组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 社会服务 > 志愿服务
题型:选词填空-短文 难度:0.65 引用次数:66 题号:22553673
A. exchanges       B. powerful       C. escaped       D. sense       E. disappeared

Kelly is from a small town in Sydney. She has a special way of making a connection with nature. The connection is nowhere more     1     than her front yard. It is home to a community-based plant street library. Just like the book street libraries, this nature library operates through donations of seeds, little plants, cuttings and     2    .

Kelly, who hates waste, started leaving her cuttings out on the street several years ago. To her great surprise, they     3     in minutes. It wasn’t long before her front yard was open to the public and the community was offered a space. The local people took or left something of interest in the yard.

With up to 50 new plants a week, there is often a queue for plants, flowers, herbs and vegetable seedlings. For this keen gardener, the library offers a “village life” and is all about having a     4     of community connection.

2024·上海徐汇·一模 查看更多[2]
【知识点】 志愿服务


选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)
complete        educate          second        belief        grow up          that     different            include       

When Ana Dodson was 11 years old, she traveled to Peru. She went on more than just a vacation. She was visiting her native country. Ana was born in Peru, but she was adopted (领养) by an American family and ___________ in the United States.

While in Peru, Ana wanted to know what her life could have been like if she had not been adopted. She visited several orphanages (孤儿院),   _______   one in the hills of Cuzco, near her birthplace. “The orphanage was really cold and dry,”   Ana said. “The walls   _________ fell down . The girls were in poor health.”   

When Ana returned home, she kept thinking of the orphanage in Cuzco. “I really couldn’t get the girls out of my mind, and I really wanted to do something. Because I could have been one of   _________ girls in that orphanage.” Ana decided to start a group called Peruvian Hearts to help. Her goal was to provide orphans in Peru with   ___________, clothing and food. In the first   ___________ years, Peruvian Hearts raised about $18,000 for the orphanage. Ana’s efforts have been noticed. She won a Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes. The prize is given to kids and teens who make a   _______________. Ana says any kid can do what she did. “Really _________________   in yourself, and follow your heart,” she says.

1. __________
2. __________
3. __________
4. __________
5. __________
6. __________
7. __________
8. __________
2020-05-12更新 | 25次组卷
选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)
early, put, enjoy, food, different, happy, us, activity, than, help, quick

Last Saturday I did some volunteer work for a group called Friends of Cherry Valley with some kids. I     1     myself although I was tired.

We arrived there very     2     in the morning. It was very beautiful and the air was fresh. All of     3     were excited.

During the day, we did many     4     kinds of activities. One of them was planting sunflowers. So many children had the chance(机会)to play in the dirt(泥土),    5     it into boxes, and plant the sunflower seeds(种子). We worked and laughed. I felt time went by     6    . Several hours later, when we finished, I had more dirt on me     7     the kids. However, I felt very     8    .

Besides, there were many other     9     such as birdhouse building, fishing and swimming, and so much more! Of course, we had free     10     and drinks for everyone!

We’re planning another volunteer work in October. We cannot wait     11     out and see all of the children again.

2023-03-02更新 | 68次组卷
选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)
they     although     three     discover     fail     direct     strange     complete       polite       where     thank       on

This was my first visit to the airport. I knew I should go to the check-in counter(柜台)first but I didn’t know     1     it was. I tried asking a passing businessman for help, but     2     to make myself understood. He just walked away quickly. I had been in this country for several months, but I could not even remember how to ask for     3    . How terrible! Another bus arrived and the passengers came out. Here was my chance. I could follow     4     to the right place. I wouldn’t have to say a word.

I finally reached the elevator(电梯). Oh, no! There was not enough space for me. I got     5     the elevator when it returned and looked at all the buttons(按钮). Which one could it be? I chose Button 3. The elevator slowly climbed up to the     6     floor and stopped.

Tears filled my eyes as I saw the empty(空的) hall. Just then one of the staff members appeared. He said he was a guard there and asked     7     if I needed any help. Then he led me down a long hallway. We walked up some stairs, turned a comer, and finally got to the check-in counter.

When I turned     8     him, the man was gone.     9     I will never know that kind man’s name, I will always remember his help. I only hope that one day I can do the same for another     10     who has the same experience as me.

2022-10-12更新 | 210次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般