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题型:短文填空-语法填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:33 题号:21220399
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容 (不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

An old man was ill in hospital. A young man visited him every day. He helped him eat his food and take his shower. He then took him for a walk. After that he     1     (bring) him back to his room and helped him lie down. He stayed in hospital for a couple of     2     (hour) and went away after making sure everything was going well with the old man.

One day a nurse said to the old man, “Your son is one of     3     (kind) sons that I have ever seen. Every day he visits you and takes good care     4     you.”

The old man replied, “I wish he were one of my children,     5     he isn’t. He is an orphan (孤儿) in my neighborhood. I walked past his house one day. He was     6     (sit) in front of the house alone crying after his father died. I stayed with him and bought     7     (he) some candies. I hadn’t seen him for a very long time until one day he came to my house. He had grown up. Since then he     8     (visit) my wife and me every day. When I came here because of the     9     (ill), he took my old wife to his home. He now comes to the hospital to see me every day. Once I asked him, ‘Dear, why do you care about us so much?’ He     10     (simple) smiled and said, ‘The taste of the candies is still in my mouth.’”

【知识点】 志愿服务


短文填空-语法填空(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Shen Junbo is a high school boy from Lianhua community, Haidian district in Beijing. He     1     (praise) by many Internet users for pasting (贴) poems at a nucleic acid test site (核酸检测点).

    2     May 4th, 2022, Shen was standing in line with his mother. They were waiting for the second round of nucleic acid test. He then noticed that the volunteers had to ask people not to get close to each other time after time because the lines on the ground were unclear.

He came up with the idea of printing out poems and pasting them on the ground. In this way, people could read the poems as well as keep a certain distance from each other without     3     (get) bored.

Shen     4     (careful) picked out some excellent poems online after getting back home. He used the lucky money he received during the Spring Festival to print them out at a store. It was past 11 p. m. when he finally finished pasting all the poems on the ground that night.

The next morning, the residents (居民) saw the poems and were all very     5     (surprise) at what Shen did. Internet users thought Shen was such a creative boy. “I’m sure people     6     (notice) these poems whether they’re playing with their cellphones or not,” one netizen (网民) told the newspaper.

2023-10-19更新 | 36次组卷
短文填空-语法填空(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Boys and girls, do you like cats?     1     you are a cat lover, I’d like to advise you to watch this exciting movie. Its name is The Legend of Hei.

The movie is from a cartoon series (系列) called The Legend of Luo Xiaohei online. It tells the story of     2     clever cat and the family it lives with.

The writer of the cartoon series calls     3     (him) MTJJ. One day, he saw a homeless cat     4     the bottom of the stairs. Feeling sorry for it, MTJJ took it home and     5     (name) it Xiaohei. MTJJ built a comfortable home for it in his own house,     6     the cat always loved to go out and look for food. Six     7     (month) later, MTJJ had to let it go. Then, he decided     8     (create) a cat with a home. Its name is Luo Xiaohei and it is also black.

I think it is one of     9     (popular) cartoon movies. And it     10     (receive) 8.3 points out of 10 on Douban since it was on in cinemas. So, if you love cats and cartoons, you’d better have a try.

2022-01-22更新 | 113次组卷
短文填空-语法填空(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

Ms. Li usually takes the last bus home after work. She gets off work at 22: 50 while the bus she takes, route 786, arrives at 22: 53. This     1     (leave) only three minutes for Ms. Li to walk from her workplace to the bus stop. The two places are only 200 meters apart, or about two-minute walk. However, it isn’t     2     easy task for Ms. Li, because she is blind. If she misses the bus, she has to walk for another 10     3     (minute) and cross a busy street to take a different bus.

The story of Ms. Li spreads among the bus     4     (drive) of route 786. They voluntarily drive the bus a little bit more     5     (slow) and change the arrival time of the last bus to 22: 56. Now Ms. Li would have enough time     6     (get) to the bus stop. The three-minute delay makes Ms. Li’s life much     7     (easy). She no longer needs to rush to the bus stop. Once, when Ms. Li set off late and tried to walk quickly to the bus stop, she heard the bus driver     8     (shout), “Don’t rush. I won’t have you behind.”

    9     we look at the small details in life, we can find kindness everywhere, such as the bus drivers who help a blind passenger. They put     10     (they) in another person’s shoes and show what true service is-to help others wholehearted.

2022-03-11更新 | 180次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般