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Flight BA030 to Boston leaves in an hour. To kill time, the man stepped into the airport restaurant and ordered a cup of coffee. He noticed that there were two beautiful young women next to him. The black- haired one was wearing a brown coat and carried a heavy black bag. The other was a blonde (金发女子) in a white coat. They were in deep conversation, but soon separated.

He saw the black- haired woman again when he was buying a magazine and soon realized that someone was pushing him. After he found out who it was, he gave her a little smile.

“Busy place,” he said.

The woman looked up at him and a strange expression crossed her face and soon disappeared. She moved away from him and joined the crowds (人群) in the airport.

The man was at the counter (柜台) with his magazine, but when he reached into his pocket for his wallet, the pocket was empty. Where could I have lost it? He thought. The black- haired woman was so near to me. All at once he understood that she had picked his pocket.

What was he to do? He would have to do something about the lost credit cards — call home, have his wife get the numbers out of the top desk drawer, phone the card companies — so difficult a process.

When he decided to find a policeman, he was shocked to see the black- haired woman again. She was seated against a front window, reading a book. A seat beside her was empty, and the man sat on it.

“I’ve been looking for you,” he said.

She raised her head and looked at him, “I don’t know you.”

“Sure you do. You stole my wallet,” he said.

“Excuse me?” the woman said.

“I knew you did — at the magazine counter. If you give it back, I can forget the whole thing. If you don’t, then I’ll hand you over to the police.”

“All right,” she said. She pulled the black bag onto her leg, and took out a wallet from it.

He took it from her. “Wait a minute,” he said, “This isn’t mine.”

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All of a sudden, the woman stood and ran away.


As he was about to catch the black- haired woman, something unexpected happened.

7日内更新 | 12次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东实验中学附属江门学校2023-2024学年高一下学期阶段测试英语试题
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36-year-old Mary was a single mother living in a small town in Cleveland, Ohio with her 3-year-old twin sons, Jack and James. She worked hard to provide for her children, doing a few part-time jobs to make ends meet. In spite of the challenges, Mary managed to give them a happy and stable childhood.

One Saturday morning, Mary was at home with her children, preparing breakfast for them. Jack was beside her while James was playing alone in the bedroom next to the kitchen. It was a typical weekend, filled with laughter and warmth. Little did they know something unexpected was just around the corner.

As Mary was busy with the food, a fire broke out in the kitchen. Panicked, Mary took hold of Jack and rushed towards the front door. They made it to safety only to find James remained stuck inside. Mary put Jack down and turned back to get James out, but in such a hurry and panic, she missed a step and fell on the ground. Her right ankle got sprained so seriously that she couldn`t stand up. Mary sat on the ground helplessly, her tears mixed with screams, “My kid is still in the house. Somebody, help me!”

At that very moment, Simon, 52, a former army soldier in the same community as Mary, happened to pass her house and saw the terrible scene. He immediately ran across the yard to ask the crying mother where her kid exactly was. In a shaking voice, Mary responded, “In the bedroom next to the kitchen.” The fire spread quickly and the house was filled with thick smoke. Simon looked around and saw a blanket hanging beside a pool full of water in the middle of the yard.

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2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Without hesitation, Simon took action.
Simon rushed out of the burning house with James in his arms.
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Last night it snowed heavily. Ned opened his window, coughing from the effort, and stuck a ruler into the snow.

“Four inches,“ he said. “Four!”

As he said it, he heard cheers from downstairs. The school headmaster must have a ruler too, he thought. His brother Jack and sister Sara were glued to the school news, and they happily shouted that school was canceled. Ned’s school usually had one snow day each year. A snow day is a rare and beautiful thing, something special, something not to be missed.

Ned pressed his hand to his forehead (前额). It didn’t feel hot. He got so excited. He took out all the heaviest clothes he could find, and put on two sweaters.a pair of sweatpants and snow pants, and a woolen hat. He wanted to go outside to play, but his mom stopped him. She checked his temperature, and it was 38 5°C She assured (向……保证) him that once it dropped to 37°C, he could play in the snow. She asked him to eat soup and rest while she took Jack and Sara to the park Ned, though upset, watched them leave and eventually ate his soup before going to bed as he was very tired.

