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1 . Top Theme Parks and Amusement Parks in Australia

Magic Mountain Merimbula

Located in the town of Merimbula, this small theme park is situated on the Sapphire Coast. There are multiple attractions in this place including Kiddie Splash Pool, Magic Carpet Slide and the Diamond Pyth on Roller Coaster. You can buy souvenirs from the gift shops for friends and family back home.

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday 10 am to 4 pm

Price: $90 per person

The Big Banana Fun Park

The Big Banana Fun Park is located in the city of Coffs Harbour and it boasts a large walk-through banana. Guests can go roller skating at the ice-skating rink, enjoy water slides and play golf.

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday 9 am to 5 pm

Price: $25 per adult (age 13-99); $15 per child (age 1-12)

Wet Wild Gold Coast

Owned and operated by the Village Roadshow Theme Parks, this park features 17 water slides, 4 pools, and 2 children’s areas. If you are traveling during the winter season, there is nothing to worry as the pools and slides are heated according to your convenience.

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday 10 am to 5 pm

Price: $24 per person

Big Splash Waterpark

Featuring nine slides, a 50-meter (164 feet) pool, and kiddie pools, this park is a perfect spot to chill when the sun is out. Being one of the oldest theme parks in Australia, it boasts the famous Jammo Pool.

Opening hours: Monday to Sunday 10 am to 6 pm

Price: $150 per adult (age 13-99); 40% discount per child (age 1-12)

Enjoy with your kids at one of the theme parks in Australia.

1. What can visitors do in The Big Banana Fun Park?
A.Ride on a roller coaster.B.Play golf.
C.Buy gifts.D.Taste big bananas.
2. How much will 8-year-old twins pay if they go to Big Splash Waterpark?
3. Who is the text most probably intended for?
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Wanting to spend some time camping this summer? But you’ re afraid it’s going to be a disaster? You needn’t worry.     1     . With a little preparation and a little help from a camp planner, you can have the camping experience of your dreams.

Discuss Camping with Your Children

A little preparation goes a long way. If your children have never camped, they may be scared or resistant to the idea. Talk with them about what camping will be like and what they will experience. Highlight the fun things but don’t avoid things that they may be afraid of or unsure about.     2     .

Pack in-Case-of-Rain Activities

No one likes rain when they are trying to enjoy the outdoors, but sometimes even if you check your local forecast, rain happens.     3     , like playing cards and a chess set to wait out the rain. Rainy afternoons are also a perfect time for naps and storytelling. Some favorite family memories can be made waiting for the rain to pass.

Pack Special Snacks

    4     . Cookies and roasted marshmallows are some good foods and you can find some more fun treats to share on your camping adventure like walking tacos and campfire chili. Camp food can become long-lasting traditions in your family.

Use a Camping Planner

Let’s face it — planning a camping trip can be a lot.     5     . You can use a camping planner to help you get organized and make sure you have a truly memorable camping experience. The Camping Planner includes a comprehensive packing checklist, a camp meal planner and grocery shopping lists, along with lists of your favorite camping spots and places to try in the future and so much more.

A.But you don’t have to do it all alone
B.Make sure you pack necessary things
C.Here are some of our favorite natural games
D.Camping without special snacks is not perfect
E.Open the conversations and answer them honestly
F.An interesting trip unnecessarily means an easy one
G.Camping can be a wonderful experience for your family
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3 . The Best Activities in Melbourne

It’s time to start planning how you’ll keep entertained. We’ve put together four family-friendly activities for you.

Visit Melbourne Royal Show

Some visit the show for the thrilling rides, the others feel amazed at award-winning cakes, the cutest baby animals... or maybe you’re all just united in a love of sugar-filled show bags. This year’s Melbourne Royal Show is set to be bigger and better than ever, running for 11 days, with all the fantastic attractions that we know and love.

Meet Magical Dragons at Kryal Castle

If your family has a love for the fantastical, you can get up close to mysterious dragons at Kryal Castle. There will be a wide range of activities themed around the famous creatures, including an exciting dragon egg trip and dragon soldier training. You’ll come face to face with dragons, and catch the thrilling Dragon Cup Tournament, where noble soldiers and brave knights battle for the Dragon Cup.

Get Inspiration from First Nations Artists

The activity is inviting kids to express their creativity at the immersive (沉浸式虚拟现实的) art experience. The organizer will have little kids using their personal creativity to create their own artworks that can be taken home, surrounded by the world of art and culture as inspiration. There will also be free gifts and interactive art plays. It’s suitable for age 5 to 12.

Let Loose at the Museum of Play and Art (MoPA)

MoPA is a kids’ museum, a place where kids can engage with fun exhibits. The exhibits at MoPA are designed for kids aged 1 to 9. Kids can practice their fine motor skills, build and race in the Zoom Room, climb up to Sunset City for a sweet view of the museum and get creative at the MoPA Art Car.

