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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:9 题号:7764614

The famous actor, Huang Xiaoming, has been honoured as the UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador for China(联合国艾滋病规划署中国亲善大使).

Huang is not only a gifted actor, but also a warm-hearted philanthropist. He says he will do his best to help prevent HIV. “I am very happy to become the UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador,” Huang said. “I can play a part in helping prevent HIV. I hope young people can protect not only their own health but also the health of the people they love.”

In his new role, Huang will promote the importance of HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, especially among young people.

Huang started to help the poor children in 2004 and has decided to take charity as his career since then. He was the first celebrity to donate to the 2008 major snowstorm. He was the first celebrity to take part in the rescue work of 2008 Sichuan Earthquake. He donated TWD1,000,000 to Typhoon Morakot Disaster of Taiwan, becoming the first Chinese celebrity in donation again.

Over the past 12 years, Huang has donated lots of money and goods, started charitable fund, and helped social vulnerable groups. Huang was considered as the “Most Influential Charity Celebrity” in 2016.

1. What is Huang Xiaoming?
2. What’s Huang’s new role?
3. Why is he happy to become the UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador?
4. When did Huang decide to take charity as his career?
5. What do you think of Huang Xiaoming?


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】At most high schools in the US, students are asked to have a certain number of community service(服务) hours each year. At my school, 40 service hours are asked by the time we graduate (毕业). I volunteer at an organization named the Book Truck.

The Book Truck goes to communities and areas with underserved(服务资源匮乏的) teenagers and invites them to choose from all kinds of books. This is a non-profit charity service, which means that the people who run it don’t make money from providing this service.

I have volunteered at the Book Truck for a few years. Once or twice a month, we take a van filled with new books and give them to poor teenagers because they can’t easily get books. Being well-read is useful to improve the writing, speaking and thinking skills of teens, and help them to go further in life. I am happy that I am able to help someone in my community to become a reader.

I am also a member of the Teen Council of the Book Truck, which makes decisions on organizing events. Recently, my friend Justine—who is also a Teen Council member—and I have started to run an Instagram account(账号) for it. We want to make the organization more popular. We believe that more people will join us.

1. How long should the writer volunteer before graduating?
2. How often do the members of the Book Truck volunteer?
3. Who does the Book Truck help?
4. What does the writer think of being well-read?
5. Why do the writer and Justine run an Instagram account for the organization?
2021-07-18更新 | 102次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

When things around the house stop working, what do you usually do with them? If you’re like a lot of people, you probably just throw them away.

In some areas, it’s difficult to find people who can make repairs, and fixing things can be quite expensive. Also, some small objects are so inexpensive that it’s often easier to just buy a new one.

In 2009, Martine Postma from the Netherlands decided there must be a better way. Her solution was Repair Cafes: places where people can take broken items. There they will find tools, resources and volunteer experts who are ready to help with repairs.

Postma’s first Repair Cafe opened on Oct. 18, 2009, in Amsterdam, and was a huge success. News of the cafe spread, and people began asking how they could start their own. In 2011, Postma set up the Repair Cafe Foundation. This nonprofit organization provides guidance to those hoping to begin their own neighbourhood repair group.

Today, there are about 2,000 Repair Cafes around the world with meetings usually taking place once a month. Around 25 objects are repaired during each meeting. Everything is free, but donations are greatly welcome.

The cafes not only provide help with repairs, they also strengthen community ties. Neighbours get to know one another as they work together on projects. Moreover, valuable knowledge is passed along and preserved. Items are kept rather than thrown away, meaning less rubbish in landfills.

Title: Repair Cafes

➢The first one was     1     by Martine Postma in Amsterdam in 2009.
➢About 2,000 of them have been set up all over the world so far.
➢Repairing things at such a cafe     2     nothing but donations are welcome.
    3     ➢They help improve the     4     between neighbours.
➢They help pass along and preserve valuable knowledge.
➢They help     5     the environment.
2021-07-19更新 | 603次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Have you ever heard of the Red Cross (红十字)? It is a society (社会团体) which provides help to the people in trouble all round the world. A man in a Paris hospital who needs blood, a woman in Mexico who was hurt in an earthquake, and a family in India that lost their home in a storm may all be helped by the Red Cross.

The idea of setting up a society to help the sick and wounded (受伤的) during a was (战争) started with Jean Henri Dunant. Now the Red Cross has many members in schools in the world. It helps the children of different countries to know each other better. Children in schools all over the world have own Red Cross groups. These children write letters and send presents and pictures to one another. They look after each other. The Chinese Red Cross set up in 1904, also gives help and advice to the Red Cross societies of other countries and receives help and advice as well. Through these activities the Red Cross hopes to bring about a friendlier and more peaceful world.

Now young people are important part of the Red Cross. Every year more and more young people join the Red Cross to help those people in trouble.

任务1: 根据英文释义及首字母提示拼写单词。
1. p________: to give sth. to sb. or make it available for them to use
2. s________: ill
任务2: 同义句转换,每空一词。
3. They look after each other.
They _______   ________of each other.
任务3: 内容回答问题。
4. Who did the idea of setting up a society to help the sick and wounded during a war start with?
5. When was the Chinese Red Cross set up?
6. What does the Red Cross hope through these activities?
2019-04-18更新 | 44次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般