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1 . Generally speaking, convenience and safety affect how we choose to pay for things. Environmental concerns do, too.

Each time you pull out a credit, use a phone’s wallet app or hand over cash, you take part in a system. Some parts of that system make things, like coins, bills or cards. Other parts move money between buyers, sellers, banks and others. Used cash, cards and equipment will be eventually disposed of (处理), as well. Each part of this system uses materials and energy. And all parts produce waste.

Now researchers are looking more closely at how “green” these payment systems are. They’re finding buyers can help cut some of the environmental costs, no matter how they pay.

To understand the full “cost” to society of money or any other system, researchers can perform what’s called a life-cycle assessment. It looks at all the environmental impacts of a product or process. It starts with mining, growing or making the raw materials. It includes what happens while something is in use. And it considers the final disposal or reuse of things.

Even though raw materials are the first step, in fact there are raw materials added in at every single step along the journey. For money, raw materials go into each step of something that is “made”. Fuels are the raw materials for energy to make products and transport them. More energy goes into using products. Recycling or disposal also requires energy, plus water, soil or other materials.

People don’t realize most of those steps, so they can’t judge if one form of payment is dirtier or more costly. And that’s a problem, researchers say. It’s also what has got some of them to show more about the costs of how we pay for our lifestyles.

A life-cycle assessment doesn’t tell you what to do. However, it gives you an informed basis for making a decision.

1. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The ways of paying.B.The process of payment.
C.The waste produced by payment.D.The introduction of payment systems.
2. What does the life-cycle assessment of payment systems focus on?
A.The real value of money.B.The history of the currency.
C.The effect on the environment.D.The importance of raw material.
3. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.The Payment Patterns are ChangingB.How We Choose to Pay Affects the Environment
C.New Payment Patterns Have Come into BeingD.How We Make Payment Systems “Green”
2022-10-30更新 | 342次组卷 | 3卷引用:广东省2022-2023学年高三上学期10月大联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Time is running out for coral reefs as the climate gets hotter. So scientists are searching the globe for corals that are better at enduring heat, Now, new research shows how those “super corals” can survive: less roommate drama.

Reefs depend on a crucial partnership between the corals and the algae (海藻) that live in the corals’ tissue, The algae make food for the corals using sunlight and in exchange, get a nice spot to live. But when oceans heat up, that relationship goes bad, and the corals kick the algae out, Without their roommates, corals can die, turning a ghostly white, bleached (白化) color.

Still, some corals seem to resist bleaching better than others, A new study shows that those corals depend on algae that are better at tolerating heat. Researchers hope that pinpointing these abilities will help develop new conservation tools to preserve the world’s reefs as temperatures rise. About 1/4 of all marine life rely on coral reefs in some way, along with half 1 billion people around the world also depend on reefs for their food and livelihoods.

“Heat stress can kill a lot of corals really fast,” says Kate Quigley, a research scientist at James Cook University and the Minderoo Foundation in Australia. “I hope that nature does have some mechanisms to get us through the next few years while we get our act together.”

While the hope is that those algae could also aid in reef conservation in the future, researcher Patrick Buerger says it’s likely that it wouldn’t help all coral species. And even the toughest corals can only endure so much. Currently, the world is on track for just under 3degrees Celsius of warming by 2100, a level that would wipe out nearly all coral reefs.

“The action has to be on climate change,” he says. “This is a short-term solution that might buy some time for corals to adapt. But the main focus has to be on climate. There’s not a silver bullet to the problem.”

1. What is the feature of super corals?
2. What can algae get from the corals?
3. What do the figures in paragraph 3 indicate?
A.The population of marine life.B.The importance of coral reefs.
C.The seriousness of global warming.D.The living conditions of coral reefs.
4. What does Patrick think of using heat-resistant algae in reef conservation?
A.It is uselessB.It is the last hope.C.It is temporary.D.It is the silver bullet.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . The Best Eco-friendly Products for July 2022

You can look out for Mother Earth with these simple lifestyle swaps.

Organibox mixed fruit and veg box:26.55, Organibox. org

This brand is fully organic. Inside the mixed box, you’ll get everything from pears to sweet potatoes. While the produce doesn’t look perfect, it’s really fresh. Although the fruit and veg comes from around the world, it’s never flown, which cuts its carbon footprint. All the packaging comes in cardboard and paper, which can be easily recycled.

Veja venturi gravel natural grey women’s trainers: 120, Veja-store. com

Tread (踩) lightly on the planet in style with these Veja trainers. The Parisian brand is leading the way in terms of sustainable footwear and this pair boasts the label’s distinctive “V” branding and as lightly retro and timeless style. The mesh (网) is made from plastic bottles, and the lining entirely from recycled polyester.

Kind Bag palms : 10, Kindbag. com

This reusable shopper is made from recycled plastic bottles. It is large enough to hold the shopping. And when it’s not in use, it neatly folds down to a small compact size. Best of all, Kind Bag gives one percent of sales to ocean clean-up and preservation initiatives.