Ned woke up to see snow still falling outside his window, He wasn’ t sweating. He was feeling pretty good! He took his temperature, and it was 37.8°C. Better Much better! Excited, Ned pulled on his pants, sweaters and hat. He told his mom the good news, but she said he could play in the snow only when his temperature dropped to 37°C.

Feeling disappointed, Ned suddenly came up with an idea. He went into the kitchen secretly, filled a glass with ice water, and then put the thermometer (温度计) into it.

Afterward, he excitedly announced to his mom, “I checked my temperature again! The fever is gone!” Hearing his mom approaching, even though the thermometer hadn’t completed its reading, Ned quickly placed it in his mouth just as she entered the room. The thermometer beeped (发出嘟嘟声), signaling completion, and he handed it to her.

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Ned’s mom found Ned had a temperature of 30°C.


Feeling ashamed, Ned began taking off his hat until he felt his mom’s hand stopping him.

2024-09-15更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省许昌市魏都区许昌高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期7月月考英语试题
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4 . 阅读下面这封信,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一封完整的信件。
Dear Bob,

Haven’t seen you for ages! How are things going on with you?

I’m much delighted to receive your email asking whether I have made new friends in the senior high school and I can tell you proudly that I have made a very nice new friend at the beginning of this new term. My new friend’s name is Xu Hui, a handsome boy with broad shoulders, thick black hair, bright shining eyes and a big mouth. There are always broad smiles on his face. I got to know this guy quite by chance. It was on my way home from school on a rainy evening. I was riding along the avenue when suddenly my bike broke down. I didn’t know what to do and was becoming very much frightened and worried. Suddenly, a tall black figure came up to me and asked what was wrong. I told him what had happened. Without hesitation, he bent down his body, checked the machine and was soon getting the machine running again. I was greatly thankful to the boy and asked him for his name. He just smiled and hurried away.

Later, I was told that he was a student in the next classroom. Then we met each other every day on the corridor of the teaching building, talking about our life and studies at school and at home. We soon became close friends.

Paragraph 1:

My new friend is a boy of very good characters (性格).


Paragraph 2:

My new friend has a variety of hobbies and interests.

2024-09-13更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省高县中学校2023-2024学年高一(硕翰2班)上学期10月月考英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

As I opened my birthday present, my grandpa Nick, watched gently. “Do you like it?” he asked, smiling. Inside was a little wooden fairy (仙女), sitting in the center of a flower that he’d lovingly carved and painted. On the fairy’s outstretched (张开的) hand was a tiny orange butterfly-“a special visitor from heaven", said my grandpa. “I love it,” I excitedly and happily answered.

As a cabinetmaker (木工), my grandpa loved making us gifts, and my sixth birthday was no exception. After he retired at 60, he spent his time making small wooden items, such as souvenir boxes, garden decorations and kids’ toys. They were so popular that my grandpa would even sell them at the markets. But his favourite things to make were more complex designs for my brother and me. Walking us through his working room in the back yard, he let us pick out paint colors for his sculptures. “What would I do without my little helpers?” he’d always smile.

When my grandpa sadly passed away in 2020, I was heartbroken. By then I’d grow n up, married my husband Tim, and was pregnant with my first child. “Our baby will never know how great Nick was,” I cried to Tim. But he comforted me that as long as we talked about my grandpa often, he would live on in our hearts forever. So after our daughter Mia was born later that year, I’d tell her stories about her great- grandpa Nick as often as I could.

When we moved to a new house earlier this year, I discovered a box full of all the toys he’d made for me when I was a young girl, including the little wooden fairy. Mia would love these. I smiled, thinking how happy my grandpa had been watching me play with his creations. Placing the toys on Mia’s bookshelf in her new room, I smiled at how she loved them as much as I had. In memory of my grandpa, I decided to give the toys a careful cleaning.

注意:1.续写词数应为150 左右;
Paragraph 1:

When I accidentally knocked the wooden fairy off the shelf, I was heartbroken to see the tiny butterfly bad broken off.


