组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 语用 > 情景交际 > 态度 > 判断与评价
【知识点】 判断与评价


听力选择-听长对话选答案 | 适中 (0.65)
1. How does the woman like the new job?
2. Why did the woman leave her boss?
A.She was sick.B.She was unhappy.C.She was active.
3. What did the woman come here for?
A.Asking for a job.B.Asking some questions.C.Talking about her life.
2021-05-28更新 | 24次组卷
听力选择-听长对话选答案 | 适中 (0.65)
1. What colour tie is the man going to wear?
2. Where are the two speakers going?
A.To see a movie.B.To a tea party.C.To a wedding party.
3. Who will come to help with the cooking?
A.Mr. Brown.B.Jenny.C.Grandpa.
2023-07-03更新 | 20次组卷
听力选择-听长对话选答案 | 适中 (0.65)
1. What kind of food would Sam like to eat?
A.Indian food.B.Chinese food.C.Western food.
2. Why do they choose Bollywood Restaurant for dinner?
A.Because it is the nearest.B.Because its food is cheap.C.Because it serves good food.
3. What is Bollywood Restaurant like on Friday evenings?
A.It closes early.B.It is full of people.C.It’s easy to order food.
4. How will they get the seats for dinner?
A.They will call to book seats.
B.They will choose another day.
C.They will go to the restaurant early.
2024-04-29更新 | 27次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般