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1 . India is an ancient civilization with rich cultural heritage (遗产), and its cultural heritage is related to all major religions (宗教) of the world. Here we take a look at some of the top heritage destinations in India.

Sun Temple, Konark

As the name suggests this temple is all about the power of the sun God. A huge chariot (二轮战车) drawn by seven horses and twelve pairs of wheels show the importance which ancient people placed on the power of the sun. The pictures of animals and humans give this place a special look.

Churches Goa

Goa is the only Indian state which was controlled by the Portuguese, so the scene in Goa is dotted with (点缀着) Portuguese style churches. Some of the famous churches include the church of Saint Catherine, church of Saint Augustine and church of saint Francis of Assisi. These churches show beautiful paintings and flower design’s which make them a must visit.

Ajanta and Ellora Caves

These caves contain well designed paintings which are widely regarded as the most outstanding works of-Buddhist religious art.

Taj Mahal, Agra

Built on-the bank of the Yamuna River, it is an excellent building. The writing and paintings on the outside structure provide the finest examples of the outstanding style of buildings.


Sanchi is a UNESCO world heritage site with numerous Buddhist temples dating back to the seventh and eighth centuries.

On your visit to India, be sure to visit some of these heritage destinations. An Indian journey is not wonderful without experiencing the beauty of these heritage destinations.

1. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The church of Saint Catherine is the earliest one in the world.
B.The Portuguese controlled the whole India two centuries ago.
C.Ellora Caves only have statues of animals.
D.Indian cultural heritage has something to do with religions.
2. The ancient Indians thought that__________ was important,
A.animalsB.the sun’s powerC.ancient templesD.ancient civilization
3. What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Introducing several top heritage destinations in India.
B.The great effect that Indian religion has on culture.
C.India is an ancient civilization with rich cultural heritage.
D.India is famous for its cultural heritage.
2024-03-27更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:全国招生考试全真试卷英语4

2 . Recently, I was walking with some parents when we came across a five-pound note lying on the ground. We stood around it for a moment, a bit awkwardly, until someone suggested putting it on a nearby bench. Then one of the parents remarked that we’d probably have behaved differently — that is, we would have just taken the money — had we been alone.

This relates to a classic question in studies of human generosity: do we behave more selfishly when we aren’t being observed? The debate goes on across the psychological and biological sciences, as well as in popular culture, about whether kindness can exist in a competitive world.

Yom Kippur is a Jewish (犹太人的) religious holiday when Jewish people fast and ask for forgiveness for the wrongs they’ve committed. One of the points of Yom Kippur is to behave better regardless of who is watching. There’s an evolutionary beauty to the teachings of Yom Kippur, which are the products of thousands of years of cultural changes and evolution.

The Maasai people of Kenya practice osotua: relationships between people that operate based on need. When someone forms an osotua relationship with another, they enter into an unwritten contract to help their partner in times of need. And hunter-gatherer groups, which can represent the circumstances our species evolved in, have many similar examples.

Cultural evolution helps to explain the existence and complexity of these systems. Cultural changes are far faster than biological evolution, allowing intelligent species like humans to develop behavioral adaptations for managing complex social environments. Osotua, or any other practice that helps to maintain good treatment of others in society, is the result of tens of thousands of years of cultural trial and error. The customs passed down over time are those that help us to develop as cultural groups.

The study of those changes has helped us to understand how we successfully spread around the world as cooperative groups. Biological evolution has helped humans be more cooperative, but cultural changes have accelerated this process.

Cultural evolution helps us to overcome our selfish natures. Try to understand rules before you ignore them — and next time you find a fiver on the ground, you might think about the awkward situation your discovery represents.

