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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了现年34岁的主人公Jesse Dufton生来就患有一种罕见的遗传性疾病,这种疾病使他的视力下降了不到20%,而且随着时间的推移,视力一直在下降。他选择攀登,因为他认为这比坐在家里自怨自艾要好。

1 . It isn’t easy to climb the Old Man of Hoy, one of the tallest in the United Kingdom. It is even more dangerous if you happen to be a blind climber, as Jesse Dufton is. The 34-year-old was born with a rare genetic disease (遗传病) that left him with less than 20 percent of his vision (视觉), which then kept dropping over the years. He chooses to climb, because it’s better than sitting at home feeling sorry for yourself, right? Climbing is not the most dangerous thing I do on an average day; crossing the road on the way to work is far more risky than Hoy.”

Dufton has been climbing mountains since childhood. As a skilled climber, his father would take him out at weekends. He was always physical then, always up for adventure. He played sports at school, though quickly grew frustrated (沮丧) with many of them. Badminton was a joke for someone like me, and even blind cricket — with a ball with a bell in it — annoyed me. “Instead he was attracted to climbing and skiing, and insists that climbing is one of the safer activities for a blind person to undertake. “True, you can’t see the handholds, or the footholds. You can’t see where the opportunities are, or where to place your hands and your gear (齿轮), so you just have to take it slowly. You search around until you can feel for something to hold onto, and then basically repeat the process over and over again. To keep calm in these situations helps.”

It was Jesse himself who made a documentary happen. He told the filmmaker Alistair Lee about his pastime, believing it might be worth capturing on film. I realized my story was quite unusual,” he says, adding that he felt almost duty-bound to share it. If somebody like me watches it, and they find it inspirational, then it wouldn’t be right for me to keep that from them, wouldn’t it?”

1. What is more dangerous in Jesse Dufton’s eyes?
A.Losing eyesight gradually.B.Daily routines in his life.
C.Climbing the Old Man of Hoy.D.Staying at home all day.
2. Jesse persuaded Alistair Lee to make a documentary to _________.
A.show his unique talent for climbing
B.inspire more people with disability
C.give credit to the brave climbers
D.educate people about risky sports
昨日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点14 阅读理解:细节理解题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题
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2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Jeff, my best friend in college, and I had many conversations during the year but I will always remember the time he told me about his family. His father, a successful physician, was cold and strict in Jeff’s words. His father had even paved the way for Jeff to attend the same college from which he had graduated.

However, Jeff had a strong passion for skiing. When he graduated from high school, he decided to decline his father’s offer and, instead, to work with a ski patrol (滑雪巡逻队). With pain in his eyes, Jeff told me he still remembered the day when he told his father he was going to give up college and take a job at a ski resort.

As Jeff recalled, upon hearing Jeff’s decision, his father looked off into the distance. Then came the words that still echoed in Jeff’s mind: “You lazy kid. No son of mine is going to work with a ski patrol and does not attend college. I should have known you’d never amount to anything!” The two had not spoken since that conversation.

At the age of twenty seven, Jeff became a successful business planner at a company, but without a degree. To further his career, he decided to come back to the area near where he grew up to attend college, but he certainly did not want his father to know what he was doing. He said he was doing this for himself, not for his father. He said it over and over again.

Jeff’s sister had always remained supportive of Jeff’s decisions. She stayed in contact with their father, but Jeff had made her promise that she would not share any information about his life with him.

The day when the graduation ceremony came, I, as the president of Students’ Union, took charge of seating the guests before it started. Suddenly. I noticed a man with a confused expression.   

“Excuse me,” he said as he politely approached me. “What is happening here today?”

“It’s graduation day,” I replied, smiling. “Well, that’s odd,” he said, “my daughter asked me to meet her at this address.” His eyes sparkled and he smiled. “Maybe she completed her associate’s degree and wanted to surprise me!” I helped him find a seat.

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As I left him, he said, “Thank you. By the way, I’m Dr. Holstrom.”


Afterwards, the principal invited the graduates to step onto the stage to receive their diplomas.

