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文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了法国宠物护理公司AgroBiothers Laboratoire决定停止销售特小的鱼缸。该公司认为把鱼放在没有增氧和过滤的小缸里是虐待行为。该公司决定不再给顾客提供这种选择,因为他们认为这是一种责任。

1 . The big French pet care company AgroBiothers Laboratoire will no longer sell very small containers for raising fish.

The company has a 27 percent share of the French market for products used by people who raise animals at home. But it said it would no longer sell any fishbowls that hold less than 15 liters of water. They will only offer four-sided ones.

The company said it was animal abuse (虐待) to put fish in small bowls without added oxygen and filtration. Filtration is the process of removing small waste from the water with a device.

AgroBiothers chief Matthieu Lambeaux recently used the term “impulse”—meaning a sudden strong desire to do something—to describe why many adults buy goldfish. “People buy a goldfish for their kids on impulse, but if they knew what torture it is, they would not do it. Turning round and round in a small bowl drives fish crazy and kills them quickly,” Lambeaux added.

Goldfish can live up to 30 years and grow to about 25 cm in large aquariums (养鱼缸) or outdoor ponds. But in very small bowls they often die within weeks or months. Lambeaux said goldfish are social animals that need other fish, lots of space and clean water. He added that having an aquarium requires some special equipment and knowledge.

Germany and several other European countries have long banned (禁止) fishbowls, but France has no laws on the problem.

Lambeaux explained the company’s decision further by saying, “We cannot educate all our customers by explaining that keeping fish in a bowl is terrible. We consider that it is our responsibility to no longer give customers that choice.”

“There is demand for fishbowls,” he said, “but the reality is that what we offer children is the possibility of seeing goldfish die slowly.”

1. What makes the French company stop selling certain fishbowls?
A.Their size.B.Their price.
C.Their weight.D.Their popularity.
2. What does the underlined word “torture” probably in paragraph 4 mean?
3. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.The age goldfish can reach.B.Costs of keeping goldfish.
C.Proper living conditions for goldfish.D.The advice on how to choose fishbowls.
4. What does the company prefer to do based on Lambeaux’s words?
A.Raise the price of the fishbowls.B.Remove the chances of harming goldfish.
C.Keep goldfish outside in the wild.D.Educate parents to care for goldfish.
2024-02-12更新 | 128次组卷 | 6卷引用:湖北省十堰市郧阳区第二中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月英语试卷
书信写作-演讲稿 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 假设你是晨光中学的李华。你校近期要举办英语演讲比赛,请以“Chinese Youth of the New Era”为题,写一篇演讲稿。内容包括:
1. 新青年应具备的品质;
2. 新青年应该如何做。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 内容充实、行文连贯;
3. 题目已给出,不计入总词数。

Chinese Youth of the New Era

Dear fellow students,
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3 . Going against the trend of going to well-known yet crowded tourist destinations on vacation, a growing number of holidaymakers in China are spending their holidays at less-known places to look for unique and relaxed holiday experiences. “Reverse tourism” (反向旅游) has appeared as a new trend among young holidaymakers in China.

During the weeklong public holiday, which ended on Oct 7, large numbers of vacationers, especially youth who long to escape their busy city lives, avoid popular holiday destinations in order to get off the beaten track and enjoy some peace and quietness.

According to data from online travel agency Qunar, the number of rooms booked at hotels in less-traveled cities during the holiday was up 30 percent year-on-year. Bookings for four and five-star hotels in less-traveled places, including Linxia in Gansu province and Shizuishan in Ningxia, all increased at least 10 times from the same period of 2021. Even 12.5 percent of youth who normally have little time for themselves simply had a time in a hotel to make the much-awaited holiday more relaxing.

Besides crowds, some vacationers chose less-traveled places to save on the cost of trips to popular destinations, which often involve expensive tickets, meals and hotel stays. What’s more, less-known attractions are able to offer more natural experiences, according to social media posts. And unlike popular destinations, some undeveloped places with little online attention can offer more surprises.

Jiang Han, a senior researcher at the Beijing-based public policy think tank Pangoal (盘古智库), said that reverse tourism will become one of the future directions for the market and is an opportunity for growth which can match the camping economy.

