组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 语用 > 情景交际 > 态度 > 喜欢和不喜欢
【知识点】 喜欢和不喜欢


听力选择-听长对话选答案 | 较易 (0.85)
1. What did Jack use to like?
A.Playing volleyball.B.Playing basketball.C.Flying kites.
2. Why doesn’t Jack fly kites often?
A.Because he doesn’t like it.B.Because his kites can’t fly.C.Because he can’t find a proper place to fly kites.
3. What can we learn from the conversation?
A.Jack is very poor.B.Jack can make kites.C.Jack doesn’t have any friends.
2023-01-16更新 | 90次组卷
听力选择-听短对话选答案 | 较易 (0.85)
A.Basketball.B.Table tennis.C.Volleyball.D.Football.
2020-12-09更新 | 93次组卷
听力选择-听短对话选答案 | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐3】Why(为什么) does Mary like history?
A.It is relaxing.B.It is interesting.C.It is boring.
2020-11-10更新 | 325次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般