组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 朋友
题型:选词填空-短文 难度:0.65 引用次数:164 题号:14458394
they       as        result       much        laugh

Recently, we did a survey about our students’ ideas about what kinds of things are the most important in a friend. Here are the     1    .

We found that half of the students think a good friend should have the same hobbies     2     they do. Twenty percent hope their friends to be good listeners and can make them     3     when they’re sad. For another twenty percent, a good friend should be     4     talented in something than they are so that these friends can help bring out the best in     5    . The rest of the students like good-looking people with cool clothes to be their friends.

【知识点】 朋友 友谊


选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)
A.as a group       B.in another room     C. looked good
D. found out        E. was worried about

In a school in England, a few years ago, while a teenage girl was reading a book in the classroom, she heard a boy singing     1    . She liked the song so much and went out to see. She     2     that the boy’s name was Jonathan Antoine. The girl—Charlotte Jaconelli also liked singing. A little later, the music teacher at school suggested that they could sing together. They did, and they started singing together     3    . They also became very good friends. They even sang together at the music teacher’s wedding.

Around that time, there was a TV programme called Briain’s Cot Talent—a show to find new singers and performers.

Charlotte wanted to enter the show with Jonathan but he     4     his looking because he knew he was so fat. However, Charlotte persuaded (劝说) him and they went on the show. At that time, Charlotte was 16 and Jonathan was 17.

A. happy                 B. sing alone        C. began to sing
D. disappointed        E. looked back at

They did the first audition (试镜) in April 2012. When they came onto the stage, they were very nervous. The four judges (评委) didn’t think they were good. Some people in the audience (观众) laughed when they saw them at first. But when they     5     and everyone was amazed. They sang quite well—especially Jonathan. When they finished, people stood up and clapped.

All the judges thought Charlotte and Jonathan were great, but one judge, Simon Cowell, suggested that Jonathan should     6     without Charlotte, because although she was good, he was fantastic.

Jonathan didn’t think for long. He looked at his friend, and then     7     the judges, and said that he wanted to stay in the competition with Charlotte. They went on singing together, but they didn’t win the competition—they came second. (A dancing dog won!) However, they weren’t     8    .

A few weeks later, Simon Cowell gave them the chance to record a CD. They made the CD, and then they thought about a title for it. They chose the word “Together”.

2022-05-07更新 | 68次组卷
选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)
with   careful   study   action   meaningless   tall   reporter   saying   common   talent

My name is Anna. I like     1     movies very much, so I often go to the movies     2     my friends. My favourite     3     is, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Peter is my classmate. He is     4     than me. Peter always listens     5     in class and he     6     hard in our class.

Sally is my pen pal and we have a lot in     7    . For example, we both like talk shows. Because they are educational. And we don’t like soap operas because they are     8    . And Sally is     9     in music, but she wants to be a famous     10     because she likes travelling.

2023-11-14更新 | 24次组卷
选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)
of,   society,   boring,   hardly,   great,   take,   have,   introduce,   heart,   and

Do you have a friend? In the modern     1    , friends are an important part of our life.   Without friends, life will be     2    . As a matter of fact, a true friend reaches for our hands and touches our     3    . Here, let me     4     my friend Jack to you. Jack is a handsome boy who is     5     medium height. When I was in Grade Seven, I     6     part in an English singing competition. When the result came out, I learned I failed! I could     7     hold back my tears. I felt that the world became cold and I was laughed at by everyone. How sad I was! Just at that time, I received a letter in English, saying, “Cheer up! Have confidence in yourself. Keep on practicing     8     you’ll succeed.” I knew it was from my friend Jack. These words encouraged me     9    . From then on, I practiced even harder. When I was in Grade Eight, I took part in another contest and won the first prize. I’m so lucky     10     such a good friend.

2021-05-28更新 | 41次组卷
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