组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 社会服务 > 志愿服务
题型:补全对话-7选5 难度:0.65 引用次数:16 题号:22941972
A: Hi, Jason. What did you do during the five-day May Day holiday?
B: I did some reading at home. It’s my favorite hobby.     1    
A: I worked as a volunteer in the hospital.
B: A volunteer? Why would you like to be a volunteer?
A:     2    
B: It sounds great! What did you do as a volunteer?
A: I visited sick kids in the hospital and played games with them.
B:     3    
A: Because I think the kids are in pain and they really need help.
B:     4    
A: The Children’s Hospital of Harbin.
B: What a meaningful holiday! Can I go with you next time?
A: Of course! If you can join me, that will be great.     5    
A.Look forward to working with you.
B.Where did you go as a volunteer?
C.What does a volunteer usually do?
D.What about you?
E.Why do you want to do this?
F.Because it may be a good experience for me.
G.I am going to take part in a volunteer activity.


补全对话-5选5 | 适中 (0.65)
A: Do you often help others in your daily life, Ada?
B: Yes.     1     One of them is Granny Liu. She is 90 years old. I go to clean her house every weekend.
A:       2     I have heard of Granny Liu.     3    
B: Yes. She has to move around in a wheelchair (轮椅). She used to help look after me when I was little.
A: Then you think it is your turn to repay her kindness?
B: Exactly. I just follow in her footstep (脚步). You know, Granny Liu never stops helping others.     4    
A: I see. Kindness makes the world a better place. Helping others is the way we help ourselves.     5    
A.All of us should do something for people in need.
B.She even provides food for homeless dogs and cats in the streets.
C.I often help the elderly in my neighbourhood.
D.It is so kind of you to do that.
E.Is she disabled?
2024-05-13更新 | 16次组卷
补全对话-填写句子 | 适中 (0.65)
Mr. Wu: Hello, this is Jilin Care Volunteer (志愿者) Center. Can I help you?
Li Hua:     1    . This is a student from No.1 Middle School. I want to be a volunteer at your center.
Mr. Wu: Welcome!     2    ?
Li Hua: My name is Li Hua.
Mr. Wu: What can you help with?
Li Hua: Well, maybe I can help to     3     the city parks. I like working outside.
Mr. Wu: OK. But we need to interview you first.
Li Hua: When is the interview?
Mr. Wu: On July 10th. If it’s OK, you can come to the center.
Li Hua:     4    ?
Mr. Wu: It’s in Hongxing Business Building.
Li Hua: OK. I’ve got it, Thanks.
Mr. Wu:     5    .
2022-06-30更新 | 444次组卷
补全对话-7选5 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】A: Hello, Li Ming. What’s your plan for the summer holiday?
B: I have no idea.     1    
A: I’ll take part in a social activity with my sister.
B: It sounds exciting.     2    
A: No, I have been a volunteer in a poor village. The children there don’t have money to buy books.
B:     3    
A: Yes. I bought them 30 books with my pocket money.
B: What else did you do there?
A:     4     And now we are good friends.
B: Wow!     5     I’d like to join you.
A: Great! I’m sure we’ll have a meaningful holiday.
A.Can you tell me something about it?
B.Have you sent books to them?
C.I helped them with their lessons.
D.D. She raised some money for them.
E.Is it your first time to join in such activities?
F.It was a wonderful experience!
G.What about you?
2024-05-14更新 | 32次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般