When I intended to put Mia into bed that evening, something caught my eye.

2024-09-12更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省宜宾市2023-2024学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
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6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When Paula was fifteen, she found out something that surprised her a lot: She was adopted (收养的). This news was like a sudden lightning in the sky, showing her a new path she had never thought about before. It made her very curious about her real family and where she came from.

At first, the idea of being adopted was very hard for Paula to understand, like trying to climb a big mountain all by herself. But it also made her want to learn more about who she was. Each step she took was like going on a new adventure, sometimes making her feel scared but also excited. She was looking for her family’s stories, and her wish to find her roots (根) was like a bright flashlight, helping her see the way.

Paula decided to take a DNA test, which felt like using a special key to open a secret door to her family’s past. When the test showed that she was connected to a distant cousin, it made her very happy, like finding a treasure on a treasure hunt. But when there were no more clues (线索) to follow, Paula felt very sad, as if a big cloud had covered the sun and made everything dark. She felt like crying because she didn’t know what to do next.

But even when things looked bad, Paula didn't give up. She became stronger and more determined, like a superhero who keeps going even when it's hard. She thought that if she kept trying, she would find the answers she wanted.

Paula had a best friend named Heather, and they had a very strong friendship, like two trees that grow close together and support each other. They had been friends for a long time and had shared many happy and difficult moments. As they grew older, people noticed that they looked a lot alike and sometimes joked that they could be sisters. They always laughed at this, but they didn’t know that there might be some truth in what people were saying.

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The biggest surprise in Paula’s life happened.


This big news changed everything for Paula and Heather.

2024-09-11更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西名校联盟2024-2025学年高一上学期入学考试英语试题(含听力)
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Winston watched rain pour down. He sighed. “This is just typical! School holidays and it rains!” His younger sister, Hannah, didn’t answer and carried on rolling around the floor with Grandma’s dog, Mac. A moment later, the door opened and 16-year-old Sophie, headphones glued as usual to her ears, bounded upstairs.

Mac certainly needed no second chance and was out of the room and into the garden before Hannah could get to her feet. Winston yelled, “We’re supposed to keep him in. He doesn’t know his way around this end of town.” Grabbing two coats, Hannah joined her brother on the step, just in time to see the black and white dog walked slowly up the road. “No time to leave a note to Mom,” Winston decided, taking charge. “Let’s get him. The last thing Grandma needs to know when she’s in hospital is that we’ve lost her dog,” he added.

The two children rushed toward Mac. Wagging (摆动) his tail energetically, he raced off toward the park. Mac led them toward the gateway to the town park and set off at once toward the duck pond. Winston and Hannah were close behind but cannoned (猛撞) round the corner straight into a woman pushing a baby carriage. “Watch where you are going,” she yelled. “Sorry,” they said. “I can’t see Mac any more,” Winston announced when the woman had gone on her way.

A few minutes of racing along the paths in the park finally convinced the children that they had lost Mac. “We’re never going to find him by ourselves,” Hannah said. “A bus! Come on! Let’s go home and phone Mom,” Winston shouted. Before Hannah could argue, he had pulled his sister onto the bus and paid their fares.

Later, Hannah did try to tell him that the bus was going the wrong way but by then it was too much late. They both realized they were going east instead of west. Hannah burst into tears. She cried, “I’m cold. I’m scared because we’ll be in real trouble now. We’ve lost Mac!”

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
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Paragraph 1:

The bus turned around a corner and a small house came into view.

Paragraph 2:

They rode the bus home with the dog.

2024-08-17更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省郑州市第一中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Claudia decided to run away from home. But she didn’t want to run away in the heat of anger with a bag on her back. She didn’t like discomfort. Therefore, she decided that her leaving home would be running to somewhere nice. To a large place, a comfortable place, an indoor place, and a beautiful place. And that’s why she decided upon the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

She planned very carefully; she saved her pocket money and she chose her partner. She chose Jamie, the second youngest of her three younger brothers. He could be counted on, and now and then he was good for a laugh. Besides, he was rich; unlike most boys of his age, he had never even begun collecting baseball cards. He saved almost every penny he got.

