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| 共计 12 道试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |

1 . Across the world, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water. More than 2.5 billion people lack basic sanitation. The combination proves deadly. Each year, diseases related to inadequate water and sanitation kill between 2 and 5 million people and cause an estimated 80 percent of all sicknesses in the developing world. Safe drinking water is a precondition for health and the fight against child death rate, inequality between men and women, and poverty.

Consider these facts:

●The average distance that women in Africa and Asia walk to collect water is 6 kilometers.

●Only 58 percent of children in sub-Saharan Africa are drinking safe water, and only 37 percent of childrenin South Asia have access to even a basic toilet.

●Each year in India alone, 73 million working days are lost to water-borne diseases.

Here are three ways you can help:

(1) Write Congress

Current U. S. foreign aid for drinking water and sanitation budgets only one dollar per year per American citizen. Few members of Congress have ever received a letter from voters about clean drinking water abroad.

(2) Sponsor a project with a faith-based organization

Many U.S. religious groups already sponsor water and sanitation projects, working with partner organizationsabroad. Simply putting a single project by a U.S. organization can make safe water a reality for thousands of people.

(3) Support nonprofit water organizations

Numerous U.S.-based nonprofits work skillfully abroad in community-led projects related to drinking water and sanitation. Like the sample of non-profits noted as follows, some organizations are large, other small-scale, some operate worldwide, others are devoted to certain areas in Africa, Asia, or Latin America. Support them generously.

1. How many people are killed because of the diseases related to inadequate water and sanitation problem each year?

2. How much does the U.S. pay for the drinking water and sanitation?

3. What will you do to help solve the drinking water problem?

4. What do the three facts used in the passage try to tell us?

5. What information will probably be provided following the last paragraph?

6. What is the main purpose of the passage?
2023-09-04更新 | 122次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市宝山区2022-2023学年九年级上学期开学摸底考试英语试题
短文填空-首字母填空(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Some years ago industries had more f    1     than they have now, and they did not need to be as careful as they must today. They did not need to worry a lot about the safety of the new products that they developed. They did not have to pay much attention to the health and safety of the people who worked for them. Often new products were dangerous for the people who used them; often conditions in the work place had very bad effects on the health of the workers.

Of course sometimes there were real d    2     which attracted the attention of governments and which showed the need for changes. Also scientists who were doing research into the health of workers sometimes produced information that governments could not ignore. At such times, there were inquiries into the c    3     of the disasters or the problems. New safety rules were often i    4     as a result of these inquiries; however, the new rules came too late to protect the people who died or who became seriously ill.

Today many governments have special departments that protect customers and workers. In the U.S., for example, there is a department that tests new airplanes and gives w    5     about possible problems. It also makes the rules that aircraft producers must follow. Another department controls the foods and drugs that companies sell. A t    6     department looks at the places where people work, and then reports any companies that are breaking the laws which protect the health and safety of workers. Of course, new government departments and new laws cannot p    7     every accident or illness, but they are having some good results. Our work places are safer and cleaner than before. The planes and cars that we use for travel are better. Producers are thinking more about the safety and health of the people who buy and use their products.

2023-09-04更新 | 58次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市宝山区2022-2023学年九年级上学期开学摸底考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约500词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Heredity(遗传) is not the only thing that influences our color. Where we live and how we live after we are born are important too. For instance, our genes influence how fat or thin we are. But our weight depends mainly upon how much we eat and how much exercise we get. In the same way, our skin color depends to a large extent upon how much sunshine we get.

When summer arrives and light-colored people go to the beaches, some will tan darkly, some will tan lightly and few will not tan at all. Each one has inherited a different ability to tan, but the differences do not appear until the conditions are right. An outdoor man will soon become pale if he changes to an indoor job, while a desk clerk will take on tan after a short vacation in the sun.

Sometimes people decide that being tanned is better than being pale. Sometimes they decide the opposite.

Centuries ago, most of the people in Europe were peasants and they had to work in the fields all day. Noblemen, on the other hand, did not have to work. They stayed indoors and remained pale. You could always tell a nobleman from a peasant because a peasant had a tan. As a result, a shin so pale that the veins (血管) showed was considered a mark of great beauty.

During the Industrial Revolution things changed. Farmers left their fields and went to work in factories, mines and mills. Working for long hours in dimly-lit factories and mines made their skins pale. Wealthy people, however, could afford to travel so sunny countries. They had the leisure to lie around on the beaches and get tan. Having a tan became a sign of wealth.

In Western Europe and North America pale skin is no longer desirable. Instead of bleaching themselves white with lemon juice, many women spend their time under a sun-lamp. The desire for a quick tan has led to the invention of pills and lotions(涂剂) that darken the skin artificially without exposure to sunlight. These pills and lotions can be bought by anyone at any drugstore. A rich man can spend hundreds of dollars on a vacation in the sunny West Indies and get his suntan there. But his lowest-paid clerk can have what looks like the same tan out of a bottle for a few cents.

