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1 . Over recent years, letter writing has been replaced (替代) by other ways of communication. Technology has developed so rapidly that we now expect to be able to talk to people at any time and get response _________. Rather than put pen to paper, it feels much more natural for us to send text messages and emails.

It is true that these modern ways of communication have their own _________. We can talk to people all over the world within seconds. We can also edit our emails before sending them. However, if we make a mistake in a letter, we have to cross it out or start again.

But have you ever thought about what we are _________? Yes, we are forgetting about the art of letter writing. Almost every single person would say that reading a hand-written letter from a friend is _________. When you know someone has spent time writing a letter for you, especially a birthday letter, there’s something very special in your heart.

On the other hand, not only the person receiving the letter will benefit from a lovely envelope, but also the writer himself. When we know we’re doing something that will make our friends very happy, we feel good about ourselves, too.

_________, writing a letter can improve our language skills and we can also learn some new expressions. Letter writing has much fun. Why not begin your writing journey from now on?

A.HoweverB.In additionC.In factD.At least
2023-04-26更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:牛津上海版英语六年级下册 Unit3 单元测试
完形填空(约210词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . I received the Christmas letter from my friend in Beijing. We _________ our greetings every Christmas. People ask why not send our greetings on Facebook, or on WeChat _________. And by the way, it’ll save money. However, writing letters is a _________ habit for me. As an experienced letter writer, I can tell you that writing letters brings me more emotional (情感的) communication.

In fact, only parts of our emotions can be found. Some _________ in the university found that electronic devices (装置), like smart phones, can greatly influence people in many ways. Such devices prevent people from _________ their inner (内心的) feelings. Compared with modern communication, writing letters has more advantages. _________ we write, our brain is given the chance to discover connections between things we didn’t see before. And we are _________ to show our emotions fully.

If I am here to tell you why I love writing letters, one of the _________ would be its sense of touch-feeling of my hand running through the pages, feeling of the pen sliding across the paper, and feeling of the _________ of ink (墨水) in the air.

Both your words and the letter itself can help you express your feelings. Letters build a bridge __________ the writer and receiver. People experience more when they receive messages in the form of a letter, rather than any other way.

2022-04-21更新 | 100次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年山东省青岛市崂山区中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Zhou Yan, a Junior 3 student, wishes he never got a mobile phone. Last week, he went to see a doctor because his arms and fingers were injured. The doctor told him that he had “mobile phone disease”. A growing number of teenagers are getting “mobile phone disease” because more of them are using mobile phones.

Zhou got his mobile phone five months ago. He sent messages to his friends with it all the time, even when going to bed. Zhou started to do badly in the exams because he spent so much time playing with his mobile phone. His mother got very angry with him. He didn’t stop playing with the mobile phone until his arms got injured.

Yang Ling, a doctor, says that if someone uses his mobile phone too much, like Zhou Yan, he might get “mobile phone disease”. If teenagers find their arms or fingers hurt, they should go to see a doctor as soon as possible. Yang Ling said students should try to use their mobile phones less, especially at school.

1. Zhou Yan wishes he never got a mobile phone because ________.
A.it is useless to himB.it doesn’t work well
C.it made his arms hurtD.his mother got angry with him
2. Zhou Yan didn’t do well in exams because ________.
A.he didn’t like studyingB.he was ill and didn’t go to school
C.he was afraid of examsD.he spent much time on the mobile phone
3. If someone has “mobile phone disease”, it means ________.
A.the mobile phone couldn’t bring him a disease
B.something is wrong with his mobile phone
C.he can’t live without the mobile phone
D.he hates the mobile phone very much
4. Yang Ling thinks students should ________.
A.go to see a doctor very oftenB.use mobile phones more when they are out of school
C.use mobile phones lessD.not use mobile phones anymore
5. The writer want to tell us ________ in the article.
A.using mobile phones too much is bad for our study and health
B.only a few teenagers have mobile phones
C.mobile phones can help students get out of trouble
D.people shouldn’t use mobile phones
2022-04-16更新 | 91次组卷 | 5卷引用:2013-2014学年山东东营河口区实验学校八年级上学期期中考试英语卷
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . In China and even in the world, Huawei is a wonder. Although it started producing mobile phones not many years ago, it has become one of the most famous phone companies.

Now Huawei has got third place at the mobile market, just following Apple and Samsung. After seeing more of its smart phones were sold last year, Huawei appears to be more confident in its bigger goals.

“We hope that in three years our market share can be the top two and in five years our market share can be the top one”. Richard Yu CEO or Huawei’s Consumer(消费者)Business Group, said in a recent TV interview. “The number of our smart phones is still growing” Yu said, “and our company is expecting an increase of 30% in smart phone shipments(出货量). It’ll be a great success.”

Although Huawei’s smart phones sold well in Western Europe and China, the market in the US is another example. Yu said that the company was “so late” to the US. However, we are trying hard to raise our market share there in the next few years.

