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1 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Every October, my neighborhood has a Halloween costume contest, And every time, my neighbor Ollie and I would race to the announcement board in the park to find out the theme.

One year, the theme was “Dress up as your favorite book character”. Another year, it was “Be something scary”. But this year, the theme was kind of, well, themeless. The board wrote “Be creative”. It was told that the judge would prefer something original. When I examined the paper on the announcement board, I was totally confused, since it was not really a theme. Ollie hopped off his skateboard to get a closer look. “You’re right,” he agreed.

“Since we don’t know exactly what we want to be yet, we should start by choosing some cool costume-making materials,” Ollie instantly scooped up a bunch of fallen leaves from the oak and proposed using leaves. It seemed impossible to make an entire costume out of leaves, Not to mention these terrible-looking yellow leaves. However, Ollie scooped up some more and try to persuade me, “They’re totally free and I can guarantee, no one will be a tree as great as me,” “Don’t you mean, a tree as great as we?” I grinned, We ended up filling two jumbo bags with different leaves. Ollie’s grandma, Abuela helped get us set up with tons of excellent costume-making supplies, We tried on part of our costumes, making the “branches” by gluing (粘) the leaves to our arms. We could tell the “trees” really would be tremendous, On the morning of the contest day, it took us hours to get ready, and we probably lost half our leaves shuffling over to the park. Still, when it was time for contestants (参赛者) to line up in the judging area, I felt pretty proud.

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Paragraph 1:

Except then, after a few minutes. I felt so itchy (发痒) that I just had to scratch.

Paragraph 2:

Just at that time, the judge called for everyone’s attention.

昨日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省培优联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期4月联考英语试题
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2 . None of my friends are going to the art camp. Despite my ______ for drawing, I decided not to go because I had a hard time jumping into something with no ______ faces around.

Sitting under the bright sun, I thought about the art camp and wished I felt a little braver. To distract myself, I started sketching a pine. ______ myself I was happy to skip the camp, I drew the pine’s strong trunk and ______ the graceful branches, making sure the upper ones ______ gently toward the sun, At this time, Mr. Weston, my neighbor ______, “You’ve done a great job capturing the strength of that tree on paper.” He added, “Actually, you have to spread out the ______ near the surface so the tree can get enough water and grow tall. If you ______ the root ball too deep, the tree withers (凋零). I learned that root grow out, not down from my experience of planting pine trees.” “That ______,” I said. I made adjustments to the root part and then added shading to the branches to give them depth. “You have a good ______,” Mr. Weston said, and then nodded goodbye.

I thought about what Mr. Weston told me as I ______ at the towering pine. I’d never realized how ______ a tree’s roots stretch outward. It made me think about art camp and my own roots. I wasn’t stretching them out at all. ______, I was planting myself into one deep spot because it felt safer. I ______ realized that if I wanted to grow, I had to start reaching out too. That night, I took a deep breath and filled in the ______ for art camp.

A.came upB.came acrossC.checked inD.checked out
A.makes senseB.makes outC.makes itD.makes up
昨日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省培优联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期4月联考英语试题
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3 . When Alexa couldn’t crawl, stand or walk as a baby, her mother sensed that something was wrong. _______, doctors told her not to worry— perhaps Alexa was just a “lazy baby”. After seeing a specialist, though, Alexa was diagnosed with a rare disease called spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), which affects the central nervous system and the _______ in the body.

Throughout Alexa’s childhood and adolescence, there were no _______ medicines to treat SMA. Her muscles continued to weaken over time. But Alexa was outgoing and loved to exercise her _______ through pretend play and performing. This adventurous spirit led her to work as a child _______, appearing in movies, television shows and commercials.