昨日更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省长沙市第一中学2023-2024学年高三下学期月考(八)英语试卷
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。本文主要回忆了作者在某个夏天,为了看一场棒球赛,和父亲每周都会为球赛存钱,终于等 到赛季的最后一个比赛日那天,父亲陪作者去看了比赛。三年后,父亲去世,作者无意中在父亲的房间中发现父亲还保留着那一天比赛的门票,那是父亲出于感情因素保留的唯一物品。

3 . My father never kept anything for emotional purpose—except once. I was the only one in my family who cared about baseball and I always ________ watching my heroes at Yankee Stadium (洋基体育场). One winter, I wrote down a________ of the summer dates and dreamed every night. To my surprise, one evening I saw my father ________ it before going out to work.

The following Sunday, he told me, “Let’s put away some money into a ________ each week, and maybe we can go to Yankee Stadium this summer.”I ________ washed out ajar (玻璃罐) and________ a label: YANKEE STADIUM FUND, 1960. Each of us________to the jar weekly. ________, we still hadn’t gone to a game because my father had had to work every Saturday. So one day, I ________ him of the remaining time, and then he ________ me, “Don’t worry and we’ll have a ________ Saturday.”On the morning of the last game, I sat waiting hopelessly with no ________ of my father who suddenly appeared and yelled, “I got two________!”I could hardly ________ when we finally sat together, father and son, ________ my New York Yankees. I sat cheering, but for my father, all I could see was a face lined with tiredness from working all week.

A.tried outB.worried aboutC.dreamed ofD.lived on
昨日更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省怀宁县高河中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题

4 . My earliest memories are of having two very old parents. My mother was 42 when I was born, which back then was seriously old to have a baby, and a little risky too. My oldest brother was 14 years older than me and the middle brother ten years older. When I was quite small they had both left home. I grew up almost like an only child. I tended to amuse myself and play in the garden and draw and paint and shoot. I suppose you do learn as an only child that you’re going to have to get on with life by yourself. You’re going to have to find things that excite and move you.

I was shipped off to Sunday school in Edinburgh when I was seven years old. I felt a proper Charlie, because I was the only little boy among the Sunday school children who was wearing a kilt (苏格兰短裙). I also felt rather threatened by the stories we were taught. Old-school Christianity was filled with punishment and anger that I didn’t really enjoy. For the rest of my attendance at Sunday school, I didn’t get closer than climbing a tree outside the church and hiding in the branches, waiting until the children came out, then dropping down to join the school team and walking out of the church to be met by my parents, who were then reassured that I’d been to Sunday school as I was supposed to.

When my parents moved to Blackpool, my aunt, who came to live with us, took me to two or three concerts. I got to see Cliff Richard, Adam Faith and the early Rolling Stones performing at Blackpool’s ABC Theatre-which, when I was 12 years old, was an important moment of recognising that that isn’t what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, because the music they played was not what I was enjoying. I was drawn to the blues and Black American folk music. It felt very real and human.

1. What do we know about the author’s childhood?
A.Many things moved him.B.He had to do many things on his own.
C.He liked playing in the garden.D.He got on badly with his brothers.
2. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined phrase “a proper Charlie” in paragraph 2?
A.A real fool.B.An independent child.
C.A capable student.D.A clever student.
3. What experiences did the author have in his Sunday school?
A.He liked wearing a kilt.B.He often studied in the trees.
C.He was threatened by others.D.He was often absent from school.
4. What can we infer from the text?
A.His brothers were not important to him.B.He never walked into the church.
C.His parents took him to some concerts.D.The blues caught his interest.
昨日更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省怀宁县高河中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
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5 . The sun was beginning to sink as I set off into the Harenna Forest. I was on my way to _________ a unique honey harvest. Here, in south-east Ethiopia, hand-carved beehives (蜂房) are placed in the _________. Reaching them to get the honey is difficult and often _________.

I followed beekeeper Ziyad over a wide stretch of grassland _________ entering a thick jungle. Ziyad began preparations. He gathered _________ of damp tree leaves, wrapped them with string, and _________ the bunch to create a torch (火把). Then, with one end of a rope tied to his waist and the other end around the trunk of a tree, Ziyad began _________. He stopped every few minutes to move the _________ higher up the tree trunk.

_________, Ziyad got close to the hive which was around 20 meters above the ground. Sitting on a branch, he __________ towards it and blew smoke from his torch into a tiny hole in the hive. Suddenly, Ziyad __________ a sharp cry. Within seconds, he’d __________ the trunk and was back on the ground.

It was too __________ to collect the honey. A cool summer had delayed __________. Baby bees were still in the honeycombs (蜂巢). The angry adult bees kept attacking as Ziyad escaped from the tree. He had to wait for the right __________ to go back up.

