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1 . A British company has proposed releasing a GM(genetically modified) strain of the diamondback moth (菱形斑纹蛾), which has been developed to help reduce the population of these vegetable-eating insects.

Male diamondback moths carrying a deadly gene would be released which would cause their off springs (后代) to die almost immediately. Then the fall in their numbers could help to increase crop yields for farmers.

Oxitec, the company which came up with the idea, hopes to begin trials next year but faces opposition from groups who say the untested technology could threaten wildlife and human health.

“Mass releases of GM insects into the British countryside would be impossible to recall if anything went wrong. Changing one part of an ecosystem can have knock-on effects on others in ways that are poorly understood. This could include an increase in different types of pests. Wildlife that feeds on insects could be harmed if there are changes to their food supply” said Dr Helen Wallace, the director of Gene-Watch UK, who has sat on government advisory bodies.

Hadyn Parry, Oxitec’s chief executive, said there was demand from farmers for the technology and that using GM insects to kill the pests that feed on food crops is better for the environment than chemical sprays. The firm, which is supported by grants from the taxpayer, is developing a number of GM insects that would be used in Britain and around the world to protect crops and combat disease in humans.

Oxitec has contacted the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to ask what controls, if any, should be put in place around GM moth trials. A spokesman said that while its officials and advisers have discussed Oxitec’s plans, there is yet to be a formal application for a trial. Consequently the department has not reached a view on whether it should go ahead.

1. People strongly object to the idea mainly because they think _______.
A.the technology won’t be as effective as chemical sprays
B.the technology may bring about knock-on effects on insects
C.the technology won’t be well controlled
D.the technology may not be good for wildlife and human health
2. What is Dr Helen Wallace’s attitude towards the idea?
A.Disapproving.B.Positive.C.Doubtful.D.Not mentioned.
3. The underlined word “combat” in the fifth paragraph can be replaced by“_______”.
4. Which of the following can be learned from the text?
A.Oxitec still hasn’t formed any plans to control the trials.
B.Oxitec has decided to begin the trial this year.
C.Taxpayers will not continue to support Oxitec’s research.
D.Farmers prefer GM insects to chemical sprays.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市雅礼中学2023-2024学年高三下学期4月检测英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段。

For the most part, Hank, a two-year-old cat, is a homebody — and for good reason. But on November 6th, Bushong, his owner, spotted Hank resting on a branch near the top of a neighbor’s tree. Bushong believed Hank got frightened by some dogs. The more scared he got, the higher he climbed. “Cats have an amazing ability to climb up trees, but they aren’t that good at climbing down,” said Dan D’Eramo, director of field services for the Humane Rescue Alliance (HRA). Bushong then asked the HRA to help, but it was no easy task. HRA called the fire department, but it refused to help because of safety concerns. Then Bushong called a construction company to ask about renting scaffolding (脚手架) , but was told she would have to book the equipment 48 days in advance. Next she reached out to a local tree company, Casey Trees. But the crew said it wasn’t safe for a person to go up into the tree.

       Bushong became very sad. Then neighbors came to help. Ed Baptiste, whose tree Hank had climbed, let Bushong sit in his backyard and called to Hank. Another neighbor donated a can of fish, hoping it might attract the cat to come down. Nearby dog owners took their pets on walks instead of letting them out in their yards to avoid further frightening Hank. Another neighbor suggested Bushong call a local business, which had a tall ladder. Unfortunately, their 42-foot ladder proved too short. By day five, nothing had worked. That’s when another neighbor suggested creating a pulley(滑轮)system by throwing a sandbag attached to the rope to a branch higher than Hank. It will form a pulley system as the sandbag hangs down by gravity. Then raise a basket with some of the owners’ personal items. The cat may be attracted by the familiar scents and climb into the basket.
1. 续写词数应为80左右;
2. 续写第一段, 每段开头语已为你写好。
Paragraph 1:

Bushong decided to have a try…

Paragraph 2:

Carefully, they lowered Hank down.

今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第五中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一学程考试英语试题
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3 . Sharks have been swimming in the ocean for millions of years. They were on Earth even before dinosaurs! At the top of the world’s ocean’s food chain, sharks help keep the population of other ocean animals in balance. A large drop in the number of sharks can cause serious problems for all ocean animals. Saving sharks makes sense!