With hard work, determination and courage—not to _______ plenty of support from her loved ones — Alexa graduated from high school, and attended a law school. While in law school, her symptoms became especially _______. She noticed that it was becoming more difficult to _______ her hands and move her fingers. Around that same time, she _______ an experimental drug for SMA that was in clinical trials. She started ________ to learn as much as she could about this possible medicine and what it might do for her. Finally she received the first-ever approved treatment to ________ the progression of her disease.

Now, Alexa works as an entertainment lawyer for a Hollywood production company. Although Alexa doesn’t let her SMA define her, it has certainly ________ who she is today: optimistic, courageous and ________. The limitations SMA places on her have been a (n)   ________, but they’ve also ________ as a motivator, leading Alexa to get as much out of life as she can.

A.tried outB.talked aboutC.heard aboutD.tested out
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省锦州市高三下学期质量检测(一模)英语试卷

4 . Auri Katariina used to be a service manager at a cleaning company in Finland. To her family and friends’ _________, she quit her high-paid job and decided to follow her unique passion.

Auri has always _________ cleaning things, and she began posting cleaning videos online after leaving her job. Then one day, a single mother asked her for help because she was _________ so much with three children always making a mess at home. Auri, who is “in heaven” whenever she is doing cleaning, was _________ to help. So she went on a weekend and _________ her home. Auri didn’t ask for any _______ for her service; it was the _______ in the house, which her work resulted in, that made her really happy.

Since then, Auri has gone as far as France and the UK to help people. She gets _______ online but chooses only the   _______ homes belonging to people most in need. For the first six months she __________ all travel and product expenses herself, about several hundred euros per visit._________ her popular videos of cleaning tips, a sponsor (赞助者) has reached out to her. But she still never __________ a penny.

Now, Auri goes to clean homes of _________ once a week and creates _________ for her social media channels, including lists of some of her top tips. Her dream is to clean all over the world, helping people while doing something she absolutely __________.

A.In spite ofB.Thanks toC.Ahead ofD.In addition to
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:重庆市某某学校2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
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5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was eight years old when my family moved from Towoomba to England in 1950. My mother was suffering from a rare disease and had to take treatment in London. The day before we boarded the ship, Father sent his five-year-old red heeler (Australian cattle dog), Spider, who was loved by us all, to his friend Sandy, as Sandy was to be his guardian while we were overseas. We didn’t know how long my mother’s treatment would take or how long we would be away.

Six weeks later, an airletter arrived from Sandy, giving my father the news that Spider had run away just two weeks after we had sailed. I will always remember my father’s face as he read this news. My mother and I tried to comfort him, knowing in our hearts how useless this was.

Sandy had advertised constantly on the media. Despite many “sightings”, the dog was never found. It seemed Spider just kept running and searching for us. My father worried he would be shot or dead from starvation. But our family thought that Father held a secret hope that Spider was still alive.

We sailed back to Australia two years later and my father immediately began his own search for Spider. He repeated calls to the people who had said they had seen his dog, but it turned out to be clueless.

One cold winter’s Saturday morning, eight months after our return, my father had a call from Gin Gin, 375 kilometers from Toowoomba. An elderly lady living on her own was putting food out “for a very old yellow dog”. This had been going on for a few weeks. Immediately we set off.

Five and a half hours later, we found the old house beside the bush (灌木丛). Sadly, the lady told my father that the dog hadn’t been around for a few days. My father had an upset look in his eyes. He put two fingers to his mouth and did his special whistle for Spider.

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Suddenly there was a sound in the bush.


Once home we gently cleaned him up.

昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县高三4月(二模)大联考英语试题
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6 . Now I finally understand how much my mother loves me.

Back home from the _________, during the first few weeks of my daughter’s life, it seemed like I was never doing anything besides _________ the baby. Life was little more than a thin stream of milk _________ any body to hers, _________ interrupted by a peanut-butter sandwich.

