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选词填空-短文 | 困难(0.15) |
1 . 从下面方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填入短文空格内,使短文意思正确,通顺,每词限用一次。
exact, encourage, far, good, happen, mistake, opposite, often, perform, provide, study, suggest,

Sam Hill is really bad at finding his way from place to place. The world is full of people like Hill and their     1    , who always seem to know     2     where they are and how to get where they want to go. It is hard to explain why. However, with the development of technology, there’s new excitement     3     in the research world.

An experiment was carried out in 2022 to find out what might influence way finding ability. Researchers developed an online game in which players travel by boat to find where a lot of checkpoints lie. The game asked players     4     basic background information, and nearly four million people worldwide did so. Through the game, the researchers were able to judge navigational (辨识方向的) ability by looking at how     5     each person traveled to reach all the checkpoints. Then they compared players’     6     with their background information. The researchers found that Northern Europeans seemed to be the     7     navigators among the players, perhaps because they love orienteering (定向越野).

Research results like these     8     that people’s life experience decides how well they find their way. In fact, experience may even explain a popular belief that men are more likely to perform better than women. It turns out that this difference is more a question of culture and experience than of in born ability. Northern Europeans, for example, show almost no gender (性别) difference in navigation.

    9     on the Tsimane, a community living in a forest in South America, also agree with the finding. Researchers put GPS units on 305 Tsimane people to check their daily movements over a three-day period, and found no difference between men and women in navigational ability. Even children performed very well—a result, researchers think, of growing up in an environment that     10     children to explore the forest.

7日内更新 | 11次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省成都市第七中学初中学校2024-2025学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试题
短文填空-语法填空(约180词) | 困难(0.15) |

2 . The number of people     1     (suffer) from water shortages will leap to three billion in 25 years from 600 million now     2     urgent action is taken, experts told an annual water conference in Sweden Tuesday.

Some 1.2 billion people already lack access     3     safe water and the number will rise to 2.3 billion by 2025     4     huge investment to improve supply, Ismail Serageldin, Vice President of the World Bank, told reporters.

Serageldin said that the cost of providing universal water access by 2015 was Enormous-between $31 billion and $35 billion a year. Obviously, the poorest developing countries were unlikely to get this money, even through international aid.

“The question of when you run out of water depends on     5     you are—the areas which     6     (face) with the most serious shortages are Africa, the Middle East and parts of South Asia,” said Serageldin.

Irrigation in developing countries was the main problem, with 80-90 percent of the water     7     (intend) for agriculture used inefficiently. If the methods of irrigation were improved, there would be enough water for human and industrial use, he said. Poor people in the developing world paid on average 12 times more per liter of water than     8     in developed countries.

7日内更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年上海市杨浦区复旦大学附属中学自主招生英语试题
单项选择-四个选项 | 困难(0.15) |
3 . ________, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.
A.Strange as might it soundB.As it might sound strange
C.As strange it might soundD.Strange as it might sound
7日内更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年上海市杨浦区复旦大学附属中学自主招生英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约390词) | 困难(0.15) |

4 . For those who travel to East Africa, a visit would be incomplete without buying beads (珠子), which first arrived there around 1000 AD. From 1480 onwards, the mass export of beads from Europe to East Africa started. By the late 19th century huge quantities of beads were being used as trade goods. Although beads were readily available, the Maasai did not develop an interest in them for quite some time. The Iltalala age-set, who were fighters from 1881 until 1905, were the first to use larger numbers of beads to decorate themselves.

An age-set is an institutionalized (约定俗成的) stage in life which is shared by people that are in the same age-category. The age-sets have names and their members used to paint their bodies to distinguish themselves. When they were prohibited from carrying their weapons in public, the Maasai instead began to wear beaded ornaments (饰物).

Beadwork can tell you several things about the wearer. Specific ornaments and colours indicate whether the person is Maasai or from another ethnic (部落的) group. Different Maasai groups also use certain beads and colour combinations to indicate their connection with others. Finally, a person’s beadwork reflects his or her position in life. The belt of a young woman is different from that of a young man, and an unmarried girl’s earrings are different from those of a married woman.

Within those cultural rules, beadwork fashion changes all the time. Each new generation develops a particular style, including certain materials, colour placements and symbols that unite and identify them. Competing age-sets have often chosen to include symbols of adopted technology. For instance, the Iseuri age-set chose the telegraph pole as their symbol, as a reference to the speed of communication between fighters and their friends. The next major age-set, the Ilkitoip, carried on this theme by adding a large button eye on top of the telegraph pole to symbolise the blue light of a police car.

Tourists are often quite surprised when they find out that Maasai beads are from Europe. They would like African beadwork to be “authentic” (真正的). And it’s true that some ornaments have more cultural meanings than others. Nowadays, Maasai beadwork forms an ever-changing, multi-cultural area of exchange of materials and ideas between Africa and Europe.