1. What made the parents feel a bit awkward?
A.The difficulty sharing the money.
B.The difficulty finding the owner of the money.
C.The thought of putting the money on the bench.
D.The thought of keeping the money for themselves.
2. Why is “Yom Kippur” talked about in the text?
A.To highlight a fact.B.To draw a conclusion.
C.To make a comparison.D.To support an argument.
3. How is biological evolution different from cultural evolution?
A.It evolves much slower.B.It takes much less time.
C.It is a more complex process.D.It makes humans more cooperative.
4. What does the author intend to explain in the text?
A.How cultural evolution takes place.B.Why people sometimes behave selfishly.
C.Why kindness exists in a competitive world.D.How kindness spreads throughout the world.
2024-02-17更新 | 73次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖南省娄底市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末质量检测英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The Mogao Caves form a system of 492 temples 25 km southeast of the center of Dunhuang, which is located at the religious and cultural crossroads on the Silk Road, in Gansu province. Known as Buddhist (佛教) caves, the caves contain some of the finest examples of Buddhist art, lasting a period of 1,000 years.     1    

The Mogao Caves are especially famous for the colored sculptures and murals (壁画), or wall paintings.     2     Rich and varied in forms, they typically have a healthy body, dignified appearance and simple style. The background color is dark red, plus other fresh colors. The color tone is strong and open, and the lines soft and comfortable, which shows the features of western Buddhism.     3    

The painted murals in the Mogao Caves tell stories about Buddhist scriptures (经文), scenery, open halls and scenes about production or flower patterns, reflecting society and civilization in ancient China.

    4     They are the goddesses serving Buddhas, flying in the universe. The artists used the special lines and harmonious interest and charm to show the graceful dream world. The gorgeous color, and lively lines reflect the artists’ passion for the dream world.

In lots of painted murals, the art features of other countries such as India, Iran and Greece can be easily seen.     5     The artistic charm of the painted murals contributes to glorious history of art in China.

A.Many ideas were spread through the Silk Road.
B.The murals were painted to worship the Buddha.
C.They reflected the development of Buddhism in China.
D.Different dynasties also showed different painting styles.
E.The colored sculptures are the main part of Dunhuang art.
F.All these make them a model for colored Buddhist sculptures.
G.In the painted murals everywhere are many beautiful flying Apsaras (飞天).
2024-01-31更新 | 139次组卷 | 2卷引用:湖北省武汉市东西湖区华中师范大学第一附属中学2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
完形填空(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . In the old days, while the American Indian village had no schools such as we know today, boys and girls were taught how to do the necessary things by the _________ Indians in the family.

When a boy reached _________, his father set tests for him. The boy was asked to bring the first deer he killed to camp and give it to others. He was taught if he so much as tasted any of the meat it would ruin him as a hunter. He had to fast (禁食), going without food, for several days. In some tribes, he had to run a number of miles each of the days he _________. In other tribes, he was _________ on an ant bed. When the ants bit him, as they _________ would, he was not to cry out. In all his testing, he must show no fear.

In almost every tribe, more fuss was made over a girl when she became a woman. There were certain things she had to do. For a time she had to live in a little house all _________ away from her family. She had to fast and _________ no one except her mother and her mother’s mother. These two _________ her food and cared for her. They taught her what she must know to become a good woman and wife. They taught her with songs and stories and prayers.

After the girl’s time of _________ was over, her father and mother and all her relatives made a __________ in her honor. She was dressed carefully for her great day, perhaps in a new buckskin skirt ornamented with shells and beads (珠子). Her hair was washed and braided (编成辫子) and sometimes tied with mink (貂皮). This was a(n) __________ time. There would be a feast and much dancing.

To the Indians, this time of __________ was very important. That is __________ they required each boy to do something hard, even painful. They were testing his courage. They wanted him to be __________. That is why they sent the girl off to live for a time alone and think about the things her mother taught her. They want her to become a good wife and mother. They wanted her to know these things for her own sake and for the good of the whole __________.

A.marked outB.passed outC.stretched outD.tried out
A.bringing upB.growing upC.turning upD.living up
2023-10-15更新 | 16次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 4 必修第一册(上外版2020)
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . “From wearing silly clothes to holding funny ceremonies, such seemingly bizarre rituals (仪式) can be seen everywhere, and most of them do not seem to serve any obvious purpose,” Dimitris Xygalatas writes at the beginning of his new book Rituals: How Seemingly Senseless Acts Make Life Worth Living.

Then why are humans still in love with such rituals?

Some of them are intended to unify the participants. The goose steps practised by the soldiers all around the world area great example. When we all perform the same actions in a predictable way, as rituals often require, it can create a sense of togetherness and cooperation, which maybe a matter of life and death in the face of danger.

