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1 . Working in undergraduate admissions at Dartmouth College has introduced me to many talented young people through their college applications. The problem is that many remarkable students become indistinguishable from one another, at least on paper. It is incredibly difficult to choose whom to admit.

The greatest surprise I’ve ever come across in my admissions career came from a student who went to a large public school in New England. He was clearly bright, as evidenced by his class rank and teachers’ praise. He had a supportive recommendation from his college headmaster and an impressive list of extracurriculars. Even with these qualifications, he might not have stood out. But one letter of recommendation caught my eye. It was from a school doorkeeper.

This letter was different. The doorkeeper wrote that he felt it necessary to support this student because of his thoughtfulness. This young man was the only person in the school who knew the names of every member of the cleaning staff. He turned off lights in empty rooms, consistently thanked the hallway monitor each morning and tidied up after his peers even if nobody was watching. This student, the doorkeeper wrote, had a refreshing respect for every person at the school, regardless of position, popularity or influence.

Over 15 years and 30,000 applications in my admissions career, I had never seen a recommendation from a school doorkeeper. It gave us a new lens into a student’s life in the moments when nothing “counted.” That student was admitted by a shared vote of the admissions committee.

Next year there might be a flood of doorkeeper recommendations thanks to this essay. But if it means students will start paying as much attention to the people who clean their classrooms as they do to their principals and teachers, I’m happy to help start that trend. But the story shouldn’t stop there.

1. What mainly leads to the author’s difficulty in choosing whom to admit?
A.The growing number of applicants.B.The limited recruiting guidance.
C.The varied versions of applications.D.The overall excellence of applicants.
2. Why did the recommendation letter stand out?
A.It provided a new angle into the candidate’s qualities.
B.It spared the routine elements and worked wonders.
C.It was written by a doorkeeper without telling the student.
D.It catered to the author’s inner criteria for college applicants.
3. Which of the following best describes the student supported by the doorkeeper?
A.Modest and admirable.B.Intelligent and adventurous.
C.Kind and thoughtful.D.Open-minded and outgoing.
4. What does the author suggest undergraduates do with the case mentioned in Paragraph 3?
A.Recommend it to friends.B.Explore further behind it.
C.Use it as needed.D.Evaluate its effects.
2024-05-30更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖北省黄冈中学高三5月第二次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . My mother died of breast cancer when she was merely 50 in 1970. Afterwards, the comment repeated most often was: “You’ll need to be careful for the rest of your life because it may have been passed to you.” In 1994, the first ever breast cancer gene testing arrived. I jumped right to it and tested negative. I’m thankful for the science that has given me this preventive screening (筛查). Good for me, but is it good for everyone?

Here’s the catch. Research on genetic disease has been based mostly on European people, like me. The same went to the mapping of the human genes. The problem is that we know little about how new treatments might work for people of other races. If we diversify patients in clinical trials, we can realize the promise of personalized medicine for everyone, not just white patients. Faced with the unfair phenomena in medical research, what should we do to resolve the problem?

Not only do we need more diverse populations participating in research, but we also need diversity among biomedical researchers and medical professionals to make efforts. That makes research stronger and builds trust with diverse communities. A medical team is working on this now. They are building a diverse next generation of gene editing researchers by teaching high school and community college students from different backgrounds about promising technologies like gene editing to encourage them to become future researchers. This sort of educational outreach can also help to build trust in the medical and research communities. The team leader, John Cooper, PhD, has been outspoken about the current inequalities of delivering new technologies to all people at a fair cost.

Numerous scientists and medical leaders are working to change the situation. While science wasn’t yet far enough along to save my mother, I have harvested the benefits of advanced research and so should we all.

1. What is the function of paragraph 1?
A.To explain the cause of her mother’s cancer.B.To show her concerns over medical inequalities.
C.To indicate the side effects of genetic testing.D.To emphasize the progress in the medical field.
2. What does the underlined words “the catch” in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.A previous study.B.An urgent appeal.C.An underlying issue.D.A workable solution.
3. What might enable new treatments to benefit all?
A.Conducting research on genetic diseases.B.Delivering speeches to interested students.
C.Building confidence in potential medical researchers.D.Popularizing technologies in various communities.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the advanced research?
2024-05-27更新 | 116次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖北省武汉市部分学校高三下学期五月模拟训练题英语试卷
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Cinemas may be dying. But the high end is thriving.