1. What can be inferred about the Iltalala age-set?
A.They had a great love of traditional beads.
B.They were the first to import beads from Europe.
C.They made a living by trading in decorative beads.
D.They travelled to Africa with beads around 1000 AD.
2. What is highlighted in Paragraph 3?
A.Beads’ high values. B.Beads’ social functions.
C.Beads’ different patterns. D.Beads’ historical origins
3. What does beadwork, fashion tell us about the age-sets?
A.They have little communication.B.They keep the tradition alive.
C.They are often ahead of technology.D.They are unwilling to follow the fashion.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Beadwork: a newborn European practice
B.Beadwork: a disappearing African tradition
C.Maasai beads: the ideal choice among age-sets
D.Maasai beads: the interplay between Europe and Africa
7日内更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年广东省东莞市东华高级初中自招英语试题
短文填空-首字母填空(约160词) | 困难(0.15) |
5 . 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,首字母已给,每空格限填一词。
        Think “rock, paper, scissors” is a children’s game? Think again.

Top players from a    1     the world came together in Toronto to compete for a ten thousand Canadian dollar p    2     and the title of world champion. More than 500 players, including n    3     champions from Australia, Norway and New Zealand, attended.

The simple game is often used to make decisions and solve some simple problems. Players hold their fists (拳头) closed and c    4     to three before making a fist (rock), a flat hand (paper) or two fingers (scissors). Paper covers rock, scissors cut paper and rock breaks scissors.

Players have d    5     ideas about the history of the game, but it is commonly believed to have been played for centuries in Japan. The Paper Scissors Stone Club opened in England in 1842 and players could play together there. In 1918, the n    6     was changed to World RPS Club and its headquarters moved from London to Toronto.

The world championship has been held since 2002, which is held o    7     every year.

2024-09-13更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市杨思中学2023-2024学年七年级上学期第二阶段练习英语试卷

6 . Our nearest neighbor is the moon. In the sky, the moon and the sun seem to be of the same size because the moon is much nearer.

The moon makes the tides (潮汐)— the changes in the level of the sea. The moon and the sun together pull the sea. In some parts of the world, the difference between “high tide” ( when the sea is very near the land) and “low tide” ( when the sea is far away from the land) is very big. This is very important for ships.

The moon is very different from the earth. Gravity (重力) on the moon is six times weaker than that on the earth. There isn’t any air. During the day, it is very very hot but at night it is very very cold. Nothing can live on the moon.

If the moon goes between the earth and the sun, we have an eclipse of the sun (日食). The moon stops the light from the sun and we have night in the day.

If the earth goes between the moon and the sun, we have an eclipse of the moon. The moon goes into the shadow (影子) of the earth and it disappears (消失) for a few minutes.

1. When the sea is far away from the land, we call it “          ”.
A.high tideB.low tideC.shadow                      .D.light
2. Gravity on the earth is            stronger than that on the moon.
A.five timesB.six timesC.seven timesD.eight times
3. When the moon goes between the earth and the sun, we have night in the day, and we call it the eclipse of         .
A.the moonB.the sunC.the starsD.the earth
4. Which of the following happens when we have an eclipse of the moon?
A.The earth goes between the moon and the sun.B.The moon goes into the shadow of the sun.
C.The moon goes into the shadow of its own.D.The sun disappears for a few minutes.
5. Which of the following statement (陈述) is not TRUE?
A.Gravity on the earth is 6 times stronger than that on the moon.
B.The changes in the level of the sea are called tides.
C.The moon itself pulls the sea and makes the tides.
D.When the sea is near the land, a high tide may happen.
2024-09-11更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省惠州市尚书学校2024-2025学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试题
书面表达-材料作文 | 困难(0.15) |

7 . 四季的轮回变化给我们的生活增添了一抹绚丽的色彩!不同的季节、不同的天气、不同的景色,是否使你的课外活动也更加丰富呢?请根据以下提示以“My favourite season”为题,用英语介绍一下你最喜欢的季节。

(1) 这个季节的天气和景色特征;               
(2) 你可以做哪些活动。

My favourite season

8 . hope,is, on, the ,world, I,going,around,because,to,out,find, what
2024-09-07更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门市科技中学2023-2024学年八年级上学期英语期中考试卷
书面表达-材料作文 | 困难(0.15) |

9 . Michael, a Bilibili uploader wants to collect his followers’ ideas on what to present next month in the comment area (评论区). Please write him a reply post (回贴).

拍摄内容:中国传统文化艺术纪录片   如……
拍摄意义:价值持久   地方特色   鼓励年轻人传承……
拍摄手法:实地拍摄   日常对话   走进民间艺人真实生活……
1. 请包含所有内容要点。
2. 不要逐字翻译,可有适当增减,90词左右。
3. 不要出现真实人名校名。
Word bank
Suzhou embroidery (苏绣),leaf carving (叶雕),paper-cutting (剪纸),shoot (拍摄),cameraman (摄影师)

Hey Michael, I would like to give you my ideas on your video contents. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2024-09-04更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州市立达中学校2023-2024学年九年级上学期12月月考英语试题
10 . The man insisted that he ________ the old lady’s money and ________ at once.
A.didn’t steal; set freeB.hadn’t stolen; set freeC.didn’t steal; be set freeD.hadn’t stolen; be set free
2024-09-04更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州中学校2023-2024学年九年级(少预班)上学期10月阶段性测试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般