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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:209 题号:6423203
Answer the questions.(根据短文内容回答下列问题) :
When Jan and Brian Dutcher moved to San Diego for Brian’s new job at San Diego State University, the neighbors smiled and introduced themselves. But there were no “ bring a plate” invitations, no car pooling for her daughters Liza, 12 and Erin, 15.
“The family really didn’t know each other, and we missed that,” says Jan. “We are far from relatives. Neighbors are our family.”
So Jan, an artist, decided to repeat a project she had done for Liza’s fifth-grade class: ask each person to paint his or her face on a big canvas(帆布). The finished piece would become the new family photo.
First , Jan painted a grid(网格) on the canvas and put it up in the garage with a table of paints nearby. Then whenever she was home, the “art room” door was up , with an open invitation for neighbors to paint. The first to stop in were kids riding by. “They thought it was cool,” says Jan, but the adults weren’t so keen. “ Most said they hadn’t picked up a paint brush since kindergarten,” she says. “They were afraid they’d mess it up.” But as word slowly spread, they came, some using their driver’s license photos as models.
Then something started to happen. They returned ---to see who had painted, or if they could recognize who was who. In Jan’s garage, they began to chat about schools, jobs, and families. Almost daily. Wendy, who lived across the street and was seriously ill, came in her wheelchair to watch the fun. Neighbors began to offer their support.
When the worst things happened and Wendy died, they stood by her husband, Bill and invited him over for dinners.
This year has been different in the neighborhood. Families take turns hosting happy hours. “We ‘re watching over each other now just like in the painting.” says Jan.
1. Why did the Dutchers move to San Diego?

2. Where did people paint, on a wall, a car or a canvas?

3. Who joined in the project first after a grid was done?

4. What did the adults in the neighborhood think of the project at first?

5. With the project on and on, what happened in and out of the garage?

6. How do you understand the underlined sentence“We’re watching over each other now just like in the painting”?
【知识点】 寓言童话 合作与交流


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

Some people think they know everything, Anansi the Spider didn’t think that. He knew that to have real wisdom, he had to learn more.

One day, Anansi found an empty basket and he had an idea. “If I get advice from others and put it in this basket, then I’ll be wiser than anyone else in the world.”

So, he went from house to house and asked the other creatures, “What’s your best piece of advice?” And they were all happy to share their wisdom.

The worm said, “You should never judge people by their looks. Under an ugly coat, there’s often a beautiful heart.”

The snail(蜗牛) said, “Don’t be in a hurry. Life isn’t a 100-meter race.”

The ant said, “You’ll never be great on your own. Everyone needs the help of others.”

The fly said, “Work for eight hours, sleep for eight hours, and play for eight hours.”

Anansi was happy with the advice he got. He thought, “I have more wisdom now but I must hide it, so no one can steal it.” He looked around and saw a hole high up in the tree. “That’s where I’ll hide the wisdom,” he said.

But the basket was so big that Anansi could hardly climb the tree. His son was nearby watching him. “Daddy, why not tie the basket to your back to climb the tree?” “Cool. Thank you for sharing your advice,” said Anansi, and at that moment he realized that advice is only useful when we share it with someone.

So, he climbed the tree with the basket on his back. When he reached the top, he held the basket up to the wind. All the advice flew into the sky and traveled across the land. And wisdom came to everyone.

1. Where did Anansi put the wisdom he got?
2. Why did he want to hide the wisdom at first?
3. How did he deal with the wisdom at last?
4. What wisdom would you like to share with Anansi?
5. What do you think of Anansi the Spider?
2022-05-29更新 | 132次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

Many years ago, in a small Indian village, a farmer owed (欠) a lot of money to a village moneylender. The moneylender looked old and ugly, but he liked the farmer’s beautiful daughter. So he said that the farmer didn’t need to pay off the debt (债务) if he could marry (与……结婚) the farmer’s daughter.

Both the farmer and his daughter wouldn’t do that, but they were afraid of the moneylender. So he suggested that they let God decide the matter. He told them that he would put a black pebble (鹅卵石) and a white pebble into an empty bag. Then the girl would have to pick one pebble from the bag.

If she picked the black pebble, she would become his wife and her father’s debt would be forgiven (免除). If she picked the white pebble, she didn’t need to marry him and her father’s debt would still be forgiven. But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into prison.

They were standing on a pebble—strewn path in the farmer’s field. As they talked, the moneylender picked up two pebbles. As he picked them up, the sharp—eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick a pebble from the bag.

The girl put her hand into the bag and drew out a pebble. Without looking at it she let it fall onto the path which was full of pebbles. So it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.

“Oh, how clumsy (笨拙的) of me!” she said. “But never mind. If you look into the bag for the one left inside, you will be able to tell which pebble I picked.”

The moneylender wouldn’t let them know his dishonesty, so the girl needn’t marry the moneylender and her father was free of debt now.

1. What did the farmer owe the moneylender?
2. How did the moneylender look?
3. What colour was the pebble for the girl to wish to pick?
4. What did the moneylender put in the empty bag?
5. What do you think of the farmer’s daughter? (请自拟一句作答)
2023-12-06更新 | 109次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)


A beautiful and colorful Macaw (金刚鹦鹉) watched a brown beetle (甲虫) as it climbed across the forest. “Where are you going, my friend?” Macaw called out. “I am going to the sea.” Beetle answered.

Just then, a paca (无尾刺豚鼠) passed by. “You?” Paca laughed. “You’re so slow and it will take you a hundred years!” Macaw looked down and said, “You shouldn’t say that, Paca. Why don’t you race with him? I’ll give a new coat to whoever first reaches the big tree beside the river as a prize.” Paca laughed harder, “There is no need to have a race! You may give me the coat right now!” But Beetle said, “I will race. If I win, I would like a coat like yours, Macaw.”

Paca hurried away. Then he thought, “I am so much faster than slow Beetle. I can take my time.” When Paca reached the tree, however, he was amazed to see Beetle on a tree stick waiting for him. Paca asked, “How did you get here?” “I flew,” Beetle answered with a smile. So there is no doubt that Beetle was the winner of the race.

Macaw smiled at Beetle, and Beetle’s hard back began to shine with the colors of a rainbow (彩虹) ever since. Paca learned that he shouldn’t show off what he has, but he can use it when necessary.

1. Where was Beetle going when Macaw met him?   (不超过5个词)


2. How did Beetle reach the tree?   (不过5个词)


3. What does the story want to tell us?   (不超过15个)


2024-03-25更新 | 38次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般