Many people are afraid of sharks. But most sharks are harmless. Only a small percentage of sharks are known to attack humans. They adapt well to new habitats and eat whatever is available. However, today, sharks are in trouble. Nearly one third of the 400 shark species are in danger of extinction, largely due to over-fishing. Each year, tens of millions of sharks are caught and killed just for their fins. The fins are used to make shark fin soup.

Humane Society International(HSI) joined with the Jane Goodall Institute’s Roots and Shoots program and Beijing Zoo to protect sharks. An exhibit at the zoo, “The Price Behind the Taste—Protect Sharks. Don’t Eat Shark Fins”, was designed to tell people that shark finning is cruel and unnecessary. It’s hoped that the activity will help put an end to the practice.

Shark fin soup is also eaten in the United States. In fact, the numbers of some shark species in US waters have dropped 90 percent in the last 30 years. To slow the fall, laws against the sale of shark fins have been passed in several states, including Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, and California.

1. What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Ocean animals are at the top of the food chain.
B.Sharks play an important role in the ocean.
C.Sharks are an old species in the ocean.
D.Sharks are being caught and killed.
2. According to Paragraph 2, sharks are in trouble because ________.
A.they often attack humans
B.their food is being polluted
C.they are being caught for food
D.their habitat is being destroyed
3. The underlined part “the practice” in Paragraph 3 refers to “________”.
A.shark finning
B.shark protection
C.the program of HIS
D.the exhibit at Beijing Zoo
4. What do we know from the text?
A.There are 400 shark species in the United States.
B.It’s illegal to eat shark fin soup in the United States.
C.Most sharks are not interested in a human for dinner.
D.Sharks are very particular about their habitats and food.
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春市第五中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一学程考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A kitchen garden produces vegetables for delicious, healthy meals. It doesn’t have to be right outside the kitchen door, but the closer it is, the better.     1    , the more likely it is that you will get tasty things out of it. Just a few steps are needed for what you want.

    2    . The most important recommendation is start with what you like to eat. This may go without saying, but I have seen first-year gardens that don’t reflect the eating habits of their growers. One of the easiest and most rewarding and popular kitchen gardens is a simple salad garden. It can produce multiple harvests in most parts of the country.

Planting a garden: where, when and how. Make a garden plan of what will be planted, where, when and how.     3    . It means you should know what they like in terms of space, water, soil fertility (肥力) and soil temperatures.

When and how much to water your garden. Vegetables are made mostly of water.     4    .You’ll want to water them lightly every day or two. If nature isn’t providing that amount of rain, you’ll need to water by yourself or with a drip irrigation system.

Garden maintenance: keep an eye on it. Sun and rain willing, fast growers such as radishes (萝卜) and salad greens will begin to produce crops as early as 20 to 30 days after planting. Check on them regularly so you get to harvest them before someone else does.     5    .

A.Choosing garden crops
B.Getting ready for garden site
C.The easier it is for you to get into the garden
D.So you need to ensure your plants have enough water
E.You show an interest in how to produce multiple harvests
F.To do this, you need to get familiar with all kinds of crops
G.Besides, protective barriers and organic products can prevent pests and diseases
今日更新 | 16次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省白山市抚松县第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Five years ago, a friend asked me to look after his cat while he went on holiday, and I realized the idea had potential on a bigger scale. So I moved to London and decided to _______ cat sitting (猫咪代养).

For me, cat sitting is about _______ two groups of people who need what the other can offer. I get to stay in people’s _______ without rent while they’re on holiday. The owners get _______ cat sitting. It also means that there is someone to keep an eye on their homes while they are away. It seems a fairer _______ than just watering plants or walking dogs — I’m more of a cat person.

I have always loved cats, and their gentle temper makes them ideal _______ for someone working from home. Cats have such different personalities, so it’s not surprising that I _______ more with some than others. An owner once told me not to _______ her cat to sit on me, as it had happened only once. But just four days later, the cat came over and sat on my lap. I sent her a photo!

Cat sitting helps me with my _______ anxiety disorder, too. I want to be around people, but sometimes I can’t. Sometimes, this anxiety even ________ me from leaving the house. But since becoming a cat sitter my mental health has ________. Having my own ________ gives me the power to plan my day. I can recharge when I need to and can go out and meet people when I want. The cats have ________ helped.

Now I have stayed in 25 houses, ________ 30 cats and saved more than 10,000 pounds that would have gone on ________. One day I want to save up for a flat so I can have a cat of my own.

