the work rules. These companies are trying to be more family-friendly.

What are companies doing to become family-friendly? Many companies are allowing their employees (雇员) to work flexible (灵活的) hours. With flexible hours, people can work full time, but they don’t have to work to a nine-to-five schedule. Some employees choose to come early and leave early. Some employees choose to work ten hours one day and six hours the next. Most companies say that flexible hours increase productivity. In the United States, about one-third of full-time employees have flexible work schedules.

Family-friendly companies also allow two employees to share one job. Each employee does half the job and gets half the salary. In the United States, 27% of the companies offer some kind of job sharing.

Many family-friendly companies also give paid leave to both parents when a baby is born. In many countries, employers have to give female workers time off before and after the birth of a child. In the United States, for example, female employees get 12 weeks of unpaid time off. New mothers can stay at home, but they don t get their salary. In some countries, employers have to give all workers paid leave for the birth of their child. In Finland, for example, both male and female employees get paid leave. Women get 105 days of paid leave and men get 42.

The way people work is changing. For many people, that is a good thing.

1. Some companies make some changes in their work rules to ________.
A.enable parents to take care of their children
B.give parents more time to relax
C.provide parents with more job opportunities
D.allow parents to work at home
2. According to Paragraph 2, employees in family-friendly companies ________.
A.can arrange their work time themselvesB.can work with their babies around
C.must work from nine to fiveD.must share jobs with others
3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Employers become busier with flexible hours.
B.Employers have enough time to look after their children.
C.Employees can get job-sharing opportunities in some American companies.
D.Employees can have three months’ paid leave in some American companies.
4. In some countries, paid leave is given to both parents when ________.
A.they have physical problemsB.they have a new baby
C.they do a good jobD.they do extra work
5. This passage is mainly about ________.
A.companies’ work rules about getting leave
B.ways of job sharing in some companies
C.job opportunities for female employees
D.some companies’ family-friendly rules
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7 . One Saturday, Mary and 1 were playing with a ball and suddenly the ball went into a big man’s house. We went to his house and asked him if he could let us in to get our ball. He said, “No.” We felt helpless. Then I had an idea. There was a water tank (水箱) behind the man’s house. I looked at it and told Mary that we could climb onto the water tank and jump over the wall. Mary agreed, but we were both wearing skirts. So we decided to get our ball the next day.

The next morning Mary and I went to the water tank very early. We were both wearing shorts. Mary first climbed down into the man’s house by herself and I followed her. We looked for the ball and found it under a bed. Along with the ball were some gold bars! In a rush, we climbed back with the ball.

When we reached Mary’s house, the TV was on. It was news time. We couldn’t believe our ears when we heard that 20 gold bars were stolen from a gold shop. They showed a picture of the gold bars which were exactly the same as the ones we had seen under the big man’s bed. We rushed to tell Mary’s mother about the gold bars and she called the police immediately. The police came at once and caught the man. They found the gold bars in his house.

Several days later a police officer came and said, “Thank you children for helping us catch the thief. Here is the reward for you.”

We opened the gift box and were greatly surprised. There were some detective (侦探的) storybooks.

1. What can we learn about the big man from Paragraph 1?
A.He was unhappy.B.He was unfriendly.
C.He was crazy.D.He was rich.
2. Why did the girls decide not to climb onto the water tank that Saturday?
A.Because they got no permission.
B.Because they were afraid of the big man.
C.Because they didn’t know how to climb onto it.
D.Because they didn’t wear suitable clothes.
3. Which of the following is true according to Paragraph 2?
A.Mary was followed by the man.
B.Mary went to the water tank alone.
C.Both of the girls got into the house.
D.The girls ran out with the gold bars.
4. How did the girls know that the gold bars were stolen from a gold shop?
A.By watching the TV news.B.By questioning the man.
C.By asking Mary’s mother.D.By calling the police.
5. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Two Honest GirlsB.A Ball and Gold Bars
C.Skirts and ShortsD.A Stupid Thief
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8 . Tired of telling students to ask questions and to think about what they were doing, Damien Hynes, a high school geography teacher in Australia, decided to do an experiment to test what he had long been thinking. He wrote some well-organized nonsense (something untrue) on the blackboard. The students simply copied it but very few asked any questions. This shows that students are willing to believe anything given by teachers. The story is repeated in support of the Project for Enhancing Effective Learning (PEEL).

PEEL was carried out by some teachers and researchers in Melbourne who had concluded that normal teaching methods seldom achieve their intended goals; what the teachers think they are teaching is one thing and what the students actually learn is something else. Students’ lack of an over-all view of learning goals and their concentration on test scores make them see each lesson as a separate activity.

Researchers realized that many students do not come into class empty-headed but have their own explanations of how the world works. Their own ideas can remain important to them even when they differ from scientific explanations that are learnt later. In fact such ideas are hardly affected by traditional teaching. Students accept the teacher’s scientific explanation,but do not drop their own. They simply keep both and use them practically: in a class test, they copy the teacher’s idea, but in real life they use their own.

