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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:507 题号:20163837

The earliest form of writing appeared about 5, 500 years ago. In the past, hand writing was an important subject in school. Now, many students sometimes do homework on a computer and turn in their tasks online.

Many people think typing (打字) is quick and easy to read, while writing by hand may take longer than typing. But others say writing with a pen and paper is more valuable. Writing by hand has big advantages. Research shows that when we write down ideas with a pen or pencil, we make the brain active to help us learn, remember and think. Writing by hand lets people show their creativity. No two people have the same handwriting. Writing by hand can also help people concentrate. When using a computer, people can go online or play computer games easily.

Handwriting may be pretty, however, people can get their ideas and thoughts down more quickly when they type. Typing can also make it easier for people to change. Once something is written by hand, you can’t delete it. If you want to make a change, you have to write it all over again. What’s more, some people’s handwriting may be hard to read. Typing makes everything clear, and no one will have to worry about their words being clear enough.

1. When did people begin to write?
2. How is the brain when we write by hand?
3. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2?
4. How many advantages of typing are mentioned in Paragraph 3?
5. If you need to write a report, will you type or handwrite it? Why? (Give 2 reasons. )
2023九年级·全国·专题练习 查看更多[3]
【知识点】 说明文 通讯工具


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

In January, the Ministry of Education released(发行)a notice. It restricts(限制) primary and middle school students from carrying mobile phones to school. Those who still require their phones for some reason must be allowed by their parents and teachers first and must hand over their phones during class time.

According to a 2020 report by the China Internet Network Information Center, China had 175 million Internet users under the age of 18 in 2019, with 74 percent having their own smartphones.

This is worrying, as long-time use of smartphones is harmful to children’s eyesight, and even the brain, according to the World Health Organization.

On Feb 19th,a notice from Beijing Municipal Education Commission asked all local primary and middle schools to make rules on smartphone use.

Schools should make it clear where, how and who will take care of the phones for students who are allowed to bring them.

Many schools have taken action to control students’ phone use at school. According to Zhou Dandan, an English teacher in Beijing, every classroom in her school has a box for students’ phones during class. Before the new rules, she noticed that many students were preoccupied with(沉浸在)their phones. Some even played games on them during class. Zhou said that most students are not self-disciplined(自律的). Spending too much time on the phone will distract them and prevent them from learning, she added.

Li Jisen, a middle school student, agrees with the new rule. “In general, there are more advantages than disadvantages,” he said. Li believes that controlling phone use at school is the only way to make students pay attention to their study.

However, Liu Yanping, a head teacher in Beijing, said it was unwise to take a “one size fits all” way. “You can’t simply cut students off from the Internet in the digital era(数字时代).”

Kathy Chen, a parent from Shanghai, allowed her daughter to take her phone to school. Chen said it’s more important to develop kids’ ability to self-manage and good habits of phone usage.

1. Is long-time use of smartphones harmful to children’s brain?
2. In Zhou Dandan’s classroom, where should the students put their phones during class?
3. What are the purposes of the Ministry of Education to release the notice?
4. Are you for or against the new rule on smartphone use? Why?
2022-04-14更新 | 97次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

Chopsticks are a common kind of tableware at our dinner table. They are not only used in China, but also used in Asia and overseas Chinese communities. Whenever we see chopsticks, we will think of Chinese culture.

There are many stories about who may have invented chopsticks. About 4,000 years ago, our ancestor, helped people fight against floods (洪水). He was always busy and often ate in the wild. To save time, he found it was more convenient than using hands. From then on, people followed him and ate with chopsticks. In fact, 3,000 years ago, dating back to the Shang Dynasty. Around 500 A.D., such as Japan, Vietnam and Korea.

Chopsticks are usually 7 cun and 6 fen long. Cun and fen are Chinese units of measurement. 7 cun and 6 fen is about 25 cm. Chopsticks are round at one end and square at the other. In ancient times, the rich had their chopsticks made of silver, gold or other valuable materials. But common families just used wood or bamboo chopsticks. Nowadays, they are made from different materials.

Although chopsticks are simple sticks, there are some Chinese thoughts in them. Chinese people like even numbers such as 2-4-6-8. There is a famous Chinese saying “hao shi cheng shuang”, which means good things should be in pairs. So chopsticks, mean Chinese best wishes. A pair of chopsticks can also be used as the wedding gift. When we say “zao sheng gui zi”, it means “to have a smart baby soon”. Besides, the round end of chopsticks represents (代表) the sky and the square end represents the earth. Ancient Chinese believed their shapes represented yin and yang.

There are some things we should keep in mind while eating with chopsticks. Remember not to use chopsticks to beat your bowl or plate to make noises. Never point at others with your chopsticks or put them into rice directly. These behaviors are considered to be impolite.


•a common tableware
    1     Chinese culture
The history:
•Dayu found the use of two sticks to eat food     2    .
•The earliest chopsticks were invented in China over 3,000 years ago.
•Chopsticks spread to some other Asian countries around 500 A.D.
The appearance:
•length: 7 cun and 6 fen
•shape: round at one end and square at the other
•materials: In ancient times, materials were closely connected with     3    .
The Chinese thought in chopsticks:
•zao sheng gui zi: carrying the wish “to have a smart baby soon”.
•hao shi cheng shuang: meaning best wishes.
    4     : the round end represents the sky, while the square end represents the earth
The     5    :
•Don’t use chopsticks to beat the bowl or plate.
•Don’t point at others with chopsticks.
2022-07-11更新 | 62次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Study trips are really popular in China now. They bring a lot of fun to people. And they are a natural way to learn about the world. Some villages in Fangshan, Beijing are good places to take study trips.

You can go to Huangshandian village. You can pick up eggs and run after chickens. What’s more, you can learn about something about Chinese herbs (药草) in a special garden there.

A lot of visitors would like to go to U World Nature Education Farm in Xia Village. People can watch many kinds of plants there. The 330,000-square-meter farm also has a restaurant, a library, and a small zoo. Remember to go to the farm with your tents. It is fun to go camping there.

Persimmons (柿子) are a calling card of Dayugou village. Visitors can learn about persimmons there. In 2019, Zhu Qijiu went back to his hometown of Dayugou village in the hope of helping young people learn more. In the same year, Zhu built a two-floor “doctor’s house”. In it, young people can learn science about nature. “I learned about lots of birds,” a boy said. “I never knew that a village was so much fun.”

1. Why are study trips so popular?
(List two reasons why study trips are so popular.)
2. Which village should people visit if they want to learn about Chinese herbs?
3. What should visitors remember to take if they go to U World Nature Education Farm?
4. When did Zhu build the two-floor “doctor’s house”?
5. What did the boy think of Dayugou village?
2024-05-13更新 | 34次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般