1. According to the passage, which are top two biggest smart phone companies now?
A.Apple and Huawei.B.Samsung and Huawei.
C.Samsung and Apple.D.Huawei and Ipad.
2. What does the underlined word “share” mean in Chinese?
3. What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Smart phones are getting popular around the world.
B.Huawei’s phone company is getting better and better.
C.Huawei is trying hard to make money.
D.Huawei company will replace the other smart phone companies in the future.
2022-03-29更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年安徽省宿州市砀山县中考三模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . What would we ever do without our phones? Some might say they would “die” without theirs. It sounds weird, but your phone may save you from danger. Stay safe with these possibly life-saving apps.

American Red Cross First Aid

The American Red Cross has stepped up with a free app that downloads emergency (紧急情况) preparedness information straight to your phone, letting you access this knowledge whether or not you’re connected to the Internet. This isn’t the only app the American Red Cross offers, either, with apps developed from hurricane safety to pet health.

Google Trusted Contact

If you ever get into trouble, your phone can act as a lifeline to the outside world, even if you aren’t using it. Google’s recently-released Trusted Contact app is a good example. After installing the app, you allow it to give friends and families access to your location data in case of emergency. It works even if you lose mobile service.


SafeTrek is an app that’s designed for those potentially unsafe situations where you’re feeling on guard, yet not in enough danger to call emergency services. When you feel that you might soon be in danger, you can pull up the app, which centers around a big button you hold down until the danger has passed. If your thumb comes off the button, the phone will make you enter a PIN within 10 seconds, and if the code isn’t entered, it will call for help.

Apple Health Medical ID

If there’s ever a time you need to get medical treatment, you’ll want to provides much information as possible. But, if you’re in a state where you can’t, you can depend on your iPhone to provide medical workers with all your necessary information. Built into Apple’s Health app, Medical ID is a center for all your medical information, from emergency contacts to blood type. It’s easy to reach straight from your phone’s lock screen, meaning that health workers can pull it up without having to unlock your phone. Unfortunately, this feature isn’t yet built into Android.

1. The first paragraph is used to say __________.
A.we should keep your phones safeB.life is weird without phones
C.phones themselves can save your lifeD.phones are really important
2. Which app can provide your location to your families?
A.American Red Cross First Aid.B.Google Trusted Contact.
C.SafeTrek.D.Apple Health Medical ID.
3. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.American Red Cross has developed many apps like hurricane safety.
B.Trusted Contact can work even though you have no mobile service.
C.SafeTrek is an app to prepare for unsafe situations.
D.Apple’s Health app has already been built into Android.
4. Health workers can get your detailed medical information through __________.
A.Hurricane safetyB.American Red Cross First Aid
C.Apple Health Medical IDD.Trusted Contact
5. Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Four apps that could save lifeB.The importance of phones
C.How to use the four appsD.Life with the four apps
2022-02-19更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020年广东省广州大学附属中学中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

6 . Frank is a student. He likes playing with his phone very much. And he keeps the phone with him at all times. His dad thinks he is addicted (上瘾的) to his phone. But Frank doesn’ t think so. They write to each other.

Dear Frank,

You’ve heard the warnings. It’s reported that fifty percent of the teenagers depend on their phones too much. I think you have this problem too. That’s why I think you should give up your phone. Not forever, just for a week. I’m worried that you are developing some bad habits. You keep your phone with you all the time—you even check the basketball scores at the dinner table. It’s not a good idea to use your phone while you are doing homework. You can’t put your heart into your homework at all. And you may make more mistakes when you can’t fully put your heart into it. There are many good reasons to take a break from your phone. Have a try ! So what do you say? Are you ready to give up using your phone?



Dear Dad,

I know you think I depend on my phone too much. But I’m just using technology to help my life to be better. My phone helps me in many ways.

Do you remember that time when the car broke down? I sent a message to tell you that I was going to be late. If I didn’t, you would be worried about me. My phone helps me with my homework too. I can look up anything in a second. It’s really hard to be successful today if you don’t have a phone. Social media, games, and apps might seem silly to you, but they help me to keep in touch with my friends. I promise to cut back my phone use, and I won’t use it at the dinner table anymore. But giving it up for a week would be a mistake and it wouldn’t change anything in the long term.



1. How long does Frank’s dad advise him to give up his phone?
A.For a weekB.For a monthC.For a yearD.Forever
2. How many teenagers are addicted to the phones according to the passage?
A.Thirty percentB.Forty percentC.Fifty percentD.Sixty percent
3. What does Frank think of social media, games, and apps?
A.They make him smart.B.They make him relaxed.
C.They help him make lots of money.D.They help him keep in touch with his friends.
4. According to the passage, Frank promises to________.
A.use it at the dinner tableB.use it at home
C.spend less time on itD.give it up forever
5. What can we learn form the passage?
A.Frank thinks it is a waste of to use phones.B.Frank sometimes uses his phone to look up something.
C.All teenagers depend on their phones too much.D.Frank’s dad thinks it’s OK to check basketball scores at dinner time.
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |
7 .

I especially like the fact that I have easy access(进入) to the Internet. And it’s great that I have Google Maps on my phone, so that when I get lost I can just look up where I am find my way back. But I don’t really ant to say—I depend too much on the phone. That’s the worst part.