1. How is this year’s Melbourne Royal Show different from before?
A.It offers live music.B.It has thrilling rides.
C.It is larger than before.D.It has award-winning cakes.
2. What is special about First Nations Artists?
A.It lets kids get writing inspiration.B.It is mainly about the culture.
C.It’s the most suitable for kids.D.It offers free gifts to kids.
3. Which is the best activity for kids to race?
A.The MoPA.B.Melbourne Royal Show.
C.First Nations Artists.D.Magical Dragons at Kryal Castle.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . 3 Nights Sydney to Perth


Australia: Great Southern Rail-The Indian Pacific

General Information

There’s no better way to appreciate Australia than by crossing every inch of it. After setting out on this journey, you’ll have nothing but fun.


Day 1: Depart Sydney in the afternoon and start a true journey of contrasts-it will take you through the heights of the Blue Mountains and across the Nullarbor Plain, from cities of four million to towns of just four citizens.

Day 2: Wake up to a coffee as you arrive in Broken Hill, a classic mining town. In no time, you’ll notice a dramatic change in landscape. For the afternoon and evening, choose between the picturesque city of Adelaide and the historic Barossa Valley.

Day 3: Wake up and be surprised at the beauty of the Nullarbor. Take some time to enjoy the hospitality (服务) of the Outback Explorer Lounge as you travel across Australia’s longest single stretch of railway.

Day4: Arrive in Perth after lunch, having finished an amazing Australian journey end-to-end. Choose to spend some more time in Perth and its surroundings with city tours and day trips to Margaret River and Fremantle available.


Platinum (铂金金) Service includes comfortable accommodations, elegant dining in the Queen Adelaide Restaurant Car, daily breakfast, onboard lunches, full-size en suite (套房) equipped with shower, tea/ coffee delivered each morning, and select off-train trips.

Gold Service includes sleeper cabins (隔间), meals in the stylish Queen Adelaide Restaurant Car, daily breakfast, onboard lunches, tea/ coffee during your journey, and select off-train trips.

1. Which of the following suits visitors who want to walk around a mining town?
A.Adelaide.B.Fremantle.C.Broken Hill.D.Barossa Valley.
2. On which day will visitors travel along Australia’s longest railway?
A.Day 1.B.Day 2.C.Day3.D.Day 4.
3. What will be offered with both Platinum Service and Gold Service?
A.Off-train trips.B.Delivered tea or coffee.
C.Simple meals in the cabin.D.A suite equipped with shower.
2023-12-19更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省丹东市五校协作体2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。本文主要介绍了在巴黎旅游的一些注意事项和景点,包括 passport 办理、机票预订、参观埃菲尔铁塔、圣母院、卢浮宫和凡尔赛宫等。文章提供了一些技巧和建议,以帮助游客更顺利地体验巴黎之旅。

5 . Paris is one of the most-visited destinations in the world. A relaxing trip to Paris takes a little bit of planning. Here are some tips for you to make your trip smooth.

Planning your trip

Have a passport for international travel. A passport costs $110 and takes 6-8weeks to arrive after you apply.

Booking Flights

The cheapest month to fly is March, especially if you can leave on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. You’ll save even more money by booking around 90 days in advance. In the summer months, tickets will be more expensive no matter when you book.

Enjoying Your Time

●Visit the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is the most recognizable symbol of Paris. To avoid the crowds, go to the Eiffel Tower early in the morning. It costs €25 to go to the top, or €10 to climb to the first 2 levels on foot.

● See the Notre Dame Cathedral

At present, the Notre Dame Cathedral is closed to tourists due to the fire that destroyed parts of the cathedral. However, you can still visit the outside of the cathedral.

● Go to the Louvre to see world-famous art

The Louvre hosts the Mona Lisa along with 35, 000 other pieces of art. If you’re pressed for time, visit the highlights. The Louvre costs €15 at the museum or €17 in advance (to skip most of the line).

● Take a day trip to Versailles

If you have a day to spare, head to the palace of Versailles, around 14 miles southwest of the city. Take a tour to see King Louis XVI’s palace and gardens. It costs €20 to visit the palace and grounds.

1. When can we book plane tickets to save the most money?
A.In March.B.In June.
C.In August.D.In December.
2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.You can climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower free of charge.
B.Visitors can pay an extra   to save the queue time in visiting the Louvre.
C.The Notre Dame Cathedral was completely destroyed in a fire.
D.Visiting the palace of Versailles is the most expensive among the four attractions.
3. Where is the text probably taken from?
A.A travel brochureB.A course plan.
C.A research paper.D.An encyclopedia.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . If you walk along the streets, you will find children as young as seven years old walking to school or taking the public bus on their own. If you ride a public bus with a baby or young child, you will find at least three people standing up to give up their seats for you. And as a booming town with a young population, Xiamen has a lot to offer young families with kids.