Of course I’d heard _________ were always waking up. But this now seemed like a joke. How did anyone get them to _________ in the first place? Every time I put the baby down, she cried and cried. She slept only when she was being held. So my husband and I _________ by turns. Usually I _________ her till eleven or so, my husband was with her until two or three or four, and then I got up to hold her again until morning. The Internet said babies _________ comfort at dusk because of their primal(最初的) __________ of being deserted in the dark. “Don’t worry, baby,” I told the crying baby in my arms. “I won’t __________ you in the dark.”

My mother finally arrived to help. I had __________ for her arrival every morning. Her __________ meant I could get some rest. Every few hours, my mother put a plate on my lap, loaded with __________. She said, “You need to eat.” She held my baby girl against her chest and __________ in her car, “You know how your mama loves you? That’s how I love her.”

A.moved awayB.wrote downC.settled downD.stayed up
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县高三4月(二模)大联考英语试题
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7 . My wife and I parked by a rough path the same time as a young man covered in tattoos (纹身). I ______ he was unfriendly,so we tried to ______ ourselves from him. But he struggled hard to ______ and wanted to talk some. We slowed down. He said he was recovering from a bad time in his life. We ______ left him in the dust,heading up the river.

Hours later we turned back ______ a flash flood had taken out the bridge. There he was again, following to ______ us. He shared a little more of his ______. He lost his mother and sister in a car accident and he was permanently ______ too. We slowed down to the pace he could ______ for the whole way back.

He continued, “During much surgery and ______ I came to hate life...” Then he pulled up his shirt to show us a ______ life size tattoo from neck to waist. It was two ladies in a ______ light waving to him. “This is my mom and this is my sister,” he pointed, “They told me to stop hating everything. They loved me just as they always had and ______ me to live in love too!” He explained the brightly colored tattoo was the exact dream he had that day.

My ______ went away. It had painted a wrong picture of this wonderful person with a beautiful ______ . I learned more than he hoped to tell.

A.turn awayB.set outC.catch upD.settle down
昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届浙江省嘉兴市高三下学期4月二模英语试题
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8 . I have always been proud of my handwriting, a skill I was taught in grade school. The teacher was teaching us the Palmer Penmanship Method, drilling into us the importance of forming big flowing lines when we wrote g’s and s’s as well as beautiful f’s that in my mind were like fairy tale princesses wearing fancy hats while extending their right foot. We were strictly prohibited from using block letters on our homework, as they lack the beauty.

Now it becomes apparent that young people no longer learn cursive(草书). They type everything, mostly on their phones. Beautiful handwriting is a thing of the past. This has become a source of great sadness among traditionalists.

But recently something happened that shook my faith in cursive. To my complete disbelief, not one but two of my close friends complained about the handwriting on my postcards. They were grateful for the beautiful postcards I regularly sent, but they said they honestly couldn't read a thing I had written. One friend went so far as to ask if I could use block letters next time so that she could understand what I was writing.

Initially, I was angry. I had made the effort to cover an entire postcard with what I viewed as not just handwriting but calligraphy. But then I showed an English friend a postcard I'd just written, and he said that the only thing that was readily understandable was the letters “U. S. A.” The rest of it, he politely suggested, looked like “chicken scrawl”.

Looking at the postcard dispassionately, I unwillingly admit that he has a point. All the m’s and n’s run together, and the l’s look like l’s. The a’s are indistinguishable from the q’s. So, from now on, I'm taking their advice and using block letters to communicate.

In fact, I just now sent an old friend a postcard. But this time, I simply wrote—in big block letters:




I hope she gets the message.