Many rituals originated when humans started living in ever bigger groups, which exposed them to all kinds of violence, disasters and diseases. To prevent such risks from occurring, humans created various rituals. In regions where violence was common and the threat of disaster and disease was high, societies tended to emphasize strict ritualized behaviors, such as body-washing and sexual purity. Of course, not all of them were effective because they didn’t always understand what was causing the risks they were trying to control.

Most of the rituals just provide psychological comfort. Earlier this month, people around the world participated in one of humankind’s largest gathering to celebrate the New Year. The rituals included fireworks, gifts as well as some practices unique to specific cultures, such as cooking black-eyed peas and greens in the southeastern United States, or eating a grape with each midnight clock strike in Spain. In the face of uncertainty, such rituals give the participants some kind of control, which helps boost confidence and reduce anxiety.

However, the variety of rituals can also separate people, particularly when the valued practices of one culture strike another as strange and can not be clearly explained. “So here’s the surprising lesson we have to learn from such seemingly senseless rituals: Do in Rome as the Romans do since working isn’t the real point,” concludes Dimitris Xygalatas.

1. What does the underlined word “bizarre” in paragraph 1 mean?
2. Which ritual just provides psychological comfort?
A.Stressing pure sexual relationship.B.Practising goose steps in the army.
C.Eating grapes on New Year’s Eve.D.Washing hands before religious rituals.
3. What is Dimitris Xygalatas’ advice concerning the rituals?
A.Respecting them.B.Just following the effective ones.
C.Reducing the variety.D.Introducing better replacements.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To argue against Dimitris Xygalatas.B.To review a recently published book.
C.To show the side effects of some rituals.D.To explain the origins and impacts of rituals.
2023-06-04更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届河南省许平汝名校高三下学期核心模拟卷(四)英语试题
6 . 语法填空

Because there have been so many different styles of Western art, perhaps the best way     1     (understand) Western art is to look at the development of Western painting over the centuries. During the Middle Ages, the purpose of Western art was     2     (teach) people about Christianity. This began to change in the 13th century with Giotto di Bondone. His paintings are set apart from other paintings by their     3     (reality) human faces and deep emotional impact. Painters concentrated     4     (little) on religious themes during the Renaissance.     5     important breakthrough was the use of perspective by Masaccio and another innovation was the use of oil paints. As for subjects, the emphasis     6     (increase) shifted from religious themes to people and the world around us. Photography was invented in the mid­19th century, after     7     paintings were no longer needed to preserve what people and the world looked like. Hence, impressionism     8     (emerge) in France. The name came from the painting by Claude Monet     9     (call) Impression, Sunrise. After Impressionism, subsequent artists began to ask what they would do next. What they attempted to do was no longer show reality,     10     instead to ask the question, “What is art?”

语法填空-短文语填 | 困难(0.15) |
7 . Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.
“Party Cries” In Ireland
Mark Twain

Belfast is a peculiarly religious community. This may be said of the whole of the North of Ireland. About one-half of the people are convinced Protestants (清教徒) and the other half Catholics (天主教徒). Each party does all it can     1    (make) its own doctrines (信条) popular and draw the affections of the irreligious toward them.    2    hears constantly of the most touching instances of this passion. A week ago a vast crowd of Catholics assembled at Armagh to dedicate a new church; and when they started home again the roadways     3     (line) with groups of meek and lowly Protestants who stoned them     4    all the region round about was marked with blood. I thought that only Catholics argued in that way,    5    it seems to be a mistake.

Every man in the community acts like a minister and carries a brick to argue against     6    holds different ideas. The law has tried to break this up, but not with perfect success. The law says that persons uttering (说) irritating “party cries”    7    be fined forty shillings (先令) and costs. And so, in the police court reports every day, one sees these fines     8     (record). Last week a girl of twelve years old was fined the usual forty shillings and costs     9    claiming in the public streets that she was “a Protestant.” The usual cry is, “To hell with the Pope!” or “To hell with the Protestants!” according to the utterer's system of salvation.

One of Belfast's local jokes was very good. It referred to the uniform and inevitable fine of forty shillings and costs for uttering a party cry--and it is no economical fine for a poor man, either, by the way. They say that a policeman found a drunken man lying on the ground, up a dark alley,    10     (amuse) himself with shouting, “To hell with! To hell with!” The officer smelt a fine--informers get half.