The box office has a bad case. Worldwide takings last year were a quarter below their peak. Americans, who went to the cinema more than five times each in 2000, last year went     1     (few) than three times. As streaming services keep audiences     2     (glue) to the small screen, theatre chains including Cineworld, the world’s second-largest, have gone bankrupt.     3     the biggest of the big screens are thriving.

IMAX,     4     screens are as large as 38 metres wide with denture-rattling (震感十足的) sound systems, had worldwide box-office takings of $1.1 bn last year and its biggest-ever haul in America. The luxury-cinema trend is not limited to America. IMAX’s share of the international box office     5     (rise) from 1.7% in 2019 to 2.1% last year. CGV,     6     South Korean chain with branches across Asia, has rebranded its multiplexes (多厅影院) as “cultureplexes”, offering music, gaming and     7     (dine) alongside films.

Theatre operators must hope audiences are     8     (hunger) for these add-ons, especially when this year’s movie menu is limited. Ever since strikes last year in Hollywood, they     9     (delay) titles, including Mission: Impossible and Avatar sequels, to 2025.

Successful cinemas will treat a trip     10     the movies as the rare luxury.

2024-05-27更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省十堰市2023~2024学年高二下学期级5月联合测评英语试卷
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4 . Aviation is a big polluter. Cutting the sector’s impact on global warming is high on the agenda. Although many governments are regulating emissions from cars and trucks, air transportation is technologically rooted in old patterns.

Facing the reality that the sector will keep emitting a lot, ICAO has established an international carbon-trading plan—Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, or CORSIA. This encourages wide use of offsets (抵消) : aviation companies can buy emissions credits or invest in sectors that store carbon, such as forestry, to allow them to carry on as normal. CORSIA aims to keep CO2 emissions at 2019 levels through such purchases for emissions over that year’s baseline. ICAO predicts that increasing demand might reach 1. 7 billion tons by 2035, potentially making aviation the largest offset market in the world.

Yet offsetting faces a fundamental challenge: the size of the offset requires estimating flows of warming pollution that would have occurred if the carbon-removal project hadn’t existed, and comparing them against flows with the project in place. The former — a baseline that is unobservable — is a hotbed for shady accounting.

The vast majority of offsets today and in the expected future come from forest-protection and regrowth projects. The track record of reliable accounting in these industries is poor, because they lack convincing baselines. Even with oversight, forest projects are often troubled by wild assumptions, for example that trees would disappear completely from these areas in the absence of those projects, even when there are other forest protections in place. Such assumptions drive up baselines and flood the market with huge volumes of offsets. They make it easier for accountants to claim a net reduction in emissions even though the atmosphere sees little or no benefit. These problems are essentially unfixable. Evidence is mounting that offsetting as a strategy for reaching net zero is a dead end.

In our view, this approach could prove dangerously narrow. Removing aviation’s impact on global warming means upending the industry. The longer that reality is overlooked, the harder it will be to find effective solutions.

1. What does aviation refer to in the passage?
A.A project which needs revising.B.A resource which needs trading.
C.A market which needs expanding.D.An industry which needs reforming.
2. Why should aviation companies buy emissions credits?
A.To support the development of forestry.B.To earn the largest profit in offset market.
C.To keep the levels of emission unchanged.D.To make up for emissions over the baseline.
3. What can we infer from paragraph 4?
A.Too many offsets are filling the market now.
B.Some projects may cheat to create more offsets.
C.Offsetting contributes a lot to reducing emissions.
D.Trees would totally disappear without the projects.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the CORSIA?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Depending on your view, the recorder is an instrument of “incredible functions” or a tool of annoyance that has bothered primary schools for too many generations. But now, it faces extinction, with one of the UK’s top music schools reporting an 80% decline in the number of young people playing it in the last 10 years.

The instrument’s future is so imperiled that the European Recorder Teachers Association is trying to bring it back to life again so it does not leave the stage. The ERTA argues that if the recorder was good enough for the Beatles, it has a place in modern music today.