A.made outB.help outC.tested outD.let out
A.cut offB.gone upC.slid downD.held onto
昨日更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第二中学2023-2024学年高一下学期第一次月考英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个有着先天性心脏缺损的12岁孩子Luna没有选择放弃,而是与Saucony公司合作,用自己的艺术天赋和坚持,设计出了自己的鞋子,发起the Shoes with Soul(有灵魂的鞋子)活动,最终通过这项活动来帮助其他患有心脏疾病的人。

6 . On the outside, 12-year-old Luna seems like your average kid. It’s not until you get to know her that you learn that Luna is anything but average.

Bom with a heart defect (缺陷) called dextrocardia, Luna has had three open-heart operations and continues to pursue her interests in art and fashion. But when Luna was approached by athletic shoe company Saucony to design a shoe for sale across the country, it came as quite a surprise.


“Rather than just a donation, we wanted to create an experience and a moment that would not only raise money, but also awareness to highlight all the amazing work that’s being done at BCH,” says Chris, Saucony’s vice president. “Specifically, we wanted to give some of the BCH kids an opportunity to share their story and their talents with the world.”

1. What can we learn from Chris’ words?
A.It’s unwise to raise money.
B.It’s optional to seek donations.
C.It’s wonderful to study art.
D.It’s necessary to show kids’ talents.
2. Which of the following best describes Luna?
A.Gifted and determined.B.Generous and serious.
C.Grateful and helpful.D.Creative and sensitive.
昨日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:易错点15 阅读理解:推理判断题(4大陷阱易错点)-备战2024年高考英语考试易错题
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7 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Alice was only five and it was her first camping trip with Mum and Dad. She was excited but was a little nervous, too. “What if the tent collapses and squashes us? What if the wind blows it away? What if it rains and the tent leaks? What if a wolf comes into the tent and eats us?...” she kept asking Mum these strange questions.

This made Mum laugh. Alice had read too many fairy stories with big bad wolves in them. Mum comforted Alice, saying that there weren’t any wolves in the city or even in the whole country, except in zoos. “Well, what if one has escaped from a zoo?” asked Alice. Mum laughed, “Zoos are careful enough not to let their animals escape.” Then Alice soon forgot about wolves as the v started getting ready for the camping trip.

Alice helped Dad load up the car. They put a tent into the car, which wasabi gone for the whole family to stay in. Then the sleeping bags, blankets and more. “It’s cold at night when you’re sleeping in a tent,” added Dad. When everything was packed, the car was full to bursting(爆棚). Dad started the car, and soon they were leaving the city behind them.

“Look at the hills!” shouted Mum excitedly. “Look at the cows on the grass!” They drove up a winding road until they reached the campsite, which belonged to a farmer and was in a big field. Once the tent was set up, Alice went to explore. There were trees to climb and a stream for paddling(戏水). Alice sat there watching the cows eating the grass. The day flew by and was: getting dark. Then the family had a barbecue near the tent.

As they were ready for sleep, strange rustling(沙沙声) noises came from the fence next to their tent in the darkness. “What are those noises? Is a wolf approaching?” Alice worried and moved closer to Mum, “Maybe it’s just the wind,” Mum gently patted Alice. Alice didn’t say, anything more. They were all tired after a day outdoors, and crawled into their sleeping bags. Soon Mum and Dad were asleep.


It was the first time that Alice had slept in a tent outside.


She said to her parents, “There must be a wolf or something else near the fence.”

昨日更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省祁县中学高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题
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8 . As a psychologist, one of my favorite practices was my meeting a teenager, Trevor. He had been struggling with anxiety and depression, finding few solutions_________to him. Trevor_________his ability after failing the final exam and wanted to give up. Together with his dad he_________me, and we discussed something about a_________in detail. I_________he would get better as long as he believed in himself. He looked _________. “I don’t think it will work.” he said. Then a new idea_________me-maybe I could help him by associating his experience with the perception(认识) of steady_________. So I enlightened(启发) him _________

“When you break a bone, what is the__________of a cast(石膏)?” I asked. “It protects the bone,” he answered. “Yes, but how__________ does the bone heal?” “The body heals it,” “Right,” I nodded. “Now, I will act as your cast and __________you until your__________heals itself.” Trevor gave me a smile. Obviously, our conversation gave Trevor a belief that he should trust in his inner power and it assured him that he wasn’t__________. He knew his doctor, parents, and teachers would all work in concert to help him. Sure enough, he caught up with his classmates later.