So there are three answers to the question “Where does our color come from?” It comes from the genes we inherit. It comes from the conditions in which we live. And it can come from a bottle that we buy at the drugstore on the corner of the street.

1. Besides genes, our skin color has much to do with __________.
2. Centuries ago in Europe, it was considered of great beauty to have _____.
A.pale skinB.a suntanC.dark-colored skinD.light-colored skin
3. During the Industrial Revolution people began to like to have a tan because it was a sign of _______.
A.good healthB.great strengthC.wealthD.youth
4. Pills and lotions have been invented in Western Europe and North America _______.
A.to protect people from sunburnB.to make people look wealthy
C.to smooth people’s skinD.to help people to have a quick tan
5. According to the author, our color does not come from_______.
A.the genes we inheritB.the sort of food we live on
C.the condition in which we liveD.the lotions we buy at a drugstore
2023-09-04更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市宝山区2022-2023学年九年级上学期开学摸底考试英语试题
短文填空-首字母填空(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 在空格内填上所缺的词使短文内容通顺。首字母已给。

Many people believe that a bird’s home and place to sleep is its nest, but is that true?

Zoologists (动物学家) have found that birds don’t stay in their nests all night long, even if a storm is coming. Ducks often hide their heads u    1     their wings and float(漂浮) on the water at night. Cranes (丹顶鹤) like sleeping on the ground.

Since they don’t s    2     in the nests, why do birds still build nests? Birds usually lay and hatch (孵化) eggs in their nests. After the birds are hatched, the nests become places for the m    3     birds to take care of their chicks. The nests soon become crowded as the chicks g    4    . After some time, there is no longer r    5     for the mother birds in the nests. After the chicks grow into adult birds, the nests are useless. There are nine thousand kinds of birds on the Earth and most of them only use nests for raising babies. So a bird’s nest is not its home. It doesn’t sleep there at night.

2021-11-03更新 | 141次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市园南中学2021-2022学年七年级上学期开学考试英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约190词) | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 阅读短文并回答问题。

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a music maker. He was born in Salzburg, Austria. He lived from 1756 to 1791.

Mozart was very good at music. Both his father and mother wanted him and his sister Maria Anna to study music. When he was four, Mozart started taking music lessons. At the age of five, he began to write his own music.

Soon people all over Europe began learning about Mozart. When he was seven years old, he and his sister began playing for the people of Germany. Later, they gave concerts in Vienna, Paris, and London.

Mozart never stopped surprising people with his talent. When he was thirteen, people invited him to hear some special music in Italy. He didn’t see the music. After he listened to it, Mozart returned to his room and wrote out all the music from memory.

Read the passage and answer the following questions (根据文章内容回答下列问题)
1. Where was Mozart born?
He ________________
2. At what age did Mozart begin to write his own music?
3. According to the passage, who wanted Mozart to study music?
4. How old was Mozart when he showed he could write out music from memory?
He ________________
5. What is the main idea of the story?
2021-11-03更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市园南中学2021-2022学年七年级上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Dou Kou, a Chinese boy, is called “the youngest writer in the world”. He has written 3 books.

Dou Kou was born in Jiangsu in 1994. When he was 7 months old, his parents started working in over 30 different cities, such as Xi’an and Shenzhen. This kind of life gave him things to think and write about.

When he was 9 months old, he could speak and at the age of one, he could say five to six hundred words. At three, he could look up words in the dictionary(字典). At four, his father taught him how to learn by himself. His parents like reading very much. He likes reading, too. At the age of 5, he began writing fairy tales (童话) and his fairy tales are all from his life.

At the age of 6, he wrote a novel(小说) about his own life in different cities with his parents.

Now he studies well in a middle school. He has written his third book, the novel called “Eyes of Children”. He says, “I am not different from other children. I just wrote several books.”

1. . Dou Kou is called to be a(n) ________.
2. Thanks to ________, Dou Kou could write his books.
A.his motherB.his school life
C.his life experienceD.his father
3. Dou Kou began to use a dictionary ________.
A.when he wrote fairy talesB.before his father taught him to study
C.after he went to schoolD.when he went to Shenzhen
4. The underlined sentences at the end of the passage show us that ________.
A.Dou Kou is not proudB.Dou Kou doesn’t tell the truth
C.Dou Kou is very ordinaryD.Dou Kou doesn’t like himself
5. Which is the best title?
A.Three Books by a ChildB.How to Write Fairy Tales
C.Dou Kou, the Youngest WriterD.Travel in Other Cities
2021-11-03更新 | 102次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市园南中学2021-2022学年七年级上学期开学考试英语试题
7 . 判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用 “T”表示,不符合的用 “F”表示。

There is a one-day holiday in most countries on New Year’s Day. The real celebrations for New Year happen on the night before—on New Year’s Eve. There are several interesting customs in the West, and there are many differences from country to country.