1. What do we know about the Palmer Penmanship Method?
A.It is characterized by big flowing lines.B.It is rarely appreciated by traditionalists.
C.It was not allowed in students'homework.D.It is viewed as a trend in handwriting styles.
2. What weakened the writer’s belief in cursive?
A.The popularity of block letters in recent times.
B.The younger generation’s disinterest in cursive.
C.His friends’ failure to comprehend his postcards.
D.His English friend's suggestion on postcard design.
3. Why did the writer switch to block letters for communication?
A.To deliver his message clearly.B.To improve his handwriting skills.
C.To win praise from his friends.D.To show his passion for calligraphy.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The wide use of cursive.B.The sad decline of cursive.
C.The value of preserving cursive.D.The technique of writing in cursive.
昨日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届浙江省嘉兴市高三下学期4月二模英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Kim’s family moved frequently from one place to another due to his father’s profession. Kim had to start a new school every few years. Therefore, Kim’s school life was terrible. He didn’t have any best friends.

One day, Kim went to his classmate Rocky’s home. As soon as they entered the house, Rocky’s pet jumped on Rocky and started licking his face. Rocky said, “My doggy loves me very much. Animals can’t speak, but they have feelings, too.” His words were so touchy that Kim thought about keeping a pet.

Kim talked with his mother. She was afraid of dogs. She said that if Kim kept a dog at home, then it would be entirely his responsibility. The real task for Kim was his father. They were pure vegetarian. His father knew that animal needs meat for growth, which he never bought in the market. Therefore, he said a clear no to Kim’s demand.

One day, Kim saw a puppy in the park, who was in pain because of an injured ear. The puppy was weeping. Kim couldn’t stop himself and took it home. He took good care of it and decided to keep it permanently at home. When his father saw the dog, he scolded Kim, the little pup sitting in the corner and listening to them. Since Kim requested him a lot, finally, he agreed unwillingly.

Kim named that cute puppy Dooner. He trained Dooner and took care of his food, water, and cleanliness. Dooner and Kim became good friends. Everyone loved Dooner except Kim’s father. Every time his father got home, Dooner would hide somewhere in the house.

Then the day came when the results of the examination were declared. Kim failed in one subject, which made Kim’s father disappointed. He scolded Kim and even blamed Dooner for Kim’s failure.

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Dooner hid himself in the corner, listening to everything.


Although Dooner had left the house for several days, he decided to pick up Kim’s father’s wallet on the ground of the market and returned it.

昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高二下学期4月份联合考试英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“Mom, please,” Ann a begged eagerly. “Please, let me do it by myself!” She had never made cookies by herself before, but at the age of nine, she felt capable of handling many things. Her friends had been baking cupcakes for a year. Yet, it seemed her parents had little faith in her.

“Anna is going to make cookies? Alone?” her brother, Carl, asked with a laugh. “That is going to be disaster!” Carl used big words to act smarter than Anna. Having a big brother could be annoying. Admittedly, Anna always appeared clumsy. But that was before she turned nine. She thought her parents should realize she would do better now.

At her words, a flash of uncertainty crossed her parents’ faces. Would they agree? Holding her breath, she had waited for what seemed like ages. Surprisingly, Mom nodded, saying, “Okay, but please be careful, and remember to take a look at the cookbook first.”

Fueled by determination, Anna raced to the kitchen. With each step, there was a sense of purpose and confidence growing within her. She had already done it with Mom a million times before. Putting the cookbook aside, she got down to baking cookies from memory, breaking eggs, dropping a cold stick of butter, adding salt and then…um…yes, mixing it well! Using a mixer was easy. She turned on the mixer at the medium speed—and whoa. Whoa. Whoa! Butter splattered (飞溅) everywhere, making the kitchen in a mess. Collecting herself, she turned back to the mixing bowl and started again. This time with softer butter.

Anna placed rounded spoonfuls of mixture onto the cookie pan and put it into the oven (烤炉). Within a few minutes, a fantastic smell filled the kitchen- the smell of cookie success! She was going to silence all those doubts. No more eye-rolling from her big brother. No more “You’re too young, Anna” from her parents. She believed she was grown up and mature enough to be relied on.


The moment Anna pulled the pan out of the oven, Carl stepped into the kitchen.


Now she decided to have another try, carefully following the cookbook.

昨日更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省佛山市高三下学期二模英语试题
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