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题型:短文填空-首字母填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:16 题号:22722855

One day, on the way to school, Tom saw a man in need of help at the bus stop, but he had d    1     in communicating with others because he couldn’t hear or speak. Tom knows some sign language and he offered to help. He communicated with the man with some g    2     and found out that he wanted to visit a friend in hospital. Tom showed him the way and the man thanked him with a big smile on his face. A    3     Tom was late for school, he still felt proud and happy. He thinks that it is p    4     to offer help and he often r    5     himself of the importance of being a helpful person.

【知识点】 志愿服务


短文填空-汉语提示填空(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

I fall in love with every pet I see. To me, they are family. They depend on me. When I found out that thousands of homeless pets are killed every year in my Texas hometown, I felt sad. I found it n    1       to help.

I started a charity to r    2     money to help animals. I collect money for my local animal shelter. It’s hard when I stand for six hours in the hot sun with my donation (捐赠) box. It’s hard when people say no. But a lot of people say yes. It feels good to help animals. Even a young person can make a difference. I’ve collected more than $17,200. Every cent helps give homeless animals a second c    3     .

Helping animals has always been a big part of my family life. I’ve been visiting and volunteering at the shelter even before I could walk. I’ve exercised dogs, c    4       up after them, and took care of them when they were sick or dying. We foster(代养)dogs in our home. But sometimes we end up k     5    them, like my dogs Brodl, Mac, and Gus.

My friends help, too. For my ninth and tenth birthdays, Judy and Carl donated pet things instead of giving me g    6    Jackie, another friend, made $42 in his free time and donated it to my charity.

My mom helps, too. She drives me around so that I can collect money. I feel t    7     to her because we have so much fun going out and doing this together. We love to help any animal that has fur and four legs.

2019-10-22更新 | 79次组卷
短文填空-首字母填空(约140词) | 适中 (0.65)

A little girl sitting in the park sadly. Lots of people passed by but never s    1     to see why she looked so sad. As I got closer, I saw that her back had a strange shape. That’s a hump (驼背)! Perhaps that was the r    2     why people just passed by and made no effort to help. I sat down beside her and said, “Hello!” Then she, in a low v    3    said, “Hi.” I smiled and she smiled back, shyly. Then we talked there until it got dark.

“You make me think of an angel(天使), sweet and f    4    . ” I said. She looked at me and asked, “Really?” I said, “Yes, I think you are an angel and you come here to watch over all those people walking by.” When she h    5     this, the little girl jumped up. “I am! I’m an angel!”

2022-06-19更新 | 78次组卷
短文填空-汉语提示填空(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

The books about Greg Mortenson will be one of your favorites. They will take you on a great adventure to one of the highest mountains in the world. You     1     (将会得知) how Greg Mortenson helped build an education system there.

While climbing a difficult mountain in Pakistan, Greg Mortenson became     2     (有病的). He got help in a small village. The people of the village took good care of him, gave him food and let him sleep in the village     3     (领导的) house. They also gave him one of their special treats:     4    (甜的) tea.

As Mortenson recovered from his illness, he noticed that the       5     (儿童) of the village went to school outdoors. Their teacher only came three times a week and they didn't have     6     (黑板). They used sticks to write their lessons in the soil.

The day Oreg left the village, he     7     (承诺) to come back and build a school.     8     (两者) boys and girls would come to his school to study. That became true in 1993.

Mortenson started the Central Asia Institute (CAI) to     9    (筹集) money for these schools. Because of the CAI, he has helped more than 18, 000 girls     10     (收到) education so far. Today Mortenson is responsible for building 80 schools in Central Asia.

2019-11-19更新 | 67次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般