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题型:短文填空-语法填空 难度:0.85 引用次数:197 题号:10847542

In difficult times, there are always individuals who step up and bring people hope and confidence. Zhong Nanshan is one of these heroes who     1    (make) great contributions during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pneumonia(NCP) (新冠肺炎).

Growing up in a family of doctors, Zhong lives by a simple motto (信条) : save lives and always be honest. In 2003, when SARS hit China, he volunteered     2    (treat) patients and asked his colleagues (同事) to send their most serious cases to him. After months of work, his treatment plan for SARS     3    (accept) by China and then the whole world, saving thousands of lives.

Seventeen years later, Zhong is once again     4    (lead) an expert team to study the novel coronavirus. "Please don't travel to Wuhan unless it's absolutely necessary, "Zhong Nanshan reminded the public when the novel coronavirus first     5    (hit) Wuhan. But he, 84, rushed on an overnight train to Wuhan on Jan 18 while the patients there     6    (wait) for a proper treatment. Two days later, he became the first expert to make certain that the new virus     7    (be) spread between humans. Under his guidance, his team developed a rapid test kit (快速检测试剂盒) for the disease that can show results within 15 minutes. Although this new virus is known to be more dangerous to the elderly, Zhong     8    (not seem) worried about his own safety.

Zhong's image and messages     9    (go) through social media right now. Many people say they "trust every word of Zhong". He has given Chinese people confidence in winning the battle. He is a real hero and we surely     10    (remember) his great contribution forever!

2020·山东东营·一模 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 医疗 医护人员 科学家


短文填空-语法填空(约130词) | 较易 (0.85)

ORBIS is an international charitable organization (国际慈善组织). Its main job     1     (be) to help blind people all over the world.

ORBIS uses a flying eye hospital     2     (visit) poor countries. On the plane, volunteer doctors have operations (手术) on blind people.

The plane is also used as     3     teaching centre. Some doctors and nurses from poor countries can come to the plane to learn about eye     4     (problem). Then they can help     5     (many) blind people.

ORBIS     6     (train) and taught over 35, 000 doctors and nurses so far. Every year they travel around the world     7     (help) thousands of people.     8    , they need your help to carry on with their work. For just $38, you can help one person see; for $380, you can bring light     9     ten people; for $1,300, you can help train a doctor. No matter how much money you can donate, your love will help     10     open their eyes to the world.

2024-04-02更新 | 40次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般