“What’s that you say?”

“To hell with!”

“To hell with who? To hell with what?”

“Ah, ye can finish it yourself--it's too expensive for me!”

I think the seditious disposition (倾向), restrained by the economical instinct, is finely put in that.

语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 语法填空

The Leshan Giant Buddha is a statue of Maitreya in sitting posture     1     lies to the east of Leshan City, Si-chuan Province,     2    (face) Min River, Qingyi River, and Dadu River. In December, 1996, the Buddha     3    (include) by the UNESCO on the list of the World Heritage Sites.

The construction of the statue began in the year 713 in the Tang Dynasty,     4     finished in the year 803. The Buddha is 71 meters high. The 9-meter-long instep is big enough for one hundred people     5    (sit) on and the 24-meter-wide shoulder is large enough to be a basketball playground.

A monk called Hai Tong is connected with the Buddha forever. At that time, wild waters brought out many boat accidents and people just put the disaster down to the     6    (present) of a water spirit. So Hai Tong decided to make a statue beside the river thinking that the Buddha would bring the water spirit under control. After 20 years’ begging from door to door, he finally collected enough money for the plan. When some local government     7    (official) tried to get this amount of money, Hai Tong said that they could get his eyeballs but not the money     8    (raise) for the Buddha. After Hai Tong dug out his eyeballs, these officials ran away in horror. The project was half done when Hai Tong passed away, and two of his disciples continued the work. After     9     total of 90 years’ hard work, the project was     10    (eventual) completed.

2022-09-27更新 | 197次组卷 | 1卷引用:大单元作业设计 人教版2019 必修二 Unit 1
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A major fire broke out at Notre-Dame Cathedral in central Paris on Monday, one of France’s most visited landmarks. Flames burst     1     the roof of the cathedral, live TV pictures showed. Firefighters cleared the area around the cathedral,     2     marks the very centre of the city.

    3     (build) in the     4     (twelve) century, Notre Dame is the     5     famous of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages. “It’s been 800 years that the Cathedral watches over Paris”, Pascal,     6     French historian said. “Happy and unfortunate events for centuries     7     (mark) by the bells of Notre Dame.” The cathedral is home to incalculable works of art and is one of the world’s most famous tourist     8     (attract), immortalized by Victor Hugo’s 1831 novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Its     9     (price) treasures include a Catholic relic, the crown of thorns, which is only     10     (occasional) displayed.

2022-08-15更新 | 162次组卷 | 2卷引用:重庆市七校2019-2020学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 较难(0.4) |

10 . In the traditional religions of Africa, life doesn’t end with death.     1     Some African groups believe these spirits dwell (栖居) underground in a world much like that of the living—but upside down. Other groups believe the sky is the permanent resting place of the dead. For instance, the Bushmen of southern Africa believe that the spirits of the dead go up to the sky and become stars.

Among the spirits, the ancestors comprise a special category of their own.     2     To become an ancestor is the best that one can hope for after death. However, not everyone who dies will turn into an ancestor. For one to become an ancestor, there are conditions to be fulfilled while the person is alive—living an upright life and fulfilling all social and religious duties, for example.

Many African groups believe that the spirits of ancestors remain near their living descendants as guardians of the family and their traditions.     3     But they punish people if certain ceremonies have not been performed properly or if there are some violations of community laws.

    4     For example, the people of Buganda in present-day Uganda say that their first ancestor was Kintu, who came from the land of the gods and married Nambe, daughter of the king of heaven. Another example is the Dinkas of Sudan, who believe they are descended from Garang and Abuk, the first man and woman created by God as tiny clay figures in a pot.     5    

A.As ancestors, they have some extra powers.
B.After death, humans continue to live on as spirits.
C.Ancestors have an indispensable significance for some Africans.
D.Some of the dead will become spiritual ancestors living in their descendants’ hearts.
E.Ancestor worship also plays a very significant role in the mythologies of some African peoples.
F.They help in times of trouble as long as their descendants perform proper rituals and pay them due respect.
G.For these Africans, the honored dead have become not only objects of worship but also subjects of tales and legends.
2022-08-01更新 | 531次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届浙江省天高教育共同体高三7月年级第一次联考试题英语试题
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