组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 单词辨析 > C > choice
题型:选词填空-多句 难度:0.65 引用次数:65 题号:19904226
choice go over promised worth simply list
1. The chance is right in front of us, but is it ________ taking a risk?
2. When you have the ________ of being right or being kind, choose kind.
3. No team would invite him to play basketball ________ because he was only 170 cm tall.
4. You ________ to take our boy to Disneyland last year. Don’t let him down again.
5. You should ________ what you’ve learnt as often as possible.


选词填空-多句 | 适中 (0.65)
choose       their       low       success       eat
1. It’s so cold today. The temperature may be the ________ this winter.
2. Jenny is very happy, because she has passed the exam ________.
3. Have you ______ your breakfast? It’s not a good idea to eat fruit on an empty stomach.
4. It seems that you have several _________. Have you made your decision yet?
5. When our washing machine broke, our neighbors let us use _________.
2021-04-09更新 | 44次组卷
选词填空-多句 | 适中 (0.65)
broke down, succeeded in, laugh at, broke out, hard work, matter, Although, a great deal of, choice
1. Many people’s lives have been changed since the war ________.
2. Don’t ________ others when they make mistakes because everyone does that.
3. Think twice, and you may make a wiser ________.
4. There’s ________ information on the Internet now.
5. At last, he proved that size and body type do not ________.
6. ________ he felt ill, he still went to school yesterday.
7. He ________ passing the driving exam and felt very glad.
8. Through ________, the scientist finally know how to solve the problems.
2023-10-23更新 | 44次组卷
选词填空-多句 | 适中 (0.65)
at one time, be made of, around the world, choice, well-known
1. Football is popular ________.
2. This costurne ________ silk.
3. The Great Wall is ________ all over the world.
4. ________, many people liked the clothes of this style.
5. My bike is broken. I have no ________ but walk.
2021-04-25更新 | 46次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般