组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 安全与救护 > 事故
题型:短文填空-汉语提示填空 难度:0.4 引用次数:72 题号:5370712

she     swim     sudden     hour       Australia
Every year in Australia there are crocodile (鳄鱼) attacks (攻击) on humans. Two years ago, a 24-year-old German tourist died when she went       1     in a lake. Although there were signs warning people that there might be crocodiles, the girl and     2     friends decided to have a midnight swim. The girl     3     disappeared and the next morning her body was found. Near it was a four-meter crocodile. And only last month two     4     boys watched in fear as their friend was killed by a crocodile. They were washing their mountain bikes in a river at that time. Then, those two boys climbed a tree and stayed there for 22     5     while the crocodile waited below.
【知识点】 事故


短文填空-汉语提示填空(约180词) | 较难 (0.4)

SANYA, March 9 (Xinhua) -- Malaysia Airline flight MH370 is thought missing. Contact with the flight was l    1    at 1:20 a.m. Beijing time on Saturday. The flight was carrying 227 passengers(乘客), i    2    154 Chinese. A Boeing 777-200 aircraft of Malaysia Airlines left Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 12:41 a.m. Beijing time on Saturday and was expected to l    3    in Beijing at 6:30 a.m., after a 3,700-km trip.

An emergency response team(紧急应变工作队)s    4    out early on Sunday morning from South China's Sanya Port in Hainan Province. The rescue(救援)ship "South China Sea Rescue 101" will j    5    Rescue 115. They will meet at the sea area where Malaysia Airline flight MH370 may have c    6    At the same time, another ship, "Tai Shun Hai," of China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company arrived at the possible crash area at 9 a.m. on Sunday and started s    7    . Sanya Port is about 700 sea m    8    from the possible crash area. It will t    9    about two days for the rescue ship to reach the water. The work will be even t    10    as there is no exact(精确的)location of the possible crash area.

So far, there have been no news. No news is good news.

2014-04-01更新 | 277次组卷
短文填空-语境提示填空(约130词) | 较难 (0.4)

It is very important for us to live and work safely: In China, safety education (安全教育) is     1     more and more important now. Students had better learn to keep themselves     2    .

Stampedes (踩踏) and fires are the main accidents. Maybe students usually meet these accidents. How can students protect ourselves     3     the accidents?

A stampede always     4     in crowded places. When students around you begin to push, just stand there and try to     5     on to something. If you fall down, move to one     6     and protect your head with your two hands around it.

When there’s a fire, try to leave the building as     7     as possible. It is better to cover mouth and     8     with something wet. If you don’t do like this, the fire and smoke may hurt you easily. Remember, the most important thing is to stay calm in a fire.

2022-11-05更新 | 217次组卷
短文填空-首字母填空(约110词) | 较难 (0.4)

There is a piece of important news in today's newspaper. There was a big f    1     in a big shopping mall of a big city. It is a h    2    , so many people are shopping in the shopping mall. There was a lot of s    3     in it. Many people are very afraid. Some people shouted, “Help, help!” Some people shouted, “Fire, fire!” and' ran o    4    . A few minutes later a lot of firemen came. They r    5     into the shopping mall and s    6     people. At l    7    , these firemen p    8     out the fire. But some firemen were in h    9     because the fire b    10     their necks, arms and faces. They were hurt. Many people went to the hospital and said “Thank you!” to them.

2019-05-12更新 | 131次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般