There are lots of places of interest for you to enjoy. The following are some of them.

A walking adventure on Gulangyu Islet: There you can have a round-the-island trip by fast boat and the Xiamen Underwater World has a dolphin and sea lion performance and brings you an enjoyment of around 400 types of underwater life from around the world.

Opening hours: 08: 00-18: 00 Click the map!

Price: 70 yuan (adults); 50 yuan (children above 1.4m)

※Wild rides at Guanyinshan Water Park: The park has a wave pool, which creates seven types of wave effects. It also has a hair-raising water ride that speeds down…

Opening hours: 10: 00-20:00 Click the map!

Price: 120 yuan per person; 60 yuan(visitors aged above 60 and below 1.4m)

Xiamen Firefly Park: Last of all, young nature lovers will enjoy the wonder of watching more than 100, 000 fireflies light the dark night in the firefly park. Children will also learn the roles fireflies play in protecting the ecology by controlling the number of pests.

Opening hours: 19: 30-21: 30 Click the map!

Price: Free for children up to 16 years old

1. If a 1. 3-metre-tall child goes to visit Gulangyu Islet together with his parents, how much should they pay?
A.140 yuan.B.120 yuan.C.190 yuan.D.210 yuan.
2. If a family go to Xiamen for a day’s holiday and they have to return home before 6 pm, then they can visit_______.
A.Gulangyu Islet and Xiamen Firefly Park
B.Guanyinshan Water Park
C.Gulangyu Islet and Guanyinshan Water Park
D.Guanyinshan Water Park and Xiamen Firefly Park
3. Where can you probably find this short paragraph according to the passage?
A.In the newspapers.B.On the Internet.
C.In a magazine.D.In a guidebook.
2023-12-12更新 | 55次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省张家界市慈利第一中学2023-2024学年高一上学期入学考试英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . We’re giving London’s Lidos some love this summer. Whether you're an outdoor swimming fanatic or are yet to dip your toes into the water, there are plenty of options for you. Let’s dive right in!

Brockwell Lido

Located in the corner of Brockwell Park and surrounded by low line art decorated with redbrick walls, the unheated 50m pool has a dedicated army of year-round swimmers, and queues often stretch all around the block on summer days. Do book ahead if you can. There’s also a gym and fitness center on-site, all operated by Fusion, with the added bonus of an outdoor sauna available during the winter season.

Hampton Pool

Hampton Pool is well-known for its famous moonlight swims, taking place late at night in the summer months. Not a night owl? During the day, two outdoor pools are available—a 36m one for the adults, and a 12.5mlong one for learners and toddlers. They’re heated year-round. As well as the moonlight and Christmas Day swims, Hampton Pool offers other special events including picnic concerts in the summer months.

Charlton Lido

Charlton Lido has all the equipment and classes a gym fanatic might need, but we’re here to talk about the outdoor pool. 50m long, heated, surrounded by a sun terrace in the summer months, with drinks available to buy from Coffee Corner in June-September. Members can take part in classes such as aqua aerobics in the outdoor pool free of charge.

Oasis Sports Centre

Central London’s only heated, outdoor pool, this one comes with the added bonus of being located on a sun terrace. The outdoor pool is just one part of the Oasis Sports Centre, which also houses a gym, indoor pool and exercise studios. The 27.5m long outdoor pool is surrounded by a patio area and sunbathing deck, with the added bonus of a sauna nearby. Sure, views of the rooftops of Covent Garden make it feel like something of a hidden gem (宝石).

1. Which swimming pool is suitable for a night swimmer?
A.Brockwell Lido.B.Hampton Pool.
C.Charlton Lido.D.Oasis Sports Centre.
2. What’s special about Charlton Lido?
A.It is a pool built outdoors.B.It is surrounded by a sun terrace.
C.It has a large pool for toddlers.D.It offers free training sessions.
3. What do Brockwell Lido and Oasis Sports Centre have in common?
A.They are heated outdoor pools.
B.They are decorated with red walls.
C.They have pools of similar size.
D.They offer an added sauna service.
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Do you long to escape to the great outdoors and experience the thrill of nature’s beauty? If so, then tent camping is the perfect adventure for you! One of the most important “dos” when planning a tent camping trip is to choose the right campsite.     1    . So it’s essential to consider several factors before making a decision.


Consider the location of the campsite. Think about how far you’re willing to travel, whether you prefer a camp in the wilderness, near a lake or river, or other recreational activities.


    2    . Some campsites offer electricity, laundry facilities or Wi-Fi. Assess your comfort needs and choose a suitable campsite for you.