1. If you support “reverse tourism”, you will probably choose ________.
A.a famous tourist destination on holidays
B.a cheap and popular vacation
C.a developed destination to enjoy yourself
D.a less-known place for relaxed experiences
2. How does the author develop Paragraph 3?
A.By giving numbers.B.By listing reasons.
C.By comparing opinions.D.By giving definitions.
3. What’s Jiang Han’s attitude towards the future of reverse tourism?
4. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Vacationers can save money while travelling.
B.More and more people accept less-travelled destinations.
C.People prefer to spend their holidays by travelling.
D.Young people often have little time to travel around.
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4 . The needs of plus-size consumers have long been the elephant in the room of the fashion industry until body positivity and fat acceptance movements promoted the slogan that large-bodied people are not those who are left behind. This size-inclusive trend has become so popular that it is influencing mainstream culture. As a result, fashion brands have finally decided to extend their size ranges. In 2022, the plus-size market grew twice as fast as the standard size market in both North America and the UK.

Yet, many consumers say fashion brands broadening their ranges are not truly inclusive. “Inclusive sizing means that all bodies are included in fashion, not just the ones who fit in standard sizes,” says Marie Southard Ospina, a UK-based journalist who covers body-image issues. “However, what many designers do right now is pick a number that they think is big enough to include plus sizes and stop. This is even more disrespectful.”

Researchers also criticize that some brands are just taking advantage of the trend. “Brands that used to promote so-called perfect bodies in their advertisements are now trying to get in on the trend by adding a few sizes. It doesn’t feel like they really care about plus-size people,” says Tom Burgess, analyst in fashion industry. “If brands cared about large-bodied consumers, then it wouldn’t have taken until now to acknowledge that they exist,” he says. “It gives the impression that companies are just trying to gain a share of the market without a real commitment to the community.”

The fashion industry must go beyond merely producing clothing in a particular range of sizes if they hope to succeed with a body-diverse world. The whole industry has to connect on a personal level with consumers. That involves showing shoppers that they are seen, understood and important to brands. “Consumers care about values, and so they want to buy from brands that reflect the values they believe in. Everyone should enjoy the same range of fashion options,” says Ludovica Cesareo, professor of marketing at the College of Business in the US.

1. What do the underlined words “the elephant in the room” mean in the first paragraph?
A.The hot issue that is valued.B.The obvious truth that is ignored.
C.The important principle that is recognized.D.The common phenomenon that is criticized.
2. According to Marie, consumers say some fashion brands are not truly inclusive because ________.
A.they pick sizes randomlyB.they offer limited plus sizes
C.they treat designers disrespectfullyD.they haven’t broadened standard sizes
3. For what do researchers mainly criticize some brands?
A.Their designs.B.Their quality.
C.Their motivations.D.Their advertisements.
4. What does the last paragraph imply?
A.Buyers deserve fashion that respects their values.
B.Consumers prefer brands with personalized styles.
C.Brands should catch up with the size-inclusive trend.
D.A good brand image is critical in the fashion industry.
2024-01-25更新 | 119次组卷 | 9卷引用:阅读理解变式题-社会问题与社会现象
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5 . We’ve all done it before—dropped a box of unwanted household belongings at a flea market and driven off with a sense of accomplishment. But have you ever stopped to think about where those items actually go?

Business journalist Adam Minter began considering this while cleaning out his late mother’s home. Seeking reassurance that his mother’s donated items would be put to good use rather than destroyed, he started a journey worldwide that resulted in his latest book, “Secondhand: Travels in the New Global Garage Sale”. He found the industry significantly in the dark, with a disturbing lack of data on secondhand goods, despite their crucial role in clothing, furnishing and educating people worldwide.

In this book, Minter fully reveals himself as an investigative journalist. He doesn’t shy away from the commonly-accepted assumptions about the global trade in used goods. First, Minter questions the idea that shipments of secondhand clothes from developed countries to Africa have destroyed local textile industries (纺织业). That’s overly simplistic, he says. He further explains that multiple factors, such as declining cotton production in local areas and economic liberation, have influenced the situation.

