组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 通讯与媒体 > 电视与电台
题型:补全对话-6选5 难度:0.65 引用次数:93 题号:14107255
Bob. Hi, Alice. Let’s talk about TV shows.
Alice:     1    
Bob: Do you like to watch the news?
Alice:     2     I like to know what’s going on around the world.
Bob: Do you watch it every day?
Alice. Yes, but times I watch it on the Internet.
Bob:     3    
Alice: I don’t mind game shows. Sometimes I watch them.
Bob:     4    
Alice: No. I think sitcoms are meaningless. I can’t learn anything from them.
Bob:     5    
Alice: Sports shows. I think they are exciting.
A.Do you like sitcoms?
B.Sounds great!
C.Talent shows are interesting.
D.Yes, I do.
E.What do you think of game shows?
F.What kind of TV shows do you like best?


补全对话-7选5 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】A: Hello! This is CCTV. We're making a survey of TV watching habits.    1    
B: Sure.
A:OK.What's your job,please?
B:    2    
A: Well. and how many hours do you watch TV each day?
B: Um, about one hour each day.
A: What's your favorite TV program?
B:    3    
A: Do you watch TV at any other time?
B: Not really.
A: All right!    4    
B: No, I really don't watch talk shows very often.
A: May I ask why?
B: Well,I don't think they are interesting for me.
A:    5     Anyway,thank you very much.
B: You're welcome.
A.Do you like watching talk shows?
B.I don't like watching TV.
C.I'm sorry to hear that.
D.I like to watch sports and films in the evening.
E.May I ask you a few questions?
F.How often do you watch TV?
G.I'm a doctor.
2020-10-14更新 | 208次组卷
补全对话-7选5 | 适中 (0.65)
A: Hey, Jane.     1    
B: I’m watching TV.
A:     2    
B: Twice a week, on Saturday and Sunday.
A:     3    
B: Sitcoms. Do you like them?
A:     4     I can’t stand them.
B: Well, what do you think of game shows?
A: I love them. What about you?
B: Me, too.     5     Come and join me!
A.No, I don’t.
B.It can make me relax.
C.What are you doing now?
D.How often do you watch TV?
E.I watch TV three times a week.
F.And now I’m watching a game show.
G.What TV shows do you like watching?
2024-09-03更新 | 7次组卷
补全对话-填写句子 | 适中 (0.65)
(Ken, from Canada, is studying at Li Hua’s school. They’re having a talk after class.)
A: Hey, Li Hua. Tomorrow is Saturday.     1    ?
B: I plan to watch a talk show called Voice at home. I watch it every Saturday on CCTV-1.
A:     2    ?
B: It is the first open class for the young people on the TV in China. Every time you can enjoy exciting speeches.
A:     3    ?
B: It’s educational. I can learn a lot from it.
A:     4    ?
B: About 45 minutes. Would you like to come to my house to watch it with me?
A:     5    .
B: It’s really great. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
2024-04-13更新 | 11次组卷
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