组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 其他
题型:单词拼写-根据首字母填空 难度:0.85 引用次数:214 题号:7703851
1. The thick haze (雾霾) over the city ______________(影响) our life greatly.
2. The new factory will____________(创造) about 2,000 jobs for people.
3. Franklin was the first scientist to _____________(发现) electricity ().
4. Teachers often ______(建议) to parents that children should do some housework at home.
5. I can’t decide _____________(是否) or not I should accept the invitation.
6. The rule _____________(要求) everyone to wear formal clothes to the meeting.
7. We should put our_______(信任) in our parents and friends.
8. Could you leave me in ____(安静)? You know, I’ve got lots of work to do.
9. Look !There is a beautiful ______________(彩虹) in the sky. It’s colourful.
10. His ________ (think) of being a voluntary teacher in the poor area makes us surprised.
11. Finally, I made a _________________ (decide) to forgive Jane for her mistake.
12. The fresh air makes me feel _______________ (relax).
13. You can describe the moods of people by____(look) at the colours they choose to wear.
14. You will be _____________ (require) to take a test if you want to get this job.
15. We are all sure that Nanjing has the ability to hold the second YOG_______(successful).
16. When I see the sun, I have the feeling of______________(warm).
17. Usually orange represents joy, you can __________(上刷油漆) your son’s bedroom with this colour.
18. Which TV set should I choose? It’s hard for me to make a ______________(决定) .
19. The naughty boy didn’t ______________(认识到) what mistakes he made until I told him.
20. If you need physical ______________(力量), you should wear red clothes.
21. Green is a colour of nature and it represents new life and ______________(自然).
22. Sorry, I’m afraid I have ______________(困难) making a decision.
23. He_______________(prefer) English to Chinese last term.
24. You’d better take a walk in the park _____________ (relaxed) yourself.
25. We could see the_____________(happy) on his face after he heard the bad news.
26. —Are these books ______ for your son?—I think they are difficult for an 8-year-old to read.
27. We______________ (允诺)improve your health, or you will get your money back.
28. Does he has good ________________(关系)with his workmates?
【知识点】 其他


单词拼写-用单词适当形式填空 | 较易 (0.85)
careful, whose, mine, purple
1. ________ bag is that?
2. These beautiful cards are ________. They’re from my cousin.
3. —What colour is the pen?
—It’s ________.
4. She’s really ________ when she is at work.
2019-03-05更新 | 123次组卷
单词拼写-根据首字母填空 | 较易 (0.85)
1. All the students here are too busy _______(训练)for the sports meeting because of the coming exam.
2. You can sit at _______(任何)end of the boat.
3. A great many beautiful _______ (背景)pictures are not suitable for this theme.
4. You think you have no _______ (机会),but you just missed them.
5. If you really think it _______ (必要的). You can change another one.
6. Will you accept the_______ (task) your boss give you at weekends or just refuse them?
7. She did six months' hard _______ (train)before the marathon.
8. Different children may have different learning _______ (able).
9. I have much _______ (confident)in you. Please keep your idea.
10. The _______ (survive)in the natural disaster are in great need of help.
2017-12-07更新 | 55次组卷
单词拼写-根据首字母填空 | 较易 (0.85)
1. What’s the_____(价格)of iphone 6 now?I want to buy one.
2. We all know there are sixty_________(分钟)in an hour.
3. Do you know how many_________(颜色)there are in a rainbow?
4. Do you know how often we should change our_____() brushes?
5. Thank you for_____()me your dictionary,Millie.
6. My mother always___________(叫醒)me up at 6:00 every morning.
7. We all think our dreams can come_________(真实的).
8. Do you know how many___________(围巾)are there in the shop?
Sorry,I don’t know.
9. One of the_________(英雄)is Simon’s father.He is proud of his father.
10. I bought a wallet yesterday.It___________(花费)me a lot of money.
11. Millie likes to visit Suzhou______(博物馆)at the weekend.
12. Look! The stones here are______(光滑的)We can sit on them.
13. This skirt is only 50 yuan . Don’t you think it’s________(便宜的)?
14. I think your hair clip_________(相配) your pink coat.
15. All my family usually get___________(一起) and have a big dinner on New Year’s Eve
16. The girl____________(操练)dancing for half an hour every day.
17. Her mother is___________(很少)late for work.
18. Make sure that you wash your hands before_____________(餐).
19. Remember to brush your_________(牙齿) after getting up and before going to bed.
20. How many___________(kilo) of fruit do you need,madam?
21. He knocks on___________(人们)windows to play jokes(开玩笑).
22. Why do you_________(好像) so happy today?
23. It is__________(重要) to learn English well.
24. The question is too difficult, so the_____(整个的)Class can't answer it.
25. Your_____(生活方式)are unhealthy. They are not good for you.
26. Fast food_____(尝起来)delicious,but it's not healthy.
27. What's the_____(数量)of the free parks around the Lihu Lake.
28. Shall we go on__________(野餐) this Sunday, daddy?
29. —What do you think of the____________(活动) at school?—They are very interesting.
30. Most of us in our class go to school__________() a bike every day.
31. It is very good for children to visit different_______________(博物馆).
32. Mr. Green hopes to get_______________(离开) early in the morning.
33. Changzhou is a_______________(现代化的) city with many tall buildings.
34. —Where_______________(其他) will they go for a holiday?—Maybe Sanya.
35. — What are you going to do this weekend?
—What about__________(训练) volleyball on the court? We’ll have a match next week.
36. I like the Mid Autumn Festival________(因为) I like moon cakes.
37. Don’t drink cola! There’s too much___________() in it.
38. The people in the USA wear____________(特别的) clothes to celebrate Halloween.
39. Allen is very happy because she gets a lot of birthday__________(礼物)every year.
40. How many__________() of bread do you usually have for breakfast?
41. When we do sports, it’s better to wear sports clothes because they are___________(舒适的).
42. My father likes collecting______(邮票) very much. What about your father?
43. The gloves make me feel soft and_____________(光滑的).
44. Most students like listening to_______(流行的)music.
45. Look at the child with sunglasses. How_______(神气的)he looks!
46. Halloween is one of the most important___________(节日) in the USA.
47. This skirt doesn’t fit me , please show me__________(又一的) one.
48. It is very comfortable to eat___________(西瓜) in hot summer.
49. My father often reads books on the___________(阳台). It makes him very relaxed.
50. This iPhone 6 is one of the_________(参观者的). He is looking for it everywhere.
51. There are different kinds of____(演出) in Jinshan Park on Saturday nights.
52. The price of the CDs isn’t____(昂贵的), I want to buy them.
53. You look cool in the pink____(衬衫),Millie.
54. ____(地理) is an interesting subject, I like it very much.
55. I don’t think the black coat____(适合) you. You may change it.
56. At_________,(周末)my parents usually take me to see a film in the cinema.
57. Her lunch_______________________(包括) some beef and vegetables.
58. Don’t____________(喊叫) in the room.Your father is sleeping.
59. The_________(售货员) shows Amy different wallets.
60. Having some_______________________(业余爱好) can make our life colourful.
2018-02-19更新 | 47次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般