Tom Redmond, the principal of Chetham’s school of music in Manchester, said only three of its pupils practised the recorder, compared with 15 a decade ago. “More pupils were taking up the piano or other instruments,” said Redmond. “The ones that became really popular are the ones students spend more time playing alone. With the instruments being more socially based, there has been a decline, just like the recorder.”

Redmond also said that this problem extended “beyond the recorder itself” and was a mirror of the future of music. “Like removing any plant or animal from an ecosystem, removing the recorder has a huge chain effect beyond just the instrument. You need these instruments to create the inspiration for music, and without that, there is less excitement to learn music,” he said.

Chris Orton, a recorder tutor and chair of the ERTA, is leading the fight against the instrument’s extinction. He said, “The recorder is increasingly overlooked by students, and yet it has a rich history and incredible attractions. As well as making beautiful sounds, it’s an accessible instrument in that it is low-cost compared to other woodwind instruments, and it’s light and easy to carry.”

1. What does the underlined word “imperiled” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.In danger.B.Full of hope.C.Out of memory.D.Beyond recognition.
2. What may result in a decrease of playing the recorder according to paragraph 3?
A.Students are less excited to learn it.
B.Its disadvantages outweigh its advantages.
C.It requires more cooperation with other instruments.
D.Students are more likely to play high-end instruments.
3. What can we infer from Redmond’s words?
A.Music education is essential for students.
B.The recorder shapes the future of music.
C.The recorder plays an important role in music.
D.Nature is a rich source of inspiration for musicians.
4. What does Orton think of the recorder?
A.It needs to be improved.B.It is inconvenient to play.
C.It is a priority for students.D.It deserves more attention.
2024-05-22更新 | 108次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖北省云学名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月联考英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . While we might like to think we would rush to someone’s assistance, we know from studies that often people hang back and this can have tragic consequences.

One of the most famous examples of this is the tragic case of Kitty Genovese who was fatally stabbed (刺伤) in Kew Gardens, New York, in 1964. Subsequent investigations concluded that several people saw or heard what was happening, but did nothing to intervene. This has been termed the “bystander effect” — a well-known psychological phenomenon where individuals are less likely to offer help to someone when other people are present. The more people there are, the less likely they are to help.

There are various factors contributing to this effect — people think that others will get involved or intervene. Afterwards people often say they did not feel qualified or senior or important enough to be the one to intervene. It is also partly down to “pluralistic (多元化的) ignorance” — since everyone is not reacting to the emergency, they don’t need to either; it’s not serious because no one else is doing anything. After a serious incident where people have been affected by the bystander effect, they are often horrified that they didn’t do anything—they can’t believe they had not realized it was more serious or that they didn’t think to get involved.

The important thing to understand though is that other studies have shown that once people are aware of the bystander effect, they are less likely to be affected by it. Self-awareness is the best approach to it. When confronted with an emergency, think to yourself how you would behave if you were on your own. Ignore everyone else and how they are behaving and go with your courage — if you’d call an ambulance, do it. If you’d run for help, do it. If that’s how you would have behaved when you were on your own, then that’s probably the right course of action.

1. Why does the author mention “the tragic case of Kitty Genovese” in paragraph 2?
A.To present a fact.B.To confirm a finding.
C.To predict a conclusion.D.To illustrate an approach.
2. Influenced by the bystander effect, people may ______.
A.feel confident to intervene.B.tend to help people in need.
C.be well aware of bad consequences.D.feel shocked after a serious incident.
3. What does the author suggest people do when faced with an emergency?
A.Think twice.B.Follow others.
C.Step in at once.D.Take action cautiously.
4. What is the best title of the text?
A.Behave YourselfB.Don’t Be A Bystander
C.Action in An EmergencyD.Severity of Bystander Effect
2024-05-22更新 | 63次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖北省云学名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期5月联考英语试卷(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Well, let’s continue from where we stopped last time. I’m sure you’re well aware of the dangers lurking (潜伏) on the World Wide Web. And whether it’s for schoolwork, entertainment, or just socializing with friends. the Internet will surely be a major part of your child’s life. So, it’s important to secure their online stays.

It’s not an easy task, but maintaining open communication is key. Let them know they can share their online activities with you. Discuss what interests them online and learn about popular websites and apps from them. This will help you understand and identify potential risks.

