组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 饮食 > 食物
题型:短文填空-首字母填空 难度:0.4 引用次数:383 题号:13932466
Read the Passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格问其入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填词,首字母已给)

Dinner in the Sky

Are you afraid of height? If yes. we are sorry to tell you that you will miss a wonderful dinner in the sky. Diner in the sky can of course make an e    1     that it is hard for you to forget.

In tact, the idea of Dinner in the Sky is developed by a Belgian company. The dinner is hosted at a table floating at a height of 50 metres. A team of professionals help make the table s    2     in the air. Of course, dinner is not the only choice. Breakfast in the sky, lunch in the sky, meeting in the sky ...just whatever you w    3    .

What’s more, Dinner in the Sky can take p    4     anywhere. It has been operated in more than 15 countries. If there is an open ground of 500 square metres, get ready to take action.

You may wonder whether it is safe to have dinner in the sky. But don’t worry about that. Dinner in the Sky is a completely safe way to e    5     life. The Belgian company provides this special service according to safety. It is designed and examined strictly according to the International Safety Standard. That is probably the r    6     why it is still flying in the sky. So are you getting interested? If you want to have a s    7     memory, try Dinner in the Sky.

【知识点】 食物 点餐 发明与创造


短文填空-首字母填空(约230词) | 较难 (0.4)

With so many people in China, there are not enough resources for everyone. The government limits the population by a    1     families to have only one child, or in some cases two. Children are often called “little emperors (皇帝)” because they are so p    2     but they also feel great stress to make their family proud. Traditionally children in China lived in the same home with their parents and grandparents. However, people move more often nowadays, and most homes are small especially in the cities.


Children usually start school at the age of six. Classes are in Mandarin (普通话) but some schools also invite f    3     teachers to teach spoken English in class. At age 15, students take an important test that is considered the k    4     to a successful future. “Learning is like a journey that will continue for a long time,” goes an old Chinese saying.


Family and friends often come together for mealtimes. A Chinese meal i    5     many different dishes, such as soup, dumplings, meat and vegetables. Everyone shares them together with chopsticks. Special foods are served on special moments. For example, a dish of extra-long noodles at birthday stands for a w    6     for long life.

C    7    

China also has a rich tradition of art and music. Many still practice calligraphy (书法), using special brushes for writing characters, and some schools has even started calligraphy lessons for children since several years ago. These days, modern pop music is becoming more popular with young people.

2022-05-05更新 | 211次组卷
短文填空-首字母填空(约160词) | 较难 (0.4)

I am an orange. I’m a kind of sweet f    1    . You can find I grow (生长) in many places of the world, but I can’t grow well in very hot places or very c    2     places.

I am round in size and orange in c    3    . I am delicious, s    4     people all over the world like to eat me. They can cook me and put me in cans (罐子) to s    5     me to other places of the world. I’m not very e    6    , so almost everyone can have money to buy me. I can a    7     make people get healthy. When people have a cold or are ill, I will give them a lot of vitamin C and help them stay in good h    8    . Don’t you think how great I am?

But I also need your love. If you want to make me taste g    9    , you must take good care of me. Thank you for your love. I will try to grow well and become your f    10    .

2023-12-23更新 | 94次组卷
短文填空-语法填空(约120词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】My name is Bill. I have two good     1     (friend). They are Bob and Sandra. We eat different food every day.

I like lots of food. For     2    , I eat eggs and some fruit. I like oranges and bananas. For lunch, I have hamburgers and some salad.     3     dinner, I have chicken and vegetables. I like carrots and broccoli.

Bob eats lots of     4     (health) food every day. He     5     (have) milk, two eggs and     6     apple for breakfast. He has chicken and salad for lunch. And he     7     (like) broccoli and fish for dinner.

Sandra is different from     8     (we). She doesn’t eat fruit or vegetables. She only     9     (eat) unhealthy (不健康的) food. She likes French fries and ice-cream. For breakfast, she eats hamburgers. And for dinner, she eats French fries.     10     dinner, she eats ice-cream for dessert.

2017-11-06更新 | 1091次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般