组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 语法 > 名词 > 名词作主宾表补定
题型:单词拼写-用单词适当形式填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:9290039
1. Her ________ (ill) is very serious. She’d better go to see a doctor.
2. The old man ________ (dead) in 2001 because of heart disease.
3. The hero will be ________ (great) missed.
4. J. K. Rowling is the ________ (write) of Harry Potter.
5. —What does your sister want to be? —She wants to be an ________ (education).


单词拼写-用单词适当形式填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Eating too much of the wrong food will harm your ________. (healthy)
2022-08-05更新 | 68次组卷
单词拼写-用单词适当形式填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】The sudden _________ of the pet dog in the car accident was a great shock to the family. (die)
2020-05-10更新 | 130次组卷
单词拼写-根据汉语提示填空 | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】Lucy and Jane are in Class 4. They are ________ (同班同学).
2021-03-27更新 | 43次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般