I love the fact that my mobile phone has the Internet. That’s the best thing about having the Internet everywhere. The worst thing is that people can reach you, especially by calling you. Just send me an email. That would be great.

I have a very old phone, so I can’t really do much with it. However, it’s also kind of nice because it makes me be more of a face to face person, instead of always being on my phone. So that’s good.

I have one of the simplest mobile phones, which I actually really like because I’m not really tempted(受诱惑的) to be on it all the time. So compared with texting people, talking with people around gives me more pleasure.

1. What does Laura do when she gets lost?
A.She calls for a taxi at once.B.She uses Google Maps on the phone.
C.She asks the police for help.D.She makes a phone call to her family.
2. For Tal, it would be great to ________.
A.have a private worldB.Keep in touch with friends
C.receive emails in timeD.use the Internet everywhere
3. Both Ashlcigh and Mary prefer to ________.
A.turn off their phones sometimesB.talk with people face to face
C.stay on their phones all the timeD.change their phones for better ones
4. The four people are mainly talking about ________.
A.why they need their mobile phonesB.whether to say goodbye to mobile phones
C.how to surf the Internet on their mobile phonesD.what they like and dislike about their mobile phones
2021-09-25更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省大连市2016年中考英语试题
短文填空-语境提示填空(约110词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 当代社会,手机给人们的生活带来了极大的方便。如何要公共场所文明使用手机,逐渐成为人们共同关注的问题。请根据提示将下面的内容补充完整。(每空词数不限)

How do you feel if someone is talking on the phone loudly in public? Maybe you really hope the loudmouth can end the conversation as soon as possible. So we     1     control our own behavior (行为) in public. Here are some rules:

In a library

Obey the rules. If you see a sign saying “    2     mobile phones”, don’t use your phone any more.

In a restaurant

Speak softly. If you have to answer a phone, try to keep     3     from other people.

In a movie theater

Be quiet. Never take any call during the movie, or other people will     4    .

In a word, please consider the people     5     you before you’re getting ready to make a call next time.

2021-09-24更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省2016年中考英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Nowadays there seems to be an app for everything. And mobile apps have been a part of our life. The following apps are part of the most popular apps.

Ctrip can be the best helper when you feel it hard to buy the train or airline tickets. You can buy tickets anywhere at any time.

Ximalaya Reading has millions of books including poems, short stories, novels and even fairy tales for children. What’s special about it is that you can use it to download book recording that can be listened to. It has more than 1 million valuable resources.

Baby Bus is a very good friend for children under three years old. Kids can learn to speak, understand numbers and draw pictures with the help of this app.

Word Hero may help learn more English words while you’re playing games, so if you have problems remembering the new words when you learn English, use it!   

World of Tanks Blitz(坦克世界), a free-to-play online game with over 40 million downloads, brings quick-fire tank fights. “A lot of tanks, a lot of people and a lot of fun.” It will be the best choice to kill your time.

1. You can NOT know about ________ from Ximalaya Reading.
A.poemsB.novelsC.newsD.fairy tales
2. To remember words in a fun way, ________ is a good choice.
A.CtripB.Word HeroC.Baby BusD.World of Tanks Blitz
3. World of Tanks Blitz is popular because ________.
A.it brings people lots of funB.it costs a little money
C.it has valuable resourcesD.it includes quick-fire gunfights
4. According to the information above, ________.
A.we can buy tickets from Ctrip only in the daytime
B.World of Tanks Blitz is downloaded less than 40 million times
C.we can’t use Ximalaya Reading to download book recording
D.Peter, a 2-year-old boy, can learn to draw pictures with the help of Baby Bus
2021-05-31更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州市吴中区、吴江区、相城区2017-2018学年八年级下学期期末英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。

Recently, Amazing China caused strong heat in the country, the film shows China’s development and achievements in the past five years as well as the great power of China. Many people wrote down their thoughts on their blog after watching it.

Li Chen, an engineer, Hubei

In the film, when I watched a group of people in their thirties in the frontline of China’s scientific research and a 25-year-old Party member helping Tibetan villagers eradicate poverty(脱贫), I felt that a country’s strength mainly depends on its young people. Our jobs may be ordinary but they make a difference.

Pan Jianing, a manager, Liaoning

The documentary shows us that China is full of heroes who are willing to make a big contribution to their motherland and safeguard her dignity(尊严), we should nurture(培育) the confidence to make tomorrow better.

Lu Danqing, a railway worker, Henan

When I was first assigned to(分配) this small station(in Henan), I felt a little disappointed because the working environment was not as comfortable as I had expected. But Amazing China has changed my mind. I called my classmates after watching the film to tell them that our high-speed railway(featured in the documentary) is leading the world. I am proud of the Amazing Chinese railway.

1. What does the film Amazing China show?
2. In Li Chen’s opinion, what does a country’s strength mainly depend on?
3. Why should we nurture the confidence?
4. Where is the high-speed railway(featured in the documentary)?
5. How does Lu Danqiang feel about the amazing Chinese railway?
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