Minter then explores the topic of car seats, making a statement that recycling car seats, instead of selling them secondhand, is wasteful and might compromise (危害) safety for children in developing countries. It is disturbing to say so in a society that prioritizes child safety and highlights zero risk, but when you consider the excessive caution that might endanger children’s lives elsewhere, the situation starts to look different.

Minter calls it “waste colonialism,” this idea that developed countries can apply their own safety standards onto the markets of developing countries—and it’s deeply wrong. Why label an used car seat or an old TV as unsafe if someone else, with different skills, is perfectly capable of repairing it and willing to use it, especially if they lack access to new products and other options?

The book explores the huge problems of handling surplus (剩余的) items and how producers discourage repairs and promote the sales of new products. Minter calls for initiatives to enhance product repairability and increase product lifetime.

1. Why does Minter set out on a journey worldwide?
A.To remember his late mother.B.To explore where used items end up.
C.To collect data for fashion industries.D.To advocate recycling of used goods.
2. In Minter’s opinion, the common idea about secondhand clothes trade in Africa is ________.
3. Which action taken by developed countries might Minter describe as “waste colonialism”?
A.Selling old TV sets to developing countries.
B.Denying access to used car seats domestically.
C.Banning used goods export to developing countries.
D.Prioritizing safety in new goods for developing countries.
4. What does Minter encourage producers to do in his book?
A.Handle used items efficiently.B.Promote sales of new products.
C.Make more sustainable products.D.Take the initiative to boost production.
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6 . Strings of letters have recently been flooding the Chinese Internet. Netizens have embraced the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) personality test, using its distinctive combinations of letters to define and classify themselves and others, sparking the formation of active online communities. Initially designed as a self-assessment tool to outline personality types and preferences, the MBTI has found enormous popularity in China.

The MBTI categorizes individuals using four pairs of characteristics: introversion (I) (内向) or extroversion (E) (外向), sensing (S) or intuition (N), thinking (T) or feeling (F), and judging (J) or perceiving (P). This leads to distinct four-letter combinations, like “ISTJ” or “INFP.” The values “E” and “I” have especially attracted public interest. Those who exhibit extroversion (E) characteristics are now humorously described as outgoing, talkative, wild, and socially skilled. They are often playfully called “social gangsters” due to their strong social skills. In contrast, those with introversion (I) are shown as quiet, reserved, reflective, and socially anxious.

Among the playful teasing, these eight seemingly simple letters have promoted deeper self-awareness and even developed a sense of friendship on social media platforms. Individuals discover their strengths and humorously acknowledge their odd behavior. This newfound self-awareness not only aids in understanding their fundamental values but also offers a way to deal with the common unease that bothers today’s youth. Many find comfort in thinking, “My ongoing anxiety, over-sensitivity, and self-doubt come from being an INFP. Such characteristics are typical for this personality type; thus, I’m perfectly normal.”

Netizens often humorously note: “In everyday life, during social events, I switch between introversion and extroversion. At work, I initially act extroverted but gradually become more introverted. When I see someone I like, I’m extroverted in my head but in reality, I’m all introverted. Haidilao Hotpot restaurants, known for their fancy birthday celebrations, sometimes make customers feel awkward. Their typical birthday song goes, “Say goodbye to all worries, and embrace all joys.” It’s a show meant for the extra-social. So, if an extrovert is invited to such a celebration, they might humorously exclaim, “I can’t take it! I’ve become introverted in the face of even more extroverted individuals.”

1. What is the original function of the MBTI personality test?
A.To form active online communities.B.To scientifically classify netizen behaviors.
C.To make a definition and classification of people.D.To evaluate the types of character and preferences.
2. Which of the following is most likely to be a “social gangster”?
A.A timid person.B.A shy person.C.A daring person.D.A humble person.
3. Understanding MBTI type can help to ______.
A.attracted public interest humorouslyB.recognize and accept personal characters
C.comfort the people with personality shortagesD.know yourself better and correct odd behavior
4. Why does the author mention birthday celebrations in Haidilao Hotpot restaurants?
A.To explain why an extrovert is often invited to their celebration.
B.To show people’s personalities can change on different occasions.
C.To indicate the birthday songs could make customers embarrassed.
D.To stress the popularity of birthday parties in Haidilao Hotpot restaurants.
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7 . Two and a half millennia ago, Socrates complained that writing would harm students. With a way to store ideas permanently and externally, they would no longer need to memorize. However, studies today have found that writing on paper can improve everything from recalling a random series of words to better understanding complex concepts.

