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题型:补全对话-句子配对 难度:0.65 引用次数:84 题号:22100428



    1     What’s the trouble with Ben?
    2     I think Faith Makes Great is a good TV play.
    3     What was Lily doing when the rainstorm came?
    4     Could you teach me to make noodles?
    5     Why not give away these toys to the children in need?
A. Good idea.
B. He got hit on the head.
C. I agree with you. It’s a great play.
D. No problem. Let’s begin to learn it now.
E. She was calling her friend on the video at the time of the rainstorm.


补全对话-7选5 | 适中 (0.65)

A: Hey, Jenny! Have you heard of the breaking news about Yaya?
B:     1     Who is Yaya?
A: Yaya is an aged panda. She has lived at the Memphis Zoo in US for 20 years.
B: Oh, I see.     2    
A: She was in bad health, almost as thin as a cat.
B:     3     Why is she ill?
A: Nobody knows the exact reason. Scientists have gone to that zoo.
B: Then they’d better bring Yaya back to China.
A:     4     If possible, would you like to visit Yaya with me?
B:     5     Best wishes to Yaya.
A.I agree with you.
B.Not yet.
C.She loves bamboos and apples.
D.What happened to her?
E.Sorry to hear that.
F.I don’t think so.
G.Of course!
2024-04-24更新 | 19次组卷
补全对话-补全对话单选 | 适中 (0.65)
A: Hi, Jenny! You look so happy! Why?
B: Oh, ______
A: Congratulations! I think this activity is very cool.
B: You are right. ______
A: Cooking competitions?
B: Yes. ______ I learned to cook last year. Now I can cook some dishes.
A: ______
B: Yes, I do. Sometimes I help my parents cook.
A: Can you teach me how to cook?
B: ______ I’ll teach you when you are free.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You’re welcome.1.
A.We won the first prize in the school sports meeting.B.I have a bad headache.
C.We went to the science museum yesterday.D.I can help you finish the work.
A.There are also cooking competitions in our school.B.You can take part in it.
C.You can join the art club.D.I am good at painting.
A.I can play football well.B.We have cooking classes.
C.I’m glad to hear that.D.We should do chores.
A.Do you like shopping on weekends?B.Would you like to go with me?
C.Do you help cook at home?D.Can you play the piano?
A.Pretty good.B.Sorry, I can’t.C.Never mind.D.No problem.
2023-11-20更新 | 28次组卷
补全对话-7选5 | 适中 (0.65)
A: Hi, Sally. You look very unhappy. What’s wrong?
B: Hi, Bob.     1    
A: What happened?
B: This morning I got up late. When I got to the bus stop, the bus had left.     2    
A: Oh, you had to wait for about 20 minutes.
B: Yes, and on the way I found that I had left my keys at home.
A:     3    
B: Right. And when I got to school, I found my classmates weren’t at school. They had gone to help clean up the City Park. It was a pity I missed it as well.
A:     4    
B: Yes, and I had to stay at school the whole morning. When I had a physics class in the afternoon, I found that I had forgotten to bring my physics homework.
A: That’s too bad.     5    
B: OK, I will.
A.There is no doubt that you couldn’t go back home again.
B.So you returned home to get your keys?
C.So you missed the first bus.
D.But I like to be a volunteer.
E.You should be more careful next time.
F.I’ve had a really bad day.
G.So I had to wait for another bus.
2023-04-04更新 | 71次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般