Though Christmas is a family get-together festival, New Year, for some, is a time to be with friends. Parties are often held to welcome New Year. At such parties, there is food and drink and dancing until the coming of the New Year.

At midnight, people say “Happy New Year”to each other. Champagne is a favourite drink for New Year. In many Western countries fireworks are let off at midnight, and many people like to make a noise,possibly to drive away bad spirits.

One important song is often sung at New Year—the Scottish song Auld Lang Syne.

1. People usually have great celebrations for New Year on the night of New Year’s Day.
2. In the West, Christmas is a family get-together festival.
3. The word “customs” in the passage means “习俗”.
4. At midnight, on New Year’s Eve Western people often let off fireworks.
5. Auld Lang Syne is a Japanese song.
2021-11-03更新 | 138次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市园南中学2021-2022学年七年级上学期开学考试英语试题
选词填空-短文 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 将下列单词或短语填入空格。每个单词或短语只能填一次。
A. expensive   B. note   C. At the end of   D. better   E. Easy   F.difficult   G. go back

A beautiful actress was the star of a new musical show (音乐表演). Her home was in the country. She did not want to     1     there every night, so she rented (租) a(n)     2     flat in the centre of the city, bought some beautiful furniture and let a man paint rooms in new colours.

It was very     3     to get tickets for her show, because everybody wanted to see it. So she decided (决定) to give the man two of the best seats. She thought this would make him work     4     for her. He took the tickets without saying anything, and she heard no more about them.

    5     the month, she got the man’s bill, at the bottom (底部) of which were the words, “Four hours watching Miss Hall sing and dance: 3 pounds,” with this     6     “After 5 p.m. I get fifteen shillings (先令) an hour instead of ten shillings.”

At that moment, the actress was so angry that she could not say anything.

2021-11-03更新 | 87次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市园南中学2021-2022学年七年级上学期开学考试英语试题
完形填空(约280词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . The western world has always been divided into two types of people—the cool and the uncool.It is a _______ that starts in school.The cool kids are good at sports.They are popular with the opposite sex .They are good-looking and people want to _______their style.They can do their homework but they don’t make a big effort.That would not be cool.

The _______ kids are in the other corner of the playground.They are very bright ,but they don’t have great _______ skills ,not popular with the opposite sex and they are _________ at sports .When they are not programming computers or doing calculus(微积分),they are watching shows like the “X Files” .They are known as the geeks(古怪的人).

But the geeks are taking over. Make friends with them now or they will put virus in your computer and _______ your maths homework to ruin.Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations. They _________good degrees, though they might not be too popular at university.

The most important_________of the 2lst century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks .Geek heroes like Bill Gates_______ others to follow their example .Being a geek is a way of earning good money .And the creation of the Internet gave them a__________of their own to work and play in, making them a global forca.__________,the effect of the geeks on popular culture has started a new trend.It is now cool to be __________.Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which   you __________ is more important than what you look like.

But there are also__________.Geeks were often bullied(欺辱) or laughed at in school. Now a geek may be your __________ .Perhaps it is time for punishment.

2020-10-16更新 | 133次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海市浦东新区民办新竹园中学2018-2019学年八年级下学期开学考试英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Once there lived an old man in a mountain village. He was a famous hunter. He often went hunting alone in the mountains. He was not afraid of any wild animals, not even a tiger.

One night, someone saw a tiger come into the village, and stole two sheep away. The next night the tiger came again. The villagers were frightened. They asked the old hunter to catch it so that they could have a safe life.

When the old man heard about the tiger, he thought hard. He wondered why the tiger came at night twice but only stole the sheep. The next night he walked outside the village. Suddenly he saw the tiger coming. He quickly threw himself on the ground. To his surprise, the tiger did not come at him, but went away. He followed it quietly and found it was running on two of its feet just like a man. Then everything was clear.

On the fourth day, when it got dark, the hunter took some animal skins with him and hid himself behind a big tree near the village. He was waiting for the "tiger". As soon as the "tiger"came near the tree, the old hunter jumped out, caught the "tiger" by the "leg" and said,"Don't he afraid. I do not mean to hurt you. You know who l am, don't you"

The "tiger" said "Yes" and took off the tiger's skin.

"You are poor. But you mustn't steal anything from others. Here are some animal skins for you. You may sell them at the market. With the money, you can buy food and clothes for your family. Work harder and try to make a living. " With tears in his eyes, the poor man thanked the kind-hearted old hunter and walked home.

1. Where did the old hunter live ?
2. What did the tiger get from the village at night?
3. How many times did the tiger come into the village altogether?
4. How was the ‘Tiger” running?
5. Why did the old hunter give some animal skins to the ‘tiger’ ?
6. What do you think of the hunter ? Tell your reason.
2020-01-18更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市浦东新区民办新竹园中学2018-2019学年八年级下学期开学考试英语试题
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