组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 短语辨析 > A > at weekends/on weekends
题型:单项选择 难度:0.85 引用次数:328 题号:13355068
What ________ you usually do ________weekends?
A.does; onB.do; inC.do; onD.does; in


单项选择 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐1】What does he usually do ________ weekends?
2020-09-12更新 | 214次组卷
单项选择 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐2】He sometimes goes to ________ movies ________ weekends.
A./, onB./, atC.the, atD.the, in
2022-02-08更新 | 145次组卷
单项选择 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐3】__________ weekends we should have time __________.
A.With; relaxingB.On; to relaxC.On; relaxing
2021-03-03更新 | 111次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般