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听力选择-听句子选答语 | 容易 (0.94)
A.Hardly ever.B.For two daysC.In a month.
2023-11-24更新 | 57次组卷
听力选择-听短对话选答案 | 容易 (0.94)
【推荐2】How often does Sam go to the Softball (垒球) Club?
A.Twice a week.B.Once a week.C.Every Friday afternoon.
2022-10-03更新 | 40次组卷
听力选择-听短对话选答案 | 容易 (0.94)
【推荐3】How often does Amy’s mother play volleyball?
A.Every day.B.Once a week.C.Twice a week.
2021-07-18更新 | 98次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般