For learning material by repetition, the benefits of using a pen or pencil lie in how the motor and sensory memory of putting words on paper reinforces that material. The scribbling (涂鸦) on a page feeds into visual memory: people might remember a word they wrote down in French class as being at the bottom-left on a page.

One of the best-demonstrated advantages of writing by hand seems to be in note-taking. Students typing on computers wrote down almost twice as many words directly from lectures, suggesting they were not understanding so much as rapidly copying the material. However, handwriting forces note-takers to process and organize ideas into their own words. This aids conceptual understanding at the moment of writing, resulting in better performance on tests.

Many studies have confirmed handwriting’s benefits, and policymakers have taken note. Though America’s curriculum from 2010 does not require handwriting instruction past first grade (roughly age six), about half the states since then have required more teaching of it. In Sweden there is a push for more handwriting and printed books and fewer devices. England’s national curriculum already includes the teaching of basic cursive writing (连写体) skills by age seven.

However, several school systems in America have gone so far as to ban most laptops. This is too extreme. Some students have disabilities that make handwriting especially hard. Nearly all will eventually need typing skills. Virginia Berninger, professor of psychology at the University of Washington, is a longtime advocate of handwriting. But she is not a purist; she says there are research tested benefits for “manuscript” print-style writing but also for typing.

Socrates may or may not have had a point about the downsides of writing. But no one would remember, much less care, if his student Plato had not noted it down for the benefit of future generations.

1. According to the text, why does writing on paper have benefits for learning?
A.It provides visual enjoyment in class.
B.It improves the effect of memorization.
C.It promotes the motor and sensory ability.
D.It helps to remember the information forever.
2. How does the author show the emphasis on handwriting instruction at school?
A.By giving examples.B.By providing statistics.
C.By making comparisons.D.By making classification.
3. What is paragraph 5 mainly about?
A.Difficulties faced by the disabled.
B.Unreasonableness of forbidding typing.
C.The research-tested benefits of typing.
D.The longtime advocacy for handwriting.
4. Why does the writer mention Socrates and Plato in the last paragraph?
A.To thank Plato for his efforts.
B.To defend Socrates’ point of view.
C.To show people’s indifference to typing.
D.To confirm the importance of handwriting.
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8 . Want to know what is coming soon to a cinema near you? Probably not a 1.5-hour-long movie, as in the old days. On October 20th comes Killers of the Flower Moon. At nearly three and a half hours, its length is nearly double that of the average film last year. Even movie fans struggle to concentrate for that long and some viewers even nod off. Afterwards there is a mad dash for the toilets. When does watching a film become such a slog?

The Economist analyzed over 100,000 feature films released internationally since the 1930s, the start of Hollywood’s golden age, using data from IMDb, a movie database. The average length of productions rose by around 24%, from one hour and 21 minutes in the 1930s to one hour and 47 minutes in 2022. For the ten most-popular titles, the average length grew to around two and a half hours in 2022, nearly 50% higher than in the 1930s.

One driver of this trend is that studios want to squeeze the most out of their costly intellectual property (知识产权), but they are competing with streaming platforms for eyeballs. The hope is that a spectacular, drawn-out “event” movie will draw audiences away from the small screen and into cinemas. This approach has often paid off: Avengers: Endgame Marvel’s three-hour superhero masterpieces, was the highest-grossing (票房最高的) film in 2019. Last year long movies series made up most of the highest-grossing films in America.

Another explanation for longer films has to do with directors’ growing influence. Who would dare tell the likes of Mr. Nolan to cut out his masterpieces? Moreover, streaming platforms, which do not have to worry as much about the length because viewers can pause whenever they like, may attract big names by promising them sufficient fund and creative freedom. Netflix funded and released three-hour The Irishman in 2019, a film that would have benefited from a decisive editor, Irish or otherwise.

