组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:短文填空-汉语提示填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:19 题号:6687292
Only Mother Love is true love. It gives you e    1    in her life. When you are still a baby, mother t    2    good care of you as much as possible. When you are i    3    , she stops her work to look after you day and night and forgets about herself. When you are old e    4    to go to school, mother still look after you all the time. On c    5    winter days, she always tells you to put on m    6    clothes. She always stands in the wind waiting for you back from school. When you go to school w    7    breakfast, she always feels worried about you at h    8    . She usually knows about your study and she spends much money b    9    your school things. When you do well at school, you will see the biggest s    10     on her face.
Mother is always ready to give everything to her children. What true love it is!
【知识点】 家人和亲人 情绪


短文填空-综合填空(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)
Dear Auntie Em,

Great news! Mrs. Smith just told me I would be one of the school     1     (student) to visit the University of Cape Towu in South Africa this summer! She said the program was designed (设计) for some of the brighter teenagers to experience a different     2     (文化).     3     a good chance!

The only problem is: Mom and Dad     4     (simple) won’t let me go. They said it was dangerous for me, a girl,     5     (旅行) alone. But my guess is that they think it too expensive. I     6     (keep) telling them I had been on a plane on my own before. They needn’t worry about     7     (我) because this trip would be almost the same as that time when I visited you in Texas.     8     they just won’t listen!

Will you help, Auntie Em? It will be     9     very important experience to my personal growth.

Love. ( and love you even     10     (much) if you manage to make Mom and Dad agree with me.)


2024-03-15更新 | 56次组卷
短文填空-汉语提示填空(约110词) | 适中 (0.65)

Hello,everyone.My name is Mazzy,and I'm two years old.I live with my parents in a big     1    (房子)in Oregon,America.Do you know Oregon?It is a     2    (州)of America.

I think I'm different from other two-­year­-old     3    (孩子).I love cooking and I like     4    (学习)everything about cooking.Although I'm    5    (年轻的),I'm good at cooking.

You may not believe I can cook food well     6    (因为)I'm only two.Look at my photos!

In the first photo,I'm breaking(打破)eggs.In the second photo,I'm showing my strawberry cakes.They look very     7    (可口的),right?I can cook many things,from pizza to     8    (汤).Of course,I need my parents' help.They help me     9    (洗)vegetables,cut meat and so on.

My dream is to open a restaurant(餐馆).I     10     (希望) to make food for more people.

2020-02-10更新 | 161次组卷
短文填空-语法填空(约120词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Helen is my pen pal. She is an American girl. She is thirteen     1     (year) old. She is tall and slim. She     2     (have) beautiful long brown hair. She lives in a happy family with her     3     (parent) and her elder sister. She lives close to her school, so she often goes to school on foot. She likes her school very much       4     all her teachers and classmates are     5     (friend). Everyone     6     (like) her and she can make friends     7     all kinds of people. She likes reading English storybooks. Her favourite subject is English and her dream is to be     8     English teacher when she grows up. She enjoys     9     (talk) with people in English. Her favourite sport is swimming. She is good at swimming. She swims in the river for     10     hour every day.

2024-08-30更新 | 36次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般