Face Halo body: 12.60, Feelunique. com

These reusable gloves will leave your skin smooth and shiny. One side is made of tiny microfibres that work to remove dead skin, while the other softer side is perfect for general cleaning. The Face Halobody arrives in recyclable plastic packaging, but the brand is working towards removing this in order to become plastic-free.

1. What do we know about Organibox ?
A.Its packaging is plastic-free.
B.Its produce is not very fresh.
C.It delivers its boxes by plane.
D.lt features a zero-carbon footprint.
2. Which brand makes charitable donations?
A.Organibox.B.Veja.C.Kind Bag.D.Face Halo.
3. Who will probably be most interested in the text?
A.Product developers.B.Advertisers.
C.Bargain hunters.D.Environmentalists.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了Rezaali Pakzad离开伊朗,来到中国学习防沙治理科学技术。他认为自己在中国生活和学习的五年时间里取得了进步。他希望在自己的研究领域取得高水平的成就,并为荒漠化防治领域的国际交流与合作做出贡献。

4 . In order to learn about advanced scientific technology and ideas for combating desertification, Rezaali Pakzad left the Iranian capital Teheran, in 2018, to study in Northwest China’s Gansu Province.

He is a 27-year-old doctoral student at Lanzhou University, focusing on soil desertification control. In his view, Iran, like other arid and semiarid countries, faces environmental problems such as desertification. When he did field surveys and research in Minqin county, Gansu, he found that the local desertification characteristics were very similar to those of his hometown.

“Minqin is between two deserts. From being “about to disappear” to being gradually green, from being ravaged by “sand devils” to being covered by vast green plants, the scientific and effective prevention and control methods of the Chinese government have greatly changed the county, and made me see the hope of improving the ecology in my hometown,” he says.

He believes that China has certainly contributed to the global effort to combat desertification, and that the Chinese contribution is worth learning from. China has developed advanced technology models, such as quicksand fixation and vegetation restoration, and protective forest systems along major transport routes, which have introduced more green to deserts.

Already among the top nations in the world in the field of combating desertification, China has shared its experience with other countries, carried out international exchanges and cooperation, and contributed to global desertification control, he says.

He believes he has made progress during his five years of living and studying in China. By learning more about the Chinese language and culture, he has adapted to life in China and enjoyed the help and sincere concern of his teachers, classmates and friends here.

He hopes to achieve a lot, at a high level, in his research field and to contribute to international exchanges and cooperation in desertification control. “I want to be an ‘ecological messenger’ by spreading green ideas,” he says.

1. What problem does Pakzad want to solve?
A.Shortage of greens.B.Water pollution.
C.Energy reduction.D.Drought.
2. What does the underlined word “ravaged” mean in paragraph 3?
3. Which of the following best describes Rezaali Pakzad?
A.Generous and ambitious.B.Responsible and hopeful.
C.Hard-working and creative.D.Determined and tolerant.
4. What can we know from Paragraph 5?
A.China seldom participates in the global affairs.
B.China has solved the problem of desertification.
C.China is the top nation in international cooperation.
D.China plays a vital role in global desertification control.
2023-03-31更新 | 160次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届山东省潍坊市安丘市高三3月过程检测英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约80词) | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 语法填空

Glass recycling has become such a big industry that the amount of glass     1     (recycle) is not meeting the demand for new glass to be produced. Some states in U. S. have attempted to resolve this situation in hopes of encouraging the     2     (produce) of glass over plastic by offering monetary incentives (奖励) for glass. For example, California has a special program     3     you can earn five cents for most glass bottles as well as plastic ones and aluminum cans less than 24 ounces. For items over 24 ounces, you can earn 10 cents each.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Laundry day isn’t exactly fun for most people, but it can be quite unpleasant for the Earth. Washing clothes can release microplastics that are accumulating in the world’s waterways at alarming rates.     1     . Here are some expert-backed strategies to turn laundry day greener.

·Choose efficient machines

The machines you use have a significant effect on the amount of energy and water you save or waste.     2     , while newer, high-efficiency washers use less water and energy with lower temperatures and higher spin speeds. Therefore, it makes more sense economically and environmentally to upgrade machines.

·     3    

Avoid small loads, but don’t crowd a machine, which can make it work harder. And take a look at the amount of detergent(洗涤剂)you’re using. The extra detergent will be harder to clean out, extending washing and drying times.     4    

·Read up on green products

Companies large and small have met consumer demand for products with no harsh chemicals.     5     . Don’t buy products with lots of chemicals you can’t identify or pronounce. And don’t forget the packaging. Powdered or solid products are easier to package and ship than liquids.

A.Wash clothes by hand
B.Rethink your laundry habits
C.They use less energy than standard models
D.Older appliances can waste many resources
E.But not all products are what they claim to be
F.Two to three tablespoons for detergents are enough
G.Luckily it’s getting easier to clean your clothes while staying green
书信写作-倡议信 | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 假定你是某国际学校学生会李华, 你校正在开展垃圾分类活动,请你代表学生会用英语写封倡议信,向全校学生发出“垃圾分类,从我做起”的倡议。内容包括:
1.写作词数应为 80 左右;
Dear fellow students,

Students Union

2022-04-08更新 | 337次组卷 | 7卷引用:广东省六校2021-2022学年高三上学期第三次联考英语试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 较易(0.85) |
8 . What will they do tomorrow morning?
A.Clean the park.B.Make snowmen.C.Plant trees.
2023-02-19更新 | 155次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省西安市未央区2022-2023学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . A rare wild flower is being re-established in Devon fields thanks to some four-legged helpers. A conservation charity called Planflife has employed donkeys as “ecosystem engineers”to encourage the return of the endangered small-flowered catchfly.

