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Ozone hole Why Antarctic wildlife is being ‘sunburnt’
臭氧层空洞:为什么南极动植物被 “晒伤” 了?
178 | 2024-05-24 16:33:29


The ozone layer is healing, but it’ll take until about the end of the century to restore completely. In Antarctica, the ozone layer is broken down by chemical reactions in very cold, high atmospheric clouds.

That loss of protective gas and resulting hole used to peak in September or October when plants and animals are tucked under winter snow and marine animals are protected by sea ice. But it’s now lingering well into the Antarctic summer. 

Researchers say that’s been driven in part by smoke from the Australian wildfires in 2019 and 2020, which were themselves fuelled by climate change.

They found evidence of Antarctic plants putting more effort into synthesising protective sunscreen compounds and krill, marine crustaceans that are the foundation of the food chain in Antarctica, moving deeper into the ocean to avoid ultraviolet rays. While seals and penguins are covered by protective fur and feathers, the scientists say exposure to harmful rays could damage their eyesight.



peak 达到峰值,达到最高水平
tucked under 藏在…之下
lingering 迟迟不去的,停留
well into 直到…很久
synthesising 合成
krill 磷虾
crustaceans 甲壳动物
ultraviolet rays 紫外线

2.  阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题。

1. How is the ozone layer broken down in Antarctica?

2. True or False? The hole in the ozone layer is lasting longer than it used to.

3. What do scientists think is partly responsible for the lingering hole in the ozone layer?

4. What evidence is there that Antarctic wildlife is adapting to the change?  

3.  答案

1. How is the ozone layer broken down in Antarctica?

The ozone layer in Antarctica is broken down by chemical reactions occurring in very cold, high atmospheric clouds.

2. True or False? The hole in the ozone layer is lasting longer than it used to.

True. The hole in the ozone layer used to peak in September or October, but its now lingering well into the Antarctic summer.

3. What do scientists think is partly responsible for the lingering hole in the ozone layer?

Scientists believe that the lingering hole in the ozone layer has been driven by smoke from the Australian wildfires in 2019 and 2020.

4. What evidence is there that Antarctic wildlife is adapting to the change?  

Evidence that Antarctic wildlife is adapting to change includes Antarctic plants putting more effort into synthesising protective sunscreen compounds, and krill moving deeper into the ocean to avoid ultraviolet rays.


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