1. The underlined part “a slog” in paragraph 1 refers to a(n)___.
2. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?
A.The average length affects the popularity of films.
B.Great advances have been made in film industry.
C.Hollywood starts a golden age of feature films.
D.The average duration of movies has stretched.
3. What sets the trend of longer movies?
A.Competition for the target audience.B.Thirst for more classic productions.
C.Influence of streaming platforms.D.Preference for decisive editors.
4. What is probably the best title for the passage?
A.Movie EnthusiastsB.Movie Marathons
C.Movie ProductionD.Movie Influence
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Housing officials say that lately they are noticing something different: students seem to lack the will, and the skill, to deal with ordinary conflicts. “We have students who are mad at each other and they text each other in the same room,” says a teacher. “So many of our conflicts are because kids don’t know how to solve a problem by formal discussion.”

And as any pop psychologist will tell you, bottled emotions lead to silent discontent (不满) that can boil over into frustration and anger. At the University of Florida, emotional conflicts occur about once a week, the university’s director of housing education says, “Over the past five years, roommate conflicts have increased. The students don’t have the person-to-person discussions and they don’t know how to handle them.” The problem is most dramatic among freshmen; housing professionals say they see improvement as students move toward graduation, but some never seem to improve, and they worry about how such students will deal with conflicts after college.

Administrators guess that reliance on cell phones and the Internet may have made it easier for young people to avoid uncomfortable encounters. Why express anger in person when you can vent (发泄) in a text? “Things are posted on someone’s wall on Facebook like: Oh, my roommate kept me up all night studying,” says Dana Pysz, an assistant director at the University of California, Los Angeles. “It’s a different way to express their conflict to each other, consequently creating even more conflicts as complaints go public.” In recent focus groups at North Carolina State University, dorm residents said they would not even deal with noisy neighbors on their floor.

Administrators point to parents who have fixed their children’s problems in their entire lives. Now in college, the children lack the skills to attend to even modest conflicts. Some parents continue to interfere (干涉) on campus.

1. What is the main reason for many roommate conflicts?
A.Students are not good at reaching an agreement about the problems.
B.Students are not satisfied with each other.
C.Housing directors are not responsible for them.
D.Students are not strong-willed.
2. What do we learn from the second paragraph?
A.Students, especially freshmen, should bottle up their dissatisfaction.
B.Students in Florida sit down and have a person-to-person talk once a week.
C.Not all students are able to handle conflicts by the time they graduate.
D.The number of conflicts among roommates has decreased in the past five years.
3. What is the attitude of Dana Pysz when he mentions roommates reveal their conflicts in the media?
4. What should parents do according to the passage?
A.They should be involved in their children’s life on campus.
B.They should deal with their children’s problems in their whole lives.
C.They should constantly contact the administrators of the college.
D.They should teach their children the skills to tackle the conflicts.
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Live streaming (直播) has gone popular in China. Many have turned     1    (they) into live streaming users or followers. But many problems come along. Many minors have ever spent large amounts of money     2     (tip) and buying virtual gifts for their idols during live streams. Some live streams promote online games, poor products with misleading claims, and even something illegal     3     affects underage (未成年的) followers.

Chinese authorities have introduced a set of updated regulations (管理) on live streaming industry     4     (protect) the interests of minors. The new rules, issued by a central department, including the National Radio,     5     (publish) on Saturday. A source told China Daily, “I know that     6     (probable) means the days are gone when live streamers were often rewarded without inspection.” Besides, those under the age of 16 will be prohibited to perform as live streamers under the new rules. For those     7     (applicant) aged between 16 and 18, the     8     (approve) of their guardians (监护人) is necessary.

The document also calls for cooperation to carry     9     further inspections (检查). Online game enterprises and platforms, like Tencent and NetEase, have also been required to follow     10     stricter regulations to manage the services of live streaming games.

2023-12-29更新 | 114次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖北省黄冈市黄梅国际育才高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题
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