On Monday afternoon, Claudia told Jamie at the school bus that she wanted him to sit with her because she had something important to tell him.

“I’ve decided to run away from home, and I’ve chosen you to accompany (陪伴) me,” Claudia said.

“Why pick on me? Why not pick on Steve?” Jamie asked.

Claudia said, “I don’t want Steve. Steve is one of the things in my life that I’m running away from. I want you.”

It moved Jamie and he felt flattered (荣幸的). He stopped thinking, “Why pick on me?” and started thinking, “I am chosen.” He sat up in his seat, put one foot up on the seat, put his hands over his knee and said, “OK, Claudia, when do we get out of here? And how?”

Claudia said, “On Wednesday. Here’s the plan. Listen carefully.”

“We’ll go on Wednesday because Wednesday is music lesson day.
Then Claudia knew that was the time to ask about money.
2024-08-15更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省乐山市五通桥部分校2023-2024学年高一上学期期中联考英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was Ivy Melissa’s first time alone on a city bus. Her parents felt that today, on her half birthday (the day on which she turned nine and a half ) Ivy Melissa should be allowed to go alone in the city to her friend Dana’s house; only three stops away.

Ivy Melissa was so excited, and just a bit nervous. The bus stop was only one block away from her house, but today, somehow, the time it took for the bus to reach her seemed to take forever.

But Ivy Melissa confidently got on board that bus and took a seat by a window in the back row. The only thing which was behind her was the motor (发动机).

The bus started but something seemed to be wrong. Ivy Melissa couldn’t know exactly what was wrong since she hadn’t been alone on a bus before. But she knew that something had to be wrong because of a terrible smell coming out of the back of the bus. When she saw some of the people sitting next to her suddenly looked as if they were getting sick, Ivy Melissa realized that it probably was gas.

She had to do something. But what?

She shouted at the bus driver. But there were too many passengers on the bus. He, for some reason, couldn’t hear her. Then she tried to open the windows in the back of the bus, but they were shut because of the air conditioning. “What can I do?” Ivy Melissa asked herself.

Just then, she looked down and saw that she was wearing those new rock-hard high-top sneakers ( 高帮运动鞋). Ivy Melissa quickly took off one of the sneakers and, with as much strength as she could build up, broke the window nearest to her, letting out the terrible gas, and bringing the attention of the bus driver to the trouble she and the rest of the passengers were having there.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
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Ivy Melissa quickly and carefully helped lead all the passengers out of the bus.
But to her surprise, she was not arrested (逮捕) by the policeman.
2024-08-10更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 Food for Thought 单元测试题 -2024-2025学年高中外研版(2019)英语必修第二册
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On 5 July this year, I was at home alone in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, playing an online game. I didn’t think a rainy Monday night would ever go wrong. Thunder (雷声) crashed in the distance as I sat on my sofa. Rain was dropping on the window and a cool wind blew on to my shoulders from the open window behind me.

At 10 p.m., I heard a thunder which was so loud that l thought it was an explosion (爆炸). Then it was as if something extremely heavy suddenly dropped on my body. I couldn’t move a little; then I felt hot and cold at the same time. Worse still, I felt heavy and faint. Next came the smell of burnt meat- I looked down at my right arm and saw that it was burning. I cried at once and rushed upstairs in shock and sharp pain to look for my neighbour, Aron, to get help.

He was frightened when seeing me and came to my rescue immediately, catching a wet towel (毛巾) over my arm and trying to judge what had happened. He ran to the living room, thinking the TV might have exploded, and was puzzled when everything seemed to be fine. He rang his doctor friends hurriedly, and they advised him to take me to the hospital in no time. I, too, was trying to find out what had happened, holding my arm in great pain as it continued burning. I couldn’t think straight and clearly because I felt at a loss totally till we got to the hospital. When we entered the emergency room, Aron said, “I think she might have been struck by lightning.”

Everyone in the room looked at me with concern and the room went quiet.


I was so lucky and grateful to survive the lightning strike.

2024-08-03更新 | 46次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省宝鸡市渭滨区2023-2024学年高一下学期期末质量监测英语试卷
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