If children are in crisis, parents can try to make them realize their problems. Parents need to encourage and support them. In this__________, children will feel encouraged and confident eventually.

A.looked onB.turned toC.complained ofD.appealed to
A.applied toB.took toC.occurred toD.pointed to
昨日更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省祁县中学高三下学期第一次模拟考试英语试题
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9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

“WOW. I can’t believe how many people are showing up for this!” Dandelion Pinkley said. She stood in the wide parking lot of the E-Z Life Elephant Sanctuary, watching a lot of cars getting close. Her brother Doodlebug, their cousin Rudyard, and other kids were with her. All of them were ready to wash those cars.

The elephants who lived at E-Z Life had been saved. Now they enjoyed a safe home. And every clean car meant a few more dollars to support their well-being. So working the car wash was a great way to spend a summer day!

The first few cars parked. The drivers paid, and the kids got to work.

“My car is messy!” one driver said as she paid up.

“You’re not kidding.” Doodlebug said. He began washing it.

Nearby, Cousin Rudyard began shining the bumpers (保险杠) on a classic car. “Whoopee!” he shouted. “I love this car, and it’s perfect now!”

He turned to the next car, singing a funny elephant song along with some other kids. A few elephants began to come together at the wooden fence (栅栏).

“They’re happy,” Dandelion’s best friend, Tomiko, said.

“And look at the babies,” Dandelion said, as one put its trunk (象鼻) through the fence and waved at them. “We need to work faster, so we can get them more money!”

All the kids stepped up the action. For a while, it was a lot of fun. The car wash went perfectly. People drove up and paid their money. But the noise and the summer heat began to wear the young car washers down.

“I can’t take this too much longer,” Doodlebug said to his sister.

“I know,” Dandelion agreed, “but there are still so many cars waiting for a wash.” The line of cars seemed endless.

“I need a break,” Rudyard said.

“But we need to help the elephants!” Dandelion said, wanting nothing more than to take a rest. A second later she did.

“What’s the matter with you kids?” one driver complained (抱怨). “It’s only midmorning. You can’t stop working because of tiredness. You’re kids!”

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Doodlebug complained, but he started to work again.


But before Dandelion reached the next car in line, the elephants had begun shooting water out their trunks and spraying (喷洒) each car clean.

昨日更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古赤峰市宁城县高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题
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10 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Logan was a brilliant student. He had committed to doing everything it took to win a scholarship to study at a good university. But nothing was more important to the 17-year-old boy than supporting his mother who was sick. After school hours, he would work as a bagboy at the local grocery store. Together, Logan and his mother managed to make ends meet while still fighting to achieve bigger dreams.

Now right outside the grocery store, Logan spotted a familiar face. “Mr. Peters!” Logan called out to the old man holding crutches (拐杖), whom he recognized as his new neighbor. Mr. Peters waved at Logan.   Logan happily helped the old man find what he needed and helped him bill the items, too.

“That will be $23, Mr. Peters,” Logan said.

Mr. Peters was taken aback by the bill’s amount. He asked, “And how much without the fruits?”

“$19, sir.”

“I see.” Mr. Peters looked in his wallet. He studied the bill and said, “Actually, I’ll just take the greens, thank you.”

“You know what? Here, let me pay for your order. It looks like you may have … left your card at home or something.”

Mr. Peters didn’t see this kind gesture coming, and even though it hurt his pride a little, he accepted the boy’s help.

Logan paid for the order and handed the bags to the old man. But Mr. Peters could only move a few steps forward as he tried to hold all the groceries without the crutches slipping away Logan rushed to Mr. Peters and offered to carry the groceries to his home. It was a short walk, but the two men were engaged in conversation all the way.

“What are you doing working at a grocery store? You look like you should be in college!” Mr.   Peter asked.

On listening to Logan’s story, Mr. Peters was moved and thought he should do something. “It was lovely to meet you, Logan. Maybe you could pop in after your shift at the store today?” he asked.

Logan agreed, suspecting that the man probably needed some help around the house.

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After work, Logan knocked on his neighbor’s door and discovered the most astonishing thing about the old man.


“I’ve asked some former workmates to notice a scholarship application from a young man named Logan,” Mr. Peters continued.

昨日更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省姜堰中学高三下学期模拟预测英语试题
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