Campsite Size and Privacy

If you prefer a quiet and private experience, look for campsites with greater distance or natural barriers between locations. If you are sociable, campsites with group camping options may be suitable.     3    .

Natural Surroundings

Take into account the natural surroundings of the campsite. Are you seeking breathtaking mountain views, peaceful forests, or unique lakeside landscapes? Consider the campsite’s aesthetic (审美的) appeal and natural beauty to enhance your camping experience.


Evaluate the convenience of reaching the campsite. Consider the road conditions, distance from parking areas to campsites, and any required permits or passes. If you have limited mobility or are camping with young children, you may prefer a campsite that is easily accessible and doesn’t require extensive hiking.

Reviews and Recommendations

Seek out reviews and recommendations from other campers who have experienced the campsite.     5    . Pay attention to cleanliness, noise levels, and overall camper satisfaction.

A.Availability and Alternatives
B.Accessibility and Ease of Arrival
C.You can also write your own review after the camp
D.In this way you can enjoy a more social atmosphere
E.Maybe you are looking for a campsite with showers and picnic areas
F.Online resources and review websites can provide useful information
G.The campsite you select can significantly impact your overall experience
阅读理解-阅读单选(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . I’m Paul. I’m looking forward to the weekend. It’s going to be fantastic. On Saturday morning, I’m going to have a piano lesson from 8:10 to 10:10. Then at 10:30, I’m going to do my homework and go over my maths. After lunch, I am going to have a rest. Then I’m going to play basketball with my brother from 2:30 to 3:10. At 3:30, I’m going to go out and do some shopping with my mother. I’m going to buy a birthday present for Eric. He is my classmate (同班同学). He is also my good friend. Mother says she is going to buy some new clothes for my brother and me. On Saturday evening, I’m going to Eric’s birthday party at 7:00. After the party, we are going to play computer games. On Sunday morning I’m going to the park with my friends. We’re going to take a walk in the park and collect litter there. In the afternoon I’m going to the Dancing Club. I like dancing very much.

It’s busy but interesting.

1. How long is Paul’s piano lesson?
A.For half an hour.B.For one hour.
C.For one and a half hours.D.For two hours.
2. What is Paul going to do this Sunday?
A.To play basketball.B.To collect litter in the park.
C.To buy a present for his friend.D.To play computer games with his friends.
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Paul is going to do his homework on Saturday morning.
B.Paul is going to dance on Sunday afternoon.
C.Paul likes the weekend.
D.Paul is Eric’s brother
2023-12-10更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省株洲市渌口区第三中学高三体育单招考试英语模拟卷(四)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了休斯敦美术馆电影爱好者会员组织 Film Fans 的成员特权和不同会籍类型的权益,以及电影放映的两个剧院和停车信息。同时提供了联系方式和会员申请方式等信息。

10 . You are invited to join Film Fans, the Museum’ s membership group for movie lovers. Members of Film Fans receive special rights, such as free admission (入场费) and chances to meet industry experts.

The Museum of Fine Arts Houston ( MFAH) has celebrated cinema as an art form since 1939. Brown Auditorium Theater, designed by famous museum designer Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, offers an excellent moviegoing experience in the Caroline Wiess Law Building. The theater was named Houston’s “Best Place to See Vintage Flicks” by the Houston Press for two years. The Lynn Wyatt Theater is positioned in the Nancy and Rich Kinder Building, designed by Steven Holl Architects.

Join Film Fans online or by calling 713-639-7550.

Already a Film Fans member? Be sure to keep your email address up-to-date to make sure you receive film passes, the latest news, and more!

Single ( $75 MFAH members, $85 nonmembers)

10 free admissions, after which admission to most films is discounted (打折) to $5.

Double ( $135 MFAH members, $150 nonmembers)

20 free admissions (10 per person), plus extra benefits listed above.

Final Film Supporter ($1,000)

Free admission for up to four people for most films throughout the year, plus extra benefits listed above.

Film Fans

For information about Single and Double memberships to Film Fans, contact membership@mfah.org or 713-639-7550.

For information about Final Film Supporter memberships, contact Tracy Stephenson at tstephenson@mfah.org or713-639-7531.

General Inquiries

For information about film screenings, tickets, or other information about attending films at the Museum,contact guestservices@mfah.orgor 713-639-7300.

Parking Info for Film Fans

Parking can be got in three garages: 1144 Binz Street, 5101 Montrose Boulevard, and 5500 Main Street. For more information, contact parking@mfah.org.

1. How much does a person have to pay to get free admissions as a nonmember?
2. Which should you contact if you need information about tickets?
3. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To show the schedule of new movies.
B.To advertise and introduce new films.
C.To introduce some activities held by Film Fans.
D.To encourage readers to become members of Film Fans.
2023-12-06更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:河南省部分学校大联考2023—2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语
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