A.attended toB.given awayC.brought upD.left out
今日更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省眉山市彭山区第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。Terry Lauerman是一个喜欢和猫打盹的人,在他当地的宠物收容所中长期参与志愿工作。因和猫一起打盹的视频走红后,他鼓励人们为猫咪捐款并取得了巨大成功。
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

As the Internet calls him, Terry Lauerman is     1     first of his kind, a professional cat napper (打盹的人). Terry has been in his local pet sanctuary for many years. And since he has started, he doesn’t plan     2    (stop).

Terry’s love for cats     3    (date) back to his younger years but he’d never quite been able to work with     4    (they) until he retired. He spent his free time     5    (volunteer) at this local shelter.

Terry would sometimes take a cat nap with a few of his cat     6    (friend). By taking a nap so     7    (comfortable), Terry has actually done more for the cat shelter     8    others. It started when the shelter began posting pictures of Terry’s napping breaks and he went viral (走红),     9    led him to encourage people to donate a few dollars for the cats. And it worked. Within days, a generous     10    (donate) of tens of thousands of dollars had been given to the shelter in his name.

今日更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省仁怀市第四中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题

7 . It sounds like something from science fiction — a space journey into the vast expanse of space, heading towards Mars. While we’re not quite ready to put a person on the land, the question we ask today is:     1    

The space race saw the USA and USSR compete to achieve the first in spaceflight. The Soviet Union released Sputnik 1, an artificial satellite (人造卫星), before anyone else.     2     Now it appears that Mars is the heaven body of desire. While the reputation and bragging (吹嘘) rights to be the first nation to touch down is an obvious draw, there are other reasons we want to get there.

    3     You only have to look at the fossilized remains of the dinosaurs to see the benefit of finding another habitable planet. While Mars doesn’t have the right conditions to call it home just yet, there’s always the concept of terraforming (地球化) — changing the environment of a planet to meet our needs.

However, not everyone agrees.     4     He has said the concept of changing habitability of another planet because of the damage we have done to Earth makes no sense when we can simply terraform Earth.

It seems the main reason is the search for extraterrestrial (地球外的) life.     5     But now seemingly dead, the potential fossils could answer questions about our own evolution and that of our planet. One theory is that bacterial life on our planet didn’t start here, but was transferred via asteroid from Mars.

A.Leading astrophysicist Neil Tyson is one of them.
B.And the US landed on the Moon first.
C.One of these could be the survival of our species.
D.May landing on Mars inspire more people to become interested in science?
E.It has been believed that, at one time, Mars was filled with life.
F.Surely inspiring a new generation to visit the stars is reason enough.
G.Why are so many countries interested in going to Mars?
昨日更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省泰州市联盟校2023-2024学年高一下学期3月阶段调研英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Four reasons to adopt a dog

If you haven’t already experienced the unbelievable joy of adopting (收养) a dog, this year is a great time to feel the love.     1    ? Here are some great reasons.

Unconditional love

Even your closest friends and family members trouble and are troubled by you occasionally.     2     . You just take him to take a walk or just check out that wagging (摇摆) tail and happy bark when you return from work. Your dog loves you unconditionally!


Each year, 2.7 million dogs die in shelters because there just aren’t enough people to adopt them. When you adopt from a shelter or rescue group, not only are you saving that dog, but you’re clearing up space for another animal that might need it.

You’ll never be lonely

    4    , dogs are typically more social animals, wanting to hang with their people. Whether you’re reading, or working on the computer, your dog will likely be at your side or curled up at your feet, enjoying your company. A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that dog owners are less lonely, less depressed, and are happier and have higher self-esteem than those without dogs.

It’s good for your health physically and mentally

There are all sorts of studies that show links between dog ownership and health benefits from lowering the risk of heart diseases to living longer lives.     5    , and children born into a home with a dog have a reduced risk of development all diseases.

A.You’ll save a life
B.Do you need some reasons
C.But your dog wouldn’t trouble you
D.Would you like to go to walk a dog
E.Other studies show that dogs help relieve stress
F.Unlike cats that often are quite happy doing their own thing
G.Your friends are tired of seeing your face from social media
昨日更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省部分学校2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . New findings suggest that when it-comes to learning, the snake may be quite a bit like humans. David Holtzman, a scientist at the University of Rochester, has found that snakes have a much greater capacity for learning than earlier studies had indicated.

Holtzman’s study challenged 24 snakes to escape from a black plastic container the size of a child’s pool. Cards mounted on the container’s walls and tape on its floor provided the snakes with visual and touchable signals to find their goal: holes in the container’s bottom that offer a dark, comfortable spot to hide.