Clearly what was needed was to make students understand their learning process (过程), and this is what the PEEL teachers set out to deal with. On the surface (表面), a class being taught by PEEL methods only differs from an ordinary class in being a little noisier, because more people are talking. But there are some meaningful changes. Students are given much more time to express their views, and teachers don’t make immediate judgement. The students are allowed to guide what is done in class and their own ideas are always respected. This draws their attention to the actual learning process, and they become responsible for their own progress.

1. What was the aim of Hynes’ experiment?
A.To show that students didn’t think about what they learnt.
B.To prove the effectiveness of the project known as PEEL.
C.To test students’ general knowledge about geography.
D.To encourage students to ask more questions in class.
2. Why did some teachers and researchers carry out PEEL?
A.To ensure teachers do scientific work.
B.To help students get higher test scores.
C.To help normal teaching methods achieve their goals.
D.To find the differences between what is taught and learnt.
3. An important difference between PEEL and non-PEEL classes is that in the PEEL classes ____ .
A.the teacher does not give the usual scientific explanations
B.students always have their own knowledge of the subject
C.more attention is paid to the students’ own ideas
D.the best explanations are given by the students
4. What is Damien Hynes?
A.He is a teacher who teaches geography in a high school in Australia.
B.He is a geography teacher and a researcher in Australia.
C.He is a teacher teaching geography in a high school in Austria.
D.He is a high school geography teacher in Austria.
2023-06-12更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省普宁市第一中学2021-2022学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . The way people work has changed. The increasing use of technology presents new and continual challenges to small and large businesses, employees and managers, teachers and students.     1     University professors, for example, must learn to adapt their teaching skills in order to lead distance learning courses.

In today’s world, training and learning do not stop when we finish school.     2     For many managers and professionals the biggest challenge, as well as change, in the workplace, was the increased use of computers and computerized equipment. Between 1998 and 2000, the need for experienced employees who could use this kind of equipment rose dramatically. Many of those in the workplace at this time experienced changes in job requirements and had to attend job-related training or re-training courses.

    3     In Finland, with the increased use of technology and the growth of distance learning, the teacher has become more of a tutor who guides a student, rather than lectures. In turn, the student has to take more responsibility for his or her learning in the absence of direct teacher contact. This requires that students should learn computer skills in order to cope with the demand of the future workplace.     4    It is also suggested that the salaries and job descriptions of teachers be reviewed because of future demands expected in their jobs. Previously, the professors may have held lectures between weekday hours in large halls. Now they may spend part of their day lecturing large groups of students in campus, and then conduct afternoon or evening classes online, with students in five different countries.

As technologies grow and develop, ongoing training will continue to be necessary.     5     Lifelong learning will become a way of life.

A.They are especially significant in the workplace.
B.They must now continue throughout our working lives.
C.It seems that everyone is being affected by the technological revolution.
D.Besides, this also highlights the need for teacher training, and re-training.
E.Moreover, what the professors need to do is to continue lecturing online.
F.The changing work environment is also affecting education and how we learn.
G.To be successful in the workplace, people will not stop learning when they leave school.
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10 . Travel enthusiasts fifty years ago talked about travelling to fascinating places around the world. Today the talk is about going beyond the world and the Earth. The thirst is creating a demand for space travel, giving rise to space tourism.

The space fights are not cheap - each flight into outer space costs about U.S. $20 million. Up till now, it has solely been enjoyed by a few adventurous super-ich men. To reduce the high cost of space travel for the mass market, space travel agencies now have a creative plan to offer suborbital flights, which cost much less. These joyrides will enable the tourists to reach the edge of space, which is more than 62 miles above the Earth, and allow them the experience of a few minutes of weighlessness as they gaze at the Earth below, before they return down to Earth again.

Space tourism is, however, not an environmentally friendly adventure. The black carbon emitted by the spacecraft could either raise temperatures at the poles, causing a melting of the ice or lead to rising temperatures, contributing to global warming. The emission of black carbon also causes the ozone molecules to break apart, contributing to several kilotons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Looking beyond Earth, an increase in space travel would mean that Man would not only leave his footprint in space but also his waste—space tourism can contribute to pollution of the environment of the outer space. With no current plans for waste disposal, one can only imagine clumps of litter floating around the planets.

Without doubt, space tourism opens up new exciting possibilities. With time, the price of the flights to space would become more reasonable. Increasing commercialization of space travel would also mean that a structure would be put in place for the disposal of space waste. However, with no immediate solution to counter the possible impact on climate changes and the thinning of the ozone layer, space tourism would probably prove to be yet another controversial (有争议的) venture of mankind.

1. What push space tourism to develop?
A.Investment from millionaires.B.Talks between travel enthusiasts.
C.People’s ambition to travel.D.Human’s travel habits and customs.
2. How do travel agencies reduce the high cost of space travel?
A.By reaching the orbit of the spaceship.
B.By cutting the distance of space travelling.
C.By allowing the people to travel alone in space.
D.By guiding travelers to gaze at the earth when landing.
3. According to the passage, what will eventually make space travel controversial?
A.The high cost of space fight.B.Causing global warming.
C.The lack of waste disposal project.D.Further Ozone layer build-up.
4. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.The Next Tourist Attraction: Space
B.Pros and Cons: Space Science Is on the Way
C.A Milestone in Technology: Manned Spaceship
D.A Controversial Program: Travel for the Ozone Layer.
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