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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:61 题号:13975406

I especially like the fact that I have easy access(进入) to the Internet. And it’s great that I have Google Maps on my phone, so that when I get lost I can just look up where I am find my way back. But I don’t really ant to say—I depend too much on the phone. That’s the worst part.

I love the fact that my mobile phone has the Internet. That’s the best thing about having the Internet everywhere. The worst thing is that people can reach you, especially by calling you. Just send me an email. That would be great.

I have a very old phone, so I can’t really do much with it. However, it’s also kind of nice because it makes me be more of a face to face person, instead of always being on my phone. So that’s good.

I have one of the simplest mobile phones, which I actually really like because I’m not really tempted(受诱惑的) to be on it all the time. So compared with texting people, talking with people around gives me more pleasure.

1. What does Laura do when she gets lost?
A.She calls for a taxi at once.B.She uses Google Maps on the phone.
C.She asks the police for help.D.She makes a phone call to her family.
2. For Tal, it would be great to ________.
A.have a private worldB.Keep in touch with friends
C.receive emails in timeD.use the Internet everywhere
3. Both Ashlcigh and Mary prefer to ________.
A.turn off their phones sometimesB.talk with people face to face
C.stay on their phones all the timeD.change their phones for better ones
4. The four people are mainly talking about ________.
A.why they need their mobile phonesB.whether to say goodbye to mobile phones
C.how to surf the Internet on their mobile phonesD.what they like and dislike about their mobile phones


阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】These days, most people in the UK and the US wear informal(非正式的)clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear the right thing.

Many British people don’t think about clothes very much. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theatres, cinemas and concerts you can put on anything you like:from beautiful suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. Anything goes, but you should look clean and tidy. But in the UK, as well as in the US, men in offices usual]y wear suits and ties and women wear dresses or skirts (not trousers).

Doctors and business people always wear quite formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants, men have to wear ties and women have to wear tidy dresses.

In many ways, Americans are less formal than British people, but they are more careful with their clothes. At home, or on holiday, most Americans wear informal or sports clothes. But when they go out in the evening, they like to look nice. In good hotels and restaurants, men have to wear jackets and ties, and women have to wear pretty clothes.

It is difficult to say exactly(确切地)what people wear in the UK and the US, because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and then do the same. You'll feel good if you don't look too different from everyone else.

1. At concerts British people        .
A.should wear sweatersB.can wear anything they like
C.should wear suits and tiesD.have to wear sports clothes
2. Women in the UK and the US have to wear tidy dresses when they are       .
A.at a cinemaB.meeting friends at home
C.at a partyD.having dinner in some top restaurants
3. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Women can’t wear trousers in offices.
B.We should wear differently because everyone is different
C.What British and American people wear now.
D.British people are more careful with their clothes than American people.
2019-12-30更新 | 69次组卷
阅读理解-判断(约420词) | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐2】True or False:

These two letters appeared in a newspaper. Both writers have their own ideas on zoos.

Zoos Do a Good Job

It is good to keep animals in zoos. I know a lot of people think it is wrong to keep animals in zoos. However, I believe that zoos have many good points.

Firstly, zoos are places for people to see many different kinds of animals from all over the world. Without zoos, most people would never see a real bear or tiger.

Secondly, zoos look after the animals very well. The animals are always given food and cleaned regularly. In the wild, it is not always possible for an animal to find food, so sometimes it goes hungry. But animals kept in zoos never go hungry.

Thirdly, zoos protect the animals they look after. They offer them safe places to live in. In the wild, some kinds of animals are in danger of being extinct. But zoos give these animals a chance to live. Without zoos, there'd be fewer kinds of animals in the world.



Zoos Are Unnatural

In Maria's letter, she says that zoos are good for animals. I am afraid that zoos are not good for animals; they are only good for people.

It is unnatural and unfair to keep wild animals in cages. Most animals are kept in cages that are too small for them. In the wild, these animals would travel freely. In zoos, they can't do this. This is why the bears and tigers always look so sad.

Most cages are not very clean either. It is true that zoos give the animals food regularly, but this is not natural. Wild animals are used to looking for their own food. We should treat animals in the same way that we treat other people--with respect.

Would anyone be happy if you don't let him go outside his home? Would Maria like to have lots of people standing outside her flat looking at her? No, she wouldn't. And animals don't like it either.



1. Maria and Philip have quite different ideas on keeping animals in zoos.
2. In Maria's opinion, a real bear or tiger can only be seen in zoos.
3. Maria thinks that animals live better in zoos than in the wild.
4. According to Philip, cages are not big enough, so tigers and bears look unhappy.
5. Philip thinks that zoos don't give the animals food regularly so it is not natural.
6. Maria and Philip both agree that zoos are good for people.
7. In the two letters, they are discussing how to make animals in zoos happy.
2020-01-11更新 | 130次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Video cameras are everywhere: schools, theaters and stores. But in recent years, they have entered our homes. Many parents set up cameras at home to watch their children’s online classes and homework. Are cameras really helpful? What do students think about it? We invited two students to share their thoughts.

Luo Yuzhe, 15, Gansu

When I was in Junior 2, I liked to lie in bed and watch videos instead of studying. This affected (影响) my studies and made my grades worse. So my parents set up a camera to keep an eye on me.

It worked. With the camera watching, I had to do my homework first and make plans for studying at home. When I was alone at home, the camera made me feel safe because I knew that my parents were watching on the other side. My grades improved after a year.

Zhao Xin, 15, Beijing

Earlier this year, my parents set up a camera in my room. I really didn’t like it because I felt like there were always eyes watching me. I felt so uncomfortable that I couldn’t sleep well at night.

Knowing there was a camera around, when my friends came to my home, they would speak quietly and carefully. We couldn’t have pillow fights. I was sad. So I asked my parents to take the camera away. They agreed it as long as I promised (承诺) to behave well. I feel happy and free now.

1. Why did video cameras enter people’s home?
A.Because people are richer than before.
B.Because people like taking photos with them.
C.Because people use them to help their children do homework.
D.Because people use them to watch their children’s online classes and homework.
2. What does the underlined phrase “keep an eye on me” mean?
A.look after meB.help meC.give attention(关注) to meD.talk with me
3. How did Zhao Xin feel when his parents set up a camera in his home?
A.He was surprised.B.He was unhappy.C.He was happy.D.He was bored.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Video cameras didn’t work for Luo Yuzhe.
B.Video cameras are popular with young people.
C.Zhao Xin’s parents didn’t agree with him at last.
D.Luo Yuzhe and Zhao Xin have different ideas about video cameras.
2022-07-13更新 | 59次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般