Simply falling into a hole isn’t the only proof that the snakes are learning something, though. “Speed to find that goal is one of the measures which shows they’re learning,” Holtzman says. “On average, they take over 700 seconds to find the correct hole on the first day of training, and then go down to about 400 seconds by the fourth day of training. Some are actually very fast and find it in less than 30 seconds.”

Studies dating back to the 1950s interpreted snakes’ awkwardness with mazes(迷宫)as a poor reflection on their intelligence. “Early attempts to study snake intelligence were problematic because the studies used mazes as testing arenas(场地)-as though snakes might be expected to run through mazes in the same way mice run through mazes,” says Peter Kareiva, a professor of zoology. “Snakes do not encounter anything like mazes in nature, and they do not learn how to run mazes in laboratory conditions.”

Holtzman also found a few age-based differences in the signals the snakes use. Young snakes appear to be more adaptable and resourceful, using a variety of clues to find their way to the exit.But their elders seem to rely much more heavily on visual clues. “Actually, one of the amazing findings from our studies is that snakes do use vision in locating places,” says Holtzman. “They don’t just rely on the chemical clues picked up by sticking their tongues out, as many snake biologists assume.”

1. What is the function of the cards and tape?
A.To direct the snakes to the exits.
B.To protect the snakes from bright lights.
C.To cover the holes at the container’s bottom.
D.To make the container a comfortable spot to stay.
2. What do the data in paragraph 3 show about the snakes according to Holtzman?
A.They are skillful escapers.B.They are good learners.
C.They communicate with each other.D.They adapt to environments quickly.
3. What was the problem with early attempts to study snake intelligence?
A.They chose the wrong testing arenas.
B.They failed to do tests in laboratory conditions.
C.They referred to studies dating back to the 1950s.
D.They compared snakes with a different kind of animal.
4. What astonishes Holtzman about snakes?
A.They rely on sight to find their way.
B.They leave chemical clues everywhere.
C.The young beat their elders in many ways.
D.Their tongues are unable to recognize chemical clues.
昨日更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省梅州市高三年级4月总复习质检(二模)英语试题
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10 . When astronauts land on Mars, a couple of decades from now, perhaps, they’ll need to find a way to communicate-with each other, with equipment on and around the planet, and with mission control back on Earth. Despite living so far from home, they’ll no doubt want to connect with loved ones, or stream their favorite shows or music.

But setting up a Wi-Fi connection to Earth’s internet won’t be a choice. Earth is simply too far away—around 55 million to 400 million kilometers, depending on where the planets are in their orbits. We will need another strategy.

Establishing good communication equipment is essential for human missions to Mars. Researchers are testing ways to upgrade existing networks, along with some far-out alternatives. For example, NASA’s Psyche mission, which lifted off in October with the job of exploring an asteroid (小行星) between Mars and Jupiter, will also test the communication using lasers. Lasers could carry far more data than the radio waves that have been used from the earliest days of space travel.

There is no strategy which can get rid of the time lag in communications between Earth and Mars; a message moving at the speed of light takes anywhere between 4 and 24 minutes for a one-way trip. In other words, a quick ping to mission control is out of the question, not to mention a WhatsApp call home.

There’s also the issue of solar conjunction (聚合), says Parfitt, when the sun comes between Earth and Mars. This happens for a couple of weeks every two years or so, cutting off communications between the planets. The last one took place in November.

But new approaches could open possibilities that make communications on Mars more like what we experience here on Earth. At least one research team has wondered: What if Mars had its own internet?

1. What discourages Mars to have a net connection to Earth?
A.The Earth is too far to reach.B.The Earth is hard to identify.
C.The current strategy doesn’t work well.D.Many planets are blocking the signals.
2. What writing skill is used in paragraph 3?
A.Raising a question.B.Giving an example.
C.Listing numbers.D.Comparing facts.
3. What do we know about the communications between Earth and Mars?
A.Laser carries less data than the radio waves.B.There is no such thing as time lag.
C.It takes only four minutes for a single trip.D.The process could sometimes be cut off.
4. What is going to be talked about in the following paragraph?
A.The possible mission of the astronauts on Mars.
B.The communication among the astronauts on Mars.
C.The possibility for Mars to have its own network.
D.The opinions given by experienced astronomers.
昨日更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省培优联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期4月联考英语试题
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