The catchfly was once found all across Britain but now it only grows in small areas of Wales and the south and west of England. Experts blame its decline on modern farming practices. The flower flourished around the edges of sandy fields where farmers grew their crops, but because of weedkillers that were used to remove “unwanted” plants, and fertilisers to boost crop yields, its habitat has largely disappeared.

Plantlife teamed up with the Donkey Sanctuary, a charity that looks after donkeys in the UK and around the world. It owns several farms across Devon and the UK, where it takes care of hundreds of rescued donkeys, as well as maintaining habitats for other wildlife. More than 20, 000 seeds have been scattered on fields at the sanctuary’s main Devon farm, and it is hoped that many will grow into plants this summer. They will provide food for threatened bird species such as linnets, yellowhammers and skylarks. Plantlife then aims to get the donkeys themselves involved, testing whether catchfly seeds benefit from being trampled into the ground as the donkeys take their exercise. Many plants have seeds that must be pressed into the soil in order to germinate.

“We’re incredibly grateful to partners like the Donkey Sanctuary who are helping these fantastically rare wild flowers come back from the edge of extinction,” Cath Shellswell of Plantlife told The Guardian newspaper. “We look forward to seeing small-flowered catchfly return and we are working with the sanctuary to ensure that this tiny plant has a thriving future. ”

1. Why are donkeys employed in Devon fields?
A.To work in the fields.B.To restore the catchfly.
C.To avoid extinction.D.To raise crop yields.
2. What caused the decline of the catchfly’s population?
A.Soil loss.B.Water pollution.
C.Climate change.D.Modern agriculture.
3. How do donkeys help the catchfly come back?
A.By pressing its seeds into the soil.B.By working the land.
C.By providing nutrition for it.D.By spreading its seeds.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Donkeys help fields flower again.B.Farmland becomes a natural habitat.
C.The biodiversity forms on Devon farms.D.The catchfly has a thriving future.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Nuclear pollution has long been a global concern, with major accidents like those at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima highlighting the serious health and environmental risks associated with nuclear disasters. These incidents not only caused immediate health issues such as radiation sickness and increased cancer rates but also led to long-term environmental damage and genetic mutations in affected populations. Consequently, nuclear pollution remains a significant worry for governments, academics, and society worldwide.

When nuclear accidents occur near coastlines, the marine environment becomes a key point due to the vital role oceans play in climate regulation, food security, and supporting billions of livelihoods globally. In recent years, escalating threats to marine ecosystems from mounting ocean pollution have spurred increased public awareness of marine environmental protection. Studies have shown that human activities pose a significant threat to marine environments, emphasizing the need for improved environmental governance and measures to address environmental risks.

Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, efforts to cool the reactors by injecting seawater led to the accumulation of a vast amount of nuclear waste within the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s water storage tower. Despite attempts to manage this waste, the Japanese government’s decision to discharge nearly 1.26 million tons of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean over the next 40 years has faced opposition from neighboring countries, Japanese residents, and international environmental organizations.

This discharge poses substantial risks to marine life, fisheries, and human health. Radioactive isotopes (放射性同位素) such as tritium, carbon-14, cobalt-60, and strontium-90 present in the wastewater can accumulate in marine organisms, ultimately affecting human populations through the food chain. Therefore, further research and mitigation measures to address the wide-ranging consequences of nuclear pollution on the environment and human health are urgently needed.

In conclusion, while nuclear power may offer benefits, the potential risks, as highlighted by incidents like Fukushima, underscore the importance of stringent safety measures and thorough consideration of environmental impacts.

1. What are three major nuclear accidents mentioned in the passage?
A.Fukushima, Hiroshima, Nagasaki
B.Chernobyl, Fukushima, Hiroshima
C.Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima
D.Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Nagasaki
2. Why is the marine environment a vital point in the context of nuclear accidents?
A.Because marine life is directly affected by nuclear pollution.
B.Because marine environments are more vulnerable to radiation.
C.Because marine pollution exacerbates the impact of nuclear disasters.
D.Because oceans play a significant role in regulating climate and supporting livelihoods.
3. What is the likely reason for the opposition to discharging nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean?
A.Concerns about potential economic benefits
B.Fear of increased fishing restrictions
C.Possible risks to marine life and human health
D.Lack of available technology for wastewater treatment
4. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
A.The potential risks to marine life and human health.
B.The present research and mitigation measures.
C.The environmental and social consequences of nuclear accidents.
D.The opposition from neighboring countries and environmental organizations.
2024-02-26更新 | 142次组卷 | 1卷引用:二轮复习 热点话题 环保-日核废水污染
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