Next, monitor without spying. Most kids learn to understand boundaries, like respecting others’ personal space, or not opening the cookie jar without asking. Internet use is no different. It’s helpful to set clear rules for them. like which websites they can visit, which apps they can use, and what they can share online. Remind them that if they feel uneasy with anything that occurs online, they need to alert (使警觉) an adult immediately.

How you handle your kids’ internet usage will depend in large part on their age. There are websites and browsing tools designed for younger children, such as YouTube Kids, which aims to provide a safe online experience for children. Older kids may be allowed more freedom since they want to socialize and need to use the internet for information-gathering. But you can set boundaries that feel right for you. Just limit their access appropriately.

Allowing your children to make good decisions online teaches them responsibility, shows that you trust them. and reminds them that rules may be tightened if they disobey them. Stay tuned.

1. What did the author talk about last time?
A.The potential risks of the Internet.B.The influence of the Internet.
C.Information offered by the Internet.D.The importance of the World Wide Web.
2. What does the author suggest parents do to better understand their kids’ online behavior?
A.Communicate with children actively.B.Spy on their children’s online activities.
C.Share online activities with their children.D.Set strict rules for internet usage without discussion.
3. What can be inferred from the passage about older kids?
A.They should be prevented from using the internet.
B.They can have more freedom to access the internet.
C.They should be monitored more closely than younger kids.
D.They should only use the internet for information gathering.
4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.How to Limit Kids’ Screen TimeB.How to Keep Your Kids Safe Online
C.How to Set Online Boundaries for KidsD.How to Monitor Your Kids’ Online Activities
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . However seemingly boring, the choices we make in social activities almost always depend on those with whom we’re dealing. If we’re out of work, for example, and meet someone for the first time, we would tend to act differently if we believe he or she is a potential (潜在的) boss. We’d probably be more attentive, keep longer eye contact, choose our words a little more carefully, speak with increased confidence, and so on. With good friends, or perhaps those who don’t have high respect, our conduct would almost certainly be less respectful. Who the receiver is and, or rather, the status (地位) level that we attach to him or her, affects how we express ourselves.

Our feelings about the use of laughter and humor will also depend on those with whom we’re relating. Their status will help direct the course of activities. We feel more comfortable expressing laughter in the presence of close friends than near a scientist or a leader.

Not only will we adjust our direction of conversation based on others’ status, but also on their emotional state or mood at the time of the exchange. If friends are celebrating their job promotion, we’re going to be more comfortable laughing with them than under more typical conditions. If they’re dealing with a job loss, we’ll probably avoid drawing attention to their job.

As social animals, we’re born with an ability to “read” the status and the emotional state of others. This is true even when dealing with strangers. Most of the time their clues are nonverbal (非语言的), many being realized subconsciously (下意识地). For example, expensive clothing or watches might show their financial status; something about their facial expressions or willingness to make eye contact can suggest their mood.

This will lead us to the next, and maybe most important question: What is the nature of the relationship between the sender and the receiver or receivers? The answer directly affects our ability to understand who someone is and how they are. This will be the topic I deal with beginning with my next chapter.

1. What does the example in Paragraph 1 suggest?
A.Shared respect is the basis of friendships.B.The choices we make are of great importance.
C.Social activities are affected by status.D.Communication is easier between equal partners.
2. With whom do we feel most comfortable laughing?
A.A potential boss.B.A newly married friend.
C.A recently-promoted leader.D.A prize-winning scientist.
3. How can we read strangers’ emotional state?
A.By observing how they dress.B.By asking about their wish to talk.
C.By focusing on their conversational clues.D.By understanding their body language.
4. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.An official report.B.A philosophy magazine.
C.A textbook.D.A social science book.
2024-05-19更新 | 24次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖北省襄阳市鄂北六校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Wellness for Younger Tastes

Wellness, or yangsheng in Mandarin, is no longer a term exclusive to the middle-aged and elderly. Faced with intense competition in education and their careers, those born in the 1990s and 2000s have already started a journey to safeguard their health. As the pursuit of wellness becomes an essential pastime for many young people, a trend known as “New Chinese-style Wellness” has taken over social media platforms.     1    . During a busy work day, they enjoy herbal teas brewed (煮) in wellness pots, enhancing their well-being while tapping away at their keyboards.

    2    , advocating for the consumption of fresh, natural ingredients, balanced meals and exercising moderation in the consumption of oil y and peppery foods, essentially maintaining a light and nutritious diet. Additionally, it promotes mental well-being by incorporating traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theories to regulate emotions and achieve a balanced development of physical and mental health.     3    , and as long as this demand continues to exist, the interest in related TCM practices will continue to grow.

Given the long hours facing a computer for work, young people often experience muscle discomfort in their shoulders and neck. Besides using a meridian massage (按摩) device, they may also get regular professional massages at hospitals to ease these issues.     4    , such as tai chi, to strengthen the body and achieve the goal of well ness and fitness.

    5    , which is behind their exploration of new wellness practices. According to the China Good Life Survey released by CCTV Finance, in 2023, health-related consumption ranked third with 31.04 percent in the list of consumption intentions among young people aged 18 to 35.

A.Many young people are riding the trend
B.Furthermore, it advocates for light exercise
C.There is a reflection of young people’s consumption trends
D.Having a balanced and healthy diet has always been important
E.“New Chinese-style Wellness” emphasizes the idea of dietary therapy
F.Modern young people have a different lifestyle from the older generation
G.The demand for health and wellness among modern individuals is significant
2024-05-16更新 | 286次组卷 | 5卷引用:2024届湖北省十堰市高三下学期5月份大联考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Globally, about 192.1 million animals are used annually for experimental purposes. Iran has conducted animal-based research dating back to the time of Ibn Sina. Although, like many countries, Iran regulates the use and treatment of laboratory animals, it lacks sufficient enforcement. To ensure ethical treatment of research animals, Iran needs better data about their use, and institutions and individuals need to take responsibility for their care.

Iran’s Ministry of Health, which oversees animal testing, requires all animals are treated according to international ethical standards. However, some institutions that produce or use animals provide substandard treatment, disregarding the ministry’s guidelines. To facilitate better enforcement of established regulations, Iran needs clear, accurate and reliable information about the quantity of animals used in research. All Iranian research institutions that use animals should be required to collect and report annual data on the number of animals they use, the conditions in which the animals are kept, and the animals’ research purpose. Such data would allow Iran to track each institution’s adherence (遵守) to the “3Rs”of animal research: Replacing animal-based experiments with alternative strategies, reducing the number of animals used, and refining techniques to minimize the pain and discomfort research animals experience.

In addition to government enforcement, individual institutions should prioritize the replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal use. Iran’s medical schools and research institutions should establish an accessible database with comprehensive experimental details to prevent excessive animal studies. Ethics committees shouldn’t approve experiments that use more animals than necessary or methods that require animals when alternative methods are available. In some cases, technical sampling (using a small sample size) can replace experimental sampling (using a relatively large sample size).

Individuals should also take an active role. All researchers must be trained to adhere to ethical principles and understand unnecessary pain or discomfort in animals could affect the interpretation of data.

Maintaining international ethical standards for animal treatment is vital for Iran to establish its global standing in the field of medical sciences. Iran’s government, institutions, individual scientists, and public can work together to ensure ethical animal research.

1. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
A.The origin of Iran’s animal-based research.
B.The regulations of Iran’s research into animals.
C.The development of Iran’s animal-based research.
D.Moral concerns for Iran’s research animals’ welfare.
2. Why does Iran need better data about the use of research animals?
A.To follow the ministry’s guidelines.
B.To be in control of animal-based research.
C.To ensure the adherence to the “3Rs” in animal-based research.
D.To replace animal-based experiments with alternative strategies.
3. Why should a database with overall experimental details be established?
A.To follow government regulations.
B.To reduce unnecessary animal-based studies.
C.To make research more visible to the public.
D.To ensure the accuracy of experimental results.
4. What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To encourage cooperation for ethical animal-based research in Iran.
B.To promote the use of an accessible experimental database in Iran.
C.To highlight ethics committees’ role in animal-based research in Iran.
D.To stress international ethical standards in animal-based research in Iran.
2024-05-15更新 | 208次组卷 | 5卷引用:2024届湖北省武汉